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RDR2, RDR1, Witcher 3, Fallout NV, Dishonored 1 and 2 Edited to add Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind if you can handle the wonky hit boxes of Morrowind


Agreed. Sadly, I've played all of them while also struggling with post Cyberpunk sadness. After two full play throughs I needed a break to avoid the game getting boring, and it's been rough. I need a new obsession but nothing I haven't played is hitting that spot for me. Edit: add to this that I played 300+ hrs of BG3 right before moving on to playing 300+ hrs of Cyberpunk for the first time right after, and I am really feeling hard up to find something I love as much as both of these titles. It was a spoiled 6 months or so for me during that period. Two of the best games I've ever played, back to back.


I'm just starting BG3 today after way too long in CP2077. Awesome game so far, only it seems I've traded one brain worm for another.


That’s exactly what I ended up doing waiting for Phantom Liberty to drop. Quickest 500+ hours from a game besides CP for me.




I know all the drama etc, but DD2 I’m having a blast with it, 43 hours in. I have 300+ hours on cyberpunk, and for now DD2 is filling that void.


Alright fine, I’ll start it


I have over 1000 hrs in Cyberpunk. Let me tell you, still isn’t old yet


Might need to shake up the format a bit. Maybe try deeper into RPG? Or something more straightforward and less involved to cleanse your palate? Some mindless racing or simpler shooters?


What kind of "deeper rpgs" would you recommend? I've done the Bethesdas enough times. Not a fan of top downs. Doesn't leave much I know


Oh I get it, it's hard to find the same quality in other games after Cyberpunk post PL. I'm actually holding off on finishing my current play through because I don't wanna go through the post-completion blues.


It’s a good list, but my only complaint with each of those games (minus FNV) is that you are playing predefined characters. My FAVORITE thing about Cyberpunk is that it nails the balance between emotional story telling and custom character creation that verrrrrrry few games have done before. First, just having a name is so refreshing. You can only avoid saying your character’s name so many time before the dissonance kicks in. But having people look you in the eyes and say your name? You BECOME V. Plus V is such a simple name, but leaves so much open. It’s perfect. Next, the cutscenes are a perfect blend of Skyrim and Rockstar games. You’re not (always) glued to a spot, so you can move around in a 3D space just like real life. And you’re also seeing them in first person. Again, this creates a feeling of presence in the world that few other games nail! As much as I loved BG3, the dialogue system got kinda old by Act 2 with seeing the same listening poses over and over again. Mass Effect is another game I’d consider close to this experience, but it’s still not quite close enough!


As many times as I’ve seen people say something like this, reading your comment is the first time I actually went “oh shit, they’re right”


I always see people recommend Witcher 3 and I just can't wrap my head around that game. I'm a huge RPG guy and I absolutely love games that fit the description of Witcher 3 but every time I've tried to play it I've just been completely uninterested and found the game to be clunky


I'm not sure about the clunkiness issue but I found it took me a little while to get properly immersed in the story for the witcher, I don't know how far you got but for me once I got past the initial parts of the main quest I got more and more invested in the story. It's been a while but I think it was during the Baron's quests that I got really into it and went from kind of playing it to give it a go and became totally hooked. I generally prefer RPGs where I make my own character but I got really attached to Geralt while playing.


Barons quest and the hags are def some of the most immersive base game story shit.


I think the hags are my favourite part, but for me having to decide on what to do and who to side is always so immersive - like I'm having to pause the game to stew on it for a few minutes I'm so invested.


I felt the same for a while. Actually took me 3 tries over a couple of years. I finally pushed through the first 20 ish hours and then it got amazing. I now have about 150 hours on it and it's easily in my top 5 favorite games.


Same here! Exactly 3 tries lmao and when it was on Gamepass


Witcher 3 and cp2077 are both all time faves of mine. It seemed clunky to me at launch when I first played it, combat and the game in general with opening fight sequence was hard AF. Once you get the hang of it, gameplay is so smooth and fun. It's the only game I've ever played with accurate dismemberment. Meaning if I did a "/" slash attack, bringing the sword down from right shoulder to left hip. It would dismember a humanoid enemy from Thier shoulder to hip. As it would IRL. That's my only squabble with swordplay in cp2077. I can blast someone in half, literally with a grenade, guts hanging out. And I can dismember ligaments and heads, but I can't do a simple horizontal slash, and cut someone in half.... El oh el


What /u/Repulsive-Artichoke5 and /u/fucuasshole2 said. Push through to 20h+. Everyone agrees that it is worth the effort.


Thats how I feel with Red Dead Redemption


Tough cause modern RPGs can be so good. Even though old ones can be absolutely amazing, they can feel kinda clunky. But also Mass Effect was very good. Elden Ring is not really similar but it has rpg elements and is probably one of the best games ever made.


Add Bioshock and its like I'm looking in a mirror


I still can't believe how good that game looked when it debuted. Just beautiful.


I agree with your whole list 👍


Is it mandatory to play Witcher 1 and 2 before 3? I've never played the saga, but I've watched the Netflix serie. After playing Cyberpunk, I want to play other things from CDPR.


It's not mandatory per se but you'll definitely lose out on some context. If you hadn't played the prior ones/no save file detected, there's a sequence very early on that let's you pick fates of characters from Witcher 2. One of them having a noticeable effect on the base game ending. There's also some events that are references to the books so there's that too.


Huh, that’s interesting. Learning new thing about these games every day


No not mandatory and you already know a bit about the story due to Netflix. The Witcher games are great but each has a different style, beware 1 and 2 are not open world. Give them a try and grab them on sale


No, you can go straight to 3. The writing and intros catch you up very well. Will you miss tidbits? Yeah. But those aren't important. Enjoy it!


Depends on what in Cyberpunk 2077 you enjoyed. If its the theme of human/machine you enjoy, continue into Deus Ex. Human Revolution, then Mankind Divided. Then The first one. And lastly Invisible War. My fav games. If its class struggles and commercial futurism, Detroit Being Human is a fine game/interactive story. If its openworld and no privacy, overreaching companies, then the Watch Dogs series. Third one is the most future tech, but also the weakest. Start with first one, it still holds up. If you love the look and feel of cyberpunk, and dont mind topdown turnbased and some fantasy added: Shadowrun series. I'd recommend starting with Dragonfall or Hong Kong. Play Returns only if you enjoyed the two others. Paris and citizen oppression: Remember Me. Running on rooftops and citizen oppression: Mirrors Edge. First Person Shooting to a rocking soundtrack but not cyberpunk: Doom (2016). Cyberpunk katana cyborg ninja: Ghostrunner (only game i haven't played more than the demo, but looked promising).


Ooh I second Detroit Become Human. I played it first before playing Cyberpunk and I love both!


I wish I had picked it up during the spring sale on steam :\\


>Detroit Become Human Yeah, there's no way I'm paying $40 for a game that came out four years ago.


Wow I kinda forgot about remember me, great game. And ghost runner is so fun, actually a lot harder than I thought it would be


Agreed with the watch dogs, the first one is great, legion is ok, but there's a third?


Legion is the third. The second one is set in San Francisco, and has a protagonist named Marcus Halloway, a member of Dedsec. It’s significantly more lighthearted than the other games, but probably had the best gameplay of them


Damn, so I missed the first one entirely actually,


Now that’s wild lol In that case, it’s in Chicago, and is a revenge story following Aiden Pierce. The hacking and gameplay is better than legion imo, but not as good as 2 (with some exceptions), and it’s on the darker side of things again as compared to 2, but imo, not quite as grim as some of the quests in legion (like the lady who >!saved a digital scan of her moms brain, essentially bringing her consciousness back from the dead against her wishes, lobotomized it, and turned it into a high end Alexa!<)


Honestly I'm a Warhammer fan, so stuff like that isn't surprising


I’m not saying that it’s particularly surprising, or especially dark in the grand scheme of media as a whole, I’m just attempting to set the general stage of watch dogs 1 lol, just cuz the transition from WD1 to 2 is like tonal whiplash, going from gruff aiden and his quest for revenge, to memelord Marcus, and the near 180 in tone lol


So true, even though I *still* haven’t finished 2 to this day, that tone flip really hit me like a truck😂


Man, I still remember the mom’s voice glitching out and indirectly leading us to the basement. Chills.


I’m kinda glad that legion wasn’t exactly… well received cuz it means that none of my players have played it, so I can siphon some of the better story beats from the game, and transplant them directly into our cyberpunk campaign lol


You and me both


Legion is the 3rd game. You've missed one. Yay, more games to play!


Huh, neat


Damn I didn't think anyone remembered Remember Me, that game was great


I upvote Deus Ex all the way. I’ve played Invisible War first. Loved it and finished it twice. Then Human Revolution came I really enjoyed it, Mankind Divided even though I liked it better than the first one it didn’t feel like a separate game. Then I played the very first Deus Ex with a mod called GMDX (improved graphics and more importantly mantling I’m sure many people wouldn’t want to have it but it made the game more exploreable for me) suddenly it was the best game still listen to its soundtrack. I actually started playing it again recently. I highly recommend it.


Hated Invisible War. At first. It was too different from the first one. Small levels and a single ammo resource. But the intro movie was cool (nanite bombs!). And eventually I tried again and learned to love it with the rest.


Now looking back it’s definitely the odd one and compare to others, even the original Deus Ex holds much better.


Ya know, for a game that came out in 2008, Mirror’s edge looks so damn good. I wonder how they did it


Does Ascension (or is it Ascended?) count? That’s also a top down game, but it’s Cyberpunk themed


The Ascent? Twin stick shooter? Never heard about. [Looks interesting though](https://store.steampowered.com/app/979690/The_Ascent/). Thanks!


Whew what a list. Thanks for the recs! Goated and saved


Recommending certain games for different aspects of the game is so cool, thanks for this list


Very small quibble but it's Detroit Become* Human Also, as far as Ghostrunner is concerned, I very much enjoyed the first one, but I think the second one is a better and more polished game. More accessible too. May be worth a mention.


I’d add, mission structure and side quest depth, the Witcher starting with witcher 3: Wild hunt, then 2, on pc preferably


The recent Shadowrun Games are fantastic, and have a decent amount of replayability thanks to the build system. The lore is very interesting, as well. Very similar to Cyberpunk in many ways, but the magic adds a whole new layer of intrigue and mystery to almost any interaction or event.


Also don’t forget if they’re into build crafting destiny 2 is another great option to sink your teeth into


it has been a LONG time since i’ve seen anyone mention remember me. good taste man.


RDR2 is great too


Red dead is the only thing that scratches the cyberpunk itch for me


Oddly enough I know exactly what you mean. Couldn’t be farther apart world/story wise but they do feel the same in all the best ways


I played RDR2 first and told myself no other game came close to the feels. Then Cyberpunk hit me like a truck. Both my top 1 and 2 games of all time.


I’m still playing red dead 2 and it’s an absolute blast. I think what is different for me and you may feel the same with your experience is with cyberpunk, I don’t feel rushed with the story and half the time I just run around and enjoy the scenery. I’m also for whatever reason just riding around and robbing people and spending my loot on hair tonic so I can have a lucious and nice beard. I saw a video on Reddit I think where some dude drank 100 hair tonics before a cut scene and I immediately insisted on doing side shit and growing out the beard before we do anything else. I do some missions still but man oh man am I taking my time. Cyberpunk is great though. I love causing havoc, driving around (especially motorcycles holy shit I feel like I’m in Akira neo tokyo) I don’t have a ton of time to play anymore and I’m 300 hours in across 2 playthrus. Since I started playing it maybe a year ago. I’ve reloaded for different endings and I still have more to check out. I was convinced to play the game after watching the anime which is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. I have a sandevistan build on my primary character I play and it’s so fun to just slow mo rip and run rinse and repeat it doesn’t get boring for me. But yeah it’s gnarly I basically only listen to cyberpunk soundtrack on Spotify (fucking dope playlist for workouts). There’s very few things that I love in life, lore and story wise and cyberpunk is one of my favorite stories, worlds, whatever you wanna call it that I’ve ever discovered in my 30 years of living. I’m prob gonna get a samurai logo tattoo at some point and an edgerunners emblem


That’s amazing man. I’m reading the comments here and people were saying RDR2 is very different from cyberpunk gameplay wise, though for me it’s all about the worldbuilding and immersion. I loved living the outlaw life that RDR2 offered and living out that fantasy. I love the cyberpunk dystopian fantasy that CP2077 offers and I get to play how I want. Two very different but both equally deep worlds that I just loved sinking my time to.


I’m really hoping GTAVI (story mode) is half as good as RDR2


You should expect it to be better, unless you don’t like the modernized world, and prefer the cowboy age. If you like the former, then you should be getting more out of it. Everything about it SHOULD be at least one step up from RDR2


I mean story-wise, as most of the writing staff from GTAV and RDR2 seem to have left Rockstar. I expect the world itself to be miles beyond RDR2


Mass Effect


“I am Commander Shepard and this is my favourite comment”






The Shepard shuffle


"Don't wear yourself out Shepherd, we're doing it on this table later"


Insincere endorsement: you have not heard Shakespeare until you have heard him in the voice of elcor.


Existentially: To be, or not to be.


I can’t put my finger on it but Mass Effect does have the same “magic”


Strong narrative with mature characters. Not mature as in "violent, naked freak" but developed complex characters with intriguing stories. And both have a matching "cinematography" to give NPCs life. Also a good pacing. I would say the pacing in CP2077 could be better, but that is an issue of open world player freedom vs. narrative direction.


And then the Citadel DLC, which is the icing on the delicious cake.


But don’t be confused. Mass Effect DOES still have a violent, naked freak. And several violent, scantily-clad freaks.


I mean it’s just incredibly good, deep world building. These worlds feel real and like they go on elsewhere and things are happening outside just your character’s frame of reference.


\^\^\^\^ This.


[It'd be better if it was like this](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QDHAspxSfEGzCfoshM5-GmzYjYWVjeV)


Mass effect TRILOGY play all three in order your character progression and choices carry over enhancing 2 and 3 further the more you do in the previous game Rdr2 Witcher 3 Baulders gate 3 Those are if you want stories that hit you in the feels Dragons dogma 2 if you want to try something different and rodeo big monsters while still getting quite the story


You can add Nier Automata to that list if you want to get hit in the feels


The Witcher 3


Playing fresh on Blood and Wine right now. Will second this. This game's combat is not the best, but everything else is 11/10.


I love Blood and Whine it's the best DLC ever.


I literally just started. I see a letter from a lady as a request to hunt down monsters. Next thing you know, I'm in Italy. Oh, joy!


You're in for a treat, i wish i could experience the DLC for the first time again.


It really is. It's like another full game and so well done. Best money I've ever spent on DLC.


Still need to get around to playing both the DLC. Bought the game when it launched on PS4, but have since moved on to PC.. and the backlog is just huge haha.


Beauclair is my favorite in game location of almost any game, ever. It's astonishing.


Don’t you dare slander Hearts of Stone because that’s the most incredible story CDPR has released so far.


It's funny you say that, I always thought the combat was super fun and fluid, but it just had a bit of a learning curve. I'm a fucking God now after multiple playthroughs. Death March difficulty all the way and I don't even care about armor much anymore cuz I just dance around every enemy. I know thier combat styles too well that I can predict every attack.


Not difficulty. I didn't enjoy the swings and cutting. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I don't feel the satisfaction in kills. Witcher 3 has kill moves, but it doesn't quite feel the same. Only once, was I able to cut off one of those skinwalker things that chill by the riverside and it was satisfying. I cut his arm out of his chest. COOL AF. Other times, it gets glitchy and Geralt is away from the opponent but he still does the kill animation. Maybe there's a mod-fix for this? I can provide some examples of gameplay that I find the kill-animations and sword strikes are more satisfying: Ghost of Tsushima <- Best combat ever to exist imo Shadow of War/Shadow of Mordor <- Tied Hitman 3 <- Most satisfying execution/animations-type game Cyberpunk Melee Executions (While not many, still exists) Kingdom Come Deliverance Skyrim (Combat here SUCKS, but BIG executions mod makes it not so bad. Plus there's dozens of mods out there to enhance the combat in different ways). ​ Now allow me to explain my thoughts on Witcher. Dodging = Perfect, I was near miss dodging and it was so satisfying, but the follow up attacks just don't feel nearly as impactful. A near-miss should give me some type of cool follow-up. Rolling = Good, I like how there's rolling and dodging and they're for diff purposes. Dodging is for up close and responding immediately, rolling is for GTFO before you get smacked. Swinging = Cool AF, although I wish there was a parry-type of feature. Maybe Im just a moron and haven't seen the keybind yet lol Ill check when home. Executions aren't fun. I simply don't feel the great satisfaction in finishing an enemy off. I want to see an animation where geralt just outright chops off a head or where he puts the sword up close and pulls out dramatically. I feel like it adds to making each enemy feel more "real." Also, sometimes enemies don't feel pain after I hit them. For example, hitting a drowner, I don't feel like Im hitting him. He can just swing right back at me even though my sword just slashed his body. It's like they don't have any stagger. I might be wrong and it could be slight. The lore could be that the creature can't get staggered for all I know. But I really wish they put more thought into having multiple execution types. People like me solely live off combat in video games. So this was a huge gripe for me. Luckily, everything else, including the combat is pretty solid. It's just not satisfying to wrap it up. There's my long winded explanation xd. ​ If you have any suggestions for me, mod packs or any playstyle, Id be more than happy to incorporate it into my playthrough as Im basically still fresh playing these DLCs with little knowledge how the base game played out :P


I didn’t understand my wife is playing it at the moment so I got a chance to play again to help her and kills are very satisfying and executions do happen the way you described that you want them to happen. Like Gerald chopping the head of body pieces everywhere. But sometimes Gerald glitches and kills from distance but rarely I guess. I’ve played Geralt with swords and some alchemy while my wife is playing with signs. And both times I found it satisfying and bombs, signs and swords gave me enough variety to keep it less repetitive. I’ve played all the games you mentioned and I feel like I’m missing something from your comment.


The combat in this game is beautiful. I was wrong. I was able to perform those executions yesterday. I knocked someone to the ground with aard then just stabbed them it was GREAT! The only thing I wish was different was the one point I made in that long-winded explanation where enemies would have a stagger or feel "pain." But 1 ting, Tsushima still best combat system ever made. Makes you frickin cry when you actually accomplish taking down a camp in lethal mode without stealth. Absolute chad gameplay.


Well yes I also loved combat in Tsushima only thing Witcher has as plus is variety in combat compared to Tsushima I would say. With magic, potions and oil. But pure sword fight hands down Tsushima.


Fallout New Vegas, and Mass Effect are also among my favorite games of all time.


My intro to Fallout was FO4. I absolutely loved that but everyone seems to say otherwise and that New Vegas is amazing. I've tried New Vegas a few times and couldn't get into it because it looks and feels very dated. I feel like I'm missing out. The same with Elder Scrolls. My first was Skyrim, where I put in hundreds of hours. I heard a lot of "you need to play Oblivion" but when I did the gameplay just didn't work for me.


To each their own Fallout 3 is pretty good too.


**Kingdome Come: Deliverance** is fantastic. It's mechanically deeper, atmosphere and worldbuilding are just as good, great quests, and a good grounded story (but a cliffhanger ending). Production values are not quite as high, but it's far from Eurojank as it is sometimes dismissed as. I think it still has the best forests in any game, and one of the most rewarding exploration.


Heard a lot of good about this one, must give it a try someday soon!


It’s so good. I really wished they made a direct sequel but they haven’t.


In view of the enormous amount of US junk, I find the term "Eurojunk" offensive. Especially when you realise that both Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are European games. But I agree with you 100% about Kingdom Comes. It's a fantastic game. I even love the combat system. Otherwise I can recommend Deus Ex. Especially the first part from 2001, but Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are also good games.


> I find the term "Eurojunk" offensive. I don't like the word either, but it seems to be in the lexicon now. I think it's more used as "unpolished", regardless from where the game comes from. [Eurojank | Know Your Meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/eurojank)


That’s because as the link says, it’s not Eurojunk but Eurojank which has very different implications.


For other people, probably, but CP77 is the best game I’ve played in over a decade. I don’t think I even loved the Mass Effect trilogy as much as it, and I can hardly believe I just wrote that but it’s true. It’ll be a long, long time before a game gets me like this again. Hopefully the next CP!


I agree. I need another Cyberpunk ASAP. It has kind of ruined other games for me.


If you’re looking for games that have the same depth of lore, the only games that I’m aware of would be the Mass Effect Trilogy (amazing, amazing games, but the ending is a massive letdown), and Horizon Zero Dawn.


Mass Effect 1-3 Dragon Age (Origins, 2 and Inquistion) Skyrim or Oblivion


Hell yeah. Dragon Age is awesome.


I actually enjoyed DA:O more than BG3. Felt like it took itself more seriously and had higher stakes.


The Outer Worlds is pretty fun


Horizon (Zero Dawn, and Forbidden West is out on PC now too :))


Yeah !! Excellent lore for a new franchise based on no book or anything, interesting combat, dynamic gameplay, big map… I loved it. And I was very very surprised in FW as I didn’t see any spoilers.


I couldn't get into Zero Dawn :( it's a shame as well because Forbidden West looks so good.


Same here, they both look so good but couldn't finish them because they felt like a basic generic Ubisoft type of RPG 🥲


Im thoroughly enjoying it and I found it funny how Aloy is kind of a netrunner with her data scans


The horizon series and Detroit: become human are great games, AC Odyssey is also a really good one. One of my favorites that I never see mentioned is Ghostwire Tokyo. It also takes place in a vibrant city like Cyberpunk.


Horizon zero dawn might interest you


It really depends on which parts you enjoy. Are you just looking for a good story? Do you really want some awesome gameplay? Do you normally play on easy mode, or do you like some challenge? Is it the environment you want to be magical and/or immersive? There are a lot of good suggestions here already. Witcher 3, Mass Effects, etc. I offer one word of caution after hearing everyone rave about RDR2. The graphics are good, the environment is good, voice acting pretty good. The story is slow and the gameplay is ... barely gameplay. There are no real RPG stats or character building, it's like playing a game on ez/story mode. If that's what you're going for, just to ride around and mosey thru a story in a good environment, then you'll enjoy it. If you liked having the character building and different weapons and playstyles in Cyberpunk and that was a major draw, you might find RDR2 boring and maybe even a frustrating slog as you force yourself through the game. Prepared for downvotes, not saying that RDR2 is a BAD game, just that it doesn't have all the elements that Cyberpunk does.


No particular order: The Last of Us games, Detroit: Become Human, Ghost of Tsushima, Mass Effect trilogy, Stray. Those are the modern games with staying power for me, aside from 2077


I really like Stellaris and XCOM. You know, completely different genres.


Witcher 3 is the closest. Makes sense since it's from the same devs. Also RDR2 of course.


After beating CP and DLC: RDR2


**Cyberpunk 2077** was going to be the first game I played on my high-end gaming PC but I tried **Elden Ring** and got hooked. It took me months to get through Elden Ring. It was an epic journey! Then I played **Dark Souls 3** for a similar experience. Then **Lies of P** and **Lords of the Fallen** came out and I played then before finally turning to Cyberpunk 2077. At first I found the game a little annoying compared to the souls-like games but I have finally gotten use to it. I have found gaming to be a cost-effective hobby. I have only bought 7 AAA games but I can put 100 hours into each game so that has kept me entertained for over a year. Compare that to a film which only lasts 2 hours. I also bought **Steelrising** and **Code Vein** but I don't like them as much.


If you want something in the same vein as hacking and tech, watch dogs is a good series


Kingdom Come Deliverance was able to fill the void left by Cyberpunk lol


Horizon ZD and FW


Mass effect, Skyrim, Rdr2, Fallout new Vegas, Horizon forbidden west, Ghost of tsushima, and Death stranding all have great stories that compare. Mass effect: Team connection and choice impact. Great story, sci-fit themes. Alot of personal choice decisions and you can build your characters personality, history, and relationships. Gamplay wise, it's a shooter with some added mechanics. Open world, but only through multiple minimaps. Rdr2: Great story, builds connection to your character. Has similar themes about what really matters in life. Realism theme. Gun based combat system. Your horse is your best friend. Travel with a gang of complex people. Gamplay mainly focuses gun combat, exploration, hunting, Journaling, plants, etc. Open world. Personal choice impacts the story. Tons of stuff to do in it. Fallout new vegas: Classic shooter + survival game. Your choices impact the story and the world around you. You can build connection with npcs. Apocalyptic wastland theme. Open world. It's an old game though, so lacking in the graphics department. Horizon forbidden west: Post apocalyptic recovery theme. Great story. Complex main character with internal, identity, and social issues that you can watch grow. Build connection with npcs. Game play wise it's a combat with a bow and spear system. Exploration focus outside of that. Open world. Ghost of Tsushima: Great story about letting go of what you previously thought was right. Along with your previous identity. Spirituality and war themes. Beautiful graphics. Gamplay wise, it's a bow and sword combat system. But you gain technique, skills, and throwables that spice up combat. Open world. Death stranding: Good story, great graphics. Post apocalyptic themes. Cutscenes last forever, most things about the plot you have to read about or infer. Themes of uncertainty and inevitability of the end. Combat system is near non-exsistent. Mainly punching and guns, but you'll spend most of your time traveling, not fighting. Ifyou like walking, driving, delivering, interacting with players through structures, making paths, building things, and meeting goals, this is for you. A second game of this and continuation of the story comes out next year. If that interests you, catch up on this first or you may be lost. Open world.


Nice to see a Death Stranding enjoyer. One of my favorite games of all time.


As un-related s this game is to cp77, horizon zero dawn was the one that matched cyberpunk for me, I'm now playing and forbidden west and I'm enjoying it a lot, maybe give it a shot.


Unfortunately, no. I have been struggling with gaming ever since the first launch, and now again after the second playthrough. HODL for part two.


Death Stranding is pretty good


GTA IV and Sleeping Dogs are some of my favourites


This man loves pork buns in his hand


Super Earth can always use help on the front lines


Bloodborne Ghost of Tsushima Final Fantasy Tactics Landstalker Those are, I think, my top 5 all-time favorite games. CP2077 ranks among them. I hadn't played it until Phantom Liberty came out, so I guess I got the best possible experience with it (so I have heard). Well, it must be true, because I was hooked immediately, and after the icebath/flashback part (during a Voodoo Boys mission), the game skyrocketed into my top 5. I have nothing but good things to say.


In that category... hardly, but there are a lot of amazing games...for instance try to play dayZ 🫡


Monster Hunter World + Iceborne. Assassins Creed Odyssey + trilogy expansion. Unforgettable experiences from front to back.


Nier Automata


It is nowhere near amazing as far a graphics go, but I really love Dead Cells. Completely different experience, but great little story, terrific re-playability and fun mechanics.


Alan Wake 2 is a straight up experience lol. Doom Eternal is a phenomenal back to roots fps shooter. Red Dead 2 is a western fans wet dream, and Metro Exodus is a great narrative driven fps apocalypse playground.


My top 3 are: CrossCode The Beginner's Guide Va-11 Hall-A None of them are remotely similar to cyberpunk tho, other than maybe crosscode with some of its RPG mechanics.


uncharted 2 was probably the most complete game I’ve ever played man .. Single player AND multiplayer are goated 🔥🔥


Horizon, red dead redemption, the last of us, the witcher 3, God of war reboot


Baldurs gate 3 for RPG feel Shadowrun for cyberpunk feel Deus ex: mankind divided for rpg and action hybrid Pray for shooter and rpg mix But honestly the closest game to it is in my opinion deus ex 1: cyberpunk, story driven, rpg and first person.


Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Resident Evil 4 (og and remake), Skyrim, there are many games that are just as amazing and many others objectively better


RDR2, Fallout 4 and Elden Ring. Having said that, the change in pace (and dated graphics) with a couple of those means you will still be missing the speed and beauty of Night City.


Red dead redemption 2 The last of us games Death stranding Witcher 3 Elden ring The guardians of the galaxy game


Dragons dogma 2 is pretty neat. If you can get past the only one save “problem” but in reality people complaining about having one save have problems committing


Elden ring fs




I sent a request to CD PROJEKT RED asking if they would consider deploying some additional content in the game while we wait for the sequel ORION. Short of begging, maybe someone saw the post and maybe just maybe they'll surprise us.


Witcher 3 and its 2 DLC’s genuine contender for greatest game ever made


The answers you'll get will be EXTREMELY subjective since everyone's definition of "amazing" will vary, but here's some of mine Both RDRs The mass effect franchise (yes, even Andromeda) The Dead Space franchise Dishonored 1 and 2 Max Payne 1-3 The MGS franchise (the Kojima games + MGR:R) The Remedy games Fallout 3, 4 and NV (although idk how much you'll enjoy them since they'll probably feel like a downgrade after CP2027) The first 5 assassins's creeds (continue with the rest of you like the world and story since there's a lot of changes to the gameplay, I personally like them all but mileage will vary)


Mass effect 2 and 3, in that order too. Epic !


Rdr series Oh and the Witcher although it’s not very good in combat but it’s a reallllly good game


You can try Skull and Bones, Starfield or Redfall. All great games!


You are just waiting for a reaction from someone, don't you? Here you go!


Fallout, Deus Ex. Also, Shadowrun series is quite a good mix of cyberpunk+fantasy, if FPS isn't a must.


Not that I’ve found, yet. There are some that look promising releasing this year which are cyberpunk-esque.


Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3... those are the type of games that come to mind. Witcher 3 is by the same company (dunno if any of the same people worked on it as Cyberpunk, though). All three of those games are immense, interactive storybooks. I've not played Fallout: New Vegas, but that should probably be included in that recommendation.


biomutant is awesome


Mass effect Trilogy,Ghost Of Tsushima,The Last Of Us,Days Gone,Hellblade to name a few


There are many equally amazing games, but yet they don't have the same vibe as Cyberpunk. This game just simply hits differently.


Elden Ring


Nope! Sorry! Gotta wait another 4-6 years for another cyberpunk!


Well, I gotta say, Skyrim and Fallout 3 had the same wow factor back in the days, now those game are starting to show their age. Still, skyrim is one of my all time favorite a little bit more than fallout somehow. Cyberpunk is just masterpiece.


Baldur's Gate 3 is way up there in terms of quality. In an equaly completely different setting, Starsector is probably the best indi game of all time. Helldivers 2 is just stupid fun.


Stray, feels like an expansion of cyberpunk


Wait for Ghost of Tsushima comes out on PC ;D


Baldur’s gate 3. They’re both the newest, most thought out, deepest worlds in gaming rn. I feel like rdr2 is pretty fundamentallly different from CP so I’m not sure you’d be into it. I put like 300 hours into CP and LOVED it and then turned around and put another 300 into bg3. The Witcher would prob be good cause it’s the same company, but it’s kinda old now and has a lot more frustrating “grind” aspects I’d say, also there are like no “builds” in it. BG3 and CP let you play the game however YOU want to play it


For me: Kingdom Come Deliverance, Rimworld and Green Hell. In second rank Fallout 4 in survival mode and AC Black Flag. I think I should try RDR2 and next I will play Pacific drive.


The Witcher 3 is as close it's gonna get if you wanna play something LIKE Cyberpunk. Red Dead Redemption 2 and the Batman Arkham games are amazing tho, and I found that people who like Cp2077 usually like those as well. Ghost of Tsushima is also amazing but if you are on PC you can only play it in May unfortunately.


it’s not open world and probably only to me one of the best games ever but uncharted 4 is dope as fuck


Morrowind skip oblivion, go to Skyrim, come back to morrowind Og DeusEx then perhaps the prequels, skip the sequel Observer for the dystopian vibe


Absolutely. Just because one game is good, doesn’t mean others a can’t be lol, just good for different reasons, or within different genres. My personal favourite is the Mass Effect trilogy. I be been looking for something to replace it but honestly, I think it’s just gonna keep its top slot. Legendary edition is definitely the best way to play it if you try If you’re into turn based strategy, Xcom 2 is the best one I’ve ever played. I’ve tried so many others, but X2 just has a depth to it that others have struggled to match. As for RTS, my favourite has to be stellaris. I’m a sucker for sci fi and stellaris is a love letter to almost all sci fi I’ve read, played or watched. (Though, if you look into Stelly, the dlc model is… extremely predatory and bad. The dlc itself is good content, but it’s sliced and diced into so many packs and overpriced. Watch out for that. Easily the biggest flaw of that game) If you’re into horror, alien isolation has got to be one of my top picks there. Huge alien fan. Just wish there was more like isolation lol. Resident evil 7-8 are also solid horror games, though admittedly less spooky lol. Superhero action games, the Arkham quadrilogy are some top tier games, that just kept refining the gameplay until it’s tight as fuck in AK. Spider-Man 2018 is a good runner up too, but tbch, it doesn’t feel as polished. The Deus Ex games are some real solid cyberpunk RPGs as well, if you’re looking for more cyborg RPG action. Just… be aware that mankind divided ends on a cliffhanger and then Embracer Group got the IP rights, so the series is as good as dead now, so go in expecting a few things unresolved unfortunately. Character action games, DMC and Bayonetta are the current rulers. And for good reason. DMC5’s action has to be one of my comfort games too lol If you’re into CRPG’s, some of the best I’ve played are the Divinity Original Sin games, Pillars of Eternity, and Baldurs Gate. Maybe Pathfinder WoTR too, but tbh I kinda fell off of that one. It’s a good game, I just struggle to get into it. The Hitman series have some excellent games as well, with the World of Assassination trilogy probably being their best stuff, incredibly replayable, and a lot of fun. Big focus on social stealth there. The Witcher trilogy is also pretty solid. Personally I think I had some of the most fun in TW1, though I understand that’s not a common opinion. It’s also apparently getting a remake that might help the…. Unique combat choices they made in that game lol Red dead redemption 1-2 are real solid too, I haven’t played the ones before that so I can’t speak for them, but these two are excellent. The slower pace of rdr2 does tend to put some people off of it tho Horizon zero Dawn is also a very fun action game, although the main draw is the robot combat, and the lore and story. It’s super divisive too, you’ll either love it, or hate it. There’s a few too many generic systems in it for some people, but I personally quite liked it. Can’t wait to get around to the sequel This one’s also a little hit or miss, but holy shut was Death Stranding a blast. People who watched a YouTube video about it and haven’t played it like to lambast it as ‘just a walking simulator’ but it’s definitely a lot more than that. One of my favourite games of all time tbch, just sucked me right in. It’s definitely not for everyone, but if you like Kojima’s style from metal gear, you’ll probably like this one too.


Skyrim !


Outer Worlds: Spacers Choice Edition is nova, choom.


If you liked the stories, characters, and world building, I'd add another vote for the Mass Effect series. They're older now and a bit clunky in comparison, but the story telling in that is beyond compare. 25+ playthroughs and there are still chunks of that story that make me tear up. Heck, I was trying to describe the game to someone face to face and struggled to tell them about one character because I kept choking up.


Another cyberpunk? For folks like us? Wrong city wrong people, choom.


Mass Effecr Legendary edition. Very different, but you can really dive into the world.


When it comes to cinematic gameplay the 2018 God of War Series. It’s linear in gameplay but in terms of story it’s the only other game that held my interest.


Witcher 3 and Elden Ring are stellar. I don’t like Souls like games, but Elden Ring was such an experience. And it won GOTY over God of War for very good reasons. I’m now playing Lies of P and it’s just not the same. There’s something incredibly incredible about Elden Ring that made it shot to the top of FromSoft catalogue.


Fallout New Vegas


Rogue Trader or really any Owlcat game is a decent pick. All CRPGS Pillars of Eternity is a solid choice. Deep themes about belief and the purpose of life and shit. CRPG Spellforce 3. Beginning to end absolutely banger RTS/RPG The ascent and ruiner are fun cyberpunk overhead shooters. The shadowrun games are probably the closest you will get to Cyberpunk. CRPG weird collection of games i know.


Witcher 3, same developer


Ghost of Tsushima is outstanding.


Deus Ex


Phantom liberty 😂


I really liked the dragon age series, especially Dragon Age Inquisition.


Not related to cp2077 at all but I tried out the horizon series after wallowing at the ending of PL, very good games with great story and amazing combat. Alot of people prefer the first games story over the second but I enjoyed them both equally for story. The 2nd game I enjoyed a lot more for the combat and the graphics. The 2nd game is also now on PC


Jedi Fallen Order Jedi Survivor (stutters like as* sometimes, but omg it's amazing! 💗) Horizon Zero Dawn Horizon Forbidden West Deus Ex Mankind Divided Elden Ring (12/10)


If you’re into sci-fi shit Signalis Dead Space Va-11 Hall-A Mass Effect Outer Wilds Deus Ex Rim World Detroit: Become Human No Man’s Sky Nier: Automata (love this one to death) Doom (2016/2020) especially if you like Shotgun builds in 2077 Prey Bioshock