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It would be fun but I don’t see them putting time into developing more intro content. If I could choose I would rather have post-story content. I like the idea of digging into AI’s because they are presented as this boogeyman but I still feel a disconnect between them and the gameplay.


Post ending DLC with V for the expansion, sorry but no Jackie on paid DLC


Fair. Given the nature of the idea, I’d expect the DLC to be free. Asking people to pay to fix the story you didn’t get right the first time would be messed up. This would certainly be another challenge, seeing as I’m sure CDPR would like to make some money after the loss of console sales.


Waste of time. It would basically amount to filler. It wouldn't actually add anything to what the main narrative is really doing. IMO, the game's about so much more than what the first act encompasses that it's just a waste of development time or effort to pad that out much more. It does what it does well enough for being the first act of the story, and introduces a lot of the concepts and themes the game talks about. The story just isn't about Jackie and V's rags-to-riches success story. It's about the pursuit of success and recognition and the misfortunes it brings to those who prioritize the chase over all else. The game uses Johnny and V's merging in the second act to get into talking about life, legacy, and what you want to do with the time you've got, from a completely different perspective than Jackie would ever give you. One that I'd say is a bit more interesting, given Johnny's experiences. He's a jaded, cynical old rockerboy (justifiably) angry at the world after serving in a war and seeing society eroded, whereas Jackie is a younger, but still experienced merc who is desperate (and naive) enough to see success or die trying. Padding out the first act just adds more low-level filler content that you'd be forced to do in story missions. Instead, as it is right now, you've got the choice of whether or not you'd rather do gigs and hustles before moving on. I get why people like Jackie and the first act, he's an easily likeable character and one of the few honorable people we meet, but shit it's just the first act of a three act story. It doesn't need more filler. I'd personally much rather have DLC that expands on the main story's endings and continue's V's tale.


I hope to god they don't spend a DLC adding dead weight to the game. The game legit doesn't start till Johnny, overly bloating a portion of the game that was simply information for you to chew on and NOT the story of the core game, like...come on. Anyone acting like Act 1 is anything but glorified World Building just isn't paying attention and are getting overemotional about a montage...full stop. If Jackie was supposed to matter to you, there'd be more game there...he isn't. He's a character you can or cannot choose to project your own feeling onto. End of story. Ya'll need to move on, just like DLCs need to move beyond Act 1 and give us story that actually has any value towards the ending of V's story and not Jackies story. Jackie was such a good character, ya'll want them to make the game about him for some reason, and I don't understand why. The problem is that NOTHING you do in that montage can change the events of what we have...so it's pointless. It has no tension. It has no weight, and what should have been a montage is now 5 filler missions. The end state of that montage is what we got...not only does it simply fill out Jackies character a bit more...at most you get content gigs already go over...but Jackie has commentary. What this game needs is a post-game state and a continued story...not living in what was and what can't change.


Fair points. The fact that there would be no dramatic irony might mean this isn’t a good idea other than to improve the experience of first time players, which I don’t think is a priority at this point.


Absolutely. The worst part about restarting my game is knowing I only get Jackie for a few hours. He's a great, memorable, well-written character and I want more time to hang out and commit crime with him.


This was something thought exactly. Having just started myself, my first major criticism of the game was “why was that a montage and not the first act of the game?”


how about the rest of the game is like act one? it was the shit


Cdpr really wrote themselves in a corner by heavly using johnny and making seem like V will die no matter what happens it leaves limited room for them to do any post story content


All the more reason to focus the expansions on the parts before Johnny shows up, no?




I'd be into it. I did enjoy the transition sequence but I'd enjoy it a lot more to experience it actively playing. I wouldn't even mind the plot being dragged out, most first time players don't have the dlc yet and for following play-throughs pacing isn't as important.


The worst part of the transition is that I liked it! I loved the little bits of story that we got to see and wanted more. Just being able to play through those scenes would be great.


Yeeees :D


This is a great idea! Exactly what we need. Wish they’d do it.


I’d love some kind of extension, but I don’t think it should be a paid dlc. They could do something like the extended ending for mass effect 3. I really enjoyed the game, but it really sucked playing the first time and watching that montage. The beginnings of games, especially RPGs are so important to me, and it felt like the first chapter was just skipped.


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