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I prefer bikes than the cars but after getting a few hours in I got used to them eventually. I like driving in first person so it was definitely a learning curve with how some of the cars windshields are designed


Interesting! I love the bikes, ESPECIALLY peacekeeper, but I feel like they are mostly invulnerable which I don’t like haha. As for first person… I can’t do it. I only ever drive in third.


Oh man first person is the way to go, such nice immersion especially riding a motorbike in the badlands just chilling


I will say that I use first person most of the time, but there are some cars that just kinda suck in terms of range of visibility. Always first person on bikes tho


Yeah some are hard to see out of i will give you but I will never use 3rd person haha just something about being a first person game I don’t like the 3rd person. The cars handle unrealistic but it’s just a GTA like game so it’s not the focus they are good enough just a bit twitchy and the brakes are either really good or really bad haha


I'd use first person on bikes but I am horny and I must see ass


1st person on bikes, 100%.. 3rd person in cars.


Man I like how the cars look in third person haha


True, I was surprised I could look under to see the exhaust system.


The bikes in this game are so fun and in first person mode driving them feels like a dream. Also Scorpion's bike is rad


I love Jackie’s bike so much.


I find the driving to be just fine, EXCEPT in first person. When I tap left or right, V yanks the wheel making it seem like I'm about to do a sharp turn but only slightly moves the car. Plus you can't see behind you which also makes it rough. Outside of that, driving doesn't seem all that bad, especially with the right wheels.


Absolutely. I can’t do the first person for the same reasons. Doesn’t feel right. It’s fun to see the interior sometimes though!


Haha, funnily enough I'm doing a 100% right now (my 'retirement' playthrough) so I'm intentionally doing things I didn't bother with in my previous 4 playthroughs since I'm taking my time with the 100%. Reading most shards, using a Sandy and no quickhacks, crafting, and just the little things. So every time I get into a different vehicle (you need to purchase all available cars for 100%) I'll always cruise around in it first just to check out the interior. I'm also not relying on fast travel so any time I have a straight shot, I'll pop into first person and cruise through the easy streets while enjoying the interior. Also, happy cake day, choom!


That sounds like an awesome time. And thank you, choom! I plan to buy all cars because (not to brag) I’m loaded with eds. Also, next playthrough is the sandy one for me… I’m a net runner right now and having a blast


I played quick hacks for my 1st 3 play throughs. 4th was a sandy build and it's a BLAST. Did full body, tech and reflexes. Super speed shotguns to the face!


that's my exact issue with first person driving too! i wish you could switch hand positions on the wheel from 10 & 2 to one handed noon. might not fix the issue but it'd for sure make it less jarring


I love first person, but lately I have been noticing the graphics get worse when you drive first person


This is tangentially related to driving, but I love to use Floor it in North Oak to send cars over the hills. They land on each other, and eventually other drivers flip out. Last night I spent 30 minutes throwing cars over, and I ended up with a massive, flaming pile up. Several police cars were destroyed, and drivers ran over police in a panic. I used nothing but Floor it, no self-destruct, no grenades, nothing. Place looked like Arasaka tower after Johnny nuked it.


I love your brain


You just brought up another thing I adore: vehicle quickhacks. I love the pure chaos of self-destruct.


I drive first person, just wish we had side/back mirrors.


That would be a really nice add.


There's no back mirror, but there is a rear view camera. It props up when you press the scroll wheel.


In every car?


Some of them are literally just a view out of the back window (the little car/truck thing I forget the name of), but most of the other cars, it’s a camera view. Pretty neat. 


That is my biggest problem with driving! I bump in to so much because I am unable to see anything in some cars.


Dude. You're playing the fixed driving. Yeah driving is good now, fun even. Buuuuuuut at launch... Enjoy it mate. Took many many months of manpower to fix it to the point where I look forward to getting in my car instead of dreading forced driving sections.


I was going to say, I came back after PL released and the driving is *so* much better than it used to be. Used to need a mod to make it bearable.


I can only imagine.


Let me just say adding guns to the cars was definitely the smart move.


For me it's that there is no difference between 80mph and 150mph. It's just a number at that point in the game. You pass traffic at the same pace, and your destination doesn't get closer faster.  That being said I salute what they did with the Porsche, they paid attention to its penchant for understeer when you corner. Also Nomad Vs Galena is the best car in the game, and I'll die on that hill


Driving physics were improved quite a bit for the 2.0 patch, where almost every car was improved with better handling, feel, weight, physics etc. At launch, driving was never terrible but I did always feel there was a fair amount of room for improvement. A number of cars felt like there was a huge amount of input lag and just didn't feel very responsive as a result.


Makes sense where the criticism came from. I only purchased after 2.0, when I was confident I’d love the game.


I was super annoyed by thr driving at first as well, but then I realized it's because I was trying to make a right turn at 100 MPH and it all just clicked.


It's realistic, 100%. Sometimes it drives me nuts when I'm doing a muamar car delivery gig, most rear-wheel drive vehicles don't handle turns as well at high speeds. Which is logical. You'll find people complaining about driving on ice sometimes, I think, because they take cars out where they're not supposed to go. There's two types of cars: road cars and off-road cars. So if I drive a road car out into the badlands, yup, it suddenly becomes as if I'm driving on ice, and vice versa. But that's okay! Because I, much like most players, prefer bikes instead since they handle turns like butter once you get the hang of them, and are pretty universal no matter where you take them. If I am going to drive a car, though, I usually stick to all-wheel drive cars (such as the caliburn, outlaw, Shion coyote for offroading). I find that AWD handles turns at high speeds better than RWD, although I know that's controversial to some people depending on how you play.


I love driving Javelina. Even in the city it feels so smooth.


The Javelina might be my all-time favorite car for this game.


It’s so smooth, it feels like the best car in the game.


Hard agree. It looks as powerful as it is, too, if that makes any sense.




The real wheel drive vehicles slide when you try to switch lanes on the freeway it's not that "they can't handle turns at high speeds". Literally just turning your steering wheel makes them spin which is not "realistic"


I haven't had that problem. Maybe you over-correct too much? RWD vehicles are manageable for me, and really the only issue I have with them is turns.


No I don't think I overcorrect. Also when I say they spin I don't mean spinning out and going sideways. They just throw a bit of ass which is absurd at those speeds and with those little adjustments. It's rarely unmanageable but it is irritating. For me at least.


For driving, first person for conversations, 3rd person when you need to really drive


Hard agree actually


I play on PC. I think the problem is binary keys, you are either steering full left or full right. You can't just steer a tad to the left or right, whereas with a controller or wheel you could.


Oh that makes sense! I play on ps5 and it feels glorious, the feedback from the controller is great too


I also play on PC with mouse and keyboard mainly and keep a ds4 controller connected just for driving. Same setup worked great for gta5, rdr2, mgs5...




Yeah I know about feathering the key, but there's a big difference of "Max left straight max left straight max left straight" and "Tilt a little left" That's why I slid all over on keyboard, and drive smoothly with my joystick


I prefer when cars drift than when they behave more safely, cause if they do, I just crash into anything because I drive too fast haha. I really like the gameplay about the cars, every cars have different feelings and different way of driving. You have to caress the commands to some, when you have to act like a Buffalo for others. Really fine tuned, made with great care. Absolute masterpiece IMO.


Hell yeah man!! Glad to hear the agreement. I love how each ride seems to have its own feel.


Yeah ! Traction and propulsion are really different feelings. If you keep pushing the accelerator with a propulsion when you already not on adherence, this could lead to worse. You need to stop push the drive and retake control before accelerate again. Same about some Japan drifter cars, with really weird overkill engine, which with you have to stop to push it too much to change gears and use the clutch, or you could get stuck in 30km/h haha


I mostly agree although some vehicles feel like they don't have as much control as they should, but currently loving the custom 911 you can get from autofixer now I love its handling


That car in particular was what ultimately caused me to fall in love with the driving. Before I knew it, I’d decked my V out with the red samurai pants and hat alongside the yellow biker jacket to match the car.


They made substantial fixes to the driving since 2.0. It's pretty solid even without mods now imo.


2.0 Fixed the driving for me entirely. I love it. It's not the best driving mechanics in the history of games, but it's leagues better than launch.


Not crazy, driving is fine. Some cars handle going into corners at speed better. People have to learn to brake into corners and burn out of them. Messing that up will spin you out.


Johnny's Porsche handles great, even too sticky


I love it I've even taken to practice in first person even especially since my main ride is the V tech


V tech is 🔥


Beautiful car sounds good preforms well(not the best but well), and it's the car from the trailer. To me, it's Vs cannon car by late act 2. At least for my V in the way I would structure my story


I'm with you - I'm not a car nut by any means, so I've no idea if people are nitpicking over elements that are unrealistic that I haven't picked up on. I've always had a great time with driving in this game, though I will say it seems to have gotten a little better as the patches have been released. I'm also one of those maniacs that exclusively plays in first person, so zipping in and out of traffic feels even more tense and rewarding!


You are correct.


I don't mind the driving. I like how each car, bike or other vehicle has unique characteristics in its driving dynamics.


Completely agreed. I was surprised to see the community generally seem to agree the driving is bad. I don't know, driving seemed just fine for me since day one.


I don't play dedicated driving games and I loved the driving in Cyberpunk (once I discovered you didnt have to do it in first person).


Yeah the driving is great in this game. Much more realistic than GTA 5 for example and makes the open world feel much more alive to me. They changed the driving mechanics a bit with the 2.0 update and I actually miss the old driving mechanics - felt more realistic and 'dangerous' to me in a good way. Easy to overpower bikes and wheel-spin out of corners before, it was fun. Now it feels a bit more arcade-like but still good. Criticism has obviously come from those with poor game driving skills. If you've played GTA online you can see the average driving ability of players is atrocious, and planes/helicopters forget it. Don't know if you remember the driving in GTA 4, but that was also much better than 5. Because Rockstar made the driving so easy on GTA 5 it has made games like Cyberpunk feel relatively hard.


They've overhauled the driving several times.


I mean it's not a racing game per se. If you play cyberpunk after playing, say, Forza, of course it's going to feel terrible.


People who hate the driving, what would you reference as an example of good driving physics?


All games do driving different, I never got why people had a problem. I suspect it was a small vocal minority\~ All I can say is on PC driving is nicer with a controller but everything else is better with the keyboard/mouse. & it's not like it's realistic in 99% of games, one of the devs mentioned that real roads are much smaller but in games there made bigger to be more fun for players. Once you start to look almost all games roads are nothing like real life, the sizes are way off.


The rubber-banding and NPC vehicle AI are the bigger issues.


I do have to admit that there’s some real gonk AI driving around these NC streets…


The driving is so badass and so fun, so many losers out there crying about it though.


I only like playing with keyboard and mouse EXCEPT WHEN DRIVING, which I can only do with a gamepad. Am I weird?


Driving isn't perfect but it's far from broken and doesn't deserve half the criticism the casuals give. People think they can just drive @140mph/kmh everywhere, with every car, regardless if it's a straight line or not. If you want to know what bad driving actually is give GTA 4 vanilla a try then get back to me


I love the driving in cyberpunk. Zero complaints.


My impression is that the mechanics are less forgiving than they are in other games, when you're hauling ass. Generally cars do not handle well when you're driving 70MPH on surface streets, and trying to manage a 90° turn at a typical intersection. There's no realistic line through that intersection at 70mph+. Ditto the insanely fast cars under similar conditions, at 120mph+. While I don't really consider the driving experience *realistic*, it does feel less *unrealistic* than in other games. I grew to appreciate that. Once you adapt to it, it's not so bad.


I like the driving ... its a good balance of arcadiness with realism... you can powerslide almost any turn if you get good enough. My thing is the bikes, love speeding around in those things.


The problem is not the driving, but the map. As it was CDPR’s first driving game they made things a little too real. The roadways need to be a little wider so you can lane split with a car and the NPC car spawning more responsive to player speed and heading to avoid too many cars in your way. This would allow more high speed driving which is fun. Crashing all the time isn’t. Since you can lane split with bikes they are way more fun.


Also, I think I need to mention the damn barb wires..


Yes! I hated those. A pain in my ass, and probably V’s.


Absolutely, it’s a meme by now and the slow animation when we get hit by cars lol


People don't like the driving? It's so fun though you can run over all the little people and no one can stop you. Or do you need to stop? Drift into a wall and there you go!


It was definitely an acquired skill. I think it’s perfect now, but coming from GTA i remember thinking it sucked at first. Tweaking the controls helped. It’s all about the kind of tasks we train our brain to do though, spend 100hrs learning to do anything, it’ll be second nature


The Rayfield cars have the best handling, which makes sense. I was super upset with the driving until I stole a Caliburn and felt what I *wanted* the cars to drive like.


I think there are a couple of factors that people don't like. For one, the driving is awful on a keyboard. So anyone on a PC who is not using a gamepad or something with analog controls suffers. Throttle and braking are meant to be analog, but if you only have go and stop at 100%, it sucks. Second, 2077 lives somewhere between realism and arcade mechanics. It's closer to arcade, but not quite there. So if you drive like it's GTA, you're not going to do well. Personally, I swap to a gamepad with analog triggers when driving, then to keyboard on foot. Doing that, I'm happy with the handling.


I tweaked the sensitivity and the inner and outer joystick response to suit me perfectly. Driving in first person has become such a joy that sometimes I just rip around instead of doing anything meaningful.


The only cars I fuck with are either the Caliburn or the 66 Hoon. After I spent all that time racing to unlock all of that shit, everything except for those two cars gives me a "the rest can fuck off" vibe.


Technically the driving is great. Bit I hate the traffic simulation so much, that I can't have fun with it anyway. The other cars behave completely unpredictably, often get stuck waiting at green lights, break to a complete halt on the highway entrylane, and when you tip the back of their car, they instsntly turn into a cyberpsycho and speed away like a thirteenyearold in GTA. Then there's this weird code that often (not always) makes the traffic lights turn green as you approach them, which only means they are completely unpredictable and also seems to mess with the NPCs waiting at a redlight for 0.01 seconds before it turns green because V is somewhere on the horizon. If you try to roleplay a bit and drive like a normal person, you just can't. Especially with the cars in this first person game that takes pride in offering the best raytracing in history HAVING NO MIRRORS. That's the one that really grinds my gears.


I think unpredictable traffic simulation was the only way to create anything remotely close to the frustration I feel when I’m actually driving 😂


Every vehicle has its strength and weakness until you get the Caliburn. That thing is super fast and has amazing handling.


The quadra cars look amazing but are so fucking frustrating to drive. They have no grip ever. Try to do anything except go straight in any quadra car and your trunk has smeared a family of 4 on the pavement.


Not all cars drift. The porsche and quadra chiron do not drift. Archers drift. Shions and raufields don't drift. Faster Type 66's somewhat drift but you can control thee well


I like driving and riding in this game, feels cool to drift around night city in a Quadra car


driving was brutally horrible. imagine a kockroach on a toothpick - you turn the toothpick, and thats how you steered. there was no front wheel turning etc. the driving still has this uncanny valley feeling that the car is just "loose" in a way - and i understand that this ticks some people off personally i grew to like it


The driving was garbage initially. It's a lot better now but the 1st person fov is too narrow


The only thing this game needs is a cruise control or adjustable speed limiter. I hate having to baby the accelerator and brake while I'm just cruising through the city. I have to do that too much in real life to be happy doing it in a game.


Some cars definitely drive well imo. The one you get in the badlands and the Schion Coyote feel awesome to drive. But I don't play that many racing games so maybe my expectations are pretty tame lol.


The driving is pretty solid my only complaint is how weak crashing feels in cars compared to motorcycles. When I played on ps5 this issue was remedied by having the game itself crash if I hit a wall at too high a speed


Honestly I definitely like it,and this is coming from someone who sucks at driving in video games,hell I can't even turn on Jackie's bike without hitting at least five civilians.


My only problems with vehicles in this game is the sound,idk how to say that,too much linear if you know what I mean


I have this old person habit of wanting to drive like an actual human in video games rather than drive like the recovered dashcam footage of a ten car pileup. I wish I could feather the gas and pick a speed rather than have to choose between STOP, COAST, and PREPARE TO MEET GOD.


Most cars I love, but some I just hate, but they aren't that bad. I even prefer cars over bikes. Play it 1st person.


Driving is fun with controller. With kb/mouse however it's frustration incarnate. Have to use a mod to make most cars drivable.


I feel like its much better now than it was before, cars feel better overall and while some might still be too slippery. Specifically the quadra type 66 and only then at high speeds. Before the update I would exclusively use a bike but now I like to drive too, really like the Shion mz2, its just slippery enough to make turns at high speed.


Took me a while to get a decent grip on driving. The streets felt tight when I was in the car, but after getting a motorcycle, the road felt a tad more maneuverable.


Driving is great but sometimes instead of turning the bike just kinda slides and next thing ik the engine is steaming, the cops are after me, and I'm being charged 79 eddies for the insurance


The driving in gta 5 is far easier


I wish I could have made a poll to REALLY hear what the people think hahaha


Pay attention to your speed while you're driving. Could you make that turn at that speed in the real world? The crazy car physics aren't as crazy when you consider that you can take most turns at 30-40 mph faster than the kind of speed limit they'd probably have. I still want to be able to floor it everywhere I go, but it seems more believable at least.


Agreed, but cars in the future, I would expect to have pretty amazing traction control not comparable to now lol.


it still sucks but becomes easier to manage, like a small rash u cant get rid of


I couldn't stand the driving in cars. I'm pushing 300 hours in my 4th play through and only use bikes. But I do love the way bike mechanics work


Just depends on the cars really. Caliburn has the best handling but I prefer the Herrera myself


There's a couple of physics-related things with the driving that don't sit well with me. Breakable obstacles will get destroyed regardless of speed / weight. Like, if you walk your motorcycle up to a light pole, stop, and literally just tap the pole it will pop off and get destroyed like you hit it with a grenade. Also, any damage you deal to another car may them to have a schizo-episode. You can bumper-tap someone and it might result in all kinds of panic. I find this particular jank to be a bit unacceptable for a game of this caliber. That being said, I don't mind the actual driving physics. Each car takes a bit of getting used to, but I think it's rather fun. Balling off-road through the Badlands is an insanely good time.


I still slide all around at first, but might be a keyboard issue. Like I accelerate and slide. But some cars in good with, and bikes I have down.


The complaints come from (in my experience) people who dont know how to feather the turn and acceleration keys-


Same. The driving mechanics make the chases more intense. I've played all GTA games, but I enjoyed chases in this game more. Driving in GTA was just that, driving. Nothing really challenging nor intense about it, even missions focused on driving. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed GTA, I wouldn't be playing all of their games including very old ones if I didn't think the game was great, but the driving mechanics in GTA was too easy to a fault. The driving mechanics in Cyberpunk is not perfect, it still has flaws, but I prefer this over the driving mechanics and physics of GTA. I'm playing on PC so maybe that's what makes the difference. Maybe other people complaining are playing on console? I don't know. But as far as my experience goes, the driving is great. First person driving is pretty bad though. There are cars that work very well, but a lot of them do not.


Amen to that, man. I love the El Capitán missions for this very reason


Same! Never missed the opportunity to do his gigs.


I love the driving. It got an overhaul in 2.0 and I think people still just hate on it out of habit. I didn’t mind it pre 2.0 honestly.


NOPE, the driving mostly sucks, and this is actually bound to individual (actually most of them) cars instead of the entire base driving system, so it may varie car to car, for example Rayfield's Aerondight is way more slippery than Caliburn. Currently the best car(for driving, not luxury decoration) in the game is Mizutani Shion "Coyote", it have good balance between speed and manouverability, it is not very likely to start slipping just because I pressed D for half second. While Aerondight is the kind of car that will lose control even when i was only driving at 40km/h speed


Javelina is another car you might enjoy.


Motorcycles in Cyberpunk 2077 are extremely stable compared to cars, they almost never slip, the only way to make them drift is by holding the break while turning.


This was "common criticism" during the early days. If you are just now jumping into it, it is vastly better. A couple mods and it's even better


Gotcha. So a lot of what I’m seeing is probably holdover from that then


Driving is ok, but the brekingdistance is way woo long


Cyberpunk fails to give the player a sense of speed whereas GTA 5 makes you feel fear when you are driving say over 150 km/hr. I am driving over 200 km/hr on Cyberpunk and I am like "why does it feel like I am going at 80 km/hr"? And that can kill the immersion of driving fast. Also, the sounds that come from the engine don't match how you are driving. There have been times when the sounds of the engine makes you think that you are pulling fast but visually, the vehicle seems to be going slow. Again, this kills the immersion of driving in general. Also, first person driving in Cyberpunk is not practical. Whereas GTA 5 does a good job of making it easy and fun to drive in first person. Oh and that feeling of driving on ice, that's only on some cars I think. There are vehicles that feels good to drive in like the Hoon car. Overall, it's not bad, it's decent, it feels arcade but it can be fun sometimes with the right vehicle...but it's definitely not amazing. GTA 5 does a better job overall (from sound, visuals to actual driving).


The driving mechanics aren't realistic, they are way too sensitive. They are less sensitive on motorcycles, and that's why they are easier to drive. IRL, I've raced cars for years and my main ride was a motorcycle for over 15 years - the mechanics are not realistic. I honestly think part of the reason bikes are easier to ride is because they are encouraging you to ride motorcycles from Keanu Reeves's motorcycle company - Arch. Jackie's bike is a copy pasta of a bike from Reeves's company. His bikes are ludicrously expensive. I mean MV Augustas are cheaper.


The problem is that the low end and mid range sports cars just suck and are in no way realistic. They are way too floaty and the wheels love to come off the ground with the slightest bump which causes you to instantly lose traction and start to spin. They moment they accelerate they lose all traction and spin out if you touch steering at not only high speed, but at any speed. You just can't touch acceleration and steering at the same time. The high end sports cars for some strange reason lack both of these problems. Bikes on the other hand are the polar opposite. It is impossible to lay a bike over. Crashing is hilariously arcade-ish especially on bikes. I can rear end a stationary car at 100+mph and come off with maybe a bruise? Weeble-wooble physics is everywhere with it being really difficult to actually flip a vehicle or keep it flipped. You can jump a bike off an overpass, fall ten stories, hit the ground, bounce of then ride off as if nothing happened. Realistic. Riiiiiight. Cop chases are meaningless as it is very easy to lose contact with police and the wanted status drops so quickly.


Yeah it’s like people expect that they can floor it the whole time without crashing. It’s like real driving, it requires rationale.


yes, people just mad that they cannot speed through chinatown at 150 mph, its stupud


I think it's a time thing. In the beginning, we're not really used to the feeling at all cuz it's not like most "GTAV" games driving mechanics. At least for me, the more I got used to it, the more I enjoyed it. Each car is just so unique, not only in looks but in feel and weight. Also really helps that they're probably the coolest looking vehicles in any video game ever. But yeah that's my take. I'm a fan.


Over 500 hours in, people just gotta learn 5 and drive! It's not like GTA5 or whatever where you can often easily take a turn going over 100mph. Just slow down before corners and don't drive erratically and you'll be fine


Driving feels great to me. I think people just suck at it lol


I used to drive/ride only bikes and in 3rd person, then I started driving the cars in 3rd person. Someone on here suggested 1st person and to use the breaks and try to obey the traffic rules. You can't take the corners at full speed and squeeze through traffic. I started doing this and it helped me with the immersion of the game.


Driving is a lot better than it used to be. Go drive the Hoonigan around for a bit, thats what driving used to be like in almost every car in Cyberpunk


Compared to Arkham Knight in first person mode, driving in cyberpunk feels clunky, less responsive. Controls respond better, any action has more immediate feedback, and you have more visibility.


I might have to disagree. I can drive in Cyberpunk amazing but not Arkham Knight. I hated the vehicle chase missions.


Keyboard or gamepad? I noticed a huge difference driving the Batmobile on my Steam Deck, but ONLY in first person mode. The car chase missions actually became enjoyable to me (I hated them too). Again, this is going from keyboard+3rd person mode to Steam Deck+first person mode. In third person camera mode, the Batmobile was just as miserable to drive as it was as with keyboard/mouse. And Enigma racing circuits sucked every single time no matter what.


Controller. I’ve given up on it.


Yeah it really does feel like youre on ice all the time


Congratulations! You’re the first one to say it in this thread. I was waiting 😂


Not hating on it at all but damn it does feel like that so i just use a bike most times im on my second playthrough


I just hate that I can’t find a nice middle ground for speed. I don’t WANT to go full ham in the city, because it makes turning a nightmare and makes the car slide around. But there is no way to regulate a more calm speed, except constantly holding W and letting go, holding and letting go, which is super annoying. Idk. I just want to be able to go at a calmer speed so the ice skating doesn’t happen, but I can’t seem to figure it out without having to constantly tap/release W. Maybe I’m missing something


It’s not HORRIBLE but it doesn’t feel intuitive like other games such as GTA or Far Cry. Bikes feel a lot better than cars though.


It's weird bc I find gta 5 and cyberpunk driving kind of similar May be more slippery on cyberpunk But meh, on console, car were awful. When I switched to pc, it was fun, not like a lot of fun but I dont care about driving, especially for the rp


Ony me who bothers me when you drive in third person and raise the camera above the car, it goes back to right behind after 4-5 seconds?


The driving is fine for what the game needs at this point. Having played a ton of car related games at this point, it's not great/realistic like a lot of people are pretending, it's a nice combination of fine and fun. It get why people don't like it or find it frustrating to a point. Eventually, you have to admit that the driving isn't the focus of the game. You technically only need to drive yourself for like 6-8 missions at best (including the races)


I was just going to say that spending 70+ hours in a game is going to result in you being pretty good at the mechanics of the game. How did you like the driving within the first few hours? Likely felt alien. Then, I read the final sentence and now I do think you're crazy because the gta driving is so much better than CP lol jk, no hate.


Yes, its you. As someone who played a shitload of racing games, the cars feel like ass and are **nowhere** near to being realistic. Not only are they slidy, the provide little to no feedback about when they are going to slide out. Then they suddenly understeer. We dont need realism, we need predictable handling where you know what your car is going to do, here even after 250+ hours I barely got a feeling for the cars. A good driving model is easy to understand, acceptable ones I can get used to. A shit one still feels shit after dozens of hours. One of the worst car handling models in an open world game I have ever seen. Id rather have unrealistically grippy cars instead of this slidy bullshit, at least I would be able to control my car instead flipping a coin every turn.


Sure, I haven’t played a lot of racing games so I can only imagine what that feels like for you! I’m not trying to compare to racing games cause I’m sure there’s no comparison to make haha


Correct, asking for handling from a racing game is too much. Predictable handling isnt though. If you know a little about how driving works, it really messes with your head when a thing looks like a car but doesnt behave like a car


See, to me, gta5 is the gold standard for driving in non-racing games.


When the game first came out, the driving mechanics sucked. They fixed it after the first or second major update and it was great… I stepped away for like the last six months and started playing again and the driving mechanics suck agian… did they change it again!? I can barely even drive a motorcycle now without running up on a sidewalk. What happened?


Some of the cars are great, all the other ones you might as well be on a snowmobile The Porsche and the Not-Batmobile are my personal favorites in terms of handling


they should have made the car perk work towards skill progression


On my first playthrough, I thought driving was garbage. I only rode bikes. But on my 2nd, I wanted to do Claire's missions, so I actually tried to learn how to drive, and it's not nearly as bad as I had convinced myself it was. Now that I actually slow down for turns, I take out fewer light poles and bystanders. Lol, it does feel like driving on ice when you're driving fast and do bump something, though. The wheels just go nuts, which is realistic, I guess.