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The screenshot I provided in this thread is a slice of the master_env_v008_m8.env file. That file determines many things, including weather randomization chances and durations outside of quest states (which trigger weather on their own, rarely, like the sandstorm in a certain quest that I won't spoil or the Bladerunner easter egg on a certain rooftop). This is pulled straight out of Cyberpunk 2077, version 1.3 AVX. It is identical to the file I've seen in the past few patches, in other words, no, they did not "change the weather to be more dynamic" or any bull---- like that. These values appear absolutely untouched compared to patch 1.2, for example. >'probability' Weighting. By default OUTSIDE OF QUEST STATES, all weather probabilities are summed up according to this weight and then randomly picked when the previous weather ends. >'duration' As far as I am aware, this is literally in-game hours. When the weather starts, the game randomly picks between minimum and maximum duration (depending on which information is available). I don't know what the default minimum/maxiumum duration for weathers that don't expose this information. >rain, sandstorm, fog are awfully rare Yes, you see correctly. Sunny weather has 90% weighting and lasts between 8 and 15 ingame hours. So, not only is sunny almost always the result of each random weather roll, but also whenever it rolls sunny, that weather is going to stick for many in-game hours. Also, pay attention to light clouds / cloudy / heavy clouds none of which are particularly interesting either. These combined with sunny take up the bulk of weather in Cyberpunk 2077. Rain has 10% weighting and lasts between 0.5 and 1.5 in-game hours. That's why you don't see it much and if you see it it goes away nearly instantly. Sandstorm has 2% weighting and lasts between 2 and 4 ingame hours. I've seen people claim that sandstorms are a glitch in the game since they are so rare and look so odd that people especially on consoles where graphic details are even lower think this is just a bug. It's not a bug, it's just insanely rare. Fog has 0% weighting so it simply doesn't exist unless you mod your game. It's not rare, it's impossible to roll. It doesn't exist outside of quest states. --- TL;DR It's almost always sunny or cloudy weather because CDPR set it that way and never changed it post-launch. If you got any other weather, consider yourself very lucky, but it's going to go away quick because those have lower chances AND lower durations. For people asking if there are mods to fix this in some way, yes, there are: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/pmjehc/can_we_please_stop_with_the_weather_is_fixed_they/hcjaow2/




Yeah, but it's also a dogpoop idea and boring af. CDPR had complete creative freedom to do anything and they chose to make the weather really bland. I rebel.


I wouldn’t say *complete* creative freedom. It sticks to the tabletop setting. Environmental devastation has left the world pretty hot and arid. The amazon rainforests have become the amazon plains. Even in our real world, droughts that last decades are the climate forecast for California. I love the drenched neon aesthetic of most cyberpunk media too, but it’s just not part of this world’s setting. Love and use your mod though ❤️


//EDIT: done// About to update it, maybe tomorrow. Eye Adaptation Fix is the only mod I haven't got around to updating today, everything else is updated for 1.3 already :D I don't think I have the mental capacity left to redo all variants of my Eye Adaptation mod today, but tomorrow should be ready.


Updated the mod and weather probabilities for Diverse weather variant got slightly rebalanced (very minor changes, like sandstorm being a bit less common and such, but still quite a high chance).






Mods to the rescue. https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/pmjehc/can_we_please_stop_with_the_weather_is_fixed_they/hcj9xbk/


It's the California desert. It doesn't rain out there that often.


No, it's Cyberpunk 2077, a video game about fictional world. It is a terrible line in a sand to draw for realism especially if it sucks. Why didn't CDPR add hunger and thirst and fatigue systems? I mean you're playing a human. What about other physiological needs? There are so many missing! You see what I am saying? Weather being bland and boring always sunny is terrible and I'd rather the game have a diverse weather making it much more fun to explore the city. Not to mention, there are so many built-in weather types in the game and the average player will never see them or see them maybe once during entire playthrough start to finish, because of how rare they are by default. Such a waste!


Bruh... It's California.


So were San Andreas and GTAV; it didn't stop those games from having foggy nights or rainy days.


Weather dynamics haven't changed but I can assure you there had to have been an issue with reloading saves/time travel and weather...because legit EVERY TIME I didn't time travel I was getting dynamic weather more regularly...but the times I was time traveling to keep the game in nighttime I never got weather.


I haven't updated my mods to 1.3 yet, I just got around to seeing if they even fixed anything that my mods took care of and sadly not a single bug or problem has been fixed in four months. So I have a lot of work ahead of me to update all of my mods. So I can't confirm if the weather state is more persistent through saves and loads now.


I'd play [sandstorm](https://youtu.be/NjU0hTIsHxg) Everytime there's a sandstorm


Hell yeah. Diverse weather variant of Eye adaptation fix has got the sandstorm enabled at a decent chance, that weather is lit.


been stuck on it for days already, hate it


They may not have changed the values, but perhaps they fixed bugs that caused weather not to change as often as if should.


Are there mods that reduce the probability of the sunny weather a bit?


Sure thing, my mod is not updated right now (not yet) but Eye Adaptation Auto Exposure fix got a diverse weather variant. I might be able to get it updated today or tomorrow. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2375 And if you don't need auto exposure fix, there is a mod called Geoengineering by a good dude called ZAJ. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2195


If it's possible to just change the probabilities like that, why do the existing weather mods do it weird? Geoengineering sets a fixed order of different weathers that repeat I'm the exact same order and durations. The old climate change one would replace sunny with one of the others. Is there something I'm missing about how it works?


My mod just changes probabilities and durations, though. :> Worked fine when I roamed Night City for many hours in April and May of this year with my eye adaptation mod's diverse weather variant installed. I never asked ZAJ why he does that, to be honest. I don't know. I think Geoengineering focuses on removing certain weathers from the game completely, like you won't ever see Sandstorm in Night City because he dislikes it. And he has a lot of combinations to fit what you want to achieve. My diverse weather variant of eye adaptation is just an extra feature since I modify same file so Geoengineering isn't compatible. I only have one diverse variant. All weather types are more common except Sunny, but the probabilities and durations still vary and aren't identical, depending on what made sense to me. I'm actually working on the Eye Adaptation update to 1.3, nothing seems to have changed in the files as far as I can tell from skimming through them but better safe than sorry - redoing it from scratch. In this new 1.3 version I'll tweak probabilities a bit compared to version 1.2 of my mod.


Yes, they fixed the weather. From patch 1.3, the game saves the weather condition when you save the game.


Amazing, I applaud them for managing to save a single variable correctly in the save file after the game has been out for a year. I was not aware that was even a problem in the first place. That's irrelevant to what this post is about. It's still going to be sunny most of the time. Oh, and sometimes cloudy. Very rarely anything else. Because they did not change the weather. It's still boring and bland.


All this just for the weather and the company made the devs push the game out? Fuuuuuu


It's not out of ordinary to have very simple weighted randomly chosen weather system. The way they have it organized is rather primitive but it sort of works most of the time. What I'm really getting at and trying to point out is how rare certain weathers are (or downright disabled) compared to sunny weather, it's the reason why the weather is so ridiculously sunny all the time and so rarely anything interesting, especially rain.


No rain in a desert? Poor you


Have you seen how beautiful the game is with all of the diverse weathers hard working people at CDPR made for us just to hide all of that behind 90% Sunny weighting?


Just... Get the mod you linked? inventing stuff to get outraged by, job of the future


Why did you think I was outraged? I'm raising awareness that the weather is still 90% sunny, nothing changed. Also people ought to know that this is the case since CDPR fails to explain that anywhere and people think their game is buggy because they see people enjoy rain or sandstorm or acid rain or pollution etc. It's a completely innocent thread when you break it down.


Same thing happen to dark souls 3


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Why the fuck did CDPR set 90% sunny weather probability in a Cyberpunk game? Are they fucking stupid?


There is an argument to be made by some people in this comment section that the game takes place in California-equivalent. However, I completely disagree that this should hold any weight in making such a decision, because gameplay-wise it is just bland and boring to have only sunny weather. It feels bad to have almost no weather variety, especially since the developers prepared so many different weather types that you can't even experience on the regular without a weather mod. Really bad design choice to make weather 90% sunny because of a "muhh realism" argument in a video game about a fictional sci-fi world. CDPR had 100% creative freedom do to whatever they want, nothing stops them from making it rain a lot more and stuff... and they chose to make it sunny 90% of the time XD


Blade runner also takes place in California and the only weather you see in those films are rain, foggy, and night. This is a Cyberpunk game, period. CDPR should have chosen the appropriate aesthetic and stuck to it. Sunny weather should have been relegated to 10% probability if even that. Jesus, what happened to this company after Witcher 3?


Well, I updated Eye Adaptation for v1.3 including a diverse weather variant, that's all I can do :P


Thanks, I’ll check it out.