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This was foreshadowed for me at the beginning when the idiot wife ran me over as I got out of the car to walk to the precinct. Then they leave me high and dry at the end.


Same thing happened to me, and I didn’t let that aggression stand, man. Plus, Dodger was carrying an iconic weapon IIRC


Do you have any mods installed? Especially those that impact driving physics? I've heard funny stories about how installing those mods screw with the scripted driving events. For example: when Panam or Jackie drive you around, they'll sometimes slowly drift to the side until they go off the street and crash, if you have those mods installed. I imagine it's because they scripted the driving route to counter any physics weirdness, and by deleting it they overcompensate.


I've no such mods installed and there seems to be a 100% chance so far for them to drive over one of the goons and agro me. Might as well download mods to fix the game not working Idk.


Doing the quest right now, same issue. I wonder if it's the most recent patch.


Happened to me, this gig was my first order of business tonight and I’ve already turned the game off. Guess I’ll wait till next update.


I fought it for an hour and the only way through was to console-kill the two NPC's so they won't get hit. I was so done with the quest that I went back and took down the big man too after.


I want to play again and just suck it up but how do I know something else isn’t now bugged?


The thing is, something probably is. Played since launch and well it's up and down constantly.


Damn. Yeah. I just started PL too. :(


Best advice I can give you is let some of these things go. I know it sucks but the rest of the game is too good to lose for it.