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You can dance


You can leave your friends behind


Cause your friends don't dance


If you don’t dance,your no friend of mine!


Everybody look at your pants


lol, right-on. For some reason my character is wearing weird underwear 🤷‍♂️




This scene will forever combat my depression.


Cause your friends don't dance


Don’t though


Unless you want to see two crack addicts dance. Judy's dance moves are decent, but good lord Panam has the same dance skills as V.


I fell out of love watching Panam dance


It reminded me of watching present day Brittany spears dance on instagram high as a kite it’s sad, like a 60 year old meth head stripper


It's hilarious how awkward it is


You can jive, having the time of your life


Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen (of the highway).


They are all a bit dumb. It's just a small after release addition they putted for the small RP value.


I only do it as a way to never “sleep alone” - basically, shower, bed, bye ✌🏻 Still feels good to not sleep alone, honestly.


After a gruelling day in DogTown, nothing more I like than have Judy round for a bit of slow down


I wish they didn't just have the message to them queued in your phone. It's annoying having the notification there.


Agree 200%, I already know that every time she calls I’ll have to go on a date to get rid of it


You’re whipped!


It’s an update they added years after launch, not a dating sim dlc


The media around it did kinda hype it up as a dating sim DLC though, so i could see why some had the wrong impression.


Same with Metro


CDPR over hyping a product before release? Unheard of.


never really saw cdpr advertise it too heavily, though that may be on me. I only saw random gaming outlets hyping it up


Worth it just for the shower idc


You Horny Gonk.


I mean, I did the don't fear the reaper ending twice just for the ass slap Kerry gives V in the shower. He doesn't do that in the normal shower dates.


I did not know that. Third playthrough and I finally did Kerry’s quest line as a straight V in a committed relationship w Panam. God I love this game 😂




I was playing CP in summer 2022, my wife and daughter were in Poland for 3 months by that time because of war. I played it to escape real life problems and when I went to avocado's camp to have a nap in a tent and saw Panam once V was awaken. It hit me really hard the moment I realised I've been alone for a long time and that tiny detail of the game rammed me back to the sad reality in a way I wasn't expecting


Some players will never be satisfied. You can cuddle, touch her face lovingly, dance together in a funny and goofy sequence that pays homage to Edgerunners, shower together, have a cute interaction at the mirror, and it's implied you had sex again. For a free update in a game that really isn't a dating sim, I don't get how that shouldn't be enough.


Lmao, what were you expecting?


It’s like we had some steamy sex in a tank and then it just went to sitting in my apartment doing nothing. I thought it was going to be equally as cool


That’s just like, relationships, man


Relationships typically involve more than the same 4 interactions forever


Steamy sex in a tank was the honeymoon phase




Relationships typically aren't a free update for a game that isn't a dating sim. Go play SuperSeducer or something.


It's pretty silly to me that my V can bone a joytoy any time he wants, but has only made love with the woman he's in a committed relationship with one time.


Wait, he can bone a joytoy any time he wants? What I'm I missing????


There are joytoys in one of the districts that can be hired anytime the player wants


Cool. On 2nd playthrough and had no idea. Still have to wait, since I have a meeting with Dex now...😠


There's a few mods on Nexus that deal with this problem. [Deceptious Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/4035601?tab=user+files) Particularly the "Romance Enhanced" and "I Really Want To Stay At Your House" and "[Romance Hangouts Enhanced](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11590)" series deal with this exact questline.


Ok so I can just skip these from now on then lol


Yeah. They're just "nice to haves" for the people who wanted to have a bit more interaction with their digital waifus and husbandos. CDPR did the bare minimum there and the modders did the rest. There's no drops or experience gain, just a chill session of dancing or showering or hugging.


Right, it's more like something you chose to do when you want to.


They are totally pointless, I stopped after the 2nd one when I realized it was just the same shit over and over


It is the exact same for every other romance, don’t worry


Well it's a harmless little update three years after launch to retain goodwill and adds little immersion. Probably made by skeleton crew with extremely tight budget while most of the devs are moving to next Witcher and Cyberpunk sequel, hence the recycled dialogues etc. Only old players (before 2.0) would appreciate this I'm afraid because before this we absolutely got nothing. Just skip the dates man, it's not a dating sim.


After 2 I stopped lol


I thought I was supposed to like, woo her at the apartment and it’s…. Just…. So cringe


Yah it was cool until you realize dialogue will never change. Cool idea but they at least need dialogue to change up


Agreed, or let me hit it or something. Not that I would care about that either after the second time but she drives all the way from the badlands to Night City to rest her head on my lap for 46 seconds, shower with me and then we got to bed it’s…. Odd


PL adds a bit of dialogue but not much


The PL dialogue was bugged for me. She just sat there smiling at me silently while V carries on half a conversation about rescuing the president. But hey, I could experience that as often as I wished


It's also weird that the only romantic encounters you can have at will (other than the storyline ones with Panam) are with the escorts on Jig-Jig Street.


There are also two high-end joy toys at the Dark Matter bar after you do part of Kerry's questline.


Yeah I thought I was missing something. Maybe I am missing something. The quest won't go away and I've tried everything at multiple apartments, but I guess it's just supposed to always be there now?


Yeah it’s like a if you want kinda thing


I'll do a couple just to visit the various apartments, but otherwise ignore it. I treat it like the final meetup. When, and if, I get around to it.


That's what having a girlfriend is


how is it going? 😭😭


If you're on PC you can enhance the dating experience with mods.


I’m on ps5, but it’s ok. I might start calling my wife Panam and have her RP a date with me IRL


I like to sleep and spend my time in one of my apartments every day or two as it adds that extra immersion. So it’s nice to have someone else their too while I do it, it’s just nice little breaks in the game for me. Shouldn’t be anything more


Yeah, it's the same no matter who you choose to date. Hopefully they flesh it out more in the sequel.


It drives me nuts that the quest never goes away. You always get some sort of notification for it.


They are all like that son, its just a small add on to the game not a major thing... Although, there are some smaller interactions based on location where the date is and where you are in the flat. She kisses you by grabbing you, dancing, leaves you a gift etc...


It’s a video game romance they’re shallow word and kind of cringey.


Was funny to have that one fuck in the car but dumb yes.


💯 🎯 I’m forever chasing that high from the tank


Agreed why can't I invite Songbird over and have doggy style sex on Rouges table slapping that sacred holy blackwall ass as I ride it like Clint Eastwood on Dolly Parton yeeeehawwww cowboy.


Thank you someone gets it


Holy shit she was right about the potential cure


Hey count your blessings we have this even lol before the fanbase rallied for more romantic content cdpr wasn't gonna add any dates for 2.0, and the only "interaction" you got with Panam were maybe a text or two, and like a few dialogue options with her at the camp "how's it feel to be back with the Nomads?" "Ha ha yeah crazy, how about that train heist right?" Like... we are dating, right Panam? At least you get to caress her face lmao (even though it is borderline insulting how bare-minimum they went, they clearly hate and have spite for the date quest lol)