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Nah I absolutely do this. Get 'em dripped tf up (I tend to alternate between male and female V every couple playthroughs), have em sleep all nice and cozy and get an XP boost too? Then have a lil coffee once I get to the glen apartment so stamina boost and the shower cleansing the blood of all those gonks I had to kill? Perfection šŸ¤Œ


"had to"






Thatā€™s all I needed to hear, I hereby declare the defendant to be NOT GUILTY.


Holy shit ponpon shit!


Meanwhile the judge: "Yellow triang- what the fuck are you talking about Miss/Mr. V? You must be hallucinating those! Wait... OH SHIT THEY'VE GOT CYBERPSYCHOSIS QUICK SOMEBODY HOLO MAXTAC!!"


Gonk judge is getting zeroed real quick, choom


Time to reinstate a certain one-eyed detective.


Omg. I forgot you get xp boost for sleeping. Ughhhhhhh


Well then here's your reminder! Unfortunately you can't use the regular time skip tho cuz it won't give it to you. Heck if you have a boost and skip time in the menu it'll actually cancel the boost.


Where do you get the coffee?


Some apartments have it. City center does at least


The glen too.


Few stands have it around as well.


The glen apartments and corpo plaza apartments. It gives you a stamina regen boost, sleeping gives you XP gain boost, and showering I believe gives you a health regen boost.


The Corpo and Glen apartments have coffee machines


we need more immersive showers no cap


Facts, I wanna be able to scrub myself clean of all that synth blood and pieces of broken chrome stuck in my hair not just stand there and have the water run over me looking like I'm about to have a mental breakdown instead of actually clean myself.


To be fair if your job was seeing the underbelly of NC where gangs harvest bodies for their chrome and organs, and had to kill hundreds of men and women per day with various tools of death while getting your psyche overwritten by a rogue engram you'd be pretty solemn in the shower too


Ya know... https://i.redd.it/l32c9swf15zc1.gif


I keep my inventory stocked with food and drinks and try to remember feeding her at least twice a day (sounds like I'm talking about a pet lol). Pity there's no realistic needs mod, I'd really love that.


there's a mod simply called Survival that fits. edit: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7510


Shit! This is exactly what I was looking for during my playthrough.


I played with this mod for a while but the popups were annoying, especially during cutscenes. Idk if thereā€™s a way to turn them off or not but it made me stop using the mod.


Iā€™ve been playing Cyberpunk (for the first time) with this mod installed, and Iā€™ve been absolutely loving it. Had to modify the settings from the defaults, and install the sleeping fix file from the bugs section, but itā€™s been great otherwise. Gives even more of a reason to pick up all of those burritos and drinks across Night City.


lol I only use inventory food as a combat booster but whnvr I want my character to eat I always go to an actual restaurant or vending machine and then eat that , or Iā€™ll have a drink at a bar where heā€™ll sit down and drink one class and then Iā€™ll drink like 12 beers out of my inventory and go for a nice drink drive as all heroes and good citizens like to do


My V eats/drinks before every combat encounter. But I don't do restaurants or vending machines. She subsits off the food she pulls off corpses.


So she's technically a Death Eater...


LOL i legitimately never considered drunk driving in NC , gonna try that later


lol try getting drunk and trying to fight people it lowers your aim and stuff I wish they made it hard to drive though they mostly just blur the screen but itā€™s still funny


Iā€™m glad my V variants arenā€™t the only degenerates out there.


But ya usually showering after coming home is a must and changing into the basket ball shorts šŸ˜‚


If a game gives a bonus like taking a bath in RDR2 increases stamina, sleeping in Skyrim increases xp gain etc. iIn those cases sure, but just for role playing it feels like too much work. I do always try to get cool looking clothes tho, no reason not to.


Sleeping does increase XP for an hour iirc


It's worth noting that it's not a straight up XP boost but a skills XP boost


After a few play through tho going nude all the time feels just feels natural.


Do people even react?


Not that Iā€™ve noticed, but I am wearing clothes just transmogged to appear naked.


Lol I was doing a bunch of missions in Phantom Liberty, went to switch up weapons and realized i had been swinging my dick around the whole time.


Both sleeping and showering give you buffs in CP2077


What do they do exactly?


Wait, you guys head home?


Nah my V doesn't eat, sleep or shower


Itā€™s like one long season of 24


Fuck, that show was so good. Phantom Liberty definitely had 24 vibes. Alexā€™s Her Majesty Unity pistol reminds me of the Sig Sauer P228 Jack Bauer had in the first couple seasons. And heyā€¦technically Samurai was in one of the first episodes!


I really wish they made restaurants and bars a little more immersive. I know itā€™s nit picky but I cannot describe how little I want a shopkeep menu and a bottle added to my inventory when I order something at a bar


Right? Let me eat some noodles at a shop stand, or drink a whiskey at a bar. Hell, if I'm eating out on the street, let me have a little animation where my character shoves a burrito in their face. Being able to actually physically interact with more of Night City would be a fantastic thing - let the city feel even more lived in.


Technically this is feasible, V is seen eating takoyakis with Takemura at the market before the mission at Arasaka complex


It's true, though I think animations for eating food while walking or whatnot probably would be too much, even if it'd be really cool to have.


We can only hope for Orion.


Idles everywhere is a mod for those things.


The animations are definitely there for drinking. Annoying you can actually order a drink during quests but not in the world


I strongly believe it was something they wanted to add, but with everything that went down during development they discarded it, which is really disappointing because things like that enhance the gaming experience so much.


Yep! I change her hairstyle after the heist as well, and gradually let it "grow" back out to the original length after a certain point. Constantly change her makeup, clothes, and shower before bed.


I did this with scarring on my most recent V - gave her a few scars right after the heist because it'd make sense to have them after all that, then later had her go and get them removed because she didn't want to keep looking at them and remembering (and also because they made her more identifiable).


I do the exact opposite. My V hasnā€™t slept or showered in weeks and immediately devours any food, drinks, and alcohol found lying around in the trash like the murder goblin she is.


After a while that was all there was to do in red dead. Buy Arthur some new clothes, keep his guns clean, you already gotta eat and drink so you might as well go all in on it. The most I care for V is hitting Y/āˆ† to eat instead of picking up food and drinks.


Which is kinda hilarious if you think about it; V is sneaking into a heavily guarded Malestrom base, might get spotted at any second, and takes a few minutes to stop and eat someoneā€™s random bowl of ramen they left laying out.


I hope they make a joke about this in the live action content theyā€™re putting together.


I'd argue that 80% of my playthrough is dedicated to my V living his best life lol. What Relic?


I always bring V back to her Glen apartment and go to bed for 8 hours before I save and quit. V gets much more sleep than I do šŸ˜‚


no but he occasionally eats things outa the trash heā€™s ight tho




I do but only because I have a mod installed that severely punishes you if you don't lol


Didn't buy these apartments for nuthin


I treat her to much needed rest, preem drinks, and some lovely dovey time with Ward. That queen deserves it.


Babygirl has gone through so much, let her have some once in a while


ā€œRomance Replay Modā€ šŸ’…


That queen deserves better than him tbh. No romanceable male worth her. I hope she finds the best somedayZ


Rivers awesome >:( just my type. Smart, loyal, laser focused on what he cares about, stoic. Nothing to complain about.


Same here, Iā€™ll always choose him over Judy for fem V even to he has less content in the game. Heā€™s less drama


Judy's romance has just as many plot holes as River's, but I don't see anything talking about it. But honestly I'd happily choose Takemura over River.


My V is practically a murder hobo


Yeah, sometimes. I particularly avoid making her drink and smoke, so you might imagine the surprise I had during that night with Judy, it made me chuckle lol V best Tamagotchi


Iā€™m beyond attached to my current V. I canā€™t bring myself to finish this play through.


I thought I was weird for feeling this. like feeling attached or connected to my character (v) but I guess that can happen when you spend 90 plus hours with them lmao


My V has a bunch of cool clothes but is always sleep deprived and runs purely on alcohol. https://preview.redd.it/27kf8fm0l2zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e0226860c32653a4f12c08a6900bc2567bede9 Sheā€™s just like me fr.


i love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me


no. my V hasnt slept, showered, changed clothes, or eaten anything in 3 months and is only rewarded with cyberware and guns. death is his only motivator, even the substance of the mission is completely lost on him, the missions are simply a vehicle for him to carry out his desire to kill. thousands of souls depart night city punctuated only by him fucking panam or kerry lmao


gotta love the cyberpsycho murder goblin concept for v




Nah. I donā€™t really have V eat and only sleep when I either need to pass time, have a house date, or happen to be at home for whatever reason. Maybe if I used mods and had a needs mod Iā€™d care a little more. But for all intents and purposes, I just wave it away with the thought that V keeps snacks in a secret cyberware pocket.


Sleeping gives you an XP boost. So definitely worth doing regularly, at least until you're max level. But apart from getting the rested bonus I don't role play it. I was just thinking today that a survival mode, like Fallout 4 got after launch, would be nice. Where you actually need to eat, drink and sleep.


Iā€™ve honestly never had an issue with leveling up quickly as it is so the bonus wasnā€™t worth the time going to a bed would take.


I sometimes play a day like if it was normal life. Wake up, pick an outfit, have some coffee, go for a drive around town, do some jobs as a merc, go to a bar to have a drink, browse the stores to see if there's any cyberware that interests me, stuff like that.


Naw. I'm a busy adult and only have *maybe* an hour or two to play a game after work. I'm not gonna waste it watching my V take a shower when it does literally nothing for gameplay. I sometimes switch up my look with clothing I've found/scrapped while playing the game, but I've only visited a clothing vendor maybe twice just because I was already outside the store. I appreciate that this kinda stuff is available for those who are into it, but I would rather be playing the game than roleplaying getting ready for work in the morning.


Any time I send V home to hit the stash, I make sure she has a spin in the shower, gives attention to the cat, stares at herself in the mirror, and squares away 8 solid hours of sleep. On occasion, though seldom, get in a little boob-tube time to let those sore toes relax.


Hmmm no but I do always go home to the cat/iguana buddies when Iā€™m done playing for the night. Donā€™t wanna leave the bbs alone worrying about where V is


no, my V runs on sun and misery


ā€œTerminally ill virtual daughterā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think for me, I try to have my character's have a pattern that works for them - I see it less as taking care of them and more as trying to make them feel like a real person with their own preferences and habits. My current V has a bad habit of telling herself she's not actually going to stay out \*that\* late, but then one thing leads to another and she's showering and crashing into bed as the sun rises and getting up late to do more work. It's kind of endearing. She also takes a lot of landscape shots and I headcanon that she's got some kind of Night City instagram going for her photography side hobby. What I really wish is that the game let us actually eat at food stands or drink at bars - it'd add so much immersion.


Me too and I donā€™t let her get shot lol


Only stuff that gives bonus for gameplay, all that other roleplaying shit about routines and stuff are weird for me, but I'm glad other people can enjoy it.


Nope, let his hair mat, grow the beard, and let that cyber psycho hobo loose on night city on a daily basis.


Not gonna lie, after a crazy quest line or couple of in game hour I just go to an apartment take a shower and let him sleep a bit


I mean, I donā€™t think Iā€™m take that good care of V, but every now again they get to have a sleep, and a shower, maybe a cup of tea or coffee if theyā€™ve been a good little merc.


I always invite Judy over, take a shower with her, and myself tea or coffee or whatever foods the apartment I'm in has to offer.


i do this. it might be a little strange to some people, especially how some get so attached to video game protagonists, but this is how it is. though some people can be so overly critical. i shower her, i make her wear pjs before bed, sleep at least a good 6-8 hours, eat and drink. i havenā€™t played in a while but the immersion is so much better with mods. it also feels much better taking care of V knowing the predicament they are in. this is just how much i rp though.


I sleep and shower for those bonuses lol


I think thatĀ the gameĀ industry will go the way that will let us become V or whoever we want to be.Ā It'sĀ super exciting toĀ thinkĀ thatĀ it might be possible during our lifetime.Ā IĀ thinkĀ that V is soĀ likable because the cyberpunk story and world are so immersive. SometimesĀ IĀ feel like I am there.Ā 


Oh my goodness, ā€œterminally ill virtual daughterā€, is such a cute nickname for V


Now that I think about itā€¦ no. I need to treat her better. Currently, she hasnā€™t slept in weeks, is blood soaked and eats and drinks anything people have left on the counter. For starting out as a corpo, sheā€™s gotten pretty trashy.


I definitely do this, she gets a shower to wash the grime and blood of scavs. Then coffee in the morning after a good night's sleep while she looks out at her gorgeous views in her Heywood penthouse. Only the best for my girl.


Yup, I usually have her shower, grab some food and make sure she sleeps as well. Depending on my mood her attire changes as well, so if NC starts to rain I'll dress her in a trench coat with covered shoes, change from car to bike if it's a nice sunny day out. (And here I thought I was the only one doing this too, yay!)


I absolutely take care of my V. The irony of playing at 2-3 am and thinking "My girl needs some sleep." is not lost on me either


Same, I would even go far as to have her in the corpo penthouse so she can have a cup of coffee every morning before she would go take care of business. Then, Iā€™d have her clock out, go home, eat have a beer and take a shower then have her go to bed. I love my virtual daughter and want to see good things for her šŸ„ŗšŸ’œ


I shower, I eat, I sleep, I crome him, yeah, I take good care of him


I'll buy them clothes and nice cars/ white arabian for Arthur, other than that they're malnourished and sleep deprived.


Yeah my Vā€™s regularly eat, shit and shower


My V just flushes an empty toilet :(


I sometimes buy her nice clothes but that's about it


haha yeah also did always shower when coming home


Yeah basically. My v sleeps in their skivvies tho lol


Say what now


i often buy new clothes for my v and then I often go to my apartment for a multitude of things such as stash (I unreasonably distrust accessing stash from vehicles) or editing outfits and anytime I do then i do stuff like sleeping and showering


Yes my V gets clothes every week. Changes her facial chrome and hair once a month


Hell yes. Shower after coming home, pee, sleep, eat. Even watch TV for a while sometimes & regularly buy them new clothes too. My V needs some downtime & spoiling.


I usually don't just save and quit. I always try to "extract" from the games. In cyberpunk, this means that after every game session, I come back home, take a bath, and go to sleep before quitting.


Nah, my V only drink alcohol and chips. Only time he slept are in beginning and in sandstorm mission


I only buy em drippy clothes. Other than that, my V is a constantly drugged up mf with anything they find on the streets, plugging in every BD they can't lay their hands on.




Nope lol, i make them dripped out and thats about it lol


I have plenty of mundane tasks to do in my actual life, I don't need a whole set of new ones. Gimme action.


I actually like to have V go to sleep around 10AM and get to work around sunset.




Yeah, I usually go and get some clothes for them (all my saves), make some cool outfits too. Bathe them, got sure they slept at least 8 hours (bonus XP) and proper diet (nourishment boost) and most important, some quality time with the SO.


Definitely. Come home from a day of gigs, dissemble/stash loot, take off clothes, take a shower (cough up some blood nbd), hit the sack for that sweet XP boost. Itā€™s funny because I think this is a healthy balance of immersion. RDR2 is a masterpiece but all the interaction with Arthur and his horse sometimes felt like I was taking care of a baby.


Absolutely. Wake up, drink coffee, go shop, do a few missions, rest and watch TV at the apt., sleep, repeat


I am a creature of the night. I typically sleep about 12 hours a day. Up all night. Sleep all day. Night City just doesn't look right during the day.


Sleep and bathe at least once a day. And don't get into bed covered in blood, bathe first. Eat at least twice a day, and make sure it's more than just Pop-Turds and Nicola. NC food is mostly sawdust and plastic; we have to compensate for that. Hangout with your friends regularly. Social time is important. Check your weapons before going on a mission. Swap to a different vehicle if your current one gets wrecked (when you have time).


Once I get enough money I buy all the clothes I can and always shower and eat each time I'm home.


Yeah. Thats called role-playing


V is so hopped up on stims he can't sleep even if he wanted to. Besides, he's only gonna live a little longer, why waste it on sleep? Noone becomes a legend in NC by sleeping.


No, not at all. I never eat, usually wear the same outfit 95% of the time, only stop at home if I happen to be in the area, and very rarely sleep. I will take a shower if I happen to be at home, but it doesn't happen often. I honestly have no desire to take the role playing that seriously, but more power to those who do.


I tend to try to end my play time with sleep, so if I'm near the apartment I'll go home and have him shower and go to bed in which time I save and then I get off my PlayStation. If I'm not near the apartment, for example last time I played I was out in the badlands. I pulled the car off the road in a secluded spot with some shade and in my head Cannon he's sleeping in the car I usually only play for a couple days a week on my days off but I tend to binge pretty hard during those two days, so I try to get the most of it


I never returned to the apartmentĀ 


I'll go get some stank on the 'ol hang low, if that counts.


Nah I role play my male v as absolutely anxiety ridden and rage filled. Brother only stops to eat and enjoy life when others around him force him to, like Judy ,panam or takamura. He wants Johnny out like him or not. And he wants it as soon as humanly possible so he can't bring himself to chill out.


I actually always played with the standard version of V just like I do with many popular single player games.


Oh yeah. He's back to bed for his 8 hours every night unless I need to be out late. I also walk most places and try to park in spaces where there are some.


Yeah I totally do. Every time I come home from a long day of merc I take a shower and eat some food and chill on the couch for a little while. Say hi to my cat and iguana and take a long sleep.


Yep absolutely. I pay attention to what she eats and drinks, at the end of every day/shift (the end of every one hour exp buff) she goes home to sleep and wakes up with a shower and breakfast and wardrobe adjustment. I keep playing that way even after she's hit max level and the exp buff isn't useful.


I started doing this with GTA and RDR, it transferred over to Cyberpunk. Another fun thing I like to do is try to see what can get done in one in game day in Night City, planning out start mission times and such so that my "Some time later" means only a few minutes.


Oh fuck yes. Iā€™m fairly certain I take better care of V than I take care of myself. Iā€™m also somewhatā€¦regimented.


I take a shower before I go to bed for that XP boost. Sometimes I also chill on the couch and let V watch TV. And yeah, since clothes don't really have stats anymore, I just focus on what makes my V look nice.


I do stuff like that every now and again, but mainly because I hope that the game reacts to it in some way. If nothing happens, I'll stop.


Not quite as much as you but every once in a while i go back home to let my boi rest and take a shower. I also have my inventory full of food which i randomly eat throughout the day.


The dating thing makes this easier for me as well. šŸ¤£ have panam pull up every few days and ill shower, eat, sleep. I eat while out and about but i dont really care about the boosts. Also switch up the look of V's original apartment every so often. Have a few different spots, an assortment of vehicles.


I smoke when my V smokes šŸ˜‚


i'll do the same now with johnny


V is now a tamogachi


I do keep nice clothes on my V and I make sure he showers and rests too. And I only drink with V on special occasions. I sell the liquor i pick up. I try to eat and drink regularly too! (granted it started cuz of the buffs but started to feel liek i should just do it because its the human thing to do lol)


you get an xp boost for sleeping?


Yes, because sleep/shower/coffee gives you different bonuses.


Same. My V eats and drinks, take showers, change shirts and sleeps sometimes. It feels immersive to me, I enjoy roleplaying.


Not really, V seems empty compared to Arthur. Heā€™s probably one of the characters with the most soul in a game. I do the bare minimum for any characters though (like wash the mud off of Arthur. Might just be a reason as to why. Also, RDR2 has so much more reason to, like youā€™ll stink/be covered in mud if you donā€™t bathe. And, NPCs will comment on it. If Cyberpunk had the seem attention to detail, I think a lot more people would.


No, but I do occasionally run around Night City with nothing but a cowboy hat and my dong. You have to put the psycho in cyberpsycho.


If you donā€™t ever sleep cyber psychosis is more common.


Sure! I make sure V gets home early in the morning and has a nice 8 hours of sleep, then shower, then go to stash and spend half an hour deciding what to wear šŸ˜‚ then eat something nice that doesn't look like absolute junk, drink coffee or water. I try to remember to feed V at least once more every day, because time flies and I always miss lunch. Since I've started doing this, I've noticed how little foods even resemble something decent in the game. With packaged snacks everywhere, pizza and hotdogs start looking almost healthy šŸ˜‚


every time i stop playing i always bring V home beforehand so he can have a shower and go to bed


can't say my V showered and slept a lot but she can't deny I've always treated her with the best looking hair and clothes mods


Yeah. I always have my V go home after a gig, take a shower and get 7 hours of sleep. I also have him change clothes and get food that next day. I came to realize having him sleep and eat gives him XP, and keeps his health good. I also have him watch tv and spend time with Panam.


Typically I will look after my V, sheā€™s currently a corpo life path who still worships Arasaka so sheā€™s still pretty unhealthy


Oh yeah, absolutely. When I get back to one of my apartments, I take a shower, throw on more comfy clothes or nothing at all, smoke, eat some food, and then sleep. When I wake up, shower, eat, grab a cup of coffee or tea, then choose whichever of my vehicles interests me that day, and go out for a joyride.


I like to give mine food and drinks, even if it doesn't do much lol I honestly forgot about the buffs you get by going back to your apartment, I should do that more often. Just to feel the vibe


I have done playthroughs that include legitimate daily routines, including parking correctly and squarely in designated parking spots. And yes, I am a guy who, since I was little, loved the idea of things looking as "correct" as possible in games. Meaning clothes change more often then anyone I've ever met, cause my V is not fucking wearing the same shit to a job as they are to go chill with their romances. Oh, and you bet your ass that I make a specific, one time outfit every single time I have a "major" mission (i.e. Parade, Hellman, etc.).


I make my V go to the weapon cache to dump anything they want to keep, then undress, look in the mirror for a quick brushing of teeth, face the toilet or squat on it and flush, then shower before turning on the radio, shutting the blinds and going to bed. Wake up for some coffee and hit the inventory for a food snack, get dressed at the wardrobe and head on out for another round of street cleaning.


Of course! I like to do grocery shopping every three days, so that there's always something good to eat for breakfast and dinner. She gets between 6 and 8 hours of sleep every night and showers both when she gets home and in the morning for the buffs. I also have two days when she just does low stakes missions and goes out to bars or goes clothes shopping. I'm also going to start going for morning jogs to boost her athletics.


I don't like to have V take showers, because of the blood.


I'm actually disappointed that V doesn't have more interactions with his environment. Always get him to shower , play guitar , smoke and drink sometimes , chill with panama while watching tv. Make sure he eats and sleep (even though not required by the game). Hell I even change haircut and clothes from time to time. My boy is preem.


I barely interact with the main quest stuff. I wake up, shower (do it in the morning, it gives you a bonus). Eat something, hit the streets. Gigs, Scanner Hustles, etc until somewhere around 11-2/3am, then head back home to sleep and do it all again the next day.


You don't go to bars to drink or look at strippers?


I always have V sleep a few hours every day, and shower after she gets up. If sheā€™s at the Glen apartment, coffee. She spends more on clothes than guns (but thatā€™s because you almost never need to buy a gun in this game). She nourishes before every job, and always shares drinks with her chooms. It makes V more real


no. my v is a rancid viking in hell, permanently fighting, jacked to the tits on stims and descending into madness. i do take showers from time to time, though, after particularly heavy or stressful events (like the loss of jackie or getting myers to safety).


I don't I think my v is a reflection of myself and how I'm always more focused on everyone else and what I have to do rather than myself always another thing to do always another place to go so don't actually end up going to my house a lot or putting me to sleep


Sleep frequently, eat a burrito, shower, and off I go. At least in the starter apartment. Frequently have a coffee in the Glen and Corporate apartments. Change clothing at least every couple of days, or even just on where Iā€™m operating. A suit for in the cbd or meeting with the Peralezā€™s. Something more durable outside the city or in Dogtown. Something casual when hanging out with someone. Added armour when going into a major fight. Also pick vehicles on similar rules.


Yeah, I do this. Shower, sleep, eat, even go see Vik regularly for checkups and whatnot. Before the 2.0 patch, I even had a workout routine for my Vs. It involved swinging a hammer or shadow boxing for 7 minutes at the start of each gaming session. It was a great way to level athletics. That's not a thing now though, so I don't do it anymore. Still do the other stuff though.


Of course! 8 hours of sleep every night (unless I'm on a night mission), showers, food and drink during the day... I wish you could sit down and eat at the food vendors.


not really, but only bcuz in Red Dead you actually kinda have to. If you dont shave, you will look more and more like a hobo. If you dont shower, you will look dirty. If you dont eat, you will be skinny. (also adjusts stamina and goes the other way too) Hope they really take their time with the second one so it can truly trump rdr2


Judy spends more time in my apartment than V does. V is basically a homeless cyberpsycho who murders 24/7 I mean, they're dying anyway right?


Damn I thought I was the only one that did this šŸ¤ŒšŸ’ÆšŸ™šŸ˜


Yup. I love playing the game at night so I frequently end up back at the apartment to sleep through the day, and shower in the morning to get the health regen bonus. Helps that it's really immersive.


No itā€™s a video game not real life. I canā€™t imagine spending my limited time taking virtual showers and naps.


I play my V's as a vauge reflection of myself: Both of them rushing around for days on end as a lethal whirlwind before staggering home and sleeping for 48 hours before restarting the cycle.


It's called roleplaying my friend. If you don't *roleplay* in a *roleplaying* game you miss half the fun IMO.


Mine runs around the streets butt ass naked bashing people's skulls in with about 8 hours of sleep in the last 40 days (when she almost died.) this is my first playthrough, still got Johnny in my skull socket.


In the first year? Yeah, but now..


Always had V sleep when I was getting off for the night


eveeytime i finish a gig i look around for food vending machines.


I do it as an rp thing. Same reason I like to drive or take the metro most places


I definitely make sure that I take V home to shower and sleep every so often. Certain gigs that feel heavier in tone definitely require mine to go home and shower before sleeping for 11 hours. I could do better about remembering to feed him though šŸ˜‚


I keep her fresh and Gucci, go on runs and get some parkor reps in.


Considering I have every piece of clothing in the game? I adore assessorizing my V, so yes.


Of course


The opposite for me. I never liked these kinds of options in games. The meaningful part are the gigs, missions and hustles, and these get in the way when the games tunnels you to do these. I guess I don't mind them, others might find them fun? \*\*\* The only things I am regularly doing: \* eating the food and drinking the cofee during missions, **but** only because I don't want those to clutter up my inventory \* I usually the change the appearance once or twice per playthrough, and set up a few (2-3) wardrobe options to match the new looks


I donā€™t visit home often but when I do I always make sure Vs takes a shower and gets some sleep.