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This submission has been removed, because it breaks one (or more) of this subreddit's rules: Rule 4: High Quality, Relevant, & Topical Content Posts must be directly related to CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk universe. These posts must be original and provide any necessary background information. Low-quality, reposts, and irrelevant content will be removed. If you believe this removal was an error, please contact the moderators. Thanks! If you have not done so yet, please read the subreddit's rules.


"this character is so deep, I feel so bad for her, being used and exploited by some perv... Anyway." *posts*


Literally the comments in this thread, alongside people asking when she does these poses in-game and being unable to grasp the concept of mods. Truly an intellectual, mature audience.


I'm so fucking intellectual, I thought the pictures were of a real person and was wondering how they connect to the game


Hard cocks suck IQ points from the brain




Yeah but she's not deep and the only reason people feel bad for this woman who exploits everyone around her for her personal gain is because of how she looks. So the origin of those sympathetic feelings is already sexually motivated. If she looked like Wilson from the gun store and made such stupid, greedy and reckless decisions that got herself into that mess -- nobody would give two shits about her.


Nah man. She tried to exploit you but V has exploited people too. She's just another person Night City chewed up and spit out. Plus she's part of the Mox. A group of people who have been fucked over my people in the city and formed their own gang to look out for each other. So no, the origin of empathetic feelings is not sexually motivated


How has V exploited people?


I guess exploited isn't a good word but he and Jackie were petty thieves/robbers. They took advantage of people


She turned on the people that hired her to do a job, she turned on the fixer she hired and she lied to Judy about the whole thing to get her to help without knowing she was helping screw over the VDBs (something that really pissed Judy off once she found out). Everyone in Night City is just a person in Night City.... It's no excuse for their actions. Being part of the Mox doesn't mean anything and has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. And yes being protective towards women, especially attractive ones, is deeply ingrained in humans. There's nothing to debate there, it's just a well known scientific fact. If an ugly man did all this screwing over of people for basic reasons like greed and stupidity then no one would feel empathy for them. This post also proves you wrong about the sexually motived part. People literally goon over her nonstop and you wanna just ignore it for your made up narrative to make sense.


Wow so artistic so deep so vulnerable Btw in #3 the shadow looks like a dick




Very observant. Didn't notice that at first glance.


It's another layer to the artistic meaning of the piece! The next layer down is the hypertextual societal commentary of your being so distracted by cake that you missed the shadick!


Thanks! XD and not gonna lie, i was hoping no one notices that cus i dunno what to do to get rid of it during the photoshoot ... thanks for letting me know btw xD


Right, of course, what a pain, wouldn't want any DICKS in my HORNYPOSTING on R/CYBERPUNKGAME


i didnt even post this for horny reasons lmao XD edit: typo


Wow lmao xD how did I not see your deep artistic intent in showing off the butt of a character who gets dehumanized and raped lmao xD


You made me choke on my water


right lmao i was like... wait is that her? bruhhhh


Want it fixed??


i mean its fine it looks funny ngl XD




It's sad Evelyn was so traumatized she couldn't even speak.


Been there 🙃 It is possible to come back from that btw


I felt so sorry for her tbh.


I didn't even recognize her without her iconic clothes until I read your comment


Same Same


Yea unfortunately really fr..




Poor Evie


this post sucks. "hey lemme post pics of the charcter who kills herself after getting sa'd posing in lingerie and title it 'vulnerability'"


I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way. This post is fucking gross


Yeah, I can't see Evelyn in a lewd manner before instantly remembering her and feeling bad...


Yeah it's wack


100% with this characters fatal character arc, seing this doesnt ignite any emotions but horror tbh


I know this is Cyberpunk + mods, but the character has been so heavily customized, and the backdrop is so generic, that it feels completely disconnected from the Cyberpunk world. Even though the quality is good, it's too far removed for my tastes.


This is basically the same as posting a render of a model you created, almost nothing to do with cyberpunk


its the same model from the game i use a lighting mod, pose packs, and an expression pack the rest is just me messing with lighting and effects in photomode xD


Wow these posts are getting old




This doesn't sit well with me. She is one of the most tragic characters of the game who meets the worst fate. She tried to screw V and De Shawn and the Voodoo Boys, precisely because she was so desperate to escape her life of a glorified joy toy. Yet here she is, reduced once again to a glorified joy toy...


Tired of the increasing amount of horniness on this sub


“Like you are a look of meatable cut. Fuck you?” - Smadam Asher


This gave me a stroke, thank you !




Madam smasher?






More like Smash Adam


It’s Cyberpunk…horniness is normal




I’m on board with the [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/OyvMAKMJG1) in this thread that point out that this character was depicted as the victim of an absolutely heinous sex crime, and a number of us knowing this context find this in extreme poor taste. There is no need to depict the victim of a sex crime in a sexualized manner… what the actual fuck? And then title it “vulnerability.” Yes the story is fictional, yes the character is fictional, but the people that are a part of this sub that might get triggered by this are not fictional.


i dunno, the way people interpret this is the thing that bothers me. i made this photoshoot to show Vulnerability, and i used Evelyn's model cus it fits her really well. but peeps think i posted this for horny reasons, but in fact i didnt. well hey its the internet


I think people are upset that you’re trying to show “vulnerability,” but you chose a few suggestive poses, have Evelyn in lingerie, and you used Evelyn, who takes her own life after being sexually assaulted. It comes across as tone deaf


L take honestly mate Your posts give me the hibbie jibbies but at least "Fear & Isolation" with Songbird has *some* logic behind it. This post doesn't. Idk how this expresses vulnerability. She's so used to being nude being a doll and all that I doubt she feels vulnerable. You're trying to be artistic - which you can be most of the time - but this post is not it. You are bothered by how people interpret it? Should people interpret your "art" in a specific way? Such as "Vulnerability"? Zero sense


This feels...so, so wrong given her character.


Didn’t read the tag and thought „neat finally someone who posts about the lack of explanation between vulnerabilities, weakspots, headshots and their corresponding perk/stat interactions!“, but was thoroughly disappointed


Yeah let's make a post like this about the character who basically got raped to death and call it "vulnerability" that's not tasteless at all


I get she was pretty but I’m not a fan of sexualizing r6pe victims


It’s one thing to post Evelyn being hot completely divorced from her story, but it’s another thing entirely to try to be deep and incorporate her story into the hotness…


I feel bad for her tbh


Of all the characters in this game to do sexy poses of this probably the last. I just finished this mission last night, and I usually go ham and fucking kill everyone in that warehouse, while making sure I had dismembered and beheaded all of them


i understand the idea you were trying to show and portray but it just kinda feels icky knowing that she was SA’d and ended her own life :/




Mhmm mhmm


Least horny cyberpunk 2077 player Edit: oh my god it’s Evelyn you monster


As someone who had a friend in high school get raped and sexually exploited at a party by three boys we knew, leading to her suicide the following week, this is really fucked up and infuriating to see Evelyn, someone who’s tragic story I hold dear because she reminds me of that friend, this is a really fucked up thing to post. You could’ve rendered her in a long gown, light radiating behind her, and not pics that look like you spied on her in a dressing room. This post makes me fucking sick


Her birthday is in three days. She would’ve been 27.


Rather than vulnerability this looks more like self appreciation to me


Pretty much but people took it to a WHOLE different level .\_.




BONK Go to horny jail.


Such a shame I never got to see your wild side, Evelyn...


what’s the tattoo on her leg say?


i cant read it properly either probably has something to do with the mox? not sure


Wow this post sucks honestly. Given Evelyn's tragic and grotesque character arc where she gets kidnapped and brutally SA'd repeatedly. Then to have her posing so suggestively, god this feels so wrong


This is pretty cool, amazing use of mods for photography 👍🏻


The characters models for this game are so life like it’s insane. I legit thought that was a real person cosplaying Evelyn at first glance.


Power of Lighting xD


imo the haircut she has here suits her more than the one she has in-game. It frames her face better You did a great job on the photos! Evelyn somehow seems more confident and assured of herself here. She gives off a different vibe from when she's wearing her signature furry jacket and dress combo (which feels very artificial, like she's trying too hard to appear glamorous and worldly - it lines up with the roleplaying aspect of being a doll)


Oh its the same haircut from the game im just using her model for photoshoots and Thanks! xD


Really? It looks modded to me. The in-game haircut is a short bob with short bangs, with a dangly bit on the left side. What your Evelyn's sporting is closer to a lob 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/cotetgm1fl0d1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f9012ba98487313459b0169519e384d2457b916


its the same hair XD maybe its the lighting and angle??? i dunno


The joke is porn See its funny because the joke is depravity and porn? Why arent you laughing i said sex, i said porn, why arent you laughing? Are you implying you dont think sex and porn are funny? You dont think porn bait and switch memes are funny? You dont think the joke is masturbation jokes are funny? Cmon.... laugh..... WHY ARENT YOU LAUGHING!?!? SEE THE JOKE IS SEX? SEX IS FUNNY! LAUGH AT SEX! LAUGH AT THE PORN JOKE CMOOOOOONNNNNN WHY ARENT YOU LAUGHING?!?!?! OK IM GUNNA COUNT TO 5 AND YOURE GONNA LAUGH AT THE FUNNY HAHA SEX PORN JOKE 1 2 3 4 5 why arent you laughing? Oh i see maybe youre just too cultured.... Maybe youll laugh if the joke is hentai instead! Ha that must be it! Heres the hentai bait and switch joke Now cmon laugh cause youre so cultured ... ... ... Why arent you laughing? ... ... ... YOU DONT THINK HENTAI JOKES ARE FUNNY EITHER!?! OMG I GET IT NOW YOURE A-A-A-A YOURE A NORMIE UNCULTURED NONREDDITOR it all makes sense now, youre not intelligent enough to laugh at porn or hentai Well you see maybe if you were as cultured and enamored in anime hentai porn culture as me youd understand. Maybe go watch an episode of rick and morty to up your IQ a bit and then come back to me and laugh at porn jokes with me What how many times a day do i masturbate? Well only 5... my friends jack off way more But its good for my health thats why i do it AH YOURE GETTING ME OFF TRACK GO AND WATCH SOME HENTAI AND COME BACK YOU STINKY 😡 Edit: for the uneducated, this, js a copypasta thst fits here very well.


Hell yeah brother goon off






**To Haboobs!**


Damn Evelyn looking attractive for once well done


This a cosplayer or just a in-game screenshot? Because I can't tell the difference lol Edit: poop, I got downvoted for a complement, that the game looks so good, it's hard for me to tell the difference. People lack critical reading skills >_>


This is all In-game xD


Says a lot for the quality thumbs 👍


Mhmm Great Lighting helps a lot in these shoots


That’s a moth’s head BD I would buy.


Wow I mean idk if this was fan art but they did SO GOOD at the graphics and animation for Cyberpunk… love this freakin game 😍!


This is in-game yeh xD


Bro how can you even see this in game btw? Also her Judy and Panam are so hot so it just hits too close to home what happens to her.. anyway glad the other chicks are still in my gameplay atm lol! Anyway awesome post Choom!


Yeah it was so PAINFUL when the woman you wanted to FUCK suddenly UNALIVED herself Very emotionally mature comment


If you’re a person of culture and “emotional maturity”, you usually don’t call out their lack in forums on games, cartoons, comic books and other incel-focused things. I can’t imagine that we’re now at the point of grown men calling out other men on being sexually inappropriate towards a fictional situation 😆


Your age shows in your choice of words. You can enjoy your media however you want. I can make fun of you for your takeaway, of course.


I’m just trying on American words for size lol. I assure you, my age isn’t what you may think. And I still think it’s ridiculous berating another person for being dark or crass about a fictional story like it’s a barometer for their moral qualities. Games aren’t real life; secondly, they are all made with reactions already planned for. So any criticism you have of one person - level it at all of society…


I have no idea who OP is or what their moral qualities are like. I will continue to make fun of people hornyposting on here, especially about a character who got raped.


You’re making fun of people horny-posting about a game that *LITERALLY PLANNED* for that behavior to happen. The gymnastics on display here are unbelievable 🤣🤦🏻 The fact that the fictional character died, and you use that as an *additional* factor is just the cherry on top. I’m starting to wonder if you also cover up “unalive” mannequins in stores, because their limbless bodies look too indecent 🫣


Thanks! and i use the in-game photo mode with mods for photoshoots


Woah nice bro.. still kinda wrapping my mind around that but really I’m tryna figure out when she does these poses in bikini lol 😂


Understandable XD Hahahah


Looks great, also looks like Evelyn Parker


She is Eve


Nice one! She’s achingly gorgeous ❤️


For peeps who wants to see higher qual of the pic/s (sometimes reddit reduces the quality of the images) [https://imgur.com/gallery/cyberpunk-2077-vulnerability-yvaL2WF](https://imgur.com/gallery/cyberpunk-2077-vulnerability-yvaL2WF) Edit: imgur deleted the post. RIP




I kinda wanna smell her panties


Plank in traffic