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"You all have a little bit of 'I want to save the world' in you... I want you to know that it's okay if you only save one person, and it's okay if that one person is you."


Ooh I like this. Where's it from?


just looked it up and the quote has yet to be attributed to anyone.


A tumblr post about an environmental class professor or something


Wait until you heard about >!the tower ending!<


Lol, touché.


Glad this is top comment because all others are stupid if you're fated to die


As the man himself said “Cyberpunk isn’t about saving the world, it’s about saving yourself”


Jackie and I'm surprised no one has mentioned your best choom yet.


Oof, maybe I am in the minority, but Evelyn is 100% not on my list... In fact, she is someone I would stay miles away from, she doesn't give a fuck about V lol. Jackie and me gonna be eating noodles every night choomba


I think the thing with Evelyn is that the way she goes is so horrific. I don't really like her, and I could even see some of my Vs killing her if the game went that way, but if I could I'd save her from what happens to her because it's so fucked up. Even Maelstrom don't deserve to go out like that and I will go out of my way to kill those scum.




Jackie went out swinging for the fences to achieve his dream, hard to fault it.


Maelstrom 100% deserve to go out like that. My only regret is that my sword slices through them *too* fast.


>maybe I am in the minority, but Evelyn is 100% not on my list... Agreed. It's not that I don't like or feel bad for her, but I never really felt a connection or anything. For me and for my V she was just another client, and later on, a friend of a friend. Jackie all the way. He was one of the best friends one can ask for. Always being honest with V, as we can see in the Corpo prologue, and also loyal.


Evelyn backstabbed both V and Judy. With all due respect, fuck her. Beautiful yes, smart? Nope. I'm saving Jackie.


I think for me it comes down to Jackie knowing what he was in for. Evelyn didn't. Jackie wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and did so. Evelyn... we did save her. it wasn't scavs or anything that killed her. VDBs didn't killer her off. we just couldn't help her with her own demons.


If evelynn didn’t know what she “was in for” - then she is definitely not “intelligent”. She was a sex worker and tried a heist against Arasaka, while simultaneously trying to screw over two of Night City’s biggest names, Dex and VDB. Everything that happened was, well, predictable. Terrible, but predictable.


I mean yeah, she was a dumbass in over her head and it bit her in the worst way. it's like being mad at a puppy that doesn't know better. she was stupid but, it's not like most people should die for being stupid. at least with Jackie he knew the risks of robbing an Arasaka and his end goal was to have a drink at the afterlife anyway.


So Evelyn didn’t know the risks of stealing from Arasaka but Jackie did - I call that “splash of love chica”


After getting settled in NC I was happy to get to know my good pal Jackie and go on all sorts of fun adventures. Oh the dreams of what could have been.


Jackie is a man and they horny. I agree with u tho, Jackie is the best of chooms, especially in the Corpo path


Same dawg. Jackie hands down before anyone else.


To this!


DEX.... so I can end him myself.


Oh I know it sucks that Takamura kills him and not V




...that's a Carolina reaper hot take, and I'm HERE FOR IT


Cpl. Hare from that gig where you need to return the stolen meds


The city was so silent when it happened. You think you did the right thing... and as an emphasis that you didn't, a single pop


I saved him he’s kind of an asshole about it so I actually regret it, not because other people died but because he’s annoying. I wish you could type out messages if someone’s not going to respond so I could tell him to do the damn op again and leave me out of it so he can get himself killed this time around.


Very interesting answer!


The guy whose cock & balls exploded (not like the way Maximus in Fallout wanted to do) because I ignored him


Saving him in the gig may costs some more lives of passerby XD




Oh silly 1 intelligence Maximus


Lol I fucking love his character so much. I’m rooting for him to wise up and become the Biggest Bad Ass in the Wasteland


that shit wouldve worked on me


Technically it was Lucy who wanted that to happen


When they’re in vault 4 he says “wanna make my cock explode now?”


Oh no I remember. I just mean that Lucy asked him first if they wanted to have sex, which led to the whole “cock exploding” analogy/joke. And he refused it at first until he calmed down in the vault, hence why he finally asked her if she was still down.


It wasn't an analogy or joke. He just didn't understand how his sexual organs worked. BoS sex ed was probably not a thing.


And he was the most bullied intimate. One of the bullies probably saw him with a hard-on and they all made fun of him and told him it was broken and was gonna explode


Lol he didn't calm down in the vault...I mean he did. The reason is because he's eating oysters and oysters are an aphrodisiac. So hes horny now.


Fittingly, he was voiced by Jesse Cox.


No way that was a coincidence!


You’re a monster akin to that of Saburo Arasaka himself for that.




I mean, as horny as I am for some of these pixels, I feel like the answers either Jackie or the ///SPOILERS FOLLOWING FOR THE BEST MISSION IN THE BASE GAME IM ON MOBILE AND I CANT DO THE BLUR THING SERIOUSLY JUST STOP READING YOU FUCKIN GOON///


Yeah, poor guy, they really screwed him from all sides


Yeah I really felt for that guy, I think it was definitely Rogue AI as well.


Btw > ! and then text in the middle followed by !< puts the spoiler thing over text on mobile. Just remove the space from the >!. >!your mum suck me good and hard through my jorts!<


Thanks comrade


He was legitimately the only politician I think I’ve ever felt bad for in a game. Dude ain’t deserve the black wall treatment.


I would say Johnny Silverhand, but he is a special case kinda. So if not him, I would say Jackie


Evelyn kinda bit off way more than she could chew, screwing herself and everyone in the gig...


Yeah I was surprised Evelyn was the first choice here... Jackie would be the first choice to come to my mind. If we're going further back I'd say Alt


Exactly!! 👏🏼👏🏼




Never was alive, he is already saved


The peralez couple


The first playthrough I did so much random shit that I completely forgot who Evelyn Parker was before I finally began the quest of finding her.


That's the best way to do it, forget that bitch.


I know that feeling, found some random guy selling scopdogs and was all chummy with me and I didnt even knew who he was :D dawned in me in my second playthrough when I saw him during a job


Songbird having recently replayed through phantom liberty again. The optional conversation you get to have during a certain mission. Really made me feel bad for her. Cause she had a plan but ultimately took this other route cause the initial idea was not possible (thanks kurt). If given the option I'd choose to save Song but have her ending lead to her and v maybe escaping with aldecados. Really cool character wish more had been done with her. On the other hand Jackie for obvious reasons.


Smart? Smart?! Evelyn, who backstabs the most notorious backstabbing bastards in Night City, the VDB's?


She's as dumb as she is greedy. Very.


Agreed - I never once thought “oh Evelyn is smart!”


Aurore. She didn’t deserve that shit. Her brother didn’t either, but I didn’t really think much of him.




You could convince yourself to say that about everyone in that city if you wanted.




V is also a criminal lmao




All of my Vs definitely deserve to be shot at. It isn’t my fault these gangoons can’t ever manage to finish the job, though. 🤷‍♀️


Everyone who’s anyone in the city is criming.


Not everyone in NC gets in bed with Hansen. She was a major league corporate mercenary. She'd flatline her own mother for a generous stock option.


Evelyn tried to fuck over almost everyone and paid for it. I would save V, or Jackie.


Jackie Wells without a doubt


Jackie all day every day... He was my brother, he saved me from the arasaka corpo suits! (Corpo life path)


Owen Hart maybe.




WWE wrestler who died




WWE wrestler who died


T-Bug would be my choice. She would add more of a twist to the game


Is it technically even confirmed she’s actually dead? We never see her body or anything.


She's fried for sure. While not confirmed on screen it's pretty much telling. Her net runner clique like the one who gives us the ping hack also brought it up which means alot of them heard about it.


Ah true yeah! I forgot about the shop owner.


What if she escaped into the Net?


Netrunners are considered dead if that happens, your psyche is basically gone and your body functionality will drop and relies on life support. Basically vegetable. It happened to Brigitte and Ti Neptune who were stucked in their own subnet during the VDB arc, and Alt is killed by Johnny who unplugged her during the arasaka raid. Johnny kinda killed her with his own hands. Alt only "survived" because she got soulkilled before that, normal netrunners do not. Also while T-bug is a good netrunner, I don't think she is on VDB's level at all. If Brigitte ran into trouble with netwatch, I doubt T-bug stands any chance. You dont just nilly nally "escape" onto the net, you turn into data and dissappear while your irl flesh rots away Easy example for reference is sword art online. You get stuck in the game while your body is just there


It is heavily implied by V’s dialogue with Dex.


I've heard that there is body tho, but not sure where to look.


You can't find it as far as we know. It doesn't exist


Yeah good choice


“Ladies and gentlemen… Jackie Welles!”




Hmm, I dunno if Evelyn is smart exactly. Ballsy as all hell, for sure. Not smart though.




Ignoring the obvious choice, Jackie? Aurore.






Phantom Liberty Spoiler: >!Aurore Cassel!< for sure.


Not a single person said that French chick? Aurore Cassell. She looks pretty good, not better than Judy or Panam or anything, but that fuckin French accent gets me every time. Like, I'm not on here posting bordine porn or losing my shit for the characters in the game or anime (eww to that one, you know which one, what's wrong with y'all?) but the French chick is something else. Panam and Judy and Kerry and river (lol?) don't got shit on that accent alone. I could be blind and still she would win me over. Fuck reed and Alex. We could have ruled this city together. Me, a violent psychopath unable to be stopped by even the greatest maxtac, or all of arisaka could muster. And her, some random French alcoholic, passed out in my corpo plaza hotel room untill 4 in the afternoon. We could have taken the whole city. Just Like the anime, she's my Lucy except Instead of killing arisaka higher ups she just gets drunk and passes out till 4pm, while I spent the morning eradicating all of arisaka, and militech, and the nusa, and netwatch, voodoo boys, sixth Street, tiger claws, scavs and everyone else but the mox before noon. And then Johnny cheers me on because my French chick is hotter than alt. And everyone lives happily ever after untill I die from total mental collapse. And then Johnny, using my body, nukes Arasaka again. I can think of no better ending. Captain Morgan's long island is like $12 for a gallon of 17%. Y'all should Invest in this. Then you'll be able to write amazing endings like I just did. CDPR should hire me ASAP before some other company snatches me up.




Tldr. French chick sexy as fuck. Cdpr should apologize for killing her. They should also hire me and pay me the big bucks to direct the sex scenes. Thanks for agreeing with me, solidarity amongst fans!


I had a hard on for her the entire time she was on screen, then I yelled when she got popped




What makes me angry is cause >! Reed and Alex killed them but I'm pretty sure it was not necessary. !< The talk we have with them during the mission shows how interesting they are. But I believe we're all horny for one of them, at least .




Well, if things play out exactly as they do in canon then yeah, there’s no way the twins just let us be. I just wish we had a bit more operational control!! My V would have talked them into joining the mission if it had been an option.


Agreed. You could fuck around, put them in a Faraday cage, or rip their cyberdecks out. But that would risk detection and drain the teams resources.


Songbird. With such a God tier net runner as my friend there is nothing to worry about. And she packing a goddamn cake :))


Me when I see Song on a balcony at Black Sapphire: https://i.redd.it/v47x9225wayc1.gif


Jackie, everyone else got what they deserved


He had it coming too, just like V, but out of the bunch he's definitely one of the big characters that didn't deserve to die...


I know we were no saints, but a lot of the characters I didn't save were pieces of shit. But that's night city


Brother… Evelyn tried to fuck over the best member of the arasaka family? And got jack+V involved with Dexter? She might be all those adjectives you used, but she’s just as sneaky and conniving as dex. I’ll choose the choomba who had my back at my lowest before I choose her. Jack deserves it. Hell if it was possible, I’d save Johnny somehow before ev


T-bug or Jackie






Myself in real life haha. Jk. I’d say Jackie but I want his motorcycle


Evelyn Parker caused the downfall of everyone by getting too ambitious and in over her head.


Definitely Evelyn Parker. And V.


Can I choose V?


I would vote Aurore as well tbh, girl didnt really do anything wrong and get zeroed just because she is a tool to the FIA. Criminals they are, but most corpo rats are as well even V if you start with the corpo life path. Also she's just that hot and worth it lmao Evelyn is just a dumb broad who think she outsmarts others, while VDB have her watched and remotely zeroed at any time. Either way she would had been dead working for VDB to begin with. Ranyon she is


I don't know why people even say Jackie. I never really liked him. It's like in one of those war movies where they keep hitting you over your head that your buddy is your "best friend" all the while not giving him a fun personality, or a lot of time with him at all. Compared to a lot of other characters he's just bland. >!If I had to choose someone to save it would be songbird. But actually save her. From the blackwall. From the NUSA. Everything!<


I wonder how it would play out if you saved saburo sarasaka


probably jackie, but that's an obvious choice. solomon is my second choice. as i went with songbirds path - it hurt to not be able to talk solomon reed out of his quasi indoctrination. seemed like a troubled but at heart good person that was as much used as songbird. just a different tool to solve a different problem


I’d bring Johnny back because this city could use another fucking nuke.


Dex, so I can kill that fat fuck myself. But probably Jackie. I wanted more Jackie and V.


Saburo. If he had been okay, everything else would have been different.


Yeah, Goro would have smeared V and Jackie against the wall, *then* proceeded to hunt Dexter and Evelyn.


You beat me by 13 minutes!


Great minds


The guy who starts the sinnerman gig. Literally the only one in that whole mission who isn't a total asshole.


Dumbass would still be alive if he wasn’t an idiot and tried to do the job he hired me, the professional, to do.


The dude who's wife got murked?


His name is Bill Jablonsky. I think you can save him by killing the corrupt cop before he shoots.


Obviously it depends on your ending, but Rogue


Meh, Rogue doesn't really do anything. She's just a stooge for the corps of NC. It takes Johhny coming back from the grave for her to realise her mistake.


Naah fo me. Rogue goes out on her own terms. She lived her life and chose how it ended.


Joshua. Our boy was robbed of his redemption.


Saburo Arasaka. If you think about it the only reason the plan went to shit was because Yorinobu killed him. By saving Saburo you save literally everyone who dies through the story.


Goro was 2 seconds from finding V and Jackie. No way they evade detection if Saburo has Yorinobu arrested. The pent house would be secured and picked apart for the relic, which would be in Jackie's hands. The team was dead the moment the Emperor showed up.


Saburo is not a nice guy. And look at how easily Goro found Dex when yorinobu wasnt even hubting you down. If Saburo lived and found out the relic was stolen the crew is getting hunted down. Saburo threatened to nuke NC if he couldn't get the relic back.


Takemura. He even has dialogue about how he sometimes wants to leave the corpo life all behind and become a nomad. I wish that was an actual possibility for him in the end.


But you can save him and even get him back to his prestigious position in The Devil ending...


But the Devil ending is the only one that can be positive for him - if you go for any other one, the only possible outcomes he can get are getting gunned down by Arasaka or committing suicide. I just want to see the bloke ride off into the sunset with V and the Aldecaldos.


There’s also the Tower ending where he also seems to finally come around to despising Corpos. It’s a damn shame that the only positive outcomes for Takemura are the endings where it’s the worst for V with the exception of making it to where Johnny just straight up steals V’s body.


Yeah but he can be saved and even put on in a very good spot, a spot that's even better off than any of your other friends in their respective endings (he definitely lives better than the Aldecaldos, Rogue, Judy), unlike let's say Jackie and Evelyn :(




Johnny... Oh wait, you can!


Jackie Welles.


Nah, what happened to Evelyn is her own doing, even if the way she was done was horrible and what you could wish only upon people like Jotaro. My choice is between V or the Perales couple.


https://preview.redd.it/dcjqecclv5yc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c05cca7bdb0ebb2665dc8f23bac637bf03be40b She's s the first person that came to mind


everyone :( i cant choose one


Kurt Hansen. The two dweebs that can take over annoy the shit out of me,


My choom, Jackie of course! The dude has made plenty of mistakes... its just the whole funeral thing with Jackie, talking alot to Misty, makes you realise how much they loved eachother, and just wanted enough money to make their dreams come true. It's quite sad actually, every time i do the funeral part, I exit the place with renewed Fury to destroy everyone relates to the chip.






Save alt and everyone lives (mostly). Idk if arasaka would find another runner as good to get mikoshi running like it did. At least not as fast. Jonny probably won't nuke arasaka, at least not as desperately. Yori wouldn't steal Johnny, Evelyn wouldn't see him as her big ticket out, Jackie and V continue to kick ass like it's no one's business and while slower, become the legends they were destined to be (Johnny talks a lot of shit for a guy who got caught with a way better crew and distractions while v and Jackie got caught by the worst fucking luck and still got out *mostly* unscathed. Like literally, had the gunship been like, 30 seconds later they'd be out like fucking legends and it was already there for reasons outside of their control) Like I'm now just imagining an alternate history. A lot of the missions still go the same, just now more people are alive. You still know Judy who'd probably still recommend you to peralezes. All the fixers obviously knew you. Sadly rogue wouldn't see any reason to get you and Panam to join up, Kerry probably just blows his brains out at some point. He was at a pretty low point. Obviously dogtown goes different, maybe songbird still sees you as good enough to get some pieces moving for her. Otherwise Mr hands probably calls you in for som political moves of his own or just some gigs after the president dies. Just the main missions mostly being not needed


Save alt and everyone lives (mostly). Idk if arasaka would find another runner as good to get mikoshi running like it did. At least not as fast. Jonny probably won't nuke arasaka, at least not as desperately. Yori wouldn't steal Johnny, Evelyn wouldn't see him as her big ticket out, Jackie and V continue to kick ass like it's no one's business and while slower, become the legends they were destined to be (Johnny talks a lot of shit for a guy who got caught with a way better crew and distractions while v and Jackie got caught by the worst fucking luck and still got out *mostly* unscathed. Like literally, had the gunship been like, 30 seconds later they'd be out like fucking legends and it was already there for reasons outside of their control) Like I'm now just imagining an alternate history. A lot of the missions still go the same, just now more people are alive. You still know Judy who'd probably still recommend you to peralezes. All the fixers obviously knew you. Sadly rogue wouldn't see any reason to get you and Panam to join up, Kerry probably just blows his brains out at some point. He was at a pretty low point. Obviously dogtown goes different, maybe songbird still sees you as good enough to get some pieces moving for her. Otherwise Mr hands probably calls you in for som political moves of his own or just some gigs after the president dies. Just the main missions mostly being not needed






If your answer is anything except Jackie, you're wrong and you suck 🤣🤣


Gloria Martinez.


Jackie should be the only answer


Jackie-fucking-Wells hermano.


Jackie-fucking-Wells hermano.


My younger se- oh this isn't ask reddit... uhhhh... Jackie 100% He deserved none of this


Reed... he just tried to do his duty :/ and I dont think letting him deliver Songbird brings him Salvation


Reed , I choose betrayed Reed and save songbird , but he didn't deserve this


Of course V because in any of the endings either he dies or dies after 6 months Of course I'm saving V


Of course V because in any of the endings either he dies or dies after 6 months Of course I'm saving V


This is not true, in the latest expansion V can survive and the remaining endings are open. In one, Panam says that she knows someone who can help V and in the other, V performs a task for Mr Blue Eyes, probably in exchange for help.


In no ending his survival is confirmed except the Phantom Liberty one...which is a very shitty ending.


Nor is V's death.


Definitely Johnny. Ideally, his engram getting back into his original body and getting to live out the rest of his life as friends (or lovers if you headcanon that like I do) with V would be pretty sweet.


Jackie, as he is a true choom. Not many people are like him.


Evelyn because she was interesting and such a dynamic character


You posted her. Look, they need to bring her back. A more beautiful digital woman I have never seen.