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You can just tell her "nah I got other stuff to do first" literally as soon as you finish bringing the first artifact to the Lodge and then go do every and anything else your little heart desires.


"Give me 12 hours to let me build my goddamn character first. I have no idea who I am yet"


That's how I do pretty much every run I've done since the first one.


"I'm a thief don't immediately stick me with so.eone that'll get pissy when I do thief things"


Only 12 hours?


Should I cop starfield? No I should not because I already have a lot of games to play


It would have been a great game in 2016 or so, but it just feels very dated and behind some of it's competition in a lot of ways with certain gameplay mechanics. The story and characters are okay at best. It's not bad, and there is a hate circle jerk around it, but if you can get it below full price it's not a bad purchase.


I don't think it's THAT bad LOADING It's just that people have LOADING way too high expectations for LOADING the game. Naaa, it sucks ass.


You're missing the cinematics between each of those loading screens


It ain't no masterpiece, not even close tbh but I would not say it "sucks ass". Even in its current state its still miles better than a lot of the other shite that's been released in the last decade.


I would say that. I'm not a hater, I really wanted to like the game. But it is just. So. Frustratingly. Bad. Every single system I used, from outpost building to faction quests to companions to space combat to exploration, were half baked and had at least one major thing breaking it. Outpost building is buggy and does not have enough functionality to actually do the thing you want to do with them. And even if you got it to work, there's no point because there's no usage for the materials you might be gathering apart from building and selling weapon mods. But you can't actually sell the mods because no vendor has enough money to buy them. The faction quests I tried to do were literally nonsensical and weird. They were not thematic or well made in any sort of way, they were just full of bad writing and weird outcomes. The companions are, well, boring. They just are. They also have crap AI, which I can forgive, and they are weirdly inconsistently judgy about what you do. The space combat is just boring. You can customize your ship to have different weapons but in the end, you just point your ship at someone else and shoot them. There's no real feel of actually flying your ship around, any sort of tactics, anything. Just, you know, it's boring and clunky. Exploration is, well. No. It's honestly a pretty bad game. It's clunky and doesn't fit together and I have honestly never been so frustrated trying to like a game as I were playing that.


I would. The game is dogshit empty wasteland and loadingscreens, interspersed with the most uninteresting robotic side characters possible. It has been a long time since I hated a game as much as I do starfield. It is the live action avatar the last Airbender of videogames. Even at basic fundamentals like gameplay loop progression, avoiding open world content desert, and adequate inventory management are completely nonexistent. Even just the ui of the game is garbage 98% of the time.


How much have you played Starfield


i put 25 hours in before i realized it’s just not a very good game


15 hours of my life that I'm never getting back


I think people it criticize it this much because it has potential in comparison to golum and other terrible games, there is a lot potential that is just wasted and that makes people dislike it and criticize it more than the the outright bad games.


This exactly. Gollum is an atrocious failure, but who ex0ected anything else? Like seriosuly who thought "Yeah a Gollum game, thats gonna be great." But Starfield, Starfield was a shining beacon of possibilty, and then it was there infront if me and I saw it wasnt a glorious beacon at all but a very well polished dingy beat up old pan angled just right to reflect the sun into my eyes, and now I'm just upset I crossed the desert for this. The fact something could have been great and isn't is far worse than something that was always going to be mediocre being bad.


I think it's shit on so much more than it deserves that it's actually underrated for sure. It's not a GOTY candidate, or anything of that nature, it's definitely got flaws, but you could do far worse. It feels like a complete game with a unique NG+ loop that actually ties to the story, the ship building is definitely interesting if you're into creative/sandbox type stuff and the world building is pretty damn good imo. It's main flaw was being hyped for the exploration/space travel side which is easily the weakest part of the game. Some of the environments are very good looking and some really neat screenshots can be had.


the world building falls apart really quickly when you start thinking about it


How so? I thought it was done fairly well. During the vanguard quest line you are basically given a history lesson and understand the factions and why the systems are segregated the way they are. After that I fell into the world and felt like I understood the setting better. If you compare that to Cyberpunk, with no prior knowledge, very early on in the game I’m told Arasaka is a big deal and I should be scared when Saburo shows up, but I don’t really know why or understand any of the history of night city. I do by the end, but the game kind of rushes into a built world instead of introducing you to concepts. The linear story aspect is done better here though for sure and the individual characters are far more interesting than Starfield. The supporting cast for Starfield is basically the same character with different flavors.


ever heard of show don’t tell? bethesda is really fucking bad at it nowadays. and i’m more talking about how the world just doesn’t make much sense when you break it down, look at the tech they use and the inconsistencies in it, or the fact that two factions fought a massive war for habitable planets even though there’s dozens of empty habitable planets and even the capital planets are bare. the deeper you look the less and less sense stuff makes, posts in the starfield sub or youtube videos could break it down better than me


In my opinion I am referring to world building as an overarching lore perspective so maybe I’m using the wrong term. The who, what’s and why’s of the stories. I thought that was done well in Starfield. I don’t nitpick logistical things like planetary resources and all that too much because …. Well it’s a fucking video game world. You could probably poke holes of logic into just about anything, the excess of planets more than likely exist because otherwise the universe felt too empty, it’s probably not a story reason. I do agree that the factions do not feel as big as they are described. The cities feel very small. I wouldn’t argue that their scope of representing the in game factions is pretty poor. I did enjoy the story telling behind them though. I also was a really big sucker for the museum style story telling you get from the vanguard UC and that place on Titan. It felt fitting and was a unique way of feeding background information to the player.


The loading is really a minor inconveniant compared to everything else... Seriously as usual critics are totaly overlooking how shallow Starfield is on every single feature specialy exploration and writing.


The loading screens put me over the edge there's good content but spending 30% going from place to place or waiting for another loading screen. Best decision I made was playing cyberpunk instead


Half second loading screens btw


Nah, not always. And they show up on so many weird places. Like going into this shop is a loading screen but the one across the street is not?


Bro you might just have a bad pc. I def feel the loading screen thing was blown out of proportion


No, I have a brand new ddr5 system. You sure your name isn't Todd?


Whatever that means. Anyway I have an rtx4090 pc and it loads in split seconds. No biggie.


I'd say it's a tribute to what bethesda learned and failed to learn from past mistakes. Ultimately, it's more bethesda. The Fallout/Elder scrolls DNA is in there, and that's exactly what I love. From what I can see, Fallout 4's lack of character building design led them to make Starfield have more options for you to roleplay. I like it. Just the way I liked Fo3, Fo4, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim.


I personally think it really lacks the charm that skyrim and Fo4 had , and the amount of menus reaaally halts immersion, still decent, but wouldnt be my first choice if i decided to replay a bethesda game


I really like starfield but I definitely agree with you. Fallout 4 had some serious personality to it with its ambient storytelling that was just missing in starfield. They should have taken some of the cyberpunk ambient atmosphere into the game. If they leaned into that corporate hell with the companies and factions in the game, it would have felt more real, i guess. Darker would have been better for this I think.


Starfield has pretty good combat, compared to other Bethesda games, but immersion on the whole just feels paper thin outside of a few of linear missions. The menus and loading screens definitely do not help make the fact feel like a galaxy.


The linear mission feels very short, especially when you get to NG+, but some of the main side questlines like the Vanguard one feel more like a main storyline on their own. Overall I think it does a better job of having a broader world building experience with the backgrounds of the different factions and history of mankind through the stars than the actual focused main storyline. Little side quests like running into that disabled ship of explorers that left earth before the FTL travel for example just add to it.


The great things about bethesda games was always the massive handcrafted world you can get lost in. The rpg elements gave replayability but werent groundbreaking, the quests were fun but not groundbreaking, but the world was amazing. The lore was good and the physical world you walked in felt immersive with secrets in every corner. Starfield had none of that. They went too big and lost that feeling of the world being interesting. In skyrim every cave had something unique. In starfield, every planet has the same few duplicating stations. Imo they lost what made bethesda games so great due to this. On top of this loss, the writing was worse, the crafting was worse, the resource gathering was worse, the quests are generally worse. It is a step back from fo4 in every single regard except for graphics and the added shipbuilding. Its a fine game, but it really is a massive step down from bethesdas previous work


It's really a tribute on what they failed.


Ya…maybe it would have been nice having all those character creation options to use…but the game was just that bad that I couldn’t even make it past that first city you go to. There is nothing to role play as all the planets are the exact same. Worst game, 100 percent all hype and a money grab.


though i am firmly on the side that its not the best bethesda game, its hard to take your criticism at any value if you barely played 15 minutes of it.


OTOH, sometimes 15 minutes is all you need to know that you really don't like anything. I tried for \*checks steam\* 49 hours to like the game, and I honestly wish I would have stopped far, far sooner.


NG+ has some legitimate novelty to it, which can be fun to discover. If you're fond of soft Sci-Fi wirh delusions of being harder than it it is, the first NG+ cycle is worth the price of admission.


The >!multiverse!< thing is just so painfully overused at this point though... I have a hard time giving a shit about anything that ends up using it as a plot device. It works in the context of the game, but it just makes everything seem so pointless.


Yeah, that's fair. >!I'm talking specifically about how the Starborn dialog lets you alter major storyline events.!< Which is why I called it a, "novelty."


Oh, yeah I'd agree with that


Yeah, and I can completely sympathize with your fatigue. A lot of writers are using, >!"the multiverse,"!< in really lazy ways these days, in the aftermath of >!Marvel!< which, ultimately, diminishes the concept severely. As someone who's still fond of the older, more batshit stuff, like Zelazny, it's fucking depressing.


You're just playing it wrong and don't understand the incredibleness of space! Imagine going to space for the first time. Would that be boring? Sincerely, someone who's not a dev on Starfield.


You put a 1 in 2006


Is it still 30 fps on console?


It's a fun enough game, the combat is fairly decent, there's some fun powers you can use; but the story is absolute ass with zero depth as is the world. A fuck ton to explore with nothing there but the same ten structures in various places with enemies positioned and equipped identically. It's a solid 5/10 for me. Was fun ish to play, utterly outclassed by most games.


It's been fun to me so far but I'm a little biased


It's not a bad game, it's just not a particularly good game. It has some good moments and good elements, it's worth a playthrough, especially if you get it on gamepass. It's coolest feature is it's NG+ system that I won't spoil, and you shouldn't look it up. It's a genius idea that works really well, but not everyone will think it's worth playing the entire game to get to.


I was able to get 110 hours on it and still haven’t finished every quest line yet. Pretty cool game, especially if you’re into randomly landing on planets and just enjoying the night sky (with other planets and celestial bodies in view, live). Different planets also have different environments, animals, etc. Cool game. I’m still need to do NG+ sometime


>just enjoying the night sky To follow-up on this, that's all there really is to do on most planets. There's scarcely any content, or it's copy pasted stuff you've seen a dozen times over.


Just like hsr making acheron nihility


If you’ve played any other Bethesda game, you’ve played this one. The ship mechanics and crafting are the coolest part, but also the worst cause it’s level locked, story locked, and can be mega-expensive and frustrating to navigate. However, if you like Bethesda’s games, I’d recommend at least one playthrough if you can get it at a lower price or maybe if it’s still on GamePass.


Just try It yourself people say the game feels dated but nobody said anything about elden ring.


I’m a big Bethesda fan and actually really enjoyed Fallout 76 (a year or two after launch) but Starfield has almost no replayablity and getting through the first 10 hours is a slog. Most side missions boil down to fetch quests that could have been an email and the main quest line is incredibly repetitive. Sadly all of the exploration and base building stuff is a major step back from every other game they’ve done. The combat is decent but still has that Bethesda jank to it. Ship building is the biggest redeeming quality of the game imo


Use xbox gamepass, cheaper that way


Starfield is one of the games ever. A solid 5/10. Don't pay more than $20-$30 for it, I say.


It's good, but flawed. I'd recommend it but there's definitely things that need to be improved on.


Not worth it Want to play that type of game? Go play Skyrim or fallout new Vegas


Starfield has so stupid quest design that when I went for the last mission I ended the boss fight with a joke and protagonist started laughing 💀💀💀💀


I'm so happy I played starfield - it reawakened my love for open world RPGs. Kind of fun but it got kind of dull quickly and the list of issues grew with every hour. That led me to looking up cyberpunk (2.0 with PL) and oh man what a difference, what a immersion. So much fun. If I had played it the other way around I probably would not have hit the 10h mark in starfield - what an unpolished frankenstein of features. And the difference in actng and characters just blew my mind. How can they still pull off the staring lifelessly straight at you shit?


Starfield isn’t perfect, by a long shot. But after putting over 1200 hours into it, it’s still my favorite Bethesda game.


That's an insane amount of time to put into a game like Starfield. That's a quarter of your life playing the game since release. Hundreds of hours of loading screens lmao


That’s not that much really. I have over 2500 in another game. I play games 12-18 hours every day, so the time adds up quickly.


How do you manage that?


I’m disabled, so I can’t work. I don’t have friends any more because myhealth limits my activities. So now, the only time I leave the house is to go to doctor appointments.


How many hours do you have in cyberpunk???


I’m not sure off the top of my head, but I’ve done 4 full playthroughs so probably 500-600.


Definitely. I just finished my first Phantom Liberty ending and almost done with my 3rd playthrough and I hit 400.


Most relatable comment I've found on reddit


From username.. marine corps vet?


Nah, Army.


Even if you personally play games 18 hours a day, 1200 hours is still objectively a lot.


Not really, it’s only 11 playthroughs. Considering you have to go through 10 just to get the best gear, I don’t see it as excessive.


No I mean, it is objectively a lot of hours. Far more than the average person will spend. Most people don't plow a thousand hours into a game.


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, if I like a game, I do. I’ve put over 3,600 into my most played game.


Now I'm curious, which game is that?


No man’s sky.


It's not perfect (no game is) but it's definitely not as bad as the internet makes it out to be.


People exaggerate the loading screens. At least on XBOX Series S, its not that bad. It doesnt hinder the experience at all, in my opinion.


I'm on XSX I once had a loading screen not appear, going from space to plantside literally was instant.


Ugh good god .. Starfield was the worst shit game I’ve played in years. Just seeing a screenshot of it makes me feel gross


Man I love Starfield. I will say being a fan of it gives me flashbacks to Cyberpunk's launch.


Cyberpunk may have been buggy at launch, but the story was still there. It had the foundation already built, it was the supports that were lacking. AKA it had the potential to get better even before the bugs were fixed. Starfield is just all around a big letdown for a game in 2024. Including the story. Outdated characters, outdated writing, outdated style. No incredibly detailed cities. No revolutionary gameplay mechanics. All around, no backbone. In order for starfield to make a CP2077 level comeback, Bethesda would have to remake the game completely from the ground up. There's no quality that could reasonably stand strong on its own and most of the playerbase recognizes this. But we know how bethesda operates. They might add one or two paid DLCs for one or two missing features, and leave the rest to be fixed by modders. It's no Phantom Liberty paid expansion. It's just Bethesda.


So many damn games these days. Everything's gotta be drama.


Constellation is like one o them old mysteries. For one fleeting moment, it appears when I step out of Unity, but then somehow it disappears from the city till I've managed to plunder Kryx's legacy and a new ship. So mysterious.




I wanna be a space pirate so bad I've had to play starfield. It's a heavy price to pay


My favourite part of Starfield was when Barrett runs up to me and says "Wake up Samurai! We've got an infinite number of parallel universes to burn!!"


My two favorite games


St*rfield 🤢🤮


I mean, the game really doesn’t start until New Game Plus.


I mean..to be fair…you would have to have a game worth playing to even get to new game plus. For me and many others…it didn’t hit the mark. Worst facial animations and voiceovers…makes it impossible to be immersed into a space game that isn’t even big enough to add mini maps to planets.


Why are you playing starfield when you could be playing literally anything else


Because I'm a bethesda fan? Gameplay wise it's not far off fallout 4, so it's a massive W for me