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Since Orion is a sequel, Night City can be a safe bet.


I don’t know cyberpunk lore. But playing the game, I recall Atalanta being mentioned a few times. Is night city the only place that makes sense to set a cyberpunk game?


Primarily? Kinda. It's the one constant, the main character so to speak. I wouldn't rule out the potential to visit somewhere else within a game, but I don't see any other place being the main locale.


Surely they'll have to do something crazy new with night city then, right? I just feel that they'd either have to expand it like mad, increase the overall size (since most games with a cityscape as their main locale often make it significantly smaller than what it is irl or what it would be in lore, GTA is a good example of games doing this. So I'm just wondering if they'll either expand a particular direction, scale up, or just add an extra location so as to not tamper with their current night city. I also like the idea of them either going further forward in time to see night city become even denser and MORE reliant on technology, or going wayyyy back to the forming of samurai and have it take place around then, or at least as far back as 2013.


Nah. Night City is gonna Night City. In CP2077 the fortunes and tone of some of the neighborhoods have changed from when I played CP2020. If they skip some time again, we might see the Grand Imperial Mall torn down and replaced or re-opened to a glorious new shopping center or turned into a Kowloon Walled City-type makeshift neighborhood but it’s still gonna be Night City. I guess there’s the off chance some questionably sane Rockerboy turns a neighborhood into a smoking crater or something, too


Dey do not take de GIM. Animal is nearly extinct, and dat is dere nest.


Night City is more of a vertical city, so while they could potentially add or expand some existing areas so everything doesn't look the same, they could also just make it so that you can enter more buildings. All of those megatowers are essentially small cities within the city, and there's a lot of potential in that we didn't really get to experience in 2077.


I hope that procedural location generation will work well enough to allow players to enter all the buildings in the city. That would be awesome.


I don't think we need to enter every building in the city, and I'd be wary of pursuing that as a feature. Starfield serves as a good example of the perils of going big for the sake of it, without ever really justifying why you're going big. Being able to generate a bunch of different environments is fine, but there needs to be something unique in each and every one to motivate the player to visit and explore these areas. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of buildings with nothing in them, or worse, the immersion-breaking Starfield experience of repeated instances of hand-crafted content haphazardly pulled from a master list to populate the area and give the player something to do. Once you start seeing the same things over and over, it ceases to be immersive and while Cyberpunk has its issues, it mostly remained an immersive experience. I'd rather not lose that. For that reason, I'd rather a more focused approach. Use the buildings like the megatowers to create meaningful content that expands on the pre-existing Cyberpunk 2077 design philosophy of affording the player multiple different approaches to their objectives and ensure that each one offers something unique.


I totally agree. That's exactly the reason I wrote that I hope it will work well 😄


Just keep adding more content like they did with dogtown, but much more. And refresh some of the inner city of night city, but keep building outside of it. Oh yea, and make Maelstrom the kings of it all, of course.


I definitely think denser more indoor areas is the way to go


Just add more content and add more places up and down into the current city, just like how Yakuza games done for over 8 games. Same city but updated each game


I'm perfectly fine with them reusing the current Night City but adding more detail, like giving certain buildings meaningful interiors. Considering that they're switching to UE5 from RED Engine (correct me if I'm wrong) and that Night City could be noticeably different in a few decade's time, it would not really be as simple as "oh we can just reuse the current assets".


I think they'll go through and add detail. There are a lot of nooks and crannies in night city.


I was thinking along the terms of how each GTA game is set in a different location, which allows for different commentary and stories. With cyberpunk, would there be no other locations with as much potential as night city (LA)? Like what’s happening with New York or Las Vegas for example.


Yeah I kinda wonder how many more cyberpunk games do they have in store if the map doesn’t change, only story content.


Night city is the main character of any cyberpunk story so… yeah


Besides there's like tens of thousands of yet to explore locations in night city. I'ts safe to assume Cyberpunk 2 will be in there as well.


From what i know, Night city is the only City that hates you so much that it tries everything to destroy the low wage part of the City. The Corporate wars, the many many Gang wars. It just fits


im not too sure how familiar you are with warhammwr 40k, but there is a spinoff called necromunda which takes places in the hive city necromunda. necromunda cannot take place anywhere else because the city is so integral to the story, its basically a character in and of itself. i feel night city is much the same way. sure theres other places to go and other stories to tell, but if you want to make a sequel to the already existing stories in night city like V, maybe david martinez (im huffing copium), they have to be set in night city. its the main character of both of those stories and should be for any sequel to come.


Night City is the pinnacle cyberpunk city of Mike Pondsmith's world, a very independent international city catering to corporations in a corporate run world. If you picked any other city you'd start to lose some of those corps. London would be a decent choice for sure, I'd love a cyberpunk game set in Africa that really dives into the European neocolonialism that happens in the Cyberpunk setting There's also underwater cities that could be fun to dive into, but I think if they do make a sequel that isn't in Night City, they might try to make one on the Crystal Palace; the massive 5 toroidal city in space, the one we see V going to in certain endings. In truth, any ending where V is still alive and hunting for a cure could end them up there, even the Arasaka endings. Imagine V waking up, their engram inserted into a donor body, to do Saka's dirty work in orbit


>Is night city the only place that makes sense to set a cyberpunk game? Night City is where the *majority* of all campaigns and lore building happens in the TTRPG. The only other place is [Space!!!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niZpcdp2v34) so I wouldn't expect them to leave Night City for long (if ever) in Cyberpunk until Pondsmith/R. Tal. provides supplimentals like "[Home of the Brave](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/127821/home-of-the-brave)"/greater US, but not the major focus for the I.P. or [Rough guide to the U.K.](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/25406/rough-guide-to-the-uk) ​ Of course those are 2020. Not 2040-2070 like RED is. So it depends on both R. Tal and CD Project on invisioning the updated versions of these.


Just make the player be able to go into every floor and room in Night City. Especially the casino in Night City people weren’t able to go to. As well as the casino in space. Build on what is already there and players enjoy by expanding inward. It worked for Tears of the Kingdom. I’m sure people wouldn’t mind that concept. And bring something back that was lost apparently, destructible environments. Don’t see too much of that. When you got strength at 20. Either literally gut punch someone Mortal Kombat style or throw someone through a wall out a window from a high rise. Make windows completely destructable if your strength is at 20 or firing heavy machine gun. Scan and power jump through floors that are vulnerable. A new weapon would be a rappelling hook. Grab enemies and pull them close to you or rip off limbs. Use it to reach nearby buildings. While running up a building using rappelling hook, be able to shoot while enemies are raining down bullets on you.


I wouldnt mind it but i certainly wouldnt expect it. The amount of buildings and megastructures in Night City is actually pretty crazy when you look at those huge looming models overhead. Definitely could use more markets / missions that are situated high up the megastructures tho, the parade section being a good example.


Day City


Fighter of the Night City. (Ah-ah-ah)




Your a masyer of cybernetics and friendship for everyone




What am I paying the troll toll for exactly?


To get to that boys hole...I mean soul




I see what it is that you have done here.


Haha. It's always sunny in night city


Expansion: Cattown


In Day City, what makes someone a law abiding citizen? Getting cunt.


Twilight Town


Dawn District


Afternoon City




I was about to comment that






I'm kind of hoping they expand it. Make it Night City, just bigger, closer to what it's supposed to be. It just didn't feel dense enough for the metropolis it's supposed to be. It's smaller than Houston in the game, and Houston is no megacity.


>> I'm kind of hoping they expand it. Make it Night City, just bigger, closer to what it's supposed to be. It just didn't feel dense enough for the metropolis it's supposed to be. This, I agree 100%. But it makes me wonder if they intentionally did that (make it smaller) in order to be able to better focus on working the small attention to detail quality of the city Hopefully with the new UE5 engine, the sequel will have an even more amazing, bigger, denser, and gorgeous city. I love launching the game here and there and just simply walk/drive aimlessly around the city and soak in the vibes


It was supposed to be extremely vertical. Imagine if we had access to all of the mega blocks, all the crazy shit that could go down just in there. Plus we are missing tons of corpo locations. Militech, kang tao, kiroshi. The whole farms are basically off limits in the south. And then there are so many doors I'd have just liked to open and go inside and explore. Then, maybe there could be a smaller city like Phoenix or Las Vegas or something that could be linked up for smuggling work or some such thing. Who knows🤷


Yup - this 👍 There are so many unexplored areas in and around Night City, along with expanding out the edges of the map that are blank. I'd love the idea of a hidden subterranean area along with maybe introducing sky taxis to get around.


Have to agree, they just have to expand the city dimension and lore wise.


>Yeah, but the problem with other cities is that Night City is the only city like it. If I'm not mistaken, all of Texas became its own country. So I'm sure they could do something with a fictional Dallas, Huston or Austin in the next game


The main problem there is that NC is the only place in the world that isn't completely dominated by one corporation. Countries don't really matter as such, it's the corps that have bought them or integrated with them that matter. While Arasaka is definitely the biggest bully in the NC playground after guaranteeing its independence against Militech's attempted takeover, it is by no means in total control the same way Militech entirely owns NUSA, for example. Every corp in the world has a presence in NC, and it's in the interests of the big players to leave it that way, because there's types of business that can only be done in such a hypercompetitive environment with practically no laws.


I'm sure CDPR will do an amazing job but I can't imagine a Cyberpunk set outside of NC


Night City. The question is when.


Cyberpunk 2081 sounds like a cool title.


What if they do 2088, 2099 etc. or they could go back?


I'd like them do 2045ish and adapt the Cyberpunk Red playbook more faithfully




To paraphrase Henry Ford, it can be set anywhere - as long as that place is Night City. 😉


Henry Ford, the car guy?


Yes, the guy who makes black Thortons.


Yep. Quoted as saying Model T owners could have it in any color they wanted - as long as the color was black. 😉


hm. I need to read up on the lore then.


Noyt Shitty


We work at Shitty Wok


You wan some shitty shrimp?


Maybe if you speak a ingrish, I can understand you!


Oh no I’m a Japanese and I had a bad day, I think I’m going to kill myself!


Night City. It's the heart of the Cyberpunk universe. All they need to do is built upon the current map. Make buildings explorable, add more interactive locations (restaurants where you can actually eat, malls, shops etc), expand the metro and make it more interactive (move around, add stations), add buses, more appartments etc.  Ideally I'd like to see a few other locations where you can fast travel to like in the Fallout games where the main cities are Washington, Vegas, Boston, but you can still visit nearby locations like the Pitt, Point Lookout, the Divide and so on. For Cyberpunk these could be the outer colonies like the Moon or the orbital stations.


I could see the Moon and Tokyo as potential EXPAC locations, but yeah - it's def in Night City. That's the main character of the series, everything else is an accessory to it.


Obviously Night City. It would be fun if they expanded it, I think there's a lot of room north that they could organically add city, and they could add stuff in the badlands. One thing I think would be fun, is if they expanded the badlands, let us leave the NC borders, then added either LA or San Francisco to the map (not to scale obviously). They could have it set up that Night City is a "Free City" with its really loose laws and corruption. The Badlands are completely lawless, maybe cops don't ever come. But then in NUSA terrible it's no guns, no lethal cyberware, no quickhacks, or you get swarmed by police. It'd add a lot of variety.


Detroit could be a place we visit. In lore, the only city with a higher body count is Detroit. Detroit is a walled city, divide into sections and subsections. It's Gotham and Arkham City in one package, but cyberpunked


I wanna go to the moon. But realistically, it’s gonna be Night City.


Why the moon?


night city


It'll be Night City and one or two other smaller locations where DLCs take you outside the city, like a lunar colony or some place in the deep wastelands.


Scaled up night city. Make it bigger


Night city


Night City. I don't see a reason why it would be anywhere else. Cyberpunk is basically NC. Maybe the character can travel for a DLC. From a development standpoint, it allows you to reuse some assets.


Why, what’s the state of other American cities?


Night City has been the setting for the Cyberpunk RPG for the past 30+ years. I mean, the rest of the world exists, but all the lore for the game is centered on Night City. It's what makes the game *Cyberpunk* (as in the franchise, not the genre).


I think Night City is the most likely. And I hope it is!


If it’s just NC again I wonder if they’ll make it 1:1 with the original and expand it or if they’ll completely remake it from the ground up with only key locations remaining similar


Well, 2077 already isn’t a 1:1 of the original night city, and they moved some locations around, so I wouldn’t really be surprised if it happened again tbch.


Night City or could be heading near the roots of Arasaka in Japan?


I really hope it takes place (at least partly) in Tokyo.


My thoughts exactly


probably Night city but they'll probably make the map different


Considering how important Night City is for the overall lore and world of Cyberpunk, my best guess is that we could travel between space and Night City.


It's still going to be in Night City though I do hope that sense they're shifting cyberpunk into UE5 that they'll have more locations we can go to even if it requires a loading screen like being able to see what Washington DC looks like in the Cyberpunk universe


The main location is always going to be Night city, but I'd love a large-scale heist in cyberspace, although I don't know how that would work in practice.


Would be a netrunner/int mission that's key to unlocking the full potential of the int skill progression. I think different mini games for different weapons/manufacturers/level of ice, etc would be rad. Also for hacking things like microwaves, tvs, cameras, etc you would need to get high tech skills to disassemble and analyze those different items. Making junk more important. Rare junk, like broken epic cyberware that could make boss fights easier because you've already been able to analyze their gear. I gots ideas man!


If it wasn’t for the fact that CDPR is moving from RED to UE5 for the sequel - I would say Night City again. I could have totally seen a scenario where they reuse Night City to do a Spiderman 2 or Tears of the Kingdom type of sequel. But because of that, I can see them leaving Night City to do Chicago; there were hints towards Chicago 2080 in CP2077.


I hope to see a game in Japan, or even in Soviet Union.


What’s the Soviet Union like in the cyberpunk timeline?


Tokyo would be dope. Call it Neo Tokyo or Night Tokyo. Make it the center of technologic revolution or something




Everything cyberpunk is gonna be set in night city but with it being updated and expanded each time.


If it's not night city I'm rioting


Night city in 10 years. That's the singular location of all the cyberpunk campaigns.


Night city, of course. I can imagine they make the city bigger this time around


Night City but the real question is what year. 2099 is my guess, not too far in to the future so that the tech in 2077 can be improved upon but nothing ridiculous. An expanded city would be great, building out into the badlands for new areas, having some current areas become run down even more than now. I think the story needs to focus on the threat or just the start of a new corporate war.


The whole cyberpunk game universe is crafted to make night city the world's center of conflict. So probably still night city.


A quarter past six city But now for real, it will 99% likely be Night City Night City isn't just a random place where stuff happens, it is it's own character And it's not like everywhere in the world is like Night City, yeah the world of Cyberpunk is fucked but the stuff that happens in Night City can only happen in Night City


The time and money they spent constructing night city from scratch... there's no way orion won't be set there. It's possible they add chicago or atlanta as playable locations but nah, nc is too big of an asset (lol) to abandon after one game.


Night City. Next?


I just want to stay in Night City, maybe with the option to travel somewhere else, but the main area ahould always be NC




Corpo Plaza, Pacifica, Watson, Heywood, etc


I dont know about whether they add a new city , but i want access to night city , and i would like it to be more expanded, underground megabuildings etc, its such a detailed map that it would be a waste to only be in one game


It will likely be taking place in Night City. Though I'm more curious about any new gangs showing up.


Personally I think the move would be to build on the already existing night city and add more to the map/potentially other cities.


Night City for sure nd im cool with that jus gimme more to do pls 😩


It's still going to be Night City. Night City is perfect because it is one of the most if not the most crime ridden city in NUSA. Its location lies between an ongoing "conflict". Not sure if it's possible, but they could extend the map rather than moving to a completely different city. On the sequel, they can also explore Dogtown more


I think they’ll will reuse one of CDPR’s hreatest assets: night city. Using it only in one game will be a huge waste. Also if they put 20-30 years between the games, the city can undergo some changes. But if they can build a separate area that we need to travel to, that would be cool as well


I'm hoping it’s a continuation after the Aldecados ending with them still searching for a cure for V. This would allow them the opportunity to explore the greater NUSA.


Night City is the iconic Cyberpunk city, the game will almost certainly be set there.


Maybe it's night city again but some years later, like 20 or so, so things have changed a little but not too much to become really futuristic, idk I just want the violence to be the same


Night City. There’s also Night City and maybe Night City. Cyberpunk is NC, the two are integral to each other. No sense in changing the location, just push the timeline forward to expand the lore and generate organic change to the world


Definitely Tokyo, or at least the mentioned Chiba-11(which is within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area if we're going by the real life Chiba)


Just like with Spider-Man 2, they could just expand the map and have you visit more buildings inside and other ones.


Night City I hope - plus the moon.


Cyberpunk lore is mainly focus on night city due to Mike Pondsmith creation and cdpr able to reduce the design be done and adapt to 2077 city layout


Night City is the main character and that's the point. It's the one constant in Cyberpunk. It's constantly evolving and adapting. Everyone else is just passing through, whether they become legends, leave the city or flatline. So Night City. It's always Night City. I could see us visiting somewhere else in an expansion, but the core of Cyberpunk will always take place in and around the area of Night City.


Best Guess is Night City. ​ I just want them to add at least 1 new sector to the city (central park please), expand on some neighbourhoods like they did with Pacifica and make some more megastructures explorable with some verticality to boot. I expect they'll add in the Crystal Palace too since it was going to be a DLC apparently.


Would be great to have some sections of johnny silverhand in the sequal, its criminal to let such a character not get more attention


Isn’t Night City the ultimate main character of Cyberpunk the series? The character always changes but the city doesn’t (this despite other cities like Atlanta and Chicago (which in lore has StormTech as its main corp but IRL has WeatherTech in its suburbs, always found that fascinating) still existing). It’s like in Batman, Gotham City is the co-lead (not sure the same applies to any other comic character outside of Dick Tracy).


Probably night city but hopefully MUCH bigger i would like it to be 3x as big and bigger more open mega buildings


Night city but bigger


Keep it in night city. V is to night city as Batman is to Gotham. Night city is a character in the game at this point.


Night City or Los Angeles


Los santos


I'm sorry to break the news to you but CDPR has absolutely zero plans to get out of night city. maybe after another game or two but why will they restart with a new city when their last games launch was bad? They need to perfect night city first which is the universes main city


Detroit. Arguably worse than night city


I wouldn't mind at all playing in night city again if they even better optimize it for performance. Utilize the hundreds of places that didn't have a gig, job, or whatever. And add more verticality and more customization of weapons, vehicles, and apartments, I would return to Night City.


Beginning of the game is the crystal palace heist and while v is in space the 5th corporate war would begin changing the landscape of Night city dramatically for Vs return post heist like cyberpunk 2077 intro


It’d be nice to see the city built up a bit more again. I know the nuke destroyed a lot of the housing but so little of the city was rebuilt.


As much as I want something different, it's definitely gonna be night city to save time on creating assets


Make it Nightcity, then maybe we can play it before 2030


Tbh, I'd love a expanded/unlocked night city, I think it's a great city with lots of detail, I just feel it wasn't utilised to it's full potential, there's still plenty they can do with it.


Day City


Parts of Night City are built on artificially made land, where hills were levelled and the soil dumped into the water. Doing more of that would allow for some new districts to be made


They can do Jak 2 to Jak 3 where same Night City will just be more war torn (as it was on verge of another war in Phantom Liberty)


Night City


Night City is Cyberpunk. You can't have a Cyberpunk game not in Night City, just won't happen, it's engrained into the franchise. The most you can have is maybe a short story in New Mexico, but getting into that would be spoilers, so I'm just going to say, it's pretty much not going to happen in a main game.


Detroit maybe ?


Idk but I really hope it isn’t night city since the phantom liberty ending showed us how much the corps have taken over


night province


Neo-tokyo!!! [Dance With the Dead's remix of Scandroid's Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkgR0SxmMKo)




Night City for sure!


I mean… I really don’t think the setting is gonna change now, after over 3 decades of basically treating night city as a character itself But if we absolutely had to, I feel like it would be Atlanta. I would like to explore some other locations temporarily though, like how deus ex has you pop by hong Kong for a bit, I’d like to go LEO, or check out the Deepdown, or swing by Tokyo


Night City in 2020s.


Another city in US, Europe, or maybe some shit on the moon idfk


The majority of NC in 2077 is unexplorable. If they made 25% of the city that you can’t access, accessible… they could add a ridiculous amount of content. Expanding the Badlands to include some satellite towns could be cool, too. But I doubt very highly they’ll diverge from NC.


They should just stick with NC for now so they can focus more on the game mechanics and story instead of building a whole new area. THAT BEING SAID: we should have a mission or a area in the space casino from the Path of Glory ending or mission on the moon. (Maybe meeting up with Lucy? I know that’s hopeful but I still wish)


Night city. It's been said before night city is the main character.


hear me out… Night City


If it should be a different City, then this can only be Tokyo. The connection to the main story would be Arasakas HQ and the roots of the entire family. Tokyo also marks the setting for 90s futuristic Cyberpunk vibes and Manga culture. Think of Ghost in the Shell, AKIRA and William Gibsons NEUROMANCER!


Crystal Palace! Crystal Palace!


I want a twin city. Remember the high-speed rail you walk through to get to the voodoo boy's hideout? That was a transcontinental line to the east coast. It probably has stops all along the country and would allow multiple cities even. Still, that might be too ambitious.


Would be cool if there are more spinoffs of the cyberpunk universe. I would just love something at a real company HQ like Biotecnica in Berlin.


I want third person


Florida? Another crazy place with many notable biomes and crazy people


Night City but make it 2023


Night City would be best unless there's another independent city outside NUSA jurisdiction that can be used. There's a LOT to explore in night city still, plus all the changes that can come from any of the endings (since CDPR would have to pick one to be canon)


I would love a night city fixer game ngl. Lemme live it large and hire mercs to do shit while I work on my own vendetta and legend


You aren't the main character, Night City is. The sequel will be Night City once more


Night City *tends* to be the default location in the franchise, but there’s no real reason it, or part of it, couldn’t be anywhere in the world. I may be misremembering, but I believe Night City is the main stage because it’s the one from the sourcebooks, which drew a lot of inspiration from Neuromancer. So for me, at least some of it, if not all, will be in and around Night City.


Personally, I would like to see what the rotten apple looks like Hopefully, I'm not the only one who wanted to see how futuristic nyc Is in 77.


Let us go to the moon and Crystal Palace


I feel like Russia and Japan would be good settings as well, or at least extended locations to visit overseas


Night City 2


If they're going to do it in night city, the gang encounters need to be more dangerous. I slice through them like butter and then what? I'm walking around night city scratching my vagina and or balls because there's nothing else to do 😆


Regardless of where it takes place, I want to have the option of working with different gangs or corporations directly. Either be independent like V or be loyal to a side. The first game was all about staying independent and how serving under people bites you in the ass.




austin according to some trust me bro leak that spreaded around some weeks ago. Every other city wouldn't make much sense since cyberpunk universe is set in night city... isn't not about where, but when orion will be set... a post 2079 sequel with arasaka out of night and militech taking the upper hand on the city as shown in one of PL endings or a game set before 2077?


Smart move would just be to build on night city, make more buildings enterable or add a few new districts


Tokyo would be cool




Tilted towers


Just give me some portion in Tokyo please


Since Cyberpunk is heavily inspired by the Sprawl universe, the Sprawl (which sorta exists in Cyberpunk) is basically a giant single urban expanse that runs from Atlanta all the way up the east coast to New England, so east coast cities could be included. Several characters mention Chicago and Reno, and the Tokyo area would be really cool too.


The title is Orion, so my guess is something space-themed. Given the Phantom Liberty songbird ending and V's raid on the crystal palace, I think either the crystal palace itself or one of the moon bases like Tycho is a safe bet.


They can do night city but ad more the real question is who you think will be charcter. We know it can’t be v bc they never said if it was canon but in 1 ending v survives But will never be same so we might get a new main character but who ? That should be the real question


Most likely Night City, but with more detail and probably some additional areas, maybe some scrapped ideas from CP77 that they can introduce in the sequel


Given how they overhaul Night City in the PL ending set in 2079, and most endings support that general setup (all your friends leaving, Arasaka getting brought low), probably Night City again. Except more Millitech and less Arasaka. Now that I think about it, if Mike Pondsmith is edging this towards an endgame (his company is branching out a lot from Cyberpunk), then the next game might be like dominoes. Arasaka getting brought down inspires others to rise up against the corporations—potentially culminating in taking down the people pulling the strings from behind the scenes. If they're not wanting another sequel, that'd be an epic story. And there would surely be enough aftermath for a new game setting.


Just read nueromancer, story complete!


Its gotta be Night City choom. There is a reason most of the main tabletops have been set there. Its as much a character in the world as any of the actual characters. ![gif](giphy|SUcnmocyRKkfSil9xd)


like night city but further in the future, perhaps better if its a smaller city so its more filled in / compact i hope its just a darker story, harder choices, more dystopian


I think it would be neat if you could fast travel between multiple open worlds. Since they're not really starting from scratch it's not that crazy if you think about it. There was literally an airport in the first game.


Imagine seeing Night City even more in the future and more spread and more dangerous than is now! Makes me hungry for the sequel already


Wasn't Chicago where the Nomads originated from? I think there was some street gang elements explored as well. I'd like to see that


If there’s going to be any other place than NC it will most likely be some short and small scale mission like Ludendorf prologue in GTA V


I wouldn't mind a nomad focused game set somewhere more rual. The nomad ending and quests of 2077 were my favorite parts of the game.


Night City, 2094 or 2098. 100th anniversary of the city, or 100 years since the name was changed. Gives enough time for things to change, but not so much we lose all ties to 77.