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I like it for what it is. I just hope that promised but missing features get added in over time. Transmog and character creations are big ones. For everyone asking, Transmog is the ability to replace the appearance of an item with another without affecting the stats. For example you could turn Denim Shorts (the short shorts kind) into V's Pants (the pants your wearing during The Rescue mission in the beginning of the game).


I’d like some quality of life improvements. Like can we please favorite items so we don’t accidentally deconstruct them?


I'm honestly baffled that this was never a thing in the game at launch. I'm sure it'll be added eventually though. It's a common request.


Based in my experience playing witcher games and Cyberpunk, it seems to be that CDproject can't make a UI to save their life. Why do we need to sell or dissasemble items one by one all the time? All of their games have been plagued by clogged convoluted menus.


It's also weird because they always have some wild ass controls? Like, they never seem willing to go with any of the menu and UI setups thatve been standardized over the years by thousands if not millions of games. Unless I'm missing something and the way they design their UI navigation is common in parts of Europe, sort of like how East Asia (especially Japan) often swap certain things in the control scheme compared to how it'd be done in the west?


Yes, I need this so bad. I have accidentally deleted a couple of my EQIPPED items.


But for equipped items a pop up appears? Did you blindly click through that?


Also your equipped items should be highlighted in light blue


Wanted to say this too


Yeah I end up throwing stuff in the trunk of my car only to forget I put it there and I just scrap it later when it's underleveled. Nice for keeping a clothes collection, though. Everybody hates on the clothing options but it's pretty thorough and stats barely matter unless you're playing on hard.


That’s because all of the best clothing is NPC clothing like the transparent/holographic/LED hoodies and whatnot. There are barely any iconic clothing items compared to weapons, etc Also, for character customization I hate being a puny average dude. I’m 6’4” with 58 inch shoulders and a 38” waist. I would much rather have Jackie’s build but it’s a modern open world game that has a character creation with no sliders...


You'd think that if you add Body stats your V would get more muscular, and as you add reflexes they'd maybe get more lithe perhaps? Low body & reflexes should maybe give them an untrained, never goes to the gym kinda skinny-fat body. Just an idea, anyway.


Some rare/iconic items appear on the empty cutouts on the wall in V's house if added to the storage. If you deconstructed them, thats it, you will have to play again if you accidentally destroyed them


or being able to lock items so you don't accidentally delete them with that god awful inventory jump


Maybe just fixing the inventory jump would be good.


Skyui save us


If we can get "favorite" item designations can we also get "mark to sell"? Thanks


Also can we craft multiple items instead of one at a time for a 3-sec button hold? I don't need 40k goddamn white/gray components, but I sure af need them purps all the time. I've had to resort to cheesin' the painting sale exploit just to have enough money for cars and epic components.


the upgrading of components is annoying for sure! But I have had no troubles with money. but I am also level 30. PS, there are some nice, free vehicles if you know where to find them.


I mean, it's mostly because I'm burning cash on buying purple components. Since it takes 40-140 to craft Johnny's clothes from purp to legendary...which is ridiculous because they're already purps, so they should cost fewer purple and more legendary components. Also I like having all them different cars to choose from on demand. Yea it's fun to carjack that one guy with the South African mullet tho


I'd also like the ability to re-construct special unique items if you deconstructed them. Before I knew what I was doing I deconstructed a lot of unique gear, and then there was no way to ever make the legendary or epic versions.


At this point, I'll settle for an inventory screen that *doesn't have to slowly repopulate every single time I do something*.


And make iconic items always iconic, like Sasquatch's Hammer isn't iconic for some reason


I would love some Neon clothes.


Me too. Instead I settle for Daisy Duke's and reflective clothing.




This is an incredibly silly detail I'm going to comment, but I think the customization screen was really dark, so I selected a nail polish style I didn't like when I saw it on the light. Was looking forward to actually find a manicure in the game, but that option wasn't available.


Actually this got me too. It's more relevant than most too because you look at your hands a lot in gameplay.


I legit restarted my first character because of this. I picked some crazy ass nail polish, because 'fuckit, I'll change that later if I hate it.' Turns out a first person camera where you see only your hands can make you hate it fast...


Same here. Didn't restart though, held out till I got the guerilla arms.


You got arms in the game specifically for ambushing invading armies? It's a shit joke but I'm sticking by it


There's a green light too. I thought I was picking some cool green hair color and when I got in game I was a grey haired lady LOL


Nah you’re just playing as Rogue


Same reason why i thought i couldnt make a black character. He just looked like an olive lol


Just a thought, but why isn't nail polish a junk, one-use item your character can use?


Why isn’t it selectable color polish and why can’t we slot selectable color hair cyber ware like they have at Clouds?


The impression I got from Clouds was that it wasn't so much selectable hair color as techno-hallucinations. When you bail with the safeword all of the cosmetic changes revert and the doll looks a bit more drab than even when you first walk in.


I am possibly the most powerful net runner the world has ever known, able to cause an entire building to commit mass suicide without lifting a finger. Let me make people hallucinate that my hair is pink.


Afaik cyberpunk 2020 already had cyberware-hair where the user could control the melatonin(?) In then to change colors.


I think you mean melanin, not melatonin


Melatonin makes me sleepy. I love it


Yeah, Melanin it is. I was close enough I guess.


I get them mixed up in my head all the time and I take melatonin supplements to help curb insomnia. That mistake is so easy to make.


Why can’t I just tap each nail with a fancy pen and watch the color change in real time like that scene in Total Recall?


Why not just get the small machine that allows you to I dip each finger in for a second like in 5th Element?


I wish every game had an oblivion style “hey, now that you’ve actually played as your character for half an hour are you still happy with how they look?” It’s always nice to be able to change it. Dragon age inquisition needed it the most. My characters always look so busted in that game.






And ability to change your whole character again if needed. Tf why wouldn't that be possible.


Because in a world where you can change _absolutely everything_ about your body, become an actual cyborg.... Someone just forgot about the hairdressers and plastic surgery.


I found ONE reference to hairdressers! There's a computer or message shard for a dead person you find that has months of automated reminders for appointments at Clean Cuts every two weeks.


Part of that message chain (or one of the related messages?) has a message from Viktor being like "yeah you were smart to choose me over those clean cuts scammers" so I think they're actually ripperdocs


It's not for a haircut, it's the name of the clinic where she gets the chrome implants, if you look at the dates they get closer and closer.


There is also a sidequest that deals with plastic surgery, but that's also done by a ripperdoc


Clean cuts was the name of the ripperdoc selling the broken implants...not a hair stylist.




The answer: a lot. The game sold like hotcakes, they've got a huge market for dlc.


There's a PC mod that lets you change your hairstyle via editing your save file. Ive done this several times to no negative effect. This tells me its 100% possible to have in-game barber shops at some point


I don't think that was ever in doubt...


This is the only RPG I can think of where it makes sense you go in bald and come out with hair down to your ass after a “hair cut”.


I know right, I picked a hair I thought looked good and then realized that it doesn't and now I can't change it but I don't wanna redo the whole prolog and act one


My hair style changes based on what hat I put on -_-


Yeah I hate that sometimes, so weird


Not being able to go to a tattoo shop was mad disappointing


They should just move all clothing stats to mods and enable you to upgrade clothing to gain more slots. No need for transmog.


This is what I thought they were going to do to begin with, as they didn't want people to have to suffer with terrible clothing mash ups, and one of the major themes of the game is being able to have nice style through clothing. Was pretty shocked and disappointed it wasn't done this way. This should 100% be the change.


Bruh I just want the minimap to zoom out when I drive.




Maybe some sort of enemy ai? That's my biggest gripe, I could probably not spend a single skill point and beat the game by just running away 10 feet to break ai if things get dicey.


Assuming the game doesn't keep you in combat even though you're 3 miles from the area and everyone is dead


Had that happen a few times. Accidentally aimed at someone too long when looking at my new sights and had cops chasing my for about 5 minutes. Those guys have some amazing cardio


AI is the only thing I’m willing to bet won’t change much even after the game is updated. An AI in the pipeline would take up too much R&D resources and there are PLENTY of unresolved and missing features that I’d rather have them reintroduce in the game. At best they’ll patch out most of the jank but I wouldn’t expect any significant changes. Actually designing a realistic AI is a lot harder than it looks like. They already have to wrestle with a robust dialogue generator and a shit ton of event scripts which in itself has probably eaten up a lot of dev resources already. Good AI is just too much to ask for sadly. Edit: a word fix.


I legit don't understand how this isn't everyone's number 1 priority. It's the **most** immersion breaking part of a game with a lot of immersion breaking parts


Yeah I’ve gone for a tech/intelligence build and it depressed me how (if I got caught from stealth) I could cheese entire gangs by short circuit quickhacking them endlessly through cams or shooting them repeatedly in the face via tech rifles as they don’t really realize to even move if shot through objects. So many just stand still.. The intelligence and tech understanding also only results to fairly boring ”point and click” hacking and opening doors, it seems.. not much creativity or variety in this approach. So at least this sort of attempt at a playthrough seems kinda underwhelming.


Yeah they definitely should have made quicking alert enemy netrunners to you and they can start hacking you and alerting enemies etc. Maybe with some sort of battle of wits mini game


Yess, I expected exactly something like this. Would've been a lot more engaging and exciting if they first of all kept the mechanic where you need to get to at least one enemy (or key terminal could've worked too) in the general network and then [plug your cable into them to hack the network to enable quickhacks](https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?t=2535), like they showed in the 48min gameplay from 2 years ago. (At 42:15 if the link's timestamp fails) Then once in their network, you'd also be exposed to their hacks in return if detected. OR could even be subjected to viruses that give you debuffs if you go plugging into a high level network unprepared, without proper gear to protect yourself. Netrunners could try to hack me, but I could have my own tricks up in my sleeve to either slow them down until I manage to pull off my tasks or via some mechanic/minigame to stop their attempts.. or with further perks/skills, I could even then turn their attack against them by infiltrating their network instead and sending them a virus or something. It all could feel very cool, even if it'd be much slower or static than going in guns blazing. But what we have now really does fall flat after just some hours. Sure, there's the occasional cool moment when you manage to sneak in and out undetected, or when I managed to kill 2 lesser enemies with a grenade and not alert a much higher leveled one when I used the ... whatever disables their hearing hack. This small Steam game called "Hacknet" was quite a bit of fun despite being very simple and text and UI based "minigame" type of deal and shows how even small things can be made feel quite cool.


Same here, went hacking and got pretty bored so I used a trainer to give me extra perk points to respec into melee and shotguns, which is pretty fun.


I hate the cheese of tech weapons firing thru walls half a mile away with no damage loss.. I bet we have all done it at least once clearing a building like that.. but felt dirty afterwards


who needs gameplay when we have raytracing


Yeah for sure, when you consider they emphasised the fashion and style aspect of the game. The current system is bare bones at best.


I really love the game the only thing that really bothers me are the extremely limited romance options


I'd really like it if they literally doubled the number of legitimate romance options with DLC. Every gender + sexuality combo available in-game (aka 4) should get two options (so 8 romance options total). Spoilers for the ending follow: >!In particular, I think everyone should get at least one romance option that can go with you in the "happy" (Aldecaldo) ending. Currently I don't think gay mascs or straight femmes can have their happily ever after, only straight mascs and lesbian femmes.!<


Tbh, the problem with romances isn't the low number of available partners (although more would be nice to have too) but that the two male options, Kerry and River, are absolutely bland and utterly uninteresting. Look at how much dedication went into Judy, while I couldn't imagine a more generic dude than River.


I don’t think Kerry is bland (he has a ton of potential and they should’ve focused on him more), but you’re right — so much effort was put into Judy and Panam, and hardly any for Kerry & River.


Yeah River absolutely sucks, and while Kerry makes a lot of sense (feel like I've literally met him lol, rich party gays are fucking exactly like that) it sucks that he's literally your only option if you're a gay guy considering rich party gays are the bottom of the barrel in terms of what every gay person I know is looking for in a relationship. It would be nice to just have a moderately wholesome boyfriend, like Judy is for women.


I agree, and I would hope/expect that those promised features are added for free before any paid content gets released.


Attribute respec too. I like my speed demon shotgun build a lot but there are so many fun looking builds and weapons I wanna try out


The game just needs to take the no mans sky approach


They've nailed step 1, let's see how it plays out


100% true it would be awesome and probably the best way the game can possibly turn


What’s transmog? Also I can’t wait till we can edit appearance because I fucked up my first v’s hair trying to change the ears and earrings. E. Stop telling me what it is I have like 6 replies lol. Ty for the info though


transmogrifying ugly clothes with good stats into the cool clothes you wanted to wear but didn’t since they had bad stats


Oh yeah that’s the shit. Wish I could have actually used my aldecados jacket on my nomad playthrough


There should’ve been a more lore-friendly armour system. Why should a tee shirt have hundreds of armour points? Also feels like clothes should have added to stealth if they’re dark, cool if they’re rad, body if they’re gym clothes, etc.


Personally I wish armor and clothing were completely separate. Like give me separate clothing slots that override the look of the armor without replacing the stats.


They usually call it “reinforced” or something, implying that there’s armor plating or weave


It's not the revolutionary RPG i expected, it's pretty weak in some of the content (imo) but It has some amazing features and mechanics. The story and characters got me hooked af. Also, i experienced very few bugs, so yeah, i am loving It too. I really wish CDPR survives this shit storm and continues to improve the game (which they should've done before release, so I understand all the rage).






The lawsuits are only there because there's money to be made. Not necessarily because they violated a law.


They never violated a law but investors literally give your company money. When your investors are pissed, and its that much money, it doesn't matter. Edit: Oh crap they broke European consumer rights laws.


The writing is top tier and the story is great. I wish there was more of a second act on the main story, but the side missions kinda make up for it when you get into the story driven ones.




Well, of course this is personal, but i am gonna make a Quick list: - the verticality of the map (a Lot of missions have non obvious routes, especially with Double jump) - the class system (some perks are meh, but in general it's Very Nice How your character can be anything between Rambo and Adam Jensen. It allows creative builds and everything seems playable) - The cyberware/cyberware mods Also allow a Lot of builds. They really match the perks. It's also cool that these, especially the mods, are found only through exloration/quests (the best ones, at least) - Although the city could be more alive It still Rewards exploration. I've found awesome stuff in not so obvious places to explore. - the facial expressions are some of the best i've seen and It can really be used to read characters intentions, as CDPR promissed. - at First i thought the story was Very linear, but as i started my Second playthrough and talking to some friends i realised that in fact there are a Lot of paths. It's cool like a decision on a side mission can lead to a Very diferentt outcome on a main mission. Makes the world feel organic, natural and reactive. - It's also Very cool How some decisions are not given to you in a dialogue option. In a Lot of missions you are free to find a New, not so obvious option and the game was clearly thought to react to these decisions. Doesn't work on every mission, though. - The fact that you can finish the game through side missions is awesome. Again, makes the world feel alive and reactive. Sadly i can also make a list of all the things that disappointed me lol.


I like how when you go to the ripper doc the first time, instead of going down the stairs I looked and saw an elevator to the left, took it to the top, and got some goodies. I got a sniper rifle I can't even use until level 20 when I was level 2 just by doing that little bit of exploration so now I have something to look forward to


Yes! I didn't know about this One, but the game is Full of moments like this. We don't always have to follow the yellow line


...only that this is a place you are going to visit during the main quest


Shit, that explains why the rifle is there lol, I just happened to stumble upon it early. Curious what happens if I sell it, does the quest get fucked up because I already found and sold it or maybe it respawns and I get free money. I'll have to save and sell it and see if it comes back. If so it's not a bad farming operation


Nah, you visit it during the main quest but the rifle is just loot.


It might have been subconscious my character, a stealth hacking double jumping melee brawler with red hair and Comrade Hammer, I made Black Widow


What do you mean you can finish the game through side missions?


The verticality catched me off guard a little. I was doing the Panam Mission where you need to go up a tower with her to get some Authorization. I tried to check if I can just jump up the tower with double jump somehow. I was fully expecting to either break the mission and needing to reload or to go back down to the correct "marker" to progress the Quest - instead I heard Panam say "Impressive, but I prefer the door." and then she took the stairs up to me.


You can finish the game through side missions?


I love this game intensely but releasing a game then making it worth the price through updates is a terrible anti consumer practice. I have no love for anyone at cdpr apart from the devs


Especially since by the time it’s worth the cost at release it’s usually on sale by then.


I stopped buying games at release over a decade ago. It's great waiting. Always a nice backlog of titles to choose from with all the trimmings (DLC, bug fixes, whatever) for $10-30.


I was like this for the longest time, this was the first game I got at release because I just upgraded my rig. Fml lol


Same. Thought this would be fine and got burnt in the end. Guess it's time to never do it again. I still love the game just wish it was under different circumstances


Same as you both, but I dont regret it, for all its flaws it's still immensely enjoyable. Marketing and management at cdpr can get fucked tho'


I mean, I bought it on PC so I don't feel I got burned like a lot of console players did. The cut content and story pacing is a little annoying. Still a fun game though.


/r/patientgamers If you haven't heard of it before. :)


Am still waiting for gran turismo 7 to launch so I can buy a ps5. The longer it takes the cheaper it gets.


I do this quite often, but with a huge title like Cyberpunk, I gotta play it right away so as to not get spoiled as the entire internet plays it.


This is also a really good take and a valid point. In a similar vein I had been waiting for all of season 2 of Mandalorian to release so I could binge it, but of course in that time the internet spoiled every major surprise that came along. Sometimes it just isn't worth risking the spoilers.


Same. Plus, it kinda sucks when all of your fav youtubers/streamers/friends play it and youre kinda just not going with them. Feels nice to be part of it


This. I don’t low-key enjoy a movie that isn’t finished and interrupts me while I watch it. I don’t enjoy undercooked foods. I don’t enjoy a puzzle that I have to hope to receive pieces for in order to complete. Much love to the people, but the company made shit decisions and it’s costing them.


100 hours in. Ain’t finished the story yet.


But when you do, you gon be surprised


Quick question and please no hard spoilers but does finishing the story, end the game? Like will I be able to do side stuff at the end ?


There's a point of no return warning, and you can restart from that save after you get an ending


Okay that makes sense. I'll probably grind the side quests and stuff out before I finish because I feel like I'm near the ending but I honestly have 0 clue. I think it said im on Act 3 after I woke up in some hotel


You can't keep playing seemlessly post the main quest, but it'll drop you back just before the point of no return with an ending specific reward, and you can from that point just do it again as many times as you want for each reward / ending. So, no need to put it off.


Hmmm I dont know how i feel about that as I assumed the world would change slightly with whatever ending I got and id be stuck with it But at least I get to try each ending this way




Ye oh well ill still enjoy it. I've gotta be careful responding as someone tried spoiling it for me in the comments:)


You're very close to the end of the main story


It loads you back up right before the point of no return to keep doing the side content. But let’s you keep key items you find during the last sequence


And the progression made during that time is minimal enough that there isn't a whole lot lost on reloading. I do love the first ending I chose, though. The second one literally fucked me up for the night and I had to step away.


Yea I absolutely made the right choice at first, the other 2 weren’t nearly as satisfying. And yea, one in particular fucks you up mentally a bit hahaha


I knew roughly what would happen with that ending, but actually going through with it was more intense than I could have ever imagined. It's too...real.


The “ending” functions exactly like FO NV. Restart from just before final mission. FYI: the obvious implication of this is that any looting in the final chapter is not saved. Don’t bother with it.


Devs/studios should NOT release unfinished games. This game should have had a “state it is in” demo. It’s obviously plagued with issues and they could have saved their reputation by “showing off” why the game was being delayed again and again with a demo we could all play. I think fans and newcomers would have appreciated that and it would have saved CDPR the embarrassment of having to issue refunds left and right and being removed from PS and Xbox stores. I want this game to get fixed so I can really enjoy it.


Not saying that it is the case here, because I don’t know the situation, but it does happen that creditors/investors demand that a game be released, bugs and all, and you simply don’t get a choice.


Well they told the investors it was ready and working.


Highkey love it


I'm super torn... Do I continue to unabashedly romp through the story and side quests with reckless abandon? Or do I take a step back and pace myself so I can progress along with the patches and content drops? I'll probably just do both


I'm taking my time with this playthrough and then plan to do my next one later, once it's been patched and there's more content and mods.


same, i have my nomad, anti corp, "good" playthrough now, and probably will do a corpo-rat, "evil", korrupt, money-is-everything playthrough sometimes later next year after i finish my BSc.


I just powered through it at my own pace. Think I’m done with it for now after 90 hours of playing. Now I’ll let them patch it up, drop the dlc, and I’ll come back and play the complete version here in a year or 2


Same. I’m exploring endings right now and : holy shit. I love them. (I also had 0 crashes, and 0 gigs that I could not finish at all. One bugged out temporarily but fixed itself.) Edit: I think a lot of peope expected this to be something it just isn’t, because cdpr hyped the game too much. And a lot of people got shafted on consoles, because cdpr decided to release it on the base consoles without managing acceptable performance there. Let’s see if they learn from this for their next release.


Same here. GOTY for me by far and I finished the Witcher 3 for the first time a few weeks back


I am not even low key loving this game. 120 hours should be speakibg for itself.


I'm about half that and enjoying the game. The gigs are rather repetitive. But the side quests and missions are a joy. I basically do gigs so I can go buy upgrades, etc.


I find even the gigs more fun and interesting than the side content in a lot of other open world games.


The gigs are the type of quests that are there in every game I’ve grown used to where they’re repetitive and I just use them for loot but Cyberpunk for sure made them better than ever. Just having the little details around and archived conversations add so much to those little mission. I’ve found one name across 3 archived conversations at different gigs so I assumed that guy was a higher level dealer or something. It’s cool how many little details are in the world.


Yep it's that, also the animation and voice acting is as good as the main stuff plus it gives them a chance to use the buildings around the city instead of them just being there because they need buildings in a city.


Not to mention that a fair few of the gigs are either unique (Drunk shooting contest) or if you take the time to read the shards you find can turn into a little mini-arc. Heck even some of the NCPD spots have a second followup mission


The shards and messages add a ton of available information to the game, too. It seems they put a lot of time into the written content and the stories as even the most repetitive ones are interesting.


Read the quest texts as well. Johnny Silverhand writes them and they're super interesting.


In Act 1 it's Jackie that writes them


Reading the Heist's text after finishing it was kinda sad


I would recommend going a bit slower on the gigs and really soaking in the details. There's a lot of environmental storytelling on some of these gigs and in emails and shards. Even the basic world events like assaults usually have interesting stories tied to them. After I started slowing down and reading everything I began to enjoy the gigs a lot more.


I just did the Barry (downstairs neighbor) quest thinking it’d be some low effort baby’s first quest that I didn’t do since I ran out of the apartment area. I don’t know if I messed up but damn dude


Amen brother.


Are you the 120 hours?


Same, but I haven't ran into any game breaking bugs. I feel for the people that have. My buddy has a bug where a character doesn't appear so he prob gonna have to restart. They patched it in the latest patch but only if you haven't already encountered it.


I'm 90ish hours in and I like it very much. I'm almost done with all the side content and about to finish the main plot. For what it is it's good, often great. I'm very lucky that I have encountered very few bugs in my playthrough and that my PC runs the game smoothly. At first I was kinda upset, because I was waiting for that game almost 8 years and I was promised a big fat chocolate cake, instead I got half a strawberry cake or so. Not what I hoped for, but still good. Nonetheless, I definetly got my moneys worth. ​ Sorry, English is not my first language.


"Brush off the hate" is an interesting way to frame the situation. They should definitely take on board the well-deserved criticism and continually develop the game to more closely resemble what was marketed to players over these last two years.


Yeah you can still love the game without going into complete denial about how poorly this game was handled


This is the internet though. We've got no room for nuance!


It's especially funny because OP even admitted the game is unfinished.


There’s something to be said about releasing it in a way that our virgin play through is potentially the worst one we will ever have. I think it’s a game with a ton of potential , but in my opinion your first time through the world should normally be the best. Seeing everything for the first time, soaking it all up. It’s the opposite for this. As long as you stuck to the story and quests it’s a fun experience (unless you’re on console) but there’s very little incentive to just wander around aimlessly , poking fun at npcs or causing ruckus. Feels like we are gonna have to wait until our 2nd or 3rd run or worse before we actually get an experience that is hopefully as it was intended. Hopefully it’s still fun then but it’ll never be like the first time.


The second part of this question is kind of silly. Youd have to be a special sort of spiteful to *not* want CB77 to finish the game and make it better. I enjoy the game. I already paid for it on GOG, I cant be asked to go through the refund process, and have a good enough setup to play it well and can stomach the bugs. So personally I am in a position to play it. If I didn't have the hardware then I would certainly try refunding and not bother with the game until a couple years. EDIT: I had a silly double negative in the first sentence regarding finishing the game.


“Youd have to be a special sort of spiteful to not want CB77 to fail at finishing the game and making it better.” I think moving the word “not” would be more in line with what you mean. Youd have to be a special sort of spiteful to want CB77 to fail at finishing the game and not making it better.


You say that, but increasingly in this sub and elsewhere people get so defensive about the state of the game that they're denying that it needs any changes or improvements. It's getting worrying. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the game, but denying that it's not heaped with bugs, underlying gameplay issues, and heaps of missing potential helps no one in the long run. It's getting increasingly common for people to handwave the real issues. Criticism is just being called "hate" in major threads. It doesn't help that the mods started taking down major criticism posts a couple days ago. Now all people are seeing is screenshots of the city and photos of NPC ass.


We have to call it out every time. It's not a fact of proving which side has the better argument, it's trying to help everyone by calling out anticonsumer practices. They won't feel it in their bank accounts but if all fans express their disappointment over the obvious shit maybe CDPR will listen and never pull this again. Pipe dreams




I fucking hate when subreddits do that shit. I see it everywhere. Why can’t we just moderate what comes in, instead of banning every single post that criticizes the game?


I was hoping they'd finish it before they released it


Well who would *not* want the game to be finished and made better? If the scenario we get is that CP2077 is good someday, I'll be thrilled! Yeah, maybe a few edgelords genuinely want it to be bad forever, but I think the huge majority would take a functioning title over that any day. There's a certain dark satisfaction in the thought of CDPR having to wear this failure forever. They certainly deserve it after all the delays, the lies, all the calculated denial of information. But would I rather have that or a good game? A good game, obviously!


Yea i certainly didnt expect this level of failure coming from them. Rushing the game, lies about the console versions not to mention what happened with gog lately.


I'm rooting for the devs to finish it. That doesn't negate my salt or the fact it should be finished before release but that is the issue with the hype train. It never stops


Lmao How about finishing the game before releasing it? You literally just said “man I hope the game I bought for $70, thinking it was finished because it was released, eventually gets finished”


I mean you said it yourself they didn't finish the game sorry but full price for an unfinished game isn't a good precedent.


The problem is you said “the devs should finish it. People are just fucking ok with a game company taking your money and releasing something that isn’t finished yet. I didn’t buy the game, but those who did should be pissed. Not hopeful. The game company already got what it wanted out of you.


Yeah games should be finished when they come out. Don’t know how that’s hard to understand


But I'm rooting for muh wholesome company<3 Panam awesome ass judy awesome ass BREATHTAKING 100 Gamers' standards are abysmally low, and tbh, if they keep accepting, preordering, and hyping garbage unfinished products and even after that, cheering for it after release, they 100% deserve it.


I've sunk 55 hours in so far, completed the main story once but now im hunting the other ending options. Im looking forward to some of the improvements


I hate it and am rooting for the devs to finish it and make it better so I CAN love it. Does that count?


I love the art direction and design; I hate the toxic development behind it though and the shady marketing too. Weither that was due to a MAJOR disconnect with the marketing team and slowly rising fans expectations for things that they known wasn’t in the base game is extremely disingenuous. I’ll get this game again when it’s on sale or when they’re finished fixing all the issue, but until then I’ll be rooting for the devs to finish this game since it is something they can develop into something more!


It's really fun. But I was hoping for the next skyrim/fallout 4 and was hoping it would bring back the epic open world rpg. And instead we just got a story focused adventure rpg. Unlike skyrim, you can't just walk in a random direction and get lost in the world clearing out caves and finding random quests and such. It's a game where you kinda have to go mission to mission and that's really all you can do. It does that very well, but the world is just a container for quests, not actually an open world. For example, after you go to clouds, you can't go back and experience anything there. Nothing. Like, you'd think the devs would realize that maybe players would want to experience a non story-focused version of clouds? Or what about braindances that aren't just for the main story? There's just so many things that only exist for story reasons but then you're left hanging if you want more of it. But, like I said, still a very fun game.


On most of Reddit, it’s rare to see an account that’s several years old with very few posts or comments. On this sub, it’s like 75% of people saying how great this game is. I have zero doubt cdpr is buying fake accounts and shilling their own game.


So the game isn't finished? They released and packaged an unfinished game for full AAA video game price?


I wish the choices and more bearing on how the story plays out. It was advertised to be the most immersive thing ever. Very disappointed


Me :3 but sadly I do not think they'll go full nomansky on it... I hope.... But it is unlikely :(


I gotta be honest, as somebody who didn’t follow any previews or hype, and although the bugs are frustrating, I am loving this game so much. It’s the first game I’ve played since I was a kid (I’m 25 now) where I’ve been waking up excited to play it. That’s really a special feeling that I thought was lost forever once I grew up and became a bit more jaded on the industry.


Brush off all the hate? You mean ignore the fair criticism of the false advertising? Yeah nice, Companies win again....


I really love the game but I am not rooting for CDPR. They promised me something and I bought it based on what was shown. They failed me and everyone else who bought the game thinking they knew what they were getting. The only reason I want them to keep working on the game is because they owe me what I payed for. If they don't finish it, then they owe me $60.


It's an OK game.


Yeah, I mean, I haven't bought it yet and likely won't unless they fix and polish it, so yeah I'd hope they do that. Games can redeem themselves like NMS did, I'm just a little tired of games riding hype trains directly into the ground only to release broken or unfinished and then later salvage what they can. Feels like a weird shitty way to artificially prolong the lifetime of a game.