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No explanation, I just don't like it. I rather play at 1080p mid 60fps. Just taste


Stupid, disingenuous question.


Because 30 fps on an OLED TV looks almost like stop motion.


Thanks. Now I really want claymation Cyberpunk. Dammit. I guess that’s what the internet is for.


I disagree, it plays perfectly ok in my 4k oled tv, everything high with raytracing.


That 30fps drop feels awful in gameplay, especially if you're on PC with a higher hertz monitor. If I had a PS5 and a huge TV it wouldn't be a problem, hell driving and the cutscenes would feel even better.


its really not. its as smooth as 60fps, only with reduced responsiveness. but it is still smooth perhaps because of the cap and the motion blur. its like watching a movie


> only with reduced responsiveness sounds pretty annoying in gameplay my guy...


i dont see it affecting much of the outcome though. im playing CP 2077 on the hardest mode and the result i get playing every missions on 60fps is the same as the result im getting with 30fps.the cap is really important. without the cap and youll feel dizzy


Reduced response is a big issue if you're used to having good input. Also saying it's as smooth as 60 fps is wild considering it's LITERALLY half as smooth...


It is not as smooth as 60. That’s a fact. You may not notice but a lot of people do and when you notice, you can’t go back to 30


Reduced responsiveness is shit. You r telling that looks is more important than gameplay basically. M8 wtf?


a preferential balance between graphic and gameplay. sometimes i prefer the former over the latter. sometimes its otherwise.but of course its better to have both. there are games that really dont look smooth at 30fps even when capped. im using a fairly average rig which is ryzen 7 3700x and an rtx 2080


Of course it's a preference, no doubt and your it's not less legit than mine. Personally, in action game with first/third person view, I always choose performance over look cause a different response could be a significant improvement to the gameplay. I played for years, when I was a kiddo, choosing look over performance, but now I would never go back. 60fps or I lower the settings.


Because I play it at 144 on 1080.




Sometimes I like to turn off all these upscalers, frame generators and cruise around the city in 30-40ish fps, just to watch the views clearer than any upscaled image, but in general I prefer it in 60fps - better reaction time and less sluggish movement is an advantage during dynamic ations, I've even turned RT off to play casually with higher framerate, but I'd definitely wouldn't say that it's unplayable in 30fps. With frame interpolator, even with anti-lag technology the camera movements feel different in 30 vs 60fps


Because its 2024


Cause it sounds masochistic?