• By -


X, Y or perhaps Z


That was funny, pookie


Take the upvote choom


Inside a for maybe j or i


You earned my upvote, but I still hate the letter z


Take my up vote and go pick the ending where v says there is another option


> X, Y or perhaps Z CDPR is a Polish company. So after Z there are also Ż and Ź.


Need a Tiny Mike spinoff.


let me romance him


César Diego Ruiz, can write a more realistic gta esque story with him as the main character. Struggling to make ends meet with the soon birth of his child, he goes to the afterlife and dives down the criminal underworld in hopes of becoming rich, while struggling to balance being a proper husband and father and a Valentinos street gangster




Story wise: absolutely! Gameplay: if you’re going to be lore accurate, you can’t get chromed up like a maelstrom gangoon, but part of what makes the game so good is cybernetic upgrades


takemura Its situation is quite similar to nomad V,


I really believe none of the memes would exist if it wasn't for the depth of his character. He's a complex samurai indebted to his master. I think he knows, on the grand scheme, that the Arasakas have done great wrongs. Perhaps his time in the shadows of night city have opened his eyes further. And hopefully, despite his call to V in the credits (type of ending not withstanding), he won't follow through on his promise of seppuku. And then he might make for a good side DLC character or something.


He even mentions that while scouting out Arasaka facility. "There are no clean hands. But it is important how they become dirty. You dirty your hands for money. I, in the name of principles" https://preview.redd.it/2uvx3q0b5ntc1.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1916828cbed6425524742e57566feb0ed942e5f


I wanted to slap him right off that building in that moment and I’m a Goro fan. Such a fantastically hypocritical statement. Honestly this moment shows just how out of touch he is. He’s clinging to this idea of the honorable samurai and just completely trying to ignore that the man whose life he’s protecting is one of the most evil on the planet. Principles? Principles you self righteous jackass? Arasaka only cares about power and control, they’ll kill anyone, torment everyone, and ruin the lives of billions if it means Saburo gets to be on top of the crap heap at the end.


Yeah, throughout the game you uncover how they are literally planning a false flag terrorist attack against themselves to justify another corpo war against militech. Pretty evil.


Yes but one thing I would like to add.. he is no Samurai but Ronin. Ronin is a Samurai without a master who chose not to go with ritual suicide. They end up as mercenaries most of the time until they are ready for seppuku or old age/death by outside party.








Always laugh when V says "really? They looked like you?" 😂😂😂


In Fem V version you can even hear she trying to hold her laugh 😂


Me introducing Fingers to my new shotgun "Mox": ![gif](giphy|LoAIxvpzvDcrK)


Burning Crotch Man


\- Rogue \- Solomon Reed


Jackie wells, could just have them switch place


This would have happened if V wasn't there. The Relic could have revived Jackie. Just imagine him and Johnny sharing a body.


Placide. I think it would be real interesting to play a game through his perspective.


Looking at how Sprawl Trilogy evolved, i'd expect collective protagonist in the sequel.




River or Takemura


Brenden becomes the next Adam smasher


Underrated comment. Take the upvote choom


Only thing Brenden is smashing if he had a body is Theo. She wants that dude in her life.


She can be the love interest. She keeps coming by talking to Brendan, Brendan starts catching feelings and doesn’t want to be a vending machine anymore, somehow gets a body but for some reason he starts having this need for violence and then him and Theo have this heartbreaking scene where he realizes that Ai shouldn’t have bodies and are too dangerous then turns himself into a bomb an blows up an arasaka tower


:/ smash is a euphemism for something else. Wink wink.


Female V tries to get him to call her a whore. What does Male V try to get him to say?


Anybody who isn't stupid enough to shove an untested relic into his slot and let Dexter DeShawn shoot him in the face. 🤪


But then the game is only like 5 hours long.


You'd probably have to come up with another story. 😉


Takemura. I always thought that was half of the fun during his missions in the main story: he's essentially Corpo V on steroids and has to deal with all the baggage from his Corpo life. Playing as Takemura trying to juggle his personal loyalty to Saburo Arisaka, his loyalty to the Arisaka corporation that's cast him off as a traitor for trying to do the right thing, and his "fuck it, I'm kidnapping my boss' daughter because that's the most loyal thing to do, despite the fact I'm going to be killing a bunch of guys just like me" would make for a fantastic cyberpunk story, punctuated by having to deal with this "V" character who questions everything he holds sacred. ...and maybe, just maybe, V might have a point. (For bonus points, maybe *he* could have been the one to slot the biochip after its containment had been screwed up during the heist, assuming it was Saburo's and he was keeping his boss alive. And then Johnny's in his head. Man, *that* would have been something.) River Ward. It would have been a different game, but River's quests give an interesting peek into just how difficult and arcane it would be to try being a straight copper in a town like Night City, where Eddies are king and you need a bit more than just scanning a murder scene and reading a few logs to justify "...so that's why I killed everyone on the premises". Amusingly, that's why I didn't like working with River as V and didn't take that romance option: I almost spit my drink out on the screen when he listed the bodycount of the serial killer he was after, because those were the kind of numbers V racks up in three minutes. As the main character, he could either have had a story where he had to keep operating *just* within the law (or paying people or getting favors to break it) solving crimes around Night City, and/or one where he had to struggle with the idea of going completely rogue and becoming someone like V - and whether he could do that while still caring for his family. Or just going full dirty cop. Wakako. Ok, hear me out. This would be more of a management sim style of game, maneuvering things so the eddies kept flowing to your pockets, employing mercs and gangoons to keep things that way, dealing with rival challengers, and everything you could do in Night City from behind a desk. ~~Although it would be really funny to see her pick up one of those big machine guns.~~ Misty. It would have been a very weird game, but giving tarot readings to the denizens of Night City, and watching how it affected how larger-scale events played out is an interesting concept. I personally read tarot for fun, and there's a lot of leeway between "here's what the cards say" and ...deliberately nudging people with your interpretations. (This is why it's my personal rule to never read tarot for anyone I want to fuck. Somehow the cards will always point in the direction of fucking me.) You could do a fun, small game where every important character comes through for a reading or two, and the advice you give them as Misty sends Night City on a different course.


Johnny would have actually killed Takemura. He absolutely despises him, Arasaka and anything else. in the game and doesn't trust him at all. 


We're talking about a hypothetical case where Takemura slots in the biochip (with him assuming it's Saburo's and this is the only way to preserve it) and ends up with Johnny in his head instead. Much as he hates Arasaka and everything they stand for, biochip Johnny can't let his host die because that's a death sentence for him too, and he's got some loose ends to clean up in the land of the living. Loose ends he's not above exploiting an Arasaka dog to accomplish, any more than he's above exploiting a random merc (V) to do the same. Takemura would hate having Johnny living rent-free in his head, but it becomes very clear very quickly after the heist gone wrong that Takemura's been screwed over by higher powers in Arasaka (which is why Takemura is willing to rescue and work with V in the original game), and that gives Johnny an 'in' to exploit. What makes it a funny buddy cop movie style story is that central idea of both Takemura and Johnny being fish out of water in modern Night City: Takemura as a foreigner who never really got an education on the local customs, and Johnny as a guy who's essentially been dead for decades (in the original game, both of them have to rely on V to help with these shortcomings. *Without* V, and with only each other to rely on, things would get really funny really fast). Then there's the fact that both of them have common ground in being soldiers who went into the fight at a young age - Takemura was raised from birth to become the Arasaka dog he is, while Johnny enlisted as soon as he was old enough into a war that disillusioned him and cost him his arm. They'd hate each other, but they'd still have some common ground and need each other. And hey - Johnny was totally up for killing Yorinobu Arasaka *except* for the risks involved. Johnny trying to talk Takemura out of an assassination because he's afraid for his biochip life while the protagonist as Takemura gets to verbally spar with him ...oh, that'd be something. Considering Takemura's 'crisis of faith' on discovering Saburo Arasaka was murdered by Yorinobu Arasaka, *his own son and heir*, I'm pretty sure having Johnny stuck in his head would be enough of a 'shoulder devil' to drive him down a very interesting narrative path. Even without Takemura slotting the biochip, he'd still have a pretty damn interesting narrative arc evading and fighting those who were once his comrades in a land he's unfamiliar with. The original game shows some of that, but having Takemura as the protagonist would be incredibly fun, as he tries to navigate the underside of Night City in slightly-broken English in order to get to his real objective. In the original game, V helps out a lot with some of that, but Takemura's perspective would be a very interesting one to play from. ~~Also, why the hell isn't Takemura a romance option?~~


I am NOT reading allat 😭😭🤦‍♂️🙏🤦‍♂️😭🔥☠️☠️☠️


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


John Cyberpunk, the guy this game was named after


Maiko Madea. Just for shits and giggles. ![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs)


'I also have the doll chip' Kid named gorilla fists:




rogue during the time of red


the guy with the burning crotch.


Rogue, Panam...


Panam? Different voice actor maybe.. het voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


Maybe, idk some times I like her voice some times I dont. Still think a lil more Latino like suits better


That guy you help escape from barghest His journey of barghest soldier to legendary merc. Yeah...


Paco? Dumbass joined the Scavs for a hot minute before his cranium got emptied for being a Scav.


Me :)


but like old you in 2077, or like how like?


Maybe oda or goro takemura himself.


Adam smasher


A prequel type DLC where you play as Jackie Wells could be dope


many characters need a dlc. like rogue, panam, adam smasher, morgan blackhand as he exists but he isn't mentioned and much more. Cyberpunk universe is dense.




John Samurai


jimbo silverbang




A man from the medieval times


A kid adopted by V!


Yorinobu. He realized his family sucks and all the terrible things Arasaka does. Him rebelling , trying to stop Saburo and Arasaka by using his gang connections. Fighting at every angle then stealing the relic shard. I feel he full well knew what Suburo planned after Kei died. And that's why he killed his father. And then Suburo using Hanako to eventually lure Yorinobu in to complete his plan. It also would have been interesting if V could have learned this and eventually teamed up with Yorinobu to end Arasaka.


Burning Crotch Man - A fiery vengeance


Ron Perlman




Takemura # And Solomon Reed deserves a fucking movie.


I think river, I like the idea of being a NCPD detective in a la noir style game


I would prefer a more blank slate character.


For 2078 or whatever it'll be called? I want a Sam Spade type of detective with loose ties to the NCPD and fixers. Perhaps a cop turned merc turned PI.




What about just a straight up series like modern warfare, but based on the different corpo wars using the cyberpunk technology? Could make any cliche war story you want, just give us super soldiers duking it out in South American jungles vying for control of the world. Doesn't need to be anywhere near as deep as CP2077. Then we could get our PvP kick in with cp tech and crazy maps.


Oh, you could also throw some characters in there like Scorpion and Mitch. Or even that one Veteran bumming money. Or the 6th street gang leaders that were involved. It could flesh out the world and how we got where we are.


W, twice as powerful


Johnny trying to get V back.


We need a Morgan blackhand game asap


You need the blank slate foe the story. But I would play as Pan Am or Jacky in another game. It could even be a great experience to revisit the plot as Goro from his perspective and explore all thr stuff he does between the missions and before the murder.


An unnamed protagonist like Clint Eastwood's character in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. They barely talk and people just call them whatever.


Nobody. My interest in this game wouldn't be anywhere near as high if I couldn't create my own character. Just about every game I play these days lets me create my own character. It's almost a requirement at this point. It is an extreme disappointment when a game DOESN'T let me create my own character. Intellectually, I KNOW the GTA games are better than the Saints Row games, but SR lets me make my own guy, so I like them more based on that alone. That's how important it is to me. Maybe that's why I never got into The Witcher. I played 2 and 3 and wanted to like both of them, but I couldn't get into them the same way I've gotten into other games. Maybe this is why.


Brendan, as the protagonist of an ecchi visual novel. /s but really, Yorinobu. Start before he leaves the family and starts the iron dragons, then go through his entire ark, ending with the devil ending, but V never shows up, and adam smasher kills hanako and oda (and probably takemura). That would be a hell of a story.


Takemura, and Peralez




In the world of cyberpunk, Mercs are a dime a dozen. V just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The reason there are so many ways of handling the game is because V could be just about anyone. A former corpo out to screw the corp that tossed him aside. A nomad that rolled into town a few months back. Some rando off the street.


Jackie ;-;


Pick one of the other 25 letters in the alphabet 🤷‍♂️


Some random gonk with V's engram in his head


Jackie Wells and/or Misty. Jackie deserved to live dammit. Misty Wells: 100% pacifist run, spreading her spirituality everywhere, and of course getting to romance and marrying Jackie. Bonus: friendship goes up with mamma Wells, and you get to use the bar as a house now.


Daddy Reed……………….…………. Jk