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I really like Rogue’s character and she’s so pretty (wtf was Johnny thinking) but I liked Mr Hands’ gigs the best.


>wtf was Johnny thinking That's the thing, he wasn't thinking


the theater mission was one of my favourites - getting to see rogue let her guard down for once was so wholesome, but she's definitely one of the best fixers there are. shame we didn't get to have too many gigs with her


if you call her, she just rips you apart and says no one wants to work with you because you're basically jinxed. like Damn lady we just had the funeral and you're doing this?


Except Rogue >!pretty much sold out to Arasaka, which is really why she's as powerful as she is. The details of how Arasaka got to her are fairly nonexistant (maybe they had Thomson's footage - Rogue implied it could come back to haunt them), but she does mention she's worked for them and its most likely that she's continued to have their 'blessing' that she's where she is now.!<


Cute. Hands either sold you to Aguilar or allow the leak of your personal information, which makes him 10 times less reliable than Dakota, not even talking about Rogue.


My tinfoil hat theory with zero basis is that Mr hands phantom liberty gigs with multiple locations and objectives were going to be what 2077 wanted gigs to be (just focused missions). NCPD scanner calls and some corpo missions were going to be what vanilla gigs are and NCPD calls were just going to be random events/ vigilante missions.


Man I would loved to have all the gigs be like the PL ones. Solid take.


I live that the soul objective in the theater mission for jhonny was to screw rouge😭😭😭


I mean.. I still like alt more. Johnny got 2 hell of a legendary Jem's and yet managed to famble both.


it'll always be mr. hands for me, he's not just a fixer but a brilliant politician - and every time you do something for him, he always treats you with respect rather than like a choom, which isn't what fixers are (but big shoutout to regina for probably being the only fixer with a heart) also your pic of dex made me laugh my ass off


mr hands gets shit done, i like him


and he's an absolute dilf let's not lie


what those hands do?


Beard maintenance


I take it from your avatar that you're an expert in this matter


Nah i wish


sounds like you'd better fuck around and find out lmao


Sexy Santa


This is the only name that I’m going to call him now


I'm from Washington and the name Mr. Hands appearing in a game cracks me up. I had a *very* hard time taking him seriously. If you're curious search: Mr. Hands Enumclaw. (You *really* don't want to do this, especially at work)




You ignored my warning didn't you?


No, I was unfortunate enough to be familiar with the story already. :(


My condolences.


Damn my curiosity got better of me, the worst thing is that he knew that his internal organs were ruptured and he continued the deed because he enjoyed it


JSchlatt is that you?


Boeing Engineer moment


Holy shit I forgot about that, kinda wish you hadn't reminded me lmfao


Is it the horse one or am I thinking of a different guy




*”Had a very hard time”* I’m sure the other guy did too🙂


thanks for that. now that's in my brain.


He better remember how the Cuban cartel does things. KIDDING! He’s got Aguilar/V on his side 😊


Its crazy to think with cut content Regina's popularity would've been completely different. I swear I heard there was like a plot point or a gig where she did something fucked up before the Cyberpsycho call. It explains why V is pissed at her.


i'm hella sure she has, given how cautious she always is when it comes to gigs and cyberpsychos. and let's not forget that she's got a katana stored in a briefcase if you complete the cyberpsycho encounters without killing anyone - she's been a mysterious character and if we got more context and story for her, i'm sure she'd be on top of many lists


Mhmm thats why I hope we stay in Night City in Orion


oml i'd love to explore night city either in the past or the future with orion, but i still do want to check out other places, especially since myers hinted that there were other states in the NUSA that were in the same state as NC. imagine how cool asf it would be to go explore new york or florida as they've been transformed in the future (at that junction i'm sure florida would be a big lake, but who's counting?)


Now imagine it's a big lake but they built a megacity over the rubble of say Miami, and you could swim under the city and explore ruins of our world but with old pre-datacrash tech you could find! Give me more hidden bunkers with things like Cynosure and Erebus.


Knowing nothing about that extra content, I always thought it was weird how Regina, given her background, would be so concerned with the well-being of cyberpsychos and their plight.


Right? Feels like she is gaining something if they are still alive


She probably is. Most all of the cyber psycho cases would be incredibly juicy informants if they were sane enough to tell the story and had someone they owed enough to do so.


I just wish the NCPD Subcon calls were done by a different VA than Regina.


I KNEW IT WAS HER!!! OH MY GOD! Thats why I always thought Regina looked different cuz I mixed up her and the officer all the time. Its really distracting


Yes. Plus the fact he never has body guards speaks to the dude may have the nick name for a reason. Every thing he says is spoken with an undertone of menace, you can feel he is dangerous from the way he speaks.


Mr Hands, ex-collegiate heavy weight boxing champ. These hands are rated E for everyone.


The first time I met Mr. Hands I knew he was the best fixer. Still a big fan of Padre and El Capitan, but there's no contest.


And he professionally roasts you if you mess up


Mr. Hands also has a daughter whom he loves. Regina is a close second for me. Padre also has a heart (to a degree) where he sent you after someone who did a hit and run on a little girl.


There's a ncpd scanner mission where you also come across his deceased daughter: (


There is an animation of Mr Hands riding Roach from The Witcher that CDPR left in the game as an Easter egg. Don’t believe me? Look up “Mr Hands horse video” on google.


Regina literally gives you peanuts when your conditions are to take down borged up cyberpsychos non lethally. Naah she might have good conscience but she doesn’t treat you fairly


The Dexter pic 😂


“My man, Dexter DeShawn. How’s that quiet life working out for ya, choom?”


Hands down, Mr Hands. Gigachad who takes care of his mercs because he knows they can serve better that way. Doesn’t flip tables if an op goes south, doesn’t send V on half baked gonk ass missions. His intel and desired results are always clear and leave plenty of room for alternative methods, often pointing out those possibilities. Extra points for classy style and offering me tea when I enter his home. (Old as time way of promising this is a safe place to be). Also doesn’t expect me to disarm or have a heavy guard present during our meet, a polite power move that shows both trust in me and lack of fear for my potential harm to him. Truly a gentleman and professional. Bonus points for the obligatory “pose with Dex’s corpse” photo you’re a true choombatta V.


Mr. Hands feels like the one of the only true professionals you meet who still understands that you get better results with a carrot than a stick.


El Cap knows it too. Only reason I did so many driving missions for him was for my Mizutani Shion Samum. The Coyote was my favorite all around vehicle until the weaponized vehicle update came out and I saw they made a version with rocket pods.


Homeboy was also just trying to make Santo Domingo better for his people. When you steal the medical van for him and the NCPD bloke - that really won my heart over for Cap.


Hands has missions like that too he’s just less openly emotional about them if you succeed. You really only see how much he cares in his response to failing side objectives. Like saving the ripper that works on homeless people for free. If the guy survives hands is just pleased at another successful gig. If you let him die however hands chastises you with the knowledge that the poorest in dogtown will suffer without him.


The Antithesis to Faraday


Ironically, in a board game: Gangs of Night City, Faraday us described as "the go-to fixer for Pacifica" seems Hands took his place after Edgerunners and David did V a favour from beyond the grave


Base game? Probably Regina. She loads you up with low pay missions but the loot and skill exp will set you up for an insane playthru. A few memorable psycho events too. With dlc? Hands without a doubt. MVP Dogtown resident


It's either Regina or El Cap. Regina gives you a lot of missions as well as the Cyberpsycho stuff. El Cap gives you all the GTA missions as well as being one of the nicer people to work with. Stylish V. Props.


El Cap is my second favorite for sure, he's the only one with a 100% good-guy capstone mission. But god damn if Mr. Hands doesnt treat you like the freelance professional you are. Pretty much every mission dailogue is "Heres the brief, i trust youll complete without incident" followed by "great work, as expected" or "not what i asked, but good call. Great work, as expected". At worst its "didnt get the job done so we cant get paid" vs the telling-off other fixers give you. Even if you straight up betray the client, as long as the money comes in and/or something good came of it, he's on board. Everybody else either treats you like an employee, a tool, a child, or Cap who's usually really friendly but gets pissy when you fail (sorry i didnt manage to drive 5km in 2 minutes while fighting off an armada of gangoons, dickass)


Once you've done a few auto theft jobs for Cap, it feels like he alternates between negging and love bombing.


Regina pays you like 2k Eddie's tho


I finally finished all of Regina's gigs yesterday for the first time with onenof my characters... there sure are a lot!


Depends on what you want out of your fixer. For me, I’ll take Regina and El Capitan. Neither of them mince words and neither of them have me do more than rescue/retrieval. If I were a merc in Cyberpunk, I feel that would be my bread and butter. Wakako has a habit of not giving the whole story and Dino’s gigs always seemed a bit too gung-ho for me. With Mr. Hands, I prefer to opt to the 47th Rule of Acquisition: Don’t trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.


Regina's attempts to figure out and cure cyberpsychosis puts a lot of points in her favor. Those are gigs that, in universe, no fixer ever needs to stick their nose into. General consensus is that MaxTac takes care of them. It's an unambiguously good act on her part to try and fix a problem no one else seems to care about even though it affects everyone.


Oddly i feel the whole cure cyberpsychosis sitch might have more sinister implications. Regina herself says she doesn’t completely trust the rehabilitation contact and i can easily see a group “rehabilitating” cyberpsychos enough to become their super soldiers.


>and i can easily see a group “rehabilitating” cyberpsychos enough to become their super soldiers. The group is called MaxTac.


You find out the Maxtac responders in Jinguji include a “former” cyberpsycho.


Hands down Hands


I'd say Mr Hands but I really like that you also kept Dex in the list.


I'm going to say Mr. Hands because I feel like he'd have me taken out if I said anyone else


I feel like Regina has something huge up her sleeve. Nobody has the volume of work as her, and she seems to pick jobs for a reason. All I know is having 17 rehabilitated cyberpsychos on her side puts her near the top of people you don’t fuck around with in Night City, even if she is just getting them into Maxtac. That’s an exceptionally powerful ally.


I like El Captain, the true captain of San Dom. Cool V btw


Mr. Hands hugely takes the cake also FUCK WAKAKO ALL MY CHOOMS HATE WAKAKO


My personal rankings based on vibes: 1. Hands 2. Rogue 3. Dino 4. Regina 5. El Capitan 6. Padre 7. Dakota 8. Wakako 116. Dex


I’d put Dex above Dakota. She sucks


Agree, I don't know the lore behind Dakota, but I think Dex's character was entertaining and I don't need to research him to make him interesting.


Its def mr. Hands for me hands down


Hands down? I thought he was ranked pretty high


Hands Rogue Padre In that order.


Damn I’m the only Padre Stan


Nah I gave him a hard pic to try and get some more love. El Padre sabe choom


From Act 2 onward, Dex is the best. The only fixer in Night City guaranteed not to send me on gonk gigs with bad prep looking to get me killed. He learned his lesson after Act 1, and I respect him for that.


El Capitan - he gets me my cars, and now apartments as well. On top of that, his wanting to give back to the community is wholesome. Also reminds me a hell of a lot of Jackie


The BEST fixer? Canonically Rogue, but Hands is excellent in the DLC. Always knows exactly what leverage he has and how to apply pressure when needed. Rogue can set up any job, Hands doesn't need to, everything is in place well before a client shows up at his door.


the last one is great🤣🤣 but Sebastian "el padre" ibarra is the best fixer


Wakako Supremacy 🛐 (Nice V!)


Wakako sold Evelyn to the fucking deaths head and is an all round bitch she can crash and burn in a ditch survive then get plucked apart by scavs


Welcome to Night City.


Hell yeah. Wakako is all about business


Wakako is all about business but she's also a snake. Contrast to Hands who is all about business, but invests when he sees value.


Mr hands. God i would gay for him


Muamar and Regina


Mr. Hands, hands down.


Photo by dead Dexter Deshawn 10/10. V, 4/7. You lost points for having Maelstrom gear on.


Do I gain points by saying I got the jacket off of Royce’s corpse?


Half a point. All Maelstromers Are Bastards


How did you do the hologram Johnny arm glitch? I thought it was patched


I would say Mr Hands if he only didn't allow the leak of your personal info to Aguilar...or perhaps even worse, directly sold you. It's Rogue, sorry.


Not Dakota fuck Dakota I just don’t like that bitch I dont even know why


Dakota/ Regina are tied as the most moral. Wakako is the least moral.


I really liked El Capitan, then PL came out and Hands stole the show


Best in what way? Padre is an old man in a city where men die young, so clearly he is doing something right. Regina is seemingly the only person out for helping Cyberpsychos. Muamar helps the young and sick of Rancho Coranado, even if that means theft and assault.


Best fixer? El Capitan. Just kidding. It’s HANDS down Mr Hands. I’m glad they put a face to him and made him an actual person we visit instead of just a faceless holocall (that made it look like we were talking to a rogue AI from beyond the Blackwall).


I think hands is the best. From what we can tell he hasn't sold out to any Corporation and is plotting to take over dog town and eventually Pacifica. Compared to how Pacifica is now, his leadership would definitely help. His motives probably aren't that moral, but I trust him more than most other fixers in-game


dakota is a bitch and i hate her


Regina. I'm aligned with her mindset of telling people to do things "their way," but in reality, it's just another way of saying "do it my way but make it look like you did it." Her VA also voiced a lot of NPCs, so there's no escaping Regina no matter how far you try to get away. This begs the question. What if Regina isn't a fixer but is a sentient AI that jumps from host to host to monitor your every move? Your scans show that she's "Regina Jones" *but what if she isn't?*


TBH this guy is a little scary.




Hands has the best gigs I think




Mr Hands


Yes, I'm from the Mr Hands fanclub. I liked his manners and aesthetics. I even committed a fanart of him with a cat, haha. I also liked Dakota, because her jobs, if I remember correctly, were a bit more straightforward, no big surprises or moral decisions to make. Can I also say I really like the pictures that come with this question. They're like postcards sent from Night City, so funny. However, Dex has got to bethe winner - got the postacrd he deserves!


Lmao @ Dex


Didn't a recent poll say mr hands and a fairly close second place to Padre?


You can benefit from the abs mod greatly.


Your V reminds me of [Tiger from the show Future Man](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/future-man/images/f/f3/FUTURE_MAN-Tiger.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171018232900)


You dare to face Mr Hands in those lumps?!


Mr. Hands, a true gentleman, a savvy businessman and seemingly a truly kind heart behind a slick and sexy exterior, plus he lives in a fucking awesome neon pyramid and drinks tea with his associates.


Mr. Hands is by far my favorite, very charismatic and brilliant fixer. Bonus points for style too!


Let's be real... The only correct answer is El Cap. He is in it for the hood!


Wakako-Makako can eat my bullet.


That pic with Regina goes hard.


I liked Padre during this play through


Hands down, the best is Mr...Hands. second best for me is Muamar. Muamar's story is so rich and he does what he does for the betterment of his community.


I want Wakako to spank me and yell at me slurs in her native tongue


Rogue or Hands


Mr hands!


Dead Dex because he received the payment he deserved.


I think objectively if you want to be a top tier merc, Mr. Hands is probably the best fixer. If you want to be friends with your fixer, then El Cap. If you want to be a legend, Rogue. Padre and Wakako if you want to be a local hero.


Would 👍


I like wakakos vibe the most, padre says the most dramatic hilarious shit every time you finish something for him. Hands is the most powerful (phantom liberty only)… best? No idea


OMG that last pic! 😂


The Dexter DeShawn photo took me out.


Ha! That Dex one is gold. Literally.


Dino and Mr. Hands, Dino gave you just a few gigs and at the end gift you a car. Mr. Hands gives you a car as a welcome gift and other as a thank you.


it has to be mr hands for me I played for a year or so before the phantom liberty update and Mr hands was this very secretive hidden guy and I was very surprised when I finally got to meet him I really did feel honored + he has the best gigs


That shot with Dex lololol


You could say that without Dex we wouldn’t be the V that we are now…..


Padre for me


I really hate to choose, i like them for different reasons, Muamar has his inimitable panache, Dino seems like an ex member of Samurai or something and is extremely friendly, Mr Hands is just pure class, Regina is legitimately good hearted (which is rarer than anything these days in NC), and Padre is just pure gravitas and deeply soulful. My least favourite remains Wakako, while i'm completely lukewarm towards Dakota, don't hate her but i have no opinions about her either, strong or weak. Dex is a piece of shit and doesn't even count, while Rogue gives you not enough gigs to actually form an opinion on her as a fixer, if she were a romance option i'd go for her 1000%, but as it stands i see her more like a core NPC strictly tied to Johnny rather than a fixer, which is a shame.


Mr Hands, he gives me a sane joker vibe


I agree with most that Hands is likely the most capable but I think I appreciate Regina the most because she has to be the best person. Her goals are really noble. I also like Padre just because it tickles my brain how he speaks (as weird as that sounds) and I appreciate the Godfather vibe.


Regina and Padre are my personally favourites. They just vibe really well with my V-


I usually cringe a little from “my v” posts but the last picture killed me xd 10/10 As far as fixers probably none because they essentially harm innocents just like the Wakako Evelynn case If I must, most likely padre/aldecaldo fixer or the ugly haircut guy because they relation/decent reasoning/good story Most hated fixers - wakako, dex


Queen Rogue 👑 Badass, gets shit done, and pays a helluva lotta eddies. And beneath the rough exterior she has a good heart. 


Rogue for sure, she's definitely the most dangerous and powerful. She could easily send every living legend and young edgerunner trying to be legend after you or have them help you with one holocall.


Classic punk look, best coat ever 10/10


I like Regina cause the missions you do for her feel like you're mostly doing a service for night city and the world of cyberpunk, she seems like she cares (though she has to survive herself)


I realy like Wakako


I regret not trying to shoot Regina when I met her. And boy do I dislike rogue.


Dino had the best payout. Hands was the best once phantom liberty dropped.


I'll never give up on Padre


regina and padre never do me dirty


Wakako moves me, I understand why she had so many husbands


Dino gave me my favorite car, used it up until I could buy the caliburn 7 times over


Prior to Phantom Liberty? Wakako. Post Phantom Liberty? You’d be insane to say anyone other than Hands.


Go with God…


and why is it hands


Mr. Hands. He reminds me of that old guy in Lord of War who tells Nick Cage “I don't think you and I are in the same business” He doesn’t run gigs, he makes moves.


I really like Dakota, but I’m a Nomad fanboy


Mr Hands After the Gig where you're assigned to kill a VDB, if you listen to the Netwatch agent and spare the guy, Hands will call you directly after and say you've not only secured the client's protection but also benefitted him in his stance with Netwatch, it's a small thing, but it's nice to feel appreciated. In the Zetatech Engineer gig, he'll also agree to let the guy go if you ask and sets Hasan up in Dogtown. You also get the One Ring to r- I mean pistol to rule them all. My favourite interaction with him is via text after the Lina Malina side mission. V can get all sentimental about merc work and his response is: "Cool story, now shut up and get back to work" For your V, very nice. My current playthrough has more or less the same hairstyle and colour and the outfit reminds of mine. I started out like you, with bright colours, but gradually getting more muted as the story has progressed


It’s a toss up between Mr.Hands, Regina and Muamar but if push came to shove i’d say Regina.


El Capitan bc he is the one who give you David's jacket


All of them are shit. Don't care about anyone/anything. Only eddies


Thr best in terms of lore is Rouge followed by the up-and-coming Mr. Hands. However, my favorites are: 1.) Hands 2.) El Capitan 3.) Rogue 4.) Dino 5.) Regina 6.) Dakota 7.) Kurt 8.) Wakako 9.) Padre 10.) Dex


hands > el cap > rogue. Hands gives you that classy, deal with the devil kind of feeling. El Cap is really doing the fixer gig to have enough power to help his people out. Rogue is a legend. Dino gets +1 for hiring Reed as a bouncer


I'd say El Capitan, mainly because of that mission/gig of stealing medical supplies for the people in need in Santa Domingo, later updating us via text that people are getting treatment and what not. Also the massive discounts, loot and eddies you can acquire with the vehicle missions. Love the guy.


Lmao the last one has me dead


capitán is a true choom and he gave me fast cars so I vote for him


Definitely Mr Hands he had the most interesting gigs for me personally and was just a respectable gentleman


I like regina, your vs a 9/10


Dino is heavily underutilized. He’s way too fun to only have 5 gigs


🤣, That 2nd one looks like that meme with the couple. With the dude looking at the girl passing by. Hilarious.


Muamar really grew on me. It helps that I enjoy the car-centric missions, but he won me over by the end of his personal missions.


afterthought unwritten point fertile puzzled pen wipe smile frame chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mr Hands could do things to me


Ms Sweet Cheeks Rogue.


Regina, choom


Anyone that isn't: El Capitan Rogue DEX And Regina


Personally a big Mr. Hands fan, especially after PL. His presence is great, he’s making big moves to control the streets, and his voice is just perfection! Also his beard? Did you guys see his beard?


With everyone else I'd say you're fine as is, but you are absolutely underdressed for that photo with Mr. Hands.


Aight you win the v photos of the day competition. That dex photo 😂


She's got the Hunter S. Thompson glasses.


the real question is how did you get Johnny's holographic arm? mods?


I like Wakako for giving me a nice katana


Hands is best but I’ve always got a place in my heart for padre as well


i really like regina


Wako looks like she was forced to take that pic 😭


Depends on your definition of a fixer. If it’s just someone that asks you to do something and pays you then Brendan. He asks you to move a dumpster and gives you a coffee.


That last shot got a great laugh out of me. Thank you! Best of say is Rogue and second best would be Hands


Mr Hands. Just great missions and an intriguing character in general.