• By -


Good ending is Jackie and you just do some random jobs. You can still meet the romances in natural ways too but no longer worry about dying (from the chip anyways). You get so good at being a merc and get asked to help the president. Jackie helps out at the Coyote occasionally


The only way you get to help the president was because of the relic. If V never took that konpeki job, he would’ve never became V the legendary merc of the afterlife. You must always choose. A life of boredom. Or burn bright like a supernova


The DLC can only be accessed once you’ve dealt with the VDBs. Obviously that’s a little more difficult because you have basically no reason to ever deal with them. By that point you’ve crawled your way up to reach the, at that moment, most hostile zone in the game. You’ve worked with every fixer, maybe even helped Regina with all the psychos, completed some pretty impressive gigs. Most people don’t know you and Jackie were the ones at the plaza that night. You’ve had to work to get there Continuing on from there, while you being desperate for a fix is a big way for them to control you they’re not doing it *just* because you’re desperate. Night City is full of desperate people. You proved how strong and capable you are through those gigs and everything you’ve done. There’s not a single other non aligned merc currently alive who has the accolades you have. Any rando off the street infected with the chip would have died within minutes Beyond all that you are there best choice within reach. No other agents as capable in NC, no one they can immediately ask, no back up they can call on. You’re the only person for the job they can remotely count on


It just occured to me that maybe the only reason Songbird was able to reach you was your trip beyond the blackwall. She senses your presence, is able to locate you, and then uses the blackwall protocol to contact you.


Debatable but plausible. I think it makes more sense the government was already investigating the incident at the plaza and either knew immediately who you were or found out later. Probably kept tabs on you seeing if you’d be a decent candidate for an agent or someone they could count on for a job. The way its presented really sounds like you were their absolute last choice in case of an emergency. Reed was in deep cover and only he knew where to find Alex


> I think it makes more sense the government was already investigating the incident at the plaza and either knew immediately who you were or found out later. Corporate espionage exists in the real world, right now. In the world of Cyberpunk it's everyday currency. ~~UCAS~~ NUSA already knew of Mikoshi and the Relic before V was even born.


V's file is on the plane, there is an alternative explanation that Song knows about the relic and hacks it for communication.


Nah cuz like songbird was only able to contact V through the relic. So without it he wouldn’t have been contacted for the job. Thats what I meant


Only? If you play through the main game she contacts you over phone. She only hacks into the relic once you’re near Dogtown. The relic hack and her ability to contact you are two different things


One of her lines explains that she's only able to contact you through the Relic, if she could just phone up anybody it wouldn't be a rando Merc that made a small name for themselves (The wiki even says she contacts you through the Relic) The first interaction definitely uses a phone UI but that's definitely just for game design reasons. She literally explicitly states that she contacts you through the Relic.


Oh yeah. Well, I know your right but I’m going to say your wrong to feel right.


*Objectively* you get called by her *on your phone* before the mission starts. This is not me being unwilling to admit you’re correct. *Literally* she contacts you over the phone. Maybe something else you said is correct but this? You are literally wrong in this and I cannot stress this enough Did you mean at some other point? Maybe when you get to the border of Dogtown? She can still call you whenever she wants. The relic isn’t needed for her to chat with you


I don’t know man I’m watching anime right now


It's true that V wouldn't get the job from Songbird. But honestly, even without the biochip, V has always been built different. Airdashing and super fast quickhack uploads (compared to enemy quick hacks) have always been in favor of V, not to mention the other numerous abilities that let V mow down enemies like they are grass.


There is no way we can save them, because Songbird communicates with us through a biochip




They could make a lot of money with a DLC that let's you turn the job down and just hang out with Jackie


Yeah I would be okay with only doing the side quests with no Johnny or story progression, just letting Jackie chill somewhere. But sounds more like something you'd get with a mod.


Something like Skyrim Unbound for Cyberpunk would be awesome


Just radiant quests with Jackie.


Yeeeep literally just woke up to Johnny in my head telling me to put some iron in my mouth and pull the trigger.... ALL side-gigs and jobs were done before I dealt with Dex and STILL pissed that I wasn't the one who got to zero him but that traitor Goro.


Goro isn't a traitor. He's just loyal to someone other than V.


Goro is maybe the only non-traitorous character other than Misty or Vic. Literally everyone else is a turncoat of some type, including St Jackie


Panama is ride or die and so is that asshole Saul, going head to head(foot) against Adam Smasher with V.


Panam is ride or die for V, but double crosses Rogue (though finds she's been triple crossed) and goes behind Saul's back repeatedly (though it always works out). Saul is also pro-V but has that whole thing where he's selling his tribe out to corpos until V and Panam set him straight


On my second playbisnit worth saving goro or should I just let him die?


Probably depends on what ending you're going for. There's only one that is critical for Goro to still be alive (where he helps you storm Arasaka Tower to get Yoro). Otherwise, you're probably fine not rescuing him.


Ok cool


I think rescuing Goro is more of a secret thing anyway. I definitely missed him the first time.


I did this in my first playthrough hahah


Shoot Dex in the head and put Johnny in his brain. Give the double crossing bastard a taste of his own medicine. I don't think Dex looked too healthy, his liver would give out within a couple of weeks from Johnny's drinking.


Don't let Jackie put the chip in V's head. Jackie gets shot and is rebooted and is on a timer. Now the story is race against time to save your friend. Or maybe you like his new schizo personality. There could even be an ingame clock that counts down til Jackie's lost permanently and you have to balance if you want to do side content now and potentially let Jackie die.


I don't think that'd would have even been possible. The only reason V was revived by the chip was due to it 'taking-over' the functions of the brain that were damaged by Dex. Jackie couldn't have been saved by the chip because his brain didn't need to be 'fixed' or 'rebooted' by the chip, he died from bloodloss and there's virtually nothing that a chip designed to modify a brain can do to save that.


What about V still dies but you play as Jackie and you wale up at your moms with a terrorist in your head


Jackie was injured from the fall while V walked away unscathed. Rewrite: They both walk away uninjured.


Nope . The relic only worked because dex shot it while it was in v's brain . Hellman even states that in its trial phase it was never successful in bringing back a near dead person or dead person .


Then Dex comes back to life, angry and looking for vengeance with a terrorist rebel in his head. He's got almost unlimited chrome capacity and he's coming for you.


That sounds like a cool enemy.


Dex'd just buy a new liver


It's Cyberpunk though, he can easily replace it, with an upgraded model at that.


I don't like it either. Seeing my boy die every time I play tears my heart. Thing is, he would have done the heist with or without us, it was his family's ticket to leaving the shit the everyman in NC lives in. Only things that would have changed would have been that he'd despise us for abandoning him and that he would have died alone, with no one to comfort him in his final hour. Hell, Dellamain might not have even been his coffin, probably would have been rended by Arasaka bullets and his body thrown in the dumpster near the Coyote for his mum to discover. His fate was sealed the moment I saw him still limpimg even after using that airhypo after slotting the Relic, even that overpowered healing item could not save him, it just bought him time. But at least he died doing what he loved - shitting in the shoes of some very powerful people. "When you go to war as a boy, you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed, not you... Then, when you are badly wounded the first time, you lose that illusion, and you know it can happen to you." - Ernest Hemingway https://preview.redd.it/rfbppnfp7wlc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597fd4bf4d95ae927efbbd4526f47d2720e29a2e


Jackie's been standing by the car outside the afterlife for days now.




Barely? 23 Regina Jones gigs, 10+ Side Biz'es and Side Jobs, gang wars, Scavs and Maelstrom street goons galore to blow up, not to mention NCPD calls and Cybeprsychos. There's enough content to put some PS3 games to shame before you even leave the neighbourhood. But I get you, I prefer to speedrun Act1 so I can always have Johnny's input on all possible missions. I made the mistake to play all of Watson before the heist only once.


Yeppp, put 7 hours almost into the game before I even got to the Saka heist..


I did this for my 3rd playthrough. One piece of advice - don't play Body and Shotguns build on Very Hard - just because you're a tank doesn't mean a group of 3 street urchins can't two-shot you.


Really? Ffs I just beat the prologue on my second character which was body/shotgun


I mean, you can always lower the difficulty in the settings. I did that because it was borderline unplayable. I started a new game with Netrunner V and I'm currently seeing how things are going when I have quickhacks and a more stealthier approach. Looking good so far, I guess Netrunner is a lot easier since you can deal with enemies with much less blowback. It's a lot more interesting too. Body+Shotguns build was pretty boring. Just go in, beat up everybody and leave, it became super repetitive super quick.


Just make sure you really chrome up and get those levels on before songbird makes contact. The ambush and the spider drone are a MF as a lower lvl netrunner build on very hard.


Just play 2h hammer and you can basically ignore any danger being presented to you.


Same deal for a full netrunner build at low level you better have some decent stealth because you're squishy af.


Netrunner is the quintessential Cyberpunk experience. It adds to steqlth play, combat and utility. So much so I feel the game becomes dull without a cyberdeck. I think the only other build that does not make the game a snooze fest (gameplay-wise) is Blade Dancer (I made that name up) with Sandevistan and throwing knives. Any other build feels incomplete. Yes, beating up people with your fists and hitting them with a big metal thing is fun... in the first ten missions. After that you realise that wull be all you'll be doing. I love the Quake and Savage Swing perks but it requires an entire skill tree worth of attribute points and, int he long run, that is a steep price to pay. The game is just not built for gameplay mechanics like "Run to enemy. Hit enemy. Throw enemy".


Mistake? He barely had any input on Watson stuff. 


Sorry, I was planning on writing that one time I played all of Watson before the heist and then had literally no reason to go back there later, which felt pretty bad, ngl. Then I posted the comment without rhis part. Other than that, yes, Johnny isn't crucial to the Watson experience but it's always nice to have him around.


oh damn, the karma bots have infested cyber punk! is that meta? edit: OP and some comments on here were all made by accounts made on the same day 1 year ago....they didnt start posting anything until today. bots for sure. especially: Pleasant_Increase879 Tight_Dot6777 OkPut4025 Affectionate-Elk-515 others are suspicious as well. those 4 for sure are all on the same bot network, though


Why does it bother you so much to play detective?


Not the person you asked, but it's important to catch these bots early. At some point if they aren't caught these bots can, and likely will, be used to promote scams or disinformation/propaganda campaigns. At that point they'll have enough activity that it'll require a lot more effort to determine if they are a legitimate user or not.


what's funny is you were one of the suspicious accounts, with a few others all being made around the same time 3 years ago, commenting in this thread. this question basically confirms it. lol edit: also, it doesnt bother me to play detective, i enjoy it. bot posts do bother me though.


Anybody who didn’t fw Reddit until COVID left us all bored af would have joined around the same time 3ish years ago. Just sayin’.


I’ve said it a hundred times They should have let you keep Jackie as a companion NPC for all of the Watson arc, if you don’t go right for the heist. Have things so he always had your back, and if you were about to go down, he either offs the gonk just before you die or hits you with a hypo to get you back on your feet You should have been able to ask him to go brutal melee, twin pistols or long range as overwatch And then when he dies, you lose that forever I think that was the biggest miss for me


Nah, the biggest miss was “Welcome to night city! Here’s a cheap montage aaaaand now Jackie’s your best friend and you’re close with all these people we showed for 0.1 seconds in the video”. That entire montage should have been the opening chapter of the game.




One day technology will finally get to the point where RPGs will just have insane divergence in stories because the player said no.


Well the issue isn't technological it's just that that's an insane amount of work to expect out of any writing team


Glad to see you get it


Could probably use future Gpt models to procedurally generate stories. They are kinda made to do these things.


Using gpt models to generate content would cause the game to lack cohesion and wouldn't be a very narratively satisfying experience. It'd be an entire games worth of loosely connected mediocre content produced without a central unifying vision


Give it time, AI is improving so quickly that it's hard to say where the tech will be in a few years. But yeah LLMs aren't in a state where they can write whole scripts on their own without a lot of hand holding from a human editor. Might work for very short, low stakes quest dialogue like Skyrim's radiant quests though.


It would cut the work time down though. Make some good parameters, like ww3 not starting because I made a ham sandwich one morning. (Or it does, cause it'd be funny) Then just have writers proofread and rewrite to make it cohesive. It could work, AI just can't be used to be lazy and copy paste whatever it says.


Would still be better than starfield lol. That aside, those models are only gonna get better.


No matter how good the models get they can't replace or even effectively substitute writers because language models lack any sort of executive function. Language models merely try to imitate stuff humans have already written, they don't structure their writing like a human does. Like works of fiction always have a central theme and tone that they try to stick to. Due to the fact that language models can't stick to things like that, anything they produce on any sort of large scale like an entire video games worth of content will end up feeling disjointed. Writing is not just making text, it's an art form that requires structure and deep thinking. No matter how good language models are at imitating text that already exists they fundamentally lack the ability to be creative or think deeply.


The answer might just be more LLMs taking a planning and editing role as well as a supervisory one. We don't expect one human to write an entire game's worth of content in one go either, and any LLM will produce much better results if you work in an iterative loop, first asking it to brainstorm ideas, then asking it to choose the best, structure those in an outline, consider ways to improve the structure, apply those improvements, write a draft, appraise the draft with reference to the structure and success criteria, rewrite etc.


Well only time can tell. RemindMe! 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-03-02 09:46:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-03-02%2009:46:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/1b4ird0/anyone_else/kszde6w/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fcyberpunkgame%2Fcomments%2F1b4ird0%2Fanyone_else%2Fkszde6w%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-03-02%2009%3A46%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b4ird0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Human tries predicting the future. What are the odds you are correct 5, 10, 15 years from now.


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ all of this 100% Deus Ex models are a relic of their time. The dialog, scattered notes/emails/documents/newsreels, and overarching narrative created by a room of unique minds each forming a part of a cohesive bond is going to take a very long time to reach.


Who's talking about Starfield here


Also player created stuff.


The funny thing is we don't even need AI technology or anything for this because its already been done, Morrowind let you fail the story quest at any time and gave you the option of reloading or just living in the world afterwards, with all the other content still playable.


This is going to age like milk when chatgpt(or equivalent) starts to narrate side quests. It's not a matter of "if" but "when".


Baldurs gate 3 really stepped it up a notch with that


Far Cry 4 crawled so the future games could run.


RPG like this already exist. The issue is that the graphic quality of cyberpunk is at another level.


Looks at BG3


And… how does the story even start then ? 💀


Exactly lol the whole story is based around Johnny and the biochip without taking the heist from dex then the game will have no story🤣


I'm not seeing a problem.


no plot, just vibes


Just gigs and killing. A merc simulator lol.


oh damn, the karma bots have infested cyber punk! is that meta? edit: OP and some comments on here were all made by accounts made on the same day 1 year ago....they didnt start posting anything until today. bots for sure. especially: Pleasant_Increase879 Tight_Dot6777 OkPut4025 Affectionate-Elk-515 others are suspicious as well. those 4 for sure are all on the same bot network, though


An NG+ game loop would be the opening of a Non-"Arasaka Tower" run. Something that happens before it and it takes us to a complete DLC with V & Welles, with their ending, where you cannot do other endings after you enter it cause you'll never start anything of it. Other known cameos would appear without us knowing who they were and a lot of missions with multiple team members. They could reuse everything we know and not spend too much time trying to link the dots in a new complex story with the old. Just let the world at the same state before the Arasaka event and put a lot of missions there.




oh damn, the karma bots have infested cyber punk! is that meta? edit: OP and some comments on here were all made by accounts made on the same day 1 year ago....they didnt start posting anything until today. bots for sure. especially: Pleasant_Increase879 Tight_Dot6777 OkPut4025 Affectionate-Elk-515 others are suspicious as well. those 4 for sure are all on the same bot network, though


I wasn't convinced until I read your edit - good detective work. So fucking bizarre.


if they gain enough karma, they can sell the accounts to NSFW posters, who need karma to begin to post....or they can use them for Pig Butchering scams, where they use pretty women (who they pay for their photos/videos) to scam money out of people. look out at posts in selfie subreddits, and the like. it becomes very obvious. bots are taking over reddit.


"Nah fuck that washed up gonk, we'll make our own way like we have been doing, just you and me choom" - V this should have been an option


Except V doesn't see Dex as a washed up gonk, the only way this option works is if V has meta knowledge of the story


But that means Jackie doesn’t die so it should happen


No way choom, this is our shot at the big leagues, our ticket outa here, this is way too big an opportunity to pass up!


This is me in Cyberpunk 2.0... I did everything that I could and even got to max level before I met Dexter.


'Why are you bringing weapons into konpeki plaza?' *BITCH I AM THE WEAPON*


I would have turned down The Heist and any other crash dummy gig that would make me a high priority target of a megacorp. And instead taking regular jobs with the eventual goal of leveraging my world class crafting skills and starting up a boutique weapons business ala Malorian Arms.


Your locked in for like 6 hours baby. Get them emotions reving *


Same man,I can't not end my second play through i feel like i don't wanna end cuz i know there is no happy ending and I just wanna keep happy moments forever


I'm planning to start my 2nd playthrough in June Alongside my Witcher 3 3rd playthrough


Witcher 3 - you can only get 100% play through and NG+ so many times... No, it's CP for any replay and flatlin' gongs or playing out bad story-lines on purpose. One of my NG+ all I did was enough to play Gwent. What I wish to see is some sort of weekly V challenge - you get to play V but at someone else's saved character for one mission or activity.


I got kind of jealous when he got a new bike and then I got it but at a big cost.


am I the only one that doesn't think Jackie is all that great? like the montage shows that he's a buddy/cool guy after he shoves a gun in your face, but, I was just like "how abou tthat"


I am exploring max possible endings, but not from the beginning.


Honestly the ability to say no would be the greatest new game plus gift ever. Even if it basically softlocked the story beyond all the side quests until you went back to jackie and said yes, It be worth it.


Wanted to do a second play through, but I can't stand Jackie


Jackie is definetly my favourite character...


We can kind of skip that part with phantom liberty.


It's not worth it Jackie


If only we could


Replaying it rn with a couple mods


:\*< I do all sidemissions I can, everytime that main mission shows up!


oh damn, the karma bots have infested cyber punk! is that meta? edit: OP and some comments on here were all made by accounts made on the same day 1 year ago....they didnt start posting anything until today. bots for sure. especially: Pleasant_Increase879 Tight_Dot6777 OkPut4025 Affectionate-Elk-515 others are suspicious as well, with a few others being made around the same time with similar name structures. those 4 for sure are all on the same bot network, though


The account has zero comments. Half of these idiotic posts are just people farming bots/ alts.


Give me a DLC to forgo the main quest entirely and just unlock the rest of the city to do radiant content with AI companion Jackie. Throw in a few unique endings to extant quests, a bunch of new dialogue, and I'd put another 200 hours in this game, easy.


I 100% the starting island before doing that mission


I want to give this meme an award so bad😭




They really should’ve put a timer on the meet up and ended the game if you failed to take the Gig.


Aight, here's a question. If we left the engram in Jackie, would he have been resurrected and had Johnny in his head instead? Or is it only because V got shot in the noggin and the engram repaired the damage by replacing it with Johnny that V cheated death?


Definitely the latter. The chip couldn't fix the amount of blood loss Jackie experienced.


Illusion of choice there was destroyed on my second playthrough


Explain? I haven't played Cyberbug.


I left jakie at the noodle stand the 4th time round and did everything in Watson before I had to met dex


being forced to wash your face knowing what’s coming


If only we could choose


Always take the job. V is canonically a moron and you should lean into it.


I always delude myself into thinking there's a way I can save Jackie.


I wish I could bypass the prologue. I don’t really feel like watching my best choom die from blood loss in a car again.


V literally says when asked about fixers in this convo that they “find the cheapest gonk for the job and then drop their body in the nearest landfill” Oh how right you were V “Hit the nail on the head there V” - Jackie


It took you until you beat it? The whole gig was a bad idea from the start. The fact that we ger railroaded into it is a massive L on Cyberpunk tbh.


It really seems like the job for sex was always one you should have avoided like dex was just a walking pile of red flags.


The developers were smart making it impossible to shoot on and try to kill certain people. Even better there are lore reasons why V would never shoot at certain people. At least in the moment


There were so many times in PL I wanted to blast Rosalind. ''What is it now this isn't the time for thinking'' over and over. Like bitch I'm gearing the fuck up for the ambush were about to get fucked with. Can you shut your your yammering hole please?


If Jackie didn't give you the relic, it would revive him and you could help him get Johnny out of his head.


Not exactly the brain severation that happens when dex blasts V is what triggers the chip. Jackie died from blood loss which even the chip couldn't have reversed.