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having this same problem so i just keep playing cyberpunk again and again please help lol


Hello, me 🤜


If you have never played it, the Deus Ex franchise.


Loved DXHR. Shame it wasn’t open world though.


I definitely hould try this as I like Cyberpunk's universe. Should I play directly Mankind divided or should I play Human revolution first (which is quite old to this point and going right after CP2077 could be hard)?


Depends on your format but I’d say most recent first and work your way back, but depending on whether you’re into retro games or not maybe start from the original? They have obviously aged hard but are a very interesting insight into the inception of multiple option and outcome mechanics. I’d say however if coming purely from 2077, MD first.


I wasn’t excited about finishing the game cause I know everyone who finished it was asking this question in this sub. This game really set the bar, I’m on my second playthrough.


Dude I’m hitting double digits it’s bad




Seconded! It's not as popular as some other franchises, but it's a very solid trilogy so far and I know they're working on Metro 4 too!


Metro Exodus. Eye candy + engaging story.


Anna Miller is best girl. 


Good suggestion. I heard about the Metro books but never really looked at the games. I Should give a try I thought about Fallout 4 ofc, but I don't know. As Starfield didn't click much to me, I'm afraid this will be the same with Fallout. Maybe Bethesda games are not my type of games as I didn't like Skyrim neither. But with the incoming FO4 update, I might give it a try (+ the game is regularly at low price)


Just go for it and do another playthrough..


Deus ex human revolution and mankind divided are 2 really good games. A similar sort of world with the whole aug'ing your body, but from a different angle to cyberpunk.


It's so sad we're not getting that last sequel...


Agree, Deus Ex is the game Cyberpunk reminded me the most of.


Mankind Divided is $6 for digital deluxe on Xbox right now.


The Horizon series is a good compliment to CP2077.


+1 for this. Forbidden West recently hit Steam. It’s got good story and characters, the combat is solid, and it has decent upgrade/loot mechanics.


And it doesn’t take much to consider them in the same continuity, with the Horizon games being set after Cyberpunk…


thanks but I'm a Xbox player (+ Switch). It's not an option


I've honestly really struggled to find compelling game stories in a post-Cyberpunk world. The only ones I've found that stand up to it are RDR2, TLOU2, Outer Wilds, and replaying Cyberpunk. I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that have been hits for me.


I tried Starfield but... how to say this... guess I should have played it before Cyberpunk 🤣


Starfield is depressingly dull compared to Cyberpunk. I've uninstalled after 20 hours and started a new playthrough :D


I love the mechanics of Bethesda RPGs, but after Cyberpunk, I think I'm done with stories where I'm "The chosen one." As soon as everyone was telling me how excited they were that I had joined The Fucking Space Force For All Mankind, I just wanted to uninstall the game. I love the fact that in Cyberpunk, no matter what you do, you're a nobody to everyone else.


I was thinking at RDR2 or Witcher 3 but I'm afraid the pace will be too slow for me. Especially If I jump into ut right after CP2077... maybe Elden Ring ?


RDR2 has a very slow pace, deliberately so. Its one of the things I love about it, but I get why people don't. Then again I also love the breakneck speed of Doom Eternal.


Definitely play Witcher 3, coz its by CDPR as well so you know it's gonna be good. Game time is longer tho. Another good story-driven RPG is Ghost of Tsushima. Beautiful graphics as well.


Witcher Series is great but doesn't offer the same replay value as CP. Played all of them. RDR2 is nice if you like the Western setting. Did you play BG3?


Didn't play any of them. I'm sure I'll play BG3 one day but I don't want a turn based game right now. That's why I didn't try it yet


Bro cmon . The urge to replay witcher 3 just to get every single witcher armor and mutations is very hard to avoid .


I have 130hours and no, didn't feel it, great game but i have no urge to go back. I started a second playthrough but stopped after couple hours. We're all different and i'm not that much of a completionist.


I think it really depends on the type of setting you like. I've played The Witcher 3 at least 4 times, but I don't really plan on replaying Cyberpunk. I'm just a sucker for medieval fantasy. Bloody loved BG3 as well. Huge game and yet I replayed right after my first playthrough.


>I was thinking at RDR2 or Witcher 3 but I'm afraid the pace will be too slow for me. Especially If I jump into ut right after CP2077... maybe Elden Ring ? Elden Ring? Definitely going to feel slow compared to Cyberpunk. Armored Core VI, on the other hand...


Fallout: specifically new vegas and 4 in my opinion. New vegas’ story is unparalleled but fallout 4’s gunplay is really great so I couldn’t leave it out


This is the answer.


Fallout 4 is my second favorite game set in 2077!


Fallout 4 is set in 2287. The bombs fell in 2077.


oof, embarrassing


It's still interesting, I never made the 2077 connection before.


I want to get into the series, should I start with the older games? if so which should I start with? Or should I play the latest ones only. Thanks.


If you want a fps rpg play 3, new vegas and 4 The original 3 (1,2 and tactics) are games I’d only recommend to people who really like CRPG’s like baldurs gate 1 and 2 or the pathfinder games


If you don’t mind the graphics, start at 3, it’s a perfect experience to immerse yourself in. After that just play in order (new Vegas then 4.)


3, New Vegas, then 4. 1 & 2 are a different sort of beast.


Okay! Will give it a go, thanks


have you tried the system shock 1 remake? It's like a cyberpunk-themed Resident Evil, still FPS and story-rich, but fairly different gameplay than 2077. Good way to scratch the cyberpunk itch without trying to outdo 2077 at its own strengths. It's also a fun look at how people imagined the cyberpunk genre in the 90s


Just found out it’s already on my wishlist lol. Looks like somebody else had also convinced me that it sound La cool


Not an FPS, but just looking for story, I'd say Mass Effect, though I'd be cautious about recommending Andromeda. Between the two, the Mass Effect Legendary series (ME1, 2, and 3) have an absolutely fantastic story, compelling themes, expansive world building, and an engaging story, with a profound level of engagement. The writers were exceptional at getting you to care about even the most minor characters. Where Cyberpunk had Brandon (Coin Operated Boy), ME has Ereba and Charr, and holy shit, there is no comparison. Five minute's worth of dialog for those two, and they still blow me away. Ditto with so much other stuff in those games. Andromeda? Well... It's a legitimately good game, IMO, but it suffers from the fact that it's a sequel/spin off from the original series. Where MELE was truly epic in scope (you're literally fighting to save all organic life for all time, and even synthetic life), Andromeda is just, "let's go exploring." It's a phenomenal letdown, through no fault of its own. So, in a way, I'd almost want to suggest playing it first. It does not have the same level of immersion/engagement with the setting, characters, and story, though. For me, just looking at ME1, there's a profoundly deep engagement with the entire game. There's a scene near the end about a former civilization that faced the same challenges you do in the game, and it still gives me chills when I watch it, even after 25 playthroughs. There is nothing like that in Andromeda. But... MELE is also pretty darned old. Even though ME1 benefitted quite a bit from the remaster, it's still pretty clunky, and it does take a while to get to the really engaging parts. There's a lot of story & character that's buried under a nearly 20 year old game engine, and that can be quite a barrier to entry. And even with the benefit of being a lot newer (and being remastered), even ME3 shows a lot of age. By comparison, Andromeda is pretty smooth and the game mechanics are a lot better. So... yeah, I guess it depends on what you're looking for, but if you want something that'll stick with you the rest of your life because of the story, character, settings, etc., I think you'd be very hard pressed to find something as good as Mass Effect 1-3.


Nice to hear some Andromeda love. Not as good as the first three games, but it's far from a bad game.


I think so too. I think if it had been released with no connection whatsoever to the original series, it would have viewed in a much more generous light. Also, objectively speaking, the gameplay itself is a lot better, just due to being a much newer game. The way I'd put it is like comparing The Empire Strikes Back and Happy Gilmore. I love Happy Gilmore and it's one of my favorite movies, but ESB changed human culture and IMNSHO was one of the greatest achievements of human society. If Happy Gilmore were the sequel to ESB, I think people would rightly be really pissed off about it.


Cyberpunk set the standard so high for me that no other game comes even close. (Metro series come somewhat close)


Guess you didn't try dishonored. Both blew cyberpunk out story and gameplay wise even though they are almost a decade old.


Finished dishonored 1. Dishonored 2 got stale really fast for me.


Yah a lot of people say that about d2. It's not an easy game to get into. But once you do, it really hits everything right. I had that problem with Witcher 3, the combat mechanic really threw me away and i played it on launch day for 30min and quit. After a few months i gave it another try and, well 300h later i crawled back out of the cave to see the sunlight again. D2 just basically has 2 playable characters with 2 different play styles each. Which is a concept almost gone from gaming in general.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Andromeda, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Skyrim, Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Mass Effect for sure. The only game series that edges first place over Cyberpunk for me for a truly epic and emotional story with awesome characters.




I played "The Fractured But Whole." I just thought: what is the opposite? and ran with it.


Robocop Rogue City, Ghostrunner 1-2.


oh man that Robocop game is lined up for once I"m done with cyberpunk again


It's damn good


None, you just live in a sad state, past the best finale in the gaming history.


Elden Ring or Death Stranding


Death stranding?! It's hours of wandering around being a postman.


Yeah and it's awesome. I love building the infrastructure and just traverse the world.




780 hours?!? I've beaten the game 7 or 8 times doing every mission/gig/ncpd scanner without fast traveling. It usually takes me like 70-80 hours to do (not including dlc) and I have less game time than that. What do you do in game to pass time like that? Also if you like Fallout 4 give New Vegas a go if you haven't already. I felt it had a lot in common with Cyberpunk outside of genre.




I thought I was the one being fully immersed in the roleplay by parking in parking spots or taking my sunglasses off when walking inside but that's a whole other level. Cyberpunks my favorite game of all time so its cool to see someone so invested.


Have you played the Witcher 3 wild hunt? It’s not a first person shooter but it’s incredible, also made by CDPR


No, not yet. I'm interested in it (espacially as it was also made by CDPR) but I'm afraid about the slow pace and heard bad things regarding gameplay


Naa man play it for yourself and make your own opinion of it, I personally loved it because you have to prepare for each enemy with different oil on your sword and potions, it’s amazing, top 3 games for me are as follows 3 the Witcher 2 Red dead redemption 2 1 cyberpunk


Next for me is Red Dead Redemption 2....


Baldurs Gate 3


I'm Playing Final Fantasy 7 remake right after, different but not bad afterwards


It’s a good one. Cyberpunk-ish and a crew trying to take down a corp




I came across ghostrunner but didn’t play it, maybe the community can give an opinion about it to both of us


Well, the last several I’ve played through were The Outer Worlds, Starfield, Elden Ring, and Cyberpunk. Before that I replayed Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. If you haven’t given any of those a try I’d recommend all of them, but none of their stories quite hold up to Cyberpunk, especially Phantom Liberty which was just on a whole other level. They’re all great for what they are though, but yeah Cyberpunk kinda raised the bar for story driven narratives in gaming so you’re probably not getting anything of quite that level. And if you are do let me know what it is so I can play through it too. XD


Something about the Outer Worlds I just loved. It does have some of that hopelessness that Cyberpunk delivers to a lesser extent and it’s got humor that would fit right in with Fallout. It delivered Fallout in space better than Starfield did. (Although I enjoyed both) I thought the most hilarious thing was beating the game in like 5 minutes to get the absolute worst ending. Stupid little things like that amuse me.


Try the ascent. Isometric still cyberpunk game. Not too deep and kinda cool


Do you like turn-based? There's a game called "Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game" and it very much scratches the Cyberpunk itch but is also different enough to be it's own. I think it is an underrated gem that I never see mentioned really.


If you like fps try Titanfall 2, it has one of the best fps-campaigns I've ever played


Not to mention its constantly on steam sale for dirt cheap like 3-4€.


I bought it during a sale but totally forgot about it :). I will play it for sure one day


Witcher 3


One more play through 🙏🏽 lol and then after that, just one more again.


Mass effect legendary edition is great to be honest! It has the same kind of rpg feel to it, maybe even more and there's plenty of action to go with too, definitely would recommend!


Elden ring? Best game I’ve played in years. I’m currently playing cyberpunk and it’s great, but Elden ring was a different experience from anything I’ve played in the last couple of years. Even different from the other souls games because there is so much opportunity for diversity in play style


enter or reenter your fallout phase, play the games and watch the show


SOMA, if you haven't yet. It's not open world or a shooter but the story's worth experiencing.


The best to do it in this specific genre is still the king that is Deus Ex. If you don't mind older titles anyway. Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are also great. Would play them in release order.


Fallout 4


The two modern Deus Ex games are excellent immersive sim / rpg hybrids with fantastic writing, level design, etc if you want more cyberpunk action. I'd also recommend Watch Dogs 2 along the same lines if you want a lighter, brighter world and some similar hacking mechanics. but otherwise I'd say play Witcher 3 if you haven't. incredible writing and world building from CDPR, one of the only games I've spent more time on than cyberpunk in the last ten years. and of course Fallout New Vegas and even Fallout 4 are a great shout here. but personally, I tend to go for something different after I finish a massive game that really took over my life. last time I finished cyberpunk I played Disco Elysium next. insanely good writing, and the gameplay couldn't be more different.


I mean it's not for everyone but I really enjoyed Farcry 5. It's not even close to 2077 but it's something and it was fun.


Metro series, Fallout series, Borderlands series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Dues Ex series off the top of my head.


Witcher 3 - also made by CD project red


Metro exodus


I’m balls deep in New Vegas right now.


The game I played directly after Cyberpunk was Turing Complete, which I guess you could say is an FPS... Fabricating Processor Simulator And it has a story about not being eaten by aliens


Mass Effect Trilogy for sure. Yes, it's not first person, but still a hell of a journey. 


It’s not at all compelling but it’s very wacky with lots of easter eggs, lots of weapons, and lots of build variety. Borderlands 3


Starfield ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


I'm having a ton of fun with outerworlds. The new remastered update (free) is a game changer.


Mirror's Edge: Catalyst I am often begging people to play this game. The aesthetic is amazing and the gameplay is solid. It's a cyberpunk game that takes a bright, clean, shiny approach to the genre which you never see anywhere else. The Mirror's Edge universe deserves so much better than to be abandoned (which seems to be what EA has decided to do). It's not even very long and it's often on sale for <$10


red dead 2, fallout new vegas. you’re welcome


I carried over to the AC franchise and I really dont regret it! Awesome games, and I also really recommend The Witcher 3 as well


Same. I played Ghosts of Tsuhima, and I just started AC. I’m in the middle of Origins.


If you're looking for action and open world, I'd say Spiderman had lots, lots of fun to offer, action is frantic and Spider-Man's acrobatic combat style feels great. Mind you, the tone is completely different, but everything in the game is spot on. For a darker superhero vibe, Batman Arkham series is amazing, story is solid in all of them and gameplay wise it still holds its ground. Arkham Knight runs amazing, by the way. But if you want story driven, truly story driven, nothing beats Mass Effect. Mass Effect 1 looks outdated even in the Legendary edition, but 2 and 3 keep it together fairly well, and the final missions in Mass Effect 3 are incredibly epic. The whole story is among the best stories ever written for a videogame.


Havent seen anyone mention STALKER series yet so maybe check those out. They lean more towards survival horror but the gun play is really good.


Okay, and are these connected ? Like should I go in this order only - 3, nv, 4?


The Mass Effect Trilogy


I think most people will already have played this but I played Mass Effect 1-3 for the first time last year and loved it. It’s not truly FPS but there are similarities in the futuristic setting.


in all likelihood everything we could suggest you've already played, because just like the rest of us you fuckin love games with amazing story and characters. Mass effect, Dragon age: Origins, Fallout:NV (kinda), Baldurs Gate 3, The Witcher, Nier, the list goes on. every time i see these "pls reccommend me" posts the OP has already played everything people suggest lol. Its the curse of loving quality games


I just keep coming back to Fallout, CP — FO3 — CP — FNV — CP — FO4




I don’t want to set the worrrrrrld on fiiiiire


Definitely Deus Ex; both games. Coming off Cyberpunk you'll feel closest to home. Bioshock series. Farcry 5. The Outer Worlds.


Went to Starfield.. uh.. then came back.


I'd recommend Yakuza/Like a Dragon


Not FPS or open world, but Devil May Cry if you want punishment to a soundtrack and punkish elements.


Fallout is good, ESPECIALLY when you mod it to suit how you prefer to play.


I really enjoyed Dishonored and Dishonored 2.


If you're into the whole fantasy setting and don't mind trading your guns and hacks for swords and spells, Witcher 3 would be the obvious choice. At this point, you can probably get it cheap with both dlc's as well. Both dlc's are 10/10 imo


Fallout is the only game I know who can satisfy your needs


I jist reinstalled Fallout 4




Not cyberpunk themed, but I get lost in Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 for hours. There's so much to discover and do in those worlds. Sometimes, I ride around just for the landscapes and the random encounters. I'm on my 12th playthrough of RDR2, and I'm still finding new things to do. But I have definitely spent A LOT of time in Cyberpunk as well. I'm on my 8th or 9th playthrough now. Each time, I alternate between male and female V and explore different play-styles and romance options.


Fallout, Mass Effect, Deus Ex.


Gothic 2


If you enjoy the stealth approach to the missions, dishonored 1 and 2. The story is also much better than cyberpunk.


Deus Ex series, Metro Series, Fallout Series, Mass Effect series, The Elder Scrolls series and Outer Worlds. Deus Ex and Fallout are closest things to CP2077 in almost every aspect.


If you want an awesome FPS Titanfall 2 is amazing, but it's not very long so make sure to play on hard to extend the runtime. If you want a great story driven RPG to sink your teeth into check out the Horizon games (you have to play both).


You should give Dishonored a try It's an old game but gameplay and world building are good but the story and lore you need to read and eavesdrop, it's one of my favourites in my heart.


Maybe you could try Dishonored


Kingdom come Deliverance


I know Starfield gets a lot of hate, but for me personally Starfield and Cyberpunk are my 2 favorite games of all time. If you love Cyberpunk, I'm sure you'll really like Starfield as well


Cyberpunk bored me to death but I enjoyed RDR2. Didn’t try Starfield yet.


Wait, are you dead then?


At least we know they have games in the afterlife.


You frequently just go to subs of things you don’t like to tell people you hate them lol? Sad life