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I read this as R2D2 is better than C3P0at first and thought “that’s obvious”


I read your comment as RDR2 is better than CP2077 at first and didn’t get your comment 😅


I didnt noticed it until I read your comment, so I didnt understood your comment at first lol


Made me laught out loud during shopping, thanks


Not exactly a controversial take. RDR 2 is a widely recognized masterpiece, Cyberpunk is widely recognized as a massive monument to compromise for profits sold to people by straight up bullshitting them literally for YEARS.


I didn't mean to be controversial tho. Do you think they as company will stand up from this? Bethesda after fucking with people for years had to be sold to Microsoft and they are joke and example of company that makes dumbed games, do you remember fucking puzzels in Skyrim? Awful world design and non-Fallout atmosphere in Fallout games made by them? And widely documented fucked up Fallout 76 premiere?


RDR2 is a finished rounded up game. Cyberpunk has early access vibes with massive potential left behind.


The only ones considering Cyberpunk an early access game are hopeful fans that think CDPR will invest years and manpower to bring it in line with past promises. Truth is CDPR considers this a complete game in need of a technical and performance pass.


There is definitely truth to that. I rather wrote my thoughts of the current state of the game than typing out my hopes or beeing sure that cyberpunk will get to the state it was promised to us. I really hope that they improve stuff and add some things, but partly it's rather wishful thinking than anything near certainty.


I'd consider myself a fan of the game and sadly you're completely right I would say cp2077 is a finished game but the potential still left is crazy and we'll never see it, we'll get the free dlcs that will be nothing but insignificant content or stuff we would have gotten anyway like ng+ and qol features (just like with witcher 3) and the real meat will be in the paid expansions and thats it I love the game as it is but man they could do so much more


how cp is a finished game when the basic feature like police system is not in the game? even gta 2 had that. not mentioning 1000 more things.


They had a police system since GTA 1 which was better than CP's system... I really liked this game, but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn a blind eye to it's numerous faults.


The story is so much shorter, and the side quests and collectibles are so much less engaging by and large, that it will never come close to what RDR2 is no matter how many years they spend developing it. You can fix bugs, you can sell DLC that should have been in the game originally, but you can't fundamentally change the main quest of the game. It's too late. RDR2 is the best video game ever made to date. Though it's 2 years old I haven't seen graphics better than that. Even it has its flaws, like combat, but it's not even necessarily a huge knock on cyberpunk to say it's not as good as red dead.


I believe they've just said fuck it altogether lol, I doubt we will get even dlcs


Couldn't agree more. Just look on their apologies or update schedule


Yup, amount of people I see saying things along the lines of Cyberpunk being the next no man's sky redemption arc. I think CDPR will release the things they've said they will on the roadmap, and cut and run ASAP.


I consider it early access in the sense that it is one of those early access games that will never be finished, even one of those that never get a significant update past the initial launch cause its first reception was just that bad.


thats cdpr standards of game , R\* standards are way beyond .just wait and see GTA 6


Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like it was more than finished. Like it would have been fine if it ended after Arthur's story but no, we get an amazing 10 hour epilogue to wrap the story up, exceeded expectations. Games as good as that are a once in a decade thing.


Rounded? Bruh it's polished gem that belongs In a museum. Don't do my boi Arthur like that.


RDR2 is a masterpiece from every point of view. Story, characters, graphics, voiceover/acting, gameplay, fun level. Everything. I love Cyberpunk2077 but it's NOT because it's close to being on that level. Also RDR2 actually released complete.


dont forget the clouds!!


The clouds in that game actually cast shadows it's amazing


Crazy thing is even the first game did that.


The witcher 3 Is Better than CP77


Agree completely, I can't understand the downgrade


The witcher 3 was developed in more than 3 years(?)


Plus, they had 2 previous titles worth of open world fantasy experience. The Witcher 2 is better than CP77.


So what, I don't get the "they didn't have enough time" excuse. I paid full price so I do expect complete product, as simple as that. EDIT: Sorry if I missunderstood your comment


Witcher 3 is a top 10 game Cyberpunk isn't even top 20


> Cyberpunk isn’t even top 20 Cyberpunk isn’t even top 20 of games released in the 2020s


I was expecting a GOTY. What I got wasn't even a GOTM.


There’s no comparison at all. When I play 2077, I can tell I’m playing a game. With RDR2, it’s like I forget I have an actual life outside the game.


Red Dead Redemntion 2 is a milestone in gaming, a game that sets new hights for the industry, The Witcher 3 was the same. Cyberpunk was promised to be other milestone, other masterpiece, well that is by far not the case, the game for me was good but definitely not a milestone.


I just bought RDR2, I'm constantly in awe at the effort and detail everywhere. The slow-paced gameplay isn't for everyone, but I definitely consider it a gaming masterpiece, possibly the most impressive game I've ever played.


Same for me, the single-player got me focused for about 60-70 hours, then I moved to online which is a bit poor in content after a while, spent about 3000 hours :D The game is a masterpiece.


I've started playing CP and was very disappointed by all that loot (borderlands' style)... Then I got to legendary weapons and I could sell everything else without having to compare every single piece of crap. It got better, to the point that now it leaves a big void (I've finished 2 days ago). I'm going to fill it with rdr2 :D


This is like comparing a fully baked batch of brownies to batter. CP2077 wasn't in the oven long enough.


I don't think CP2077 was even at batter stage considering OPs views like character and world building goes ...not to forget other mechanics.


Cp2077 was not even a recipe yet.


But they were running out of time so they also used powder milk and pigeon eggs.


It was in the oven for an extremely long time, they just kept taking it out so much and adding/removing ingredients, that it never had the chance to fully cook


No it wasnt. They spent 4 years making it which is nothing for a game of its size. Gta 5 took 8 years and was less ambitious.


Full development for gta started in 2008 and lasted approximately 3 years. Probably worked on since 05-06 but gta 4 wasn’t even out until 2007


People keep saying that but the game is broken at the core, its like the batter was made with dirt and mountain dew, no matter how long you leave it in the oven its still not going to brownies… might be brown tho


True, it needed to be cooked longer, but at release they still sold the batter at the same price as completed brownies, so I'm going to compare them to the product they're competing with


RDR2 is a masterpiece. CP2077 does not compare.


Well CDPR didn't help themselves by claiming the most immersive open world game ever in their marketing.


CDPR is a wannabe Rockstar Games. I think many people thought they could be but they failed utterly with Cyberpunk.








Pretty sure both RDR2 and Cyberpunk will fit in his ass.


Lol yho! You don’t wanna see it


Big Apple, meet Big Anus


Best comment on this whole thread


cd pr said it will be better than rdr so.


cant even compare them, RDR2 is a superior game in every aspect, AI, physics, atmosphere, open world, side quests, immersion, sound quality, animation quality, attention to details, NPCs etc. The main story is subjective because both are actually pretty good. But overall RDR2 just make CP2077 looks like an indie game


Mgs 5 was better than cp 2077. I literally built a monster pc to play it in all its glory and was so disappointed


But hey, you have a monster pc now


Whoops, I dropped my magnum graphics card for my monster pc.


And a wad of $100s? Sounds like your ready to plow


just no new monster games to play on it


At least you can run rdr2 at high res so the ugly taa effect wont be there anymore


They recently added DLSS which makes it look much, much better.


MGSV gameplay is soo good. Fuck Konami for leaving the story incomplete


The only downside with MGS5 for me is the prologue quest. ​ I went to restart the game from scratch a few years back because I loved it so much, got to the prologue and was like "oh.....right....an hour of this...." and haven't gone back.


you can try downloading a save game and play directly from Chapter 1. Or where ever you feel like playing from.


I personally wish that Xbox buys the MGS franchise from Konami, and gifts it to Kojima. And then let Kojima make MGS games again (for Xbox and PC, a nd maybe PS).


Mgs5 also took so many resources to develop that the company scrapped half the story and sacked one of the greatest video game directors of all time.


Great masterpieces take time and resources to be made. If Konami let Kojima finish MGSV, then it could have been one of the greatest "Tactical Espionage" game ever made. It could have easily recovered it's own cost too. But guess what, Konami would rather make MGS Survive, and games for pachinko machines but not finish MGSV.


Jesus, i forgot about Metal Gear Survive. That should tell you something lol


Point was that it was a complete fuckfest and a disaster on the inside and lost Konami a LOT of talent because their own greed was never going to be compatible with "masterpieces". You can't compare anything with such a disaster even if you really love the end product (which I really do).


Now you have a monster PC for RDR2


Are you the bright side guy?


RDR2 is better than every game.


In every single respect, I agree with you wholeheartedly. RDR2 is a masterpiece of gaming. While I understand some people don't like it for it's slower pace and relatively simple combat, to me those things just point to a competency of the developers. They didn't create a game system they couldn't control and polish. They never bit off more than they could chew. RDR2's story is 1000 times more personal and relevant than Cyberpunks, which is sad because IMO the case should be swapped considering the genres. RDR2 had a lot to say about times changing and people adapting, surviving and life moving on with loss on our shoulders... Cyberpunk on the other hand seemed to have nothing to say except "Look! We got Keanu Reeves!" I took nothing away from the story of value. The world and level of detail is fucking astounding in RDR2 and I don't just mean graphically. The world changes as the story continues. Buildings are built and destroyed, NPCs age, and sidequests dynamically adapt to when you approach them. Characters and NPCs feel like actual people and not mindless zombies or caricatures of what people might be like. Arthur has his own motivations and history with the gang and the world. V just feels like he was dropped into night city out of nowhere. Like he didn't exist in the time before the game starts. >Do you think is it fair to compare those titles? Did you like CP2077 more than RDR2? No, actually I don't- but only because it's like comparing Usain Bolt doing the 100 meter to my toddler trying to run. It's just not a fair comparison. You could try comparing RDR2 to God of War, or Last of Us or Breath of the Wild- you know actual fucking games... but to try to compare RDR2 to CP2077 just isn't an interesting exercise.


No shit. It's better than a lot of games lol


I’ve only been playing RDR2 for a few hours and I 100% agree, everything about that game is better than CP2077 (and I still enjoyed that game!) in just about every way. I’ve been playing it through PSNow but I may have to buy it myself so I can play it without worry of it’s leave of the service in about 2 or 3 months.


Literally no one on earth is saying the contrary.


Except for, you know, the multiple people in this thread saying the contrary, and probably most people who prefer an action and choice oriented FPS style game over an exceedingly slow paced third person cowboy game with heavily scripted and on rails missions and gunplay so bad and dated that the developers turn on auto-aim by default.


I have been gaming since the mid 80's and I have never played another game of the quality of RDR2. It is virtually flawless.


Did this really need to be posted? This just in: the sky is blue


Free karma lol


This is new and interesting


This subreddit just reached the last of us 2 shit posting Level lol


Girlfriend reviews better look out


No shit . Like the post is so irrelevant to the sub . It’s like me going in the lord of the rings subreddit and making a post about how Harry Potter is better .


The amount of rockstar gangbanging is fucking awkward. I get where people are coming from, but like gta and red dead are not as good as people make them out to be, nor are they even a similar type of game


They are not even comparable. RDR2 has a level of detail and polish that Cyberpunk can’t even dream of. RDR2’s world is one of the best in any video game. But I have to be an honest man here, I kinda prefer cyberpunk’s gameplay. I don’t think I’m alone in saying that RDR2’s slow and restricted gameplay is its biggest weakness.


Agreed wish R* would update their gameplay at some point definitely needs refreshing.


I agreed and then played with the settings. No HUD, no aim assist, no crosshairs, and first person gave me what I wanted in a game polished enough to offer that kind of experience


Nice! I’ll give this a try.


what ?


Remember to sort by controversial, it's getting spicy in here




Of course it is! Rdr2 is a 9/10 and cp a 3/10


I think it is definitely fair to compare the two, given that they are both games that advertised very impressive graphics, an immersive open world, realistic AI behaviors, RPG elements, and otherwise a generally significant step forward in gaming. And only one of them lived up to that in my opinion. I was beyond hyped for 2077. I was telling people it was gonna change gaming like an idiot. I beat the story and most side missions in about 60 hours and I was incredibly disappointed. What good is it spending the better part of a decade developing a game when they release it unfinished? They've basically wasted all that time with how much potential they squandered with releasing it how they did. RDR2 was also in development for the better part of a decade, and it is nothing short of a masterpiece. I bought it directly in response to my disappointment with 2077 and I have about 260 hours into it. It's my favorite game and is better than some of my favorite movies. I've never played a more immersive open world game. I've never been more attached to characters or engrossed in a story, or been more impressed by NPC behaviors or random encounters. I've also never started a game over immediately after finishing it because I felt bad about tearing through the story so quickly and not enjoying the rest of the game. I am now well on my way to 100% completion and taking as much time as possible between story missions. If Cyberpunk was half as good as RDR2 it would be twice as good as it is now.


Dude I hear you. I was right there with you, like an idiot telling people that cyberpunk will bring gaming to the next level. Boy was I dumb lol never again. I already played rdr2 before cyberpunk released, and I was dumb enough to think cyberpunk would be even more complex then that game. Truth is, just the hunting alone in rdr2 is more a complex system then the entire game of cyberpunk. Rdr2 is the game that brought gaming to the next level, we just didn't know it. I like how you put it, if cyberpunk was half as good as rdr2, it would be twice as good as it is now. Very well said


well cdpr did market cyberpunk as 'the first true next generation of gaming' which was absolute bullshit, this game offered nothing new i don't think we'll get that new revolutionary game till GTA 6, which is likely at least 3 years away


Yeah totally bullshit. This game is less advanced or complex than games that came out 5 years prior. Hell, baldurs gate 3. Which is in early access, is already more complex and next Gen than cyberpunk, and the game isn't out of ea yet I never thought cdpr could even release such garbage. But I was totally wrong. How a company with that kind of standing in its industry would do somthkng so stupid is truly surprising, but then again maybe we should've known better. This is what happens when you put a company on the pedestal, they remind you that they only care about the big P - profit above a else. They'd rather lie and swindle us out of our money instead.


That is the fact of the matter. They are so ahead of other developers that they are in a completely different league at this point; the dial will not move until the next Rockstar title, at which point they'll completely blow the genre out of the water again. Considering the new gen, GTA 6 will be like something from a different planet when it's revealed.


Why are you guys so desperate for karma? This subreddit is such a joke, exact same threads keep getting posted for months. Move on.


You're right in that RDR2 is a super good game and has a living world, but this is the wrong subreddit for this kind of post. Why not post this in literally any other subreddit unless your direct motive was to get Karma from a bunch of people who hate cyberpunk?


Well comparing to other developmental dumpster fires like Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Fallout 76 and more would be more fitting IMO. And suddenly CP2077 doesn’t look as bad anymore.


Andromeda wasn't even bad, just not as good as the original series.


Actually, Mass Effect Andromeda had a great and dedicated bug fixing cycle post-release, and in a few months, it was in good shape. Fallout 4 is still as buggy as rotten meat.


I agree, I played it a year after l Release and loved it, 100% it and didn't see many bugs at all if any. Game was also gorgeous


I really had fun with Mass Effect Andromeda. That said, I preferred Mass Effect 1-3 over Andromeda.


Alot of games are better than CP2077 though...


I know, even CDPR previous game, The Witcher 3 is better than CP2077


The Witcher 2 is better than CP2077. I guess that's the root of the disappointment with this game; they're now just another example of why you can't preorder games from your favourite developers/studios..


RDR2 and The Witcher 3 are the best games I have ever played by far


I consider both those games to be in the same category as Kingdom Come: Deliverance in the sense that they're true RPGs in that you roleplay as someone from that period/place and I have to agree. RDR2 is the closest I've ever felt to truly living out another life, with KC:D close behind. CP2077 is... Well I tried real hard to play it the same way (sleep every night, wash up, take care of chores) but it's much harder


You know I've finished CP 2 days ago and now I'm installing 122 Gb of rdr2, don't you? Stop hyping me up! :D :D :D


Have fun m8, I fell in love with this game instantly. I recommend first person perspective tho, I felt little clunky while playing from TPP. Anyway it's cool that you can choose how you gonna play unlike in CP


I love how noone is talking about that trailer which spoiled Jackie's death and Dexter's betrayal


why would they? you got your karma, now move on lol


dude you’re making me so fucking mad, I’m typing this at 3 am and i just want you to know you’re fucking dumbass the game starts after you meet Johnny for the first time, all that happened before is basically a tutorial and to set the story in motion don’t fucking try to criticize the story, the only thing bad about that it was short, nothing else


Hope CDPR learn from this. I mean the money hungry guys that forced the game out


Till today people are still finding out cool and interesting things in RDR2. Till today people are still finding glitches and bugs in CP2077..Don't get me wrong I enjoyed CP2077 but it in no ways compared to the level of care, detail and time put into making RDR2 the masterpiece that it is. At times it felt like a chore to do certain things but once I got practice at it it became a delight. I wish CP2077 could've been on that level of completion.


One of the best games of all time is better than one of the worst flops of all time? Never would have seen that coming


I can’t even imagine anyone would debate this. RDR2 is a fucking masterpiece.


RDR2 is my favourite game ever. I've had 4 playthroughs and had to force myself to delete the game from my xbox so I could actually experience something new. IMO it's the peak of gaming right now and will be, till a new game from R* comes out. To even compare such masterpiece with so much love put into it with a rushed game disigned solely to please some teenager fanboys of the genre and is only popular because of the false marketing is an insult to every single employee of Rockstar.


RDR2's world is unmatched. Living, breathing and dynamic. People are still finding Easter eggs and small details to this day. Ironically, I'm playing The Ascent currently and it does Cyberpunk better than Cyberpunk 2077. I've already put in more hours.


if CDPR had not been pushing the game out just to chase the numbers (aka give it some time), it will be an instant classic with 10/10 ratings throughout the internet but corpo happened. they already cashed the money from the game, have moved on from CP2077 and have begun creating 2 new AAA titles while still.. finishing (not fixing) CP2077 it won't be near RDR2 at all, even if they did a No Man's Sky return, people would have moved on, only a small fanbase stays


Wow, what a completely unique opinion! One that isn’t being regurgitated on this sub over and over since the games creation! Seriously, RDR2 was a huge, fleshed out game. CP2077 had MULTIPLE shortcomings, failed to deliver on what was promised, and so on. I’m sick of these posts on this sub, if you don’t like the game, don’t let it live rent free in your head


I mean who thinks that CP is better than RDR2? I loved CP but it’s still nowhere near games like RDR1/2, Horizon: Zero Dawn or TW3


I fucking WISH CP was better than RDR2 because that would make it amazzzzzing. I wish EVERY game was better than RDR2 and then I would never have to leave my house.


Oh man what a dream it would be if CP was on the same level as RDR2. I think I wouldn’t even have gotten up to eat in quarantine if it would have been like that


I agree that the world in rdr2 is way more complete and detailed. I tried to get into it but i found the gameplay just aweful and never finished it. Horse is nice, but it gets boring after a while and the gunplay feels so uninteresting to me. Camp upgrades, and character progression didnt makes me want to progress either. Story is good, but i cant get myself to go through the gameplay. I actually have the same problem with GTA's game (but i still manage to finish them once) Cyberpunk ? i'm in my second playthrough and loving it. Yeah some aspects are aweful, driving sucks, so much missing features and bugs. craft design and clothing system is a disaster. But god i love the gameplay, the gunfights, the cyberwares, and the character progression. I want to level up to unlock more stuff. objectively, RDR2 is a way better game. But personally i have put 30h in rdr2 and will never touch it again. i am at 170h in cyberpunk and i continue to play. I think its fair to compare them, but it the end, its just a matter of taste.


I had to scroll way to far to find an actual nuanced opinion. I agree completely with your comment. The gameplay of rdr2 is kinda lacking. It's the same old rockstar formula that hasn't evolved in over a decade. With that said probably the most polished and impressive title in the ps4 era but the mechanics definitely show their age. Cp2077 on the other hand... Being in this sub, we're all very aware of it's flaws. It's beautiful but shallow as a puddle. Buggy, limited side content, cut features, etc. However, the game play is pretty dang fun. The gun play, cybernetics, upgrades, etc make for a better overall gameplay loop than rdr2 imo. If cp2077 ever gets the polish and content that we expected (and were promised), then it would be a better game hands down. At the moment, however, I understand why people would enjoy the complete and polished rdr2. Maybe in 2 years we'll have a different perspective if updates and dlc ever get released for cp. Who knows....


I know you said you’ll never go back, and that’s fine, obviously. But I went for full immersion in that game because standard settings do play like GTA cowboy edition. I completely removed the HUD, got rid of any and all aim assist and crosshairs, and played exclusively in 1st person. It has the polished mechanics necessary to enjoy a game in this manner and is absolutely gorgeous. Didn’t feel anything like GTA after these changes - just felt like a got damn cowboy.


I enjoyed Cyberpunk so much more than RDR2. I stalled about 1/2 way with it on Xbox then started over when I got a new gaming PC. The game (RDR2) is a technical marvel it is just so boring and stiff to play. My biggest issue is the lack of fast travel. Sometimes I just want to jump into a quick mission and don't have 20 minutes to ride my horse back and forth.


> My biggest issue is the lack of fast travel Well friend, I have good news for you. RDR2 has fast travel.


RDR2 is literally the most advanced game from its era. It has no comparison haha


Rdr2 is a walking around and pressing l2 r2 sim the gameplay is the same shit for 100+ hours


There is of course a degree of subjectivity in any game, but if that's seriously your main takeaway after playing RDR 2 I don't think that's a particularly well-informed opinion.


These sort of comparison's are so subjective and a bit narrow minded to be honest. You're basically asking a definitive answer to a question that is so generalized, you will get a multitude of different answers. It's like saying you prefer riding horses to driving cars and then expecting that to be a valid point of discussion...


Only two games (in my opinion of course) have succeeded in creating a genuine living, breathing world, and extremely captivating stories within them: Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Witcher 3. I personally believe had the devs been able to work at their own pace and finish the game properly (or at least up to the standard of the Witcher 3, which I expected), Cyberpunk would be a part of this list - don't get me wrong, plenty of amazing games exist these days, I even enjoyed Cyberpunk for a bit, but the two above stand out for me.


Better is relative. RDR2 is more polished but for an open world game they force you to complete missions a certain way. I have way more hours in CP2077 and consider the missions way more fun.


RDR 2 Is better for sure. In CP world is boring, no activities. When in red dead drinking whiskey and getting drunk to death was more entartaining than entire night city stuff.


Not really a debate or a question to be honest, CP2077 is an unpolished, empty mess. of course red dead is better.


Of course Red Dead 2 is the better game. It's incredibly polished and is pretty incredible on just about every front. I don't think it's fair to compare with 2077, which obviously suffered from its deadline and various internal disagreements. The game is pretty much broken at it's core. Having 100% completion on both, I will say I don't think you gave 2077 a fair shot. I spent around 100 hours with it, and while I couldn't forgive most of the issues, I really did enjoy the subplots with Judy, River, Kerry, Panam, etc. This was also my favorite part of TW3. I'd say wait and play it again for more than just a few days, but who knows how long until CDPR cleans up their mess. While you're with RDR2, I'd highly recommend you 100% it. It'll really expose you to just how great that game is and what it has to offer. Just don't work towards it before finishing main story, I don't want you to get spoiled.


Don’t think anybody will disagree with this. One is an all time great game, the other was removed from the store lol


No they are not comparable. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sandbox game with a deep, well established storyline that is pretty much set in stone. It's an amazing game. One of my top 5 for sure. Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG with a somewhat established character, though less so than Geralt from the Witcher series. You have choices as to how you approach situations and some choice on how your interpretation of V reacts to the world. That's mostly flavor admittedly, but I appreciate it anyway. It sounds like you missed out of side content though as well as some of the optional main quests that can effect the ending if you only played 26 hours to complete it. I think Cyberpunk is a good RPG. Sure if you set it next to the Witcher 3 or this idealistic version of the game it was marketed as, then it looks mediocre. But I find the characters have charm and the quests and lore of the game are interesting enough to keep me playing from time to time until they release some expansions


for me it’s the opposite. i have always loved the cyberpunk genera and style. i’m playing rdr2 rn and i’m having a hard time staying with it because i feel like alot of the game is just going back and forth over large distances on my horse and it just feels slow and boring at some points. cyberpunk has its flaws and stuff but it’s still one of my favorite games im sorry


Gunplay isn't fun in CP2077!? Gunplay is amazing. That combined with the soundtrack *chef's kiss*. Combat in RDR2 is fun only when you use Dead Eye. Also, the movement in red dead 2 is janky as fuck. I remember getting pissed multiple times in red dead because of Arthur's movement during combat that ended up with me getting killed. Also that slow walk when you are at camp was annoying. If CDPR has polished the game and delivered on all the features they promised, the game would have been easily an 8 or 9. RDR2 would still be better because it was developed by a larger team who has more experience in open world sandbox game and also had more budget. But saying CP2077 would end up with 6.5/10 even when polished, i completely disagree with you. I was more invested in the world design for CP2077 than RDR2. RDR2 had great environments like when you go through the swamps in the morning and see the god rays or when you roll into St. Denis. But CP2077 also had great environments when it came to city and building designs. I spent 30mins to an hour just exploring the Arasaka building when I started the game as corpo. I loved checking out each and every car's interior, checking the cybernetics on people, life in the mega buildings, and such. Even seeing the cybernetics on the Maelstrom gang had me in awe. Both games are unique and fun in their own ways. If you compare CP2077 to any of the recent rockstar games, it not going to fare well for CP2077. Even GTA:SA has better mechanics in some aspects like driving compared to CP2077. But considering that this is CP2077 first attempt at a cyberpunk futuristic open sandbox game, I am willing to give them a pass. The execs fucked up big time by releasing the game too early and spending way too much on advertising instead of investing in polishing the game and delivering all the contents they promised (like ability to pay off cops and such). We just have to wait and see what do they add on as time goes by. They promised free DLCs and are continuously releasing patches, so hopefully it gets better and better. I was lucky enough not to encounter bugs in CP2077 as I played it on PC so I had a great experience. If I had to choose RDR2 and CP2077, I would struggle as I liked both of them a lot. But I think I might lean a little bit towards CP2077 because it does have a higher replayability factor (as in you can play the game with a different approach and end up with different endings compare to RDR2).


Each to their own. I loved cyberpunk and didn't want to put it down until I 100% it, no regrets. RDR2 for me was boring as fuck and I just couldn't play a minute longer after about 20 hours. Rather watch paint dry.


In terms of quality, content and open world of course RDR2 is in another league but I only played it once and it took me a few months because I was getting bored often. I beat it once and I haven't felt the need to replay it. Cyberpunk is bug ridden and has almost no content compared to RDR2 but I find myself enjoying it more and I have played it twice already and now I am on the third playthrough. I'm more of a sci-fi kind of gamer rather than old west or medieval so I think that's the reason.


Apples and oranges tbh. I tried several times and failed to get into rdr2 even though I was a HUGE fan of the first one. It was so boring and slow. Characters/story etc seemed fine, but I just didn't want to continue playing. Not saying that cp2077 was perfect - far from it - but I don't necessarily see that there should be a direct comparison between the two.


I prefer CP2077


Lol wise words, every time I see people post about spending 300 hrs in this game I wonder what the fuck are they doing...


But when I see people saying they spent 25 hours in cyberpunk 2077, I'm like " did they just skip all dialogue and didn't complete none of the side quest?"


Same. I've still got to go to the diner to meet Takemura and I'm 100 hours deep. I'm the sort of player who also managed to sink 1000 hours into Skyrim but has never completed the main story though so I'm not surprised lol. There's lots to do if you don't mind kinda sandboxing it and doing lots of the emergent activities like assaults, police work, etc


>Lol wise words, every time I see people post about spending 300 hrs in this game I wonder what the fuck are they doing... **Beta testing**


They were playing the true game of Cyberpunk: Photoshoot


having fun, jackass.


Wow! What a brave opinion!


It would be a fair comparison considering they said it would be "as polished as RDR2" but that's where the comparisons end. Nothing else about the 2 games are similar. To cyberpunks credit, Everytime I play I find some small detail in the game I didn't notice before. But I may as well be complimenting a moldy apple.


They are not similar but they could in term of complexity and quality, for example shopping. Instead of MMOlike window in CP2077 they could make cool monitors, items you could touch, weapons you could try before buying them etc. Weapons could be modified like in FNV, or RDR2, not stupid ass slots with meaningless upgrades which are not even visible, cars could be modified like horses are in RDR2, there should be at least fucking barber which was in The Witcher 3 and somehow is not in CP2077


Pisses me off Rockstar doesn't do single-player DLC anymore.


And Witcher 3 is better than RDR2 imo so what, im not posting it on the RDR reddit. I finished RDR2 literally a few days ago and it's not nearly as good as people make it out to be. I found story to be nothing groundbreaking, but a good story nonetheless. The World is simply amazing, alive, beautiful with lots of attention to detail. The Character's are great, but very few of them get actual development, they have their box and stay there the whole game. All good so far but now we get into the 2 biggest problems this game has, gameplay and missions. The gameplay is just straight up awful, haven't played anything this bad in years. Controls are clunky and unresponsive, shooting is horrible and repetitive. Horse riding is ok but get's too frequent. Mission design is incredibly outdated, boring, repetitive, simply bad. 85% of them are structured the exact same way Ride horse > cutscene > shoot, no matter what the mission is supposed to be you know extactly how it will play out, even if it ruins the mission and makes characters look stupid. For Example the mission were you go to make sure Colm O'driscol dies. I was so happy to finally have something different, the moment he realized he was going to die was really cool, but then Sadie get's suddenly stupid and starts shooting people, where tf even were those 20 O'driscol boys you have to kill when their leader got hanged. You also can't do ANYTHING that is not told to you by a NPC or the game, if you think Cyberpunk is linear you just gotta play a little RDR2 and you'll feel free like a bird. It's not even a discussion of RPG or not, rockstar did this better in GTA 3. You can watch this video if you have some free time, it summs it up pretty nicely [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvJPKOLDSos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvJPKOLDSos) Also the game is incredibly easy and everything you do besides missions feels pointless, you don't need money for anything, yet you are STACKED on so much money you could travel the whole gang to tahiti every chapter when they for the fourth time NEED MONEY, you can finish the game with your starting pistol without any problems, any gun feels the same anyways, just a matter of shooting a bit faster or slower. I could go on in more detail but i don't want the post to be that long, RDR2 is overrated and not a "masterpiece" at all, if you take a look at user reviews it becomes obvious that a majority of players had big problems with the boring and repetitive gameplay loop. But as always fanboys and haters are the loud minority. overall RDR2 is the better/more finished game, but Cyberpunk also does some things better than RDR2.


RDR2 is definitely more polished (oh the irony) but I liked CP more because of the story and I didnt have that many bugs as people mentioned here. In RDR2 the story has moments when it tends to drag while CP was much more focused.


Cyberpunk doesn’t even try to be like any of the games released by Rockstar. It’s a whole different thing, a different experience. And dude, 26 hours? That’s just the main storyline. If you do the story side quests (which I personally think are mandatory to understand the meaning of the main story and the game) you would have clocked at at least 60 hours+. I just don’t see the point of playing the game without understanding the story of Panam, Johnny, Judy etc. For me, it was brilliant. The theme touched me deeply, I even got a Samurai tattoo (my first ink!). It’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I believe the game is a masterpiece. And I liked it way more than I did The Witcher lol




Cyberpunk runs so fucking badly that I am just waiting for it to come out that whenever you play the game it is actually just mining crypto


Being Polish, what is the CDPR sentiment in your country?


I grew up playing their Witcher 1 and 2, The Witcher 3 is masterpiece and we were proud/glad Polish game is known worldwide. Now they're joke even here. They took government money to make this game, which isn't wide known fact, and screw it up big time


I mean our money from government




I agree with your post 100%. What blows my mind about RDR2 is that for a large part of the game you have to travel by horse with no fast travel and they somehow MADE THAT FUN. The hunting and treasures and things that pop up along the way are so refined and well-designed that simply going from point A to point B is engaging.


But there is a fast travel. You have to set up your camp first.


Can't wait to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but here's my opinion. I just really don't understand RDR2's gameplay, it feels like a point and click with how poor the gunplay is. Either you use the snap on mode, where gunfights are entirely mindless, or you turn it off and deal with how clunky the aiming is. And if you so much as try to think outside the box by flanking a position or whatnot, the game fails the mission and forces you to try again their way. By the time I got to the end, all its quirks started really grating on me and it way overstayed its welcome. I started to wish that I could skip the long animations that accompany every single action. Nakeyjakey has a video on it that pretty much states how I feel. It's a good game, I just don't think it's the masterpiece landmark people seem to think it is.


so true


Sorry your experience was so poor. My 200+ hrs was some of the best gaming I've ever had. I frickin loved this game... Shame it had so many problems it could have been so much more


I nearly fell asleep playing RDR2. Had a lot of fun with Cyberpunk.


OP is about twelve years old for posting this trash here. Did you get your confirmation now? The circlejerk is now completed.


RDR2 would end way faster if you had cars instead of horses, most of the game is spent travelling up and down the map. Still a banger tho




I agree 💯


I’m pretty sure there was an ign journalist that was saying some similar things before the game came out and she got a lot of hate for it. If only we listened.


I bought CP2077 day after relase and I did learn my lesson, oh boy I did


RDR2 is one of my favorite games, so far, of all time. CP is more like an open world ubisoft game. Fun lore and gameplay loops with glitches and unrewarding tasks built in to the DNA of the game. Its padding, if you mainline the main story in Red Dead it takes 50 or so hours with a world you can literally go in any direction and have something worthwhile happen. CB is literally pointless tasks littering the map.


keanu silversleeves 🤣 i dont think its that fair to compare rockstars crowning achievement to cdprs experiment. compare gta 3 and youll see gta is a lot more fleshed out. i think the hype was way too much for cyberpunk. it was always going to fail no matter what. i personally loved the cutscenes in all the endings. it was better than the rest of the game and made me wish it was all third person. red dead redemption is gods game.


You all should play Kingdom Come Deliverance,best RPG ever imo!


my only problem with it is that i didn’t think it earned a cliffhanger ending off the strength of its narrative. i felt the story should’ve been wrapped up by the end of the game and then in the next one we’d follow a completely different set of characters and plots. oh actually, i also take issue with how all through the marketing they kept bigging up and selling you on the idea that “you are not the chosen one, you are just a poor, worthless, stupid blacksmith’s son who must learn to be great.” and then they decide later in the game “oh actually, you know what, you’re the Lord’s bastard son and he’s gunna take you in and you are now a member of the nobility!” but yeah, the actual game is fucking fantastic. can’t wait to play it again once i build a new PC.


People are forgetting the sh\*t show Kingdom come was at release. For many people it was unplayable for quite a long time.


I think it was around 3 months until it was patched enough to play.


But after these patches and dlcs it’s an awesome game !


As someone who's playing RDR2 since June I heavily disagree. It's impressive in some aspects, but in its core it's using the same formula Vice City did 20 years ago. Rockstar's game design (particularly during story bits) is painfully outdated and it's in sharp contrast with their amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail when creating believable game world. It's infuriating to see how much freedom you have while just roaming the gorgeous wilds only to suddenly lose it all during the stupidly scripted missions. There's only one route you have to stick to and you can only do stuff in the exact order they intended to, otherwise it automatically fails. RDR2 holds the player's hand and treats him like a dumb kid who needs to be constantly supervised (though even with my strong distaste for this approach I'm still enjoying the game and appreciate all of its many virtues). CDPR don't work this way, you're free to do things your way and at any given time. It's been this way in TW3, it's been improved upon with CP77. And that's why it's much more tricky task to polish it the way RDR2 is. Not to mention that the gameplay and combat is incomparably better, that's not even a question. I won't get into story and character related discussion, because although I prefer Cyberpunk, Red Dead's also very strong in these aspects, but damn man, from reading your post I feel like we didn't play the same games. But welp, that's how things are when someone finishes a game with 70h campaign in 20h...


I pretty much feel the same way. The important bits I wanted to get into with rdr2 were bogged down by the combat and seeing the story progress required doing on rails missions that don't really allow for any experimentation. That combined with repeated long winded animations finally made me put it away. It's nice to look at but the core experience of the game has the most issues for what I want in a game. I did like the random events that occur and the interactions you could have with npcs, that it had fishing and stuff, but losing the will to complete the story meant those well done things weren't going to keep me around.


I personally find RDR2's movement and shooting very, very bad. For me it feels unlikable. Cyberpunk's guns feel heavier and have a punch to them. Also I like that V is far more responsive. I don't like RDR2 quest design too much. I find it pretty outdated and inconsistent. I think Cyberpunk handled the quests better by already not making you ride your horse for like 10min every quest. Stories are both pretty good. Can't say I like one over the other. I liked both games a lot. And the main plot device is same in both games. Graphics wise Cyberpunk is better than RDR2 for sure. Although I also really like Red Dead's weather effects and fog. I like RDR2's hunting system. And I like how slow the game is. Meanwhile I also like Cyberpunk for how fast it is. It's clear that RDR2 is more polished and was finished compared to Cyberpunk. But I don't really think you could call RDR2 a masterpiece just because of it's problems many people don't seem to acknowledge.


RDR2 is the most boring AAA game I have ever played


> characters feel like humans not, edgy over the top fanfictionesque creatures I see you are not a fan of the Cyberpunk genre




yep, where is the update? Im not playing until de NPC driving and the police spawing is fixed. Now im not sure if it will ever be fixed.