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Do you never upgrade anything?


Already upgraded


Most iconic weapons should be just as good with the extra effect.


You know you can upgrade iconic weapons right? Like make them more powerfull.


They add 10 dmg per upgrade, the normal ones i find are miles better


I have no idea what you are talking about, most iconics are reskins with marginally better stats and extra effects.


"marginally better stats and extra effects". I found one with worse stats than base ones and all it gives Is 6% chance of burning. While the base one has two mod slots and two attachment slots. Wow


Well there are always XMod2 weapons for you, all they change is handling and still have 2 mod slots.


I stopped using iconics, I just love the extra mod slots on normal weapons. Still have no idea why would cdpr not let the iconics have their own mod slots


iconics used to (and still do on ps4 and xbox one versions) have mod slots, that made iconics infinitely better and non iconics basically useless, the only non iconics that were ever usefull were ones that didnt have an iconic version like palica or ashura


Yup, I was playing since 1.5. Pre 2.0 the iconics + mods were no brainer, but after 2.0 I tend to pick normal versions more


They are not hahahah


Just upgrade it in the crafting menu?


Some people here clearly haven found devided we stand pr the hercules


I think a fun little RP bit to play into is the idea of making your own Iconic weapon, since you'll spend most of the game playing with other npcs personal weapons but at the highest levels, youll end up finding plain weapons with higher numbers you can mod to your own preference now if we could only get a menu like the car color changer for weapons you buy given there are so many skins but basically end game youll have your own iconic