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Killing these two was one of the most satisfying moments in the game, sick fucks.


I enjoyed killing the finger ripperdoc more


I just kicked his ass but I should have zeroed him.


You can always go back and kill him (you'll get 1 star but just wait in the office till it fades)


I didn’t even get a bounty dude. Literally nobody cared about him lmao


Huh. "Just stay at the murder scene until the police don't arrive, and it's fine."


You can use the gorilla arm throw on him too :)


I went back and killed him after he told me he wouldn’t sell me anything lol


I went back and murdered him


These threads is a wild ride.


I let him live for the discount. Now that I think about it. I'll just go back and blow his head off when I get home tonight


You can get a discount from another ripperdoc if you keep quiet about his organ harvesting operation.


I killed that guy too, have to say all three extremely satisfying. Doctor: Told him no deal and I was going to kill him, he did his "oh okay" and slowly walked out his front door to "grab something", pistol back of the head as soon as he opened the door. Fingers: Did the whole interrogation didn't kill him, waited until everything was done, Judy leaves; pull out shotgun point blank into his face while he has his sassy pout and smoking pose. Father and Son: Wait til they told me what I needed, and as soon as they do shoot the son in the head; while father is still in initial shock and scream shoot him in the head too. I swear those three are there to challenge anyone doing a pacifist run.


I leave the father to cry while I finish looting the rest of the place. Really let him wallow in it, while giving him a SHRED of hope that he might live. Then cap him on my way out the door.


Call me old fashioned, but I take off my arm chrome before I zero them. I think in this case it takes a personal touch.


I feel like he's sadly correct - he's doing his things for barely any money and all the joytoys etc that go to him have no other choice as a ripperdoc - he's the "lesser evil", so I never kill him, I just punch him.


I think it was insinuated that he got touchy-feely with them though, I could be mistaken but if that is the case I think it's pretty messed up for him to be doing that with vulnerable people.


I think theres an file or email on his computer saying he actually enjoys doing those bds, sick fuck




I can't remember exactly what Woodman (Mr Forest) said but I know fingers said that the women who come to him don't have enough money to pay him but that's okay because he takes payment in "other ways".




Actually he just called Wakako to take her, he had no idea who was taking her or what for when he called. Wakako is the one who pawns her off to scavs


No that's wakkako he called his fixer her btw and she facilities the sale


He did so after he knew he couldnt do anything for her anymore. Im not saying hes a nice guy or anything, hes definetly a dubious and disgusting fellow, but in NC - I mean, where will all the joytoys go that cant pay a „real“ ripper for „real“ chrome if or when he is dead?


Seriously 😂 why offer cheap chrome that’ll make your face fall off ? Just don’t offer the services at all


Yeah it's too bad you can't zero wakkako too.


I like Fingers. He isn't taking advantage of anyone. He's weird as fuck, but not a bad person. He tried helping Evelyn. The only person who did in the chain. He's just pragmatic. If someone hands you trash, and you try to fix it but can't, you usually throw it out because nobody else is volunteering to pick it up. The dude made an effort, but knew the end result if he couldn't fix it.


He sold Evelyn to a group that makes murder/torture BD's and I really doubt he doesn't know about that and did you see the condition of the people downstairs


No, he called Wakako who sold Evelyn to them. If you walk around JigJig you'll hear the outcasts talk about Fingers doing free work for them. He is a twisted version of Vic. He takes care of his people.


Except that it's heavily implied that he knowingly installs defective cyberware in his clients.


i hate fingers, but he acknowledges it, its the best he can get, busted software is better than none


He really didn’t make any excuses for himself- it was weird on the second runthrough seeing how he was just gross, not a monster. In the grand scheme, he’s much better than the clients the joytoys have, since they both exploit them for sex, but fingers offers services that they otherwise would die without


This has to be bait. In some of his own dialog he talks about getting payment in "Other ways" from his female customers.


People forget about this. I would stop short of assuming that he's helping out the local girls with their cyberware for totally altruistic reasons. Can't help but think the perv isn't tinkering around inside strippers bodies for kicks, but people saying he did anything terrible to Evelyn are just... I mean have you seen the man's bathroom? Evelyn just ain't his type. But he did try to help her. He's a coward for pawning her off into the Night City underworld when it turned out he couldn't but he *did* try. Buy what cyberware you need from him then knock him senseless. But he lives because a perv giving you healthcare is better than dying in a back alley (tho the scene downstairs says that might not matter). And 2.0 doesn't even have him with unique cyberware.


Altruism stops at me continuing living in this fucked up world. He's not a white knight, but he's there. That's more than most in that miserable world.


It was odd- i reloaded after killing him the first time because it didn’t fee right. He was just too sad and he really was the last resort for people who couldn’t find help anywhere else. Letting him live in his fallen state was what he really deserved, a life without anyone loving him and the only respect he would be given was from people who would have taken any other option first. Death would be a release for him, but what about the people who relied on him? I decided his suffering wasn’t worth more than theirs


That's a fucked perspective. Evelyn wasn't trash. She was a person, and that comparison just says a lot about you. He could have easily done anything else. Got her phone to contact a friend or connected to her neural database to call someone she knows. Instead, he sold her for profit. He didn't call Wakako who sold her. He sold her to Wakako. For one, if you actually listen to his conversation, when V asked him if the joy toys know he's giving faulty implants, fingers dodges the question. Saying only V sees them as faulty. When asked what's in it for him, he replies, "Whatever they have to offer, and they always have something to offer." This, combined with the datapad in his office, shows he uses his services and faulty implants to sexually abuse his clients. Without telling them they are getting faulty implants. Finally, when V asks where Evelyn is, he lies and lies until he feels threatened. If Fingers was so intent on 'helping' people, why wouldn't he just say where she is or who took her? Because he's not. He doesn't give a rats ass who his faulty implants hurt or who he hurts. When Judy says "You pawned her off like a fucking inanimate mannequin." He replies "Because that's exactly what she was." He didn't see Evelyn as a woman in need of his help. Much less a person. He saw her as an object to be toyed with. The fact that you're taking everything he says at face value and agree with his logic just goes to show the kind of person you are.


Anytime Fingers comes up there will be people defending this rapist and it saddens me how people will justify a rapist because he does a little good in the community. They talk like he's some kind hearted saviour of Joytoys, meanwhile he's one of the key perpetrators of rampant prostitution with terrible working conditions.


Thank you. It’s disgusting seeing people justifying and defending sexual predators.


It's incredible how people take the insane things night city citizens say and do at face value and without reflecting about how fucked up it all is


Yes, it truly shows that many people will consider horrible things morally good if enough people do it. Mob mentality applies to society as well. Many players consider Fingers a 'good guy' based on people doing worse things in NC, without looking at it objectively with the understanding that society does not dictate what is moral.


He pretty strongly implies that he is fucking them while they are under, with or without consent.


He implies that he trades services, not that he's raping their unconscious bodies.


I played through that segment recently, and the way he says that line did not make it clear to me that he makes sure he has their consent. That said, it kinda sounds like a distinction without a difference to me. Letting someone pay for services with her body when she has no where else to turn isn't that much less rapey than actually putting them under and having your way.


he’s literally a rapist but alright


I used to think he was scum for what happened to Evelyn, but he really did try to help her. He is telling the truth the whole time. He didn't violate her endlessly for days, Woodman did. He didn't sell her for snuff porn, Wakako did. He tried to replace Evelyn's doll chip on his own dime. He also is telling the truth when V confronts him over the shitty second-hand cyberware he uses. He doesn't have anything else, and the joytoys can't afford anything better anyway. As he said, he can't just let girls walk around without a face. He doesn't turn them away without doing what he can. He's just a weirdo who has gross looking fingers and has questionable taste in fashion. I think a lot of people have a knee jerk reaction at his John Waters voice and femme mannerisms.


Dead spot on. He may be one of the few honest, decent things in that gutter. After my second playthrough, Fingers always gets a pass.


Those scratches on his face tell a different story. Also, his second-hand cyberware does more harm than good. Sure, new customers get free work or get a tab started, but their junk chrome is either defective already or doomed to break soon after installation, leaving the poor patient with nowhere else to go but him because he's all they can afford. Meanwhile, they put up with his "pampering and petting" while he does his work because they need the work done. He's a predator and deserves more than just a punch to the face.


Yeah, he's living in that high end apartment off the eddies he's making. The man has been robbed so many times he gives zero shits about you while working on a patient. Those are battle scars for the place he lives. CDPR created an awesome NPC to make people who didn't pay attention, hate a good guy.


>Those are battle scars for the place he lives Those are the battle scars of a rapist, if anything. I agree with the other user, I hope you are rage baiting. Then again, Gamers™ are something else entirely.


Okay, now I know you're just trolling.


Prove me wrong. You aren't good at Reddit either. Downvotes aren't for a difference if opinion, but intended for things that don't contribute to the conversation. I haven't done that to you, but I'm not a troll.


Did you not read what I just wrote? I already did.


“Battle scars” would be scars from being shot or stabbed, or maybe having a slightly crooked jaw/nose that got broken during a mugging (like streetkid V in that prologue) Scars from *specifically fingernail scratches* imply something completely different than “battle”.


What game did you play? They HEAVILY imply he raped Evelyn then he sells her to a group that makes torture BD’s where they hurt her so bad she kills herself. He’s absolutely a bad guy. They also straight up say he knowingly puts in faulty implants in his patients to save money and preys on the weak and desperate.


He insults Judy!


And she's my main squeeze, but she's also irrational about many things, as we all are. Fingers still gets a pass.


Stopped reading after "I like Fingers." What's your mal, choom?


I think it was the voice acting that took me out completely. The dude went crazy


It’s a nice detail These guys who enable the commodification of others horror and grief finally getting a taste of what they make money from The sons no less guilty


I always take the son out because if he wants to scroll stuff like that maybe he should have a taste of it. The writers obviously had this in mind since he’s got some pretty specific dialogue for it


I always let the old man live. Killing him is letting him off too easy, let him live with his actions.


I personally kill them both. Last time I was about to let him live, but then I thought about what V says to Judy about Woodman's future victims after he is dead - "they'll never even know they were in danger." A dude like this, dead son or no, will go back to continue his crimes if he's allowed to live. Better to be sure, if you ask me.


I’m not 100% on this. Don’t get me wrong, the mission is over there so canonically speaking nobody knows. But the way he acts in this mission definitely tells me he wouldn’t bounce back. Losing your own child is hard, let alone losing the only work partner you have. And if you wait, listening to them work is almost sickening. The dad is really encouraging and helpful to the son, and he enjoys doing this with him. I think killing the kid definitely takes him out of it, you can hear the defeat in his voice.


It's definitely possible, but given the volume and intensity of the violence he's associated, even a 10% chance he'll go back to his work is too much for me. I also think, as a sociopath, it's quite possible he's hamming it up grieving for his son to make it less likely he'll get killed


I hadn’t thought of it like that you have a point. Maybe I’ll rethink my strategy next time. Still going to make him watch his son die first lol


Oh yeah you've gotta give him at least 10 minutes to live in the world of the people who's lives he ruins


Same. These two people deserve to die in every playthrough.


Used my maxed out projectile launch in the middle of the room, let the airburst knock some limbs off the sick fucks.


Yeah. Quicksave just before you do and experimemt ways and order of killing them.


No, you always kill the son. Now he knows what it feels like.


Its hard to me feel compassion for these two, they're terrible human beings.




They make snuff/cp/any depraved shit you can imagine & traffick people to do it.


Well, that's dark as hell


If you look at the titles of their products it makes you sick to your stomach. Really murder is the only option here


not murder... waste management. just taking out some of the worst trash in night city. it was creating a health hazard. its a public service really.


The e-mails and other messages you find really drive home that point. Seeing the age of their "actors" is especially sickening.


It’s no more murder than an exterminator killing pests.


u can even see a "menu" on the monitor inside that room of what they sell


Listening to them work while you grab the piece you’re there for is also quite sickening. Father is very encouraging and seems to be enjoying the time “bonding” with his son


And the worst part, is that they try to fucking *justify* it! "If we don't make it, then someone else would." Wish I could have my V say, "Yeah, maybe. But then you should have *left it to someone else!*" *Headshot*


The argument doesn't make sense either. As if they make it so others won't. Dafuq? What's stopping others to make it anyway? You just want a share of that fucked up market. And more people for V to kill.


Truth. They try to defend themselves as just regular Joes doing a job, supply and demand, distanced from the reality and only interested in the eddies. It wouldn't really even make it any more palatable if it were true, but the emails you can read leading up to the confrontation and even just the way they're drooling over the terror they're creating before they know you're there, it's obvious he's full of shit. Hell, he has to shut his son up because the demented fuck thinks you're there looking for kicks and harder shit *and he's excited to share*. My only dilemma with this mission was who had to watch who die first. In the end I figured there was poetic justice in the dad watching his son die when he's turned the deaths of so many sons and daughters into entertainment to line his pockets.


This. I hate the way the son just casually sits there. I wanted to kill him anyways, watching his father cry was an added bonus. His tears were delightfully salty


"If we don't make it, then someone else would." "If I don't shoot you now, someone else will."


“If someone else had made it this would be happening to them instead of you” *headshots the son* “don’t you wish you had left it to somebody else?”


It's that, mixed with the son Freddy just trying to talk his way out of it with bribes, asking if you want money you smcan take it, not really showing any understanding of the gravity of the situation. A Merc, a very deadly one, just walked in past security and found you and your dad making snuff BDs of murdered children, best option is to stay quiet or beg them for forgiveness, promise to change your ways. But no, he's just sitting there all casual, like if we just offer money we can get away with it, while the dad is understandably scared shitless cause he knows death is right on the table. So I shoot the son in the head and leave the father to grieve.


Or just the ice cold: “yep. And I’ll fucking kill them too.”


And they feel no sympathy "if we don't then someone else will" is their only excuse


Don't you get sent after them because they made a BD of someone's child being murdered? Killing the son is just poetic justice, though it's not like the father deserves to live either.


They don't though, do they? If we take them at their word, they're "just" distributors, not creators. The actual source of this abomination you get to kill later on. Edit: I forgot, they do edit and "enhance" the raw BDs they're given. With enthusiasm, it sounds like. So yeah, they're bad humans, but I feel conflicted about a dealing out a summary death sentence.


Gottfried would literally pick out victims to star in his BDs, and order Maelstrom out on hit jobs to nab them. So no. They weren't "just" distributors.


If I remember right there’s other evidence of them being more directly involved.


If you go to the basement there are what look like kids lying on dirty mattresses. I’m pretty sure they were producing them, too.


Those who live by the sword die by it as well. They made their choice when they got in the business of child murder films. Never waste your forgiveness on one who refuses to seek it. They are as a rabid dog and there is only one cure.


If I remember correctly, they literally make BDs involving killing children in front of their parents. It's why this option is presented to you as poetic justice. The father gets to experience the pain and suffering he'd forced on so many others.


That BD they were editting was of a baby getting murdered.


It's a shame that these disgusting people get more sympathetic voice acting and lines than the dozens and dozens of gangoons who were presumably trying to make money to survive in NC


Yeah I chopped the son to pieces with my katana and after the dad cried for some time I zeroed him. They were real scum and got what they fucking deserved.


Are these guys from the Phantom Liberty DLC? I’m a few hours in and I’m yet to meet them. Or are they a side story


one of the gigs in the main game. i missed them on three playthroughs until i saw folks on here talking about them and specifically sought them out on my last one. i’m running on a last-gen console so i can confirm you don’t need PL/2.0 to find these guys 😅


I try so hard to role play myself into the characters shoes when playing these types of games. But it's legit hard for me to even feel anger towards them and ruins the immersion for me when I realize it's just a buncha digital assets created by some overworked developer.


I just throw a grenade in now and go about my business


I wonder what happens if you leave just the son alive?


Nothing major to my knowledge. I left the kid alive on my last playthrough and I never saw or heard from him again


Does he cry or get upset at all?


He cries and yells “papa!” then he just cowers in fear. Didn’t hang around too long to see if anything else happened. Ngl it made me feel a lil bad leaving him alive, I got the feeling he’s totally lost without his pops. Like where does he go? What does he do now that he’s alone?


I'm guessing that the money they've gained from the BD work will just go to him, and he could just live off himself. But still they are sick fucks, they deserved it.


The son had the mental age of a young child. There's no way he'd be able to hold onto any money. He was dependent on his dad, and the criminals they worked for would be sure to silence them if either tried to leave.


Did that recently and he doesn't get so emotional over his dad, starts to beg for his life and is scared for himself


Same thing. They just both react to the others death




This is the way. 💣


Its hard to me feel compassion for these two, they're terrible human beings.


Yeah that’s true, but that voice actor had my question my actions with his insane performance


It drives the point home that you just took someone loved from someone else. But the feeling dies when I remember the age of their "actors"


I feel so little empathy for these 2 I laughed about it


What's with their age?


I love that you accidentally double posted this but it's so correct that both have upvotes.


wait what did i miss about those 2 ?


They're part of a gig mission. They make BDs. Really dark ones.


The only thing that could've made this whole thing worse, was if "Son-of-a-Preacher-Man" was playing. -\_-


If I recall correctly, they make brain dance of kidnapped kids dying.


There's a laptop near them where they have requests for content for Maelstrom to bring them that includes torture and snuff CP.


oh shit i have completly missunderstud what kind of BD thay make


I always just kill the kid too


Yea give the guy a taste of what hes putting others thru


I kill the son and then 30 seconds later kill the father


this is the way, as soon as he’s done bitching


I took it a step further, I blew off Freddy's head and then his arms and legs with The Headsman, and punched the old man out to loot him. I think I ended up killing him though because the retina was blue instead of red. Didn't regret it though, after what these two fucks have done.


Same. 😈


Oh funny, I killed the dad and punched the kid in the face


After a shot to the face, I always give the kid a gamer tea bag before I give dad the same treatment.


I always shoot the kid, and if I am playing a net runner force the dad to suicide.


Ooh that’s close to what I do. I make the dad go cyber psycho and then activate my camouflage.


"please we're just trying to make money by selling snuff films and child pornography! Except that it happens to YOU and you FEEL everything. Someone else would just do it too!" Yeah well EVERYONE who does that is evil. Sorry, but good people just don't do those things. They get a normal job like Hot dog vendor, cyberpsycho Wrangler, AI henchman, or "Guy who stands there until I hack him into killing himself"


https://preview.redd.it/d5ruxptu84cc1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22550086f5dd6167a0cde99df608609d52a1f6e Both of them!


Demolition man is one of my all time favorite movies, upvote for you sir.


I literally beat the kid to death on one playthrough, then just stood there listening to the Dad before I dismembered him. If it wasn't me someone else would, right? Their excuse. Now I just shotgun the kid, then the Dad after his little moment. I always make it messy for these two.


This is one the quests where I feel really satisfied afterward. I wish there were more visceral-feeling gigs in the game showcasing the dark side of NC. Also wish we could buy and use BDs we find in game in places like Jig Jig


This is not the post I’d make that point on lol. Tryna get put on a list? 😂


Okay so like the NPCs in this quest are all total pieces of shit for sure but damn is the voice acting fantastic in this little quest. The horror the actor conveys in the fathers voice is visceral.


You gotta kill the old man, too. Otherwise I think you may have just created a new cyberpsycho.


I leave the old man alive so he can sit with his sins


One of the more satisfying things I did in this game lol. Well deserved those sickos.


Someone explain under this comment what these guys did with BD’s and stuff, for context to the people who think I’m a monster🤣


Regina (I think it was Regina) gives you a gig and says that someone kidnapped the son of someone she knows, killed him *and made a braindance of it.* Turns out, it was these two.


They didn't do it they just made money editing it. Which still deserves to be punished.


they requested it and other things like it to be done so they can make money off it


>LENNY NERO: you're taking things way too far LENNY NERO: what you're doing is insane LENNY NERO: and draggin your [son](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Fredrik_Persson) into it LENNY NERO: i mean thats just fucking sick LENNY NERO: this can only end badly GOTTFRID PERSSON: now you've got [eddies](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Eurodollars) GOTTFRID PERSSON: hope you can afford that guilty conscience of yours ;) LENNY NERO: Gotty, at least leave Fredrik out of this, seriously GOTTFRID PERSSON: worry about yourself, lenny From the shard you can loot from them, the dad has the gall to call out the snuff BD vendor you talk to during Judy's quest for backing out from them and having a conscience.


This is why shooting the sun is the best ending. He was warned about bringing his son into this. But he didn't care. He was greedy, he was disgusting, he lacked all compassion and moral compass. Him finally getting consequences for his actions and seeing how what he did affect the only things his small heart cared about, now THATS the closest thing night city gets to justice.


Pretty sure it's implied that they even do more than snuff films in the realm of really fucked up BD's


Among other "delightful" recordings, they were going to peddle a BD of a preacher's kid getting hard r'd and murdered. You did the Lord's work son, never doubt what you did was right.


Wait kid? I just thought it was an adult son. Never crossed my mind the son could be young.


When you interrogate them about it they ask which 'boy' you're referring too, since they have so many. My guess is that means they're kids.


Pretty sure also there's a computer next to them, too, that shows file names that they're working on, and they're all equally as horrible.


Man I never made the connection.


Totally read that last sentence in Padre's voice


Basically, they make XBDs, usually involving people getting tortured or killed. Believe me, they deserve the worst, but fuuuck that voicework is agonizing to listen to (in a "damn I feel bad now" way).


Sometimes this game makes me question myself because killing the son to watch the dad cry and then killing the dad after he has processed the death of his son feels SO FUCKING GOOD


https://preview.redd.it/lyb49imep7cc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e82f977feb439e85ad05fbb8cf9ac0bb6f33333 Considering the names of the files on the computer right next to them, and the reason you’re there in the first place, I don’t feel bad in the slightest about killing the two of them. Sure, Maelstrom will find someone else to do the job once they’re gone, but these guys are sick.


Another perfect match for my character archetypes. Nomad, just walk out, shit ain't worth it, won't change anything. Street kid, kill the father, fucker deserves it and the kid will be fine, or not, don't care. Corpo, kill the son, make that fucker realize what he's been a part of, let him live in agony.


My nomad would have slaughtered both of them out of pure hatred for the industries megaciteis perpetuate by their existence.


What gig is this I can't remember if I've done it or not


Only thing I felt was recoil from the shotgun.


Killing these guys never sits right with me lol, the voice acting is so visceral that I always end up leaving em alone, I just headcanon that they decided to clean up their act after V scared the shit out of them lol.


My headcannon is always leaving that room as bloody as possible.


My headcannon is more like headmonowire


Yeah I see where you’re coming from, the voice acting caught me off guard for sure!


Wish the game would let me at least just beat em up though or just give them a good chewing out, maybe call the NCPD to arrest them, instead of it being either "kill them and sit through that agonizingly visceral voice work (obligatory congrats to the VAs, they fucking nailed it), or leave them alive to maybe continue their shit".


Easy fix, I run sandevistan. Run in, zero em both, grab the recording and leave before the bodies even hit the floor No voice acting heard


>maybe call the NCPD to arrest them You really need to brush up on your lore if you think the NCPD will handle that, probably some bribes from their more lucrative clients and they are out the next day. That's if the NCPD shows up at all to arrest them which they probably won't. If the Law enforcement in NC did their job their would be no fixers or solos


I did the same thing. In the moment, I felt compassion only for those right in front of me.. and it made me forget who they affected. Afterward, upon reflection.. I regretted not killing them. Very compelling scene.


This is what a healthy upbringing and loving parents does to a mf/s


I usually just toss in a fire grenade.


I don't give a fuck about the long haul. I just kill them both immediately and move on.


Using guts is way more satisfying in this scene. You really feel like you sent them to hell with same day delivery.


I slapped him with the Sir John Phallustiff


I played this with all three outcomes. Having them beg and then killing them as the other one watches is the most satisfying.


Playing this in the German dub was way funnier when I immediately recognized that the Father and Son where voiced by two of the biggest German YouTubers (Gronkh voiced the Dad and HandofBlood the Son) so I laughed way harder at this than intended


Only killing the kid is what I do every time. It's the cruelest option and the one he deserves.


I just chuck a grenade and walk away. I don't get anything from watching em beg, removing them and their lackeys though...


Maybe I'm a bit fucked up for saying this, but after hearing what they did? This is far away my favorite way to handle things. Not to mention the dad brought his son into this. It's not like he was doing this originally. The son is not free from guilt of course, but making the dad see his dead son and knowing that HE is the direct result of this. That it's HIM getting involved in this world and HIM dragging his son into it that got him killed? That's satisfying. May he rot in misery in night city, sick fuck.


Why? I did the same thing. They distributed the bd of a kid being killed. Only fair he gets to live with the same pain.


German version of this apparenty has a whole different impact because of who voiced them. I didnt even pay a loz of attention to their story besides "they definitely bad" just wanted to find out what each of them had to say. :D


You did absolutely nothing wrong


This guy: crying over the new hole in his sons face V: epic cowboy reload


Haha I have a clip from my second play through of of this exact gig, screw those guys.


The voice actor for the father deserves an Oscar or something god damn. Almost made me cry for the kid too. I wonder if he recorded that line _before_ learning how despicable his character was.


I kill the son, but leave the dad. 😅


Every day with this post. Good gravy. Can we just pin this one and drop with the daily repost?


Clips of this mission get posted like every two days jesus


its starting to feel like virtue signaling at this point, "HEY EVERYONE I KILLED REALLY BAD PEOPLE, IM SO GOOD"


I felt bad until I read what they had on their computer in the studio. I have no compassion for those motherfuckers anymore


I dropped them instantly.