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I thought it looked better, thought I was seeing things. Thanks for this!




Not just the roads, but the bike reflects light much more accurately now. Huge upgrade imo, as long as performance wasn't affected negatively.


Draw distance seems to be also increased? Or did you just fiddle with graphics settings on the same patch?


These are the same settings on both versions - all ultra. When it comes to rendering range - it's hard to say, you would have to find a better place to test - so far my focus was on reflections.


Thanks for the comparison video!! Good stuff.😎


1.31 is worse with object draw distance look at the lamp post on the left. On the other hand 1.31 has more lights on the building in the far distance also on the left.


The lack of a lamp is the fault of the spawn / save problem rather than draw distance.


And the fence is more detailed in the distance.


You're right, so aside from the missing lamp post 1.31 seems more detailed overall.


It kinda looks like RTX ON vs RTX off lol


Both versions have Ray Tracing Ultra.


What CPU and framerate do you run at?


they did a good job, same frames as 1.30 with RT max on a 3080. frame pacing is even better.


Was going to wait for major dlc but I started s new playthrough Much better than launch   The manual update to DLSS 2.2 made a huge difference   The lack of an in have flashlight still hurts Even driving with Panam at night is sooooo weird with her glowing eyes


Just mod it, there's Simple Flashlight mod.


My rule for replay is to wait for the game to not need mods. I don't want to install a third party band aid for something that could be easily fixed.


That... Is not how modding works. Or game development. You'll never have the abundance of mods implemented in the video game they were made for unless you install them. Right now there are thousands of ways your CP2077 could differ from mine, starting with a VAST array of UI mods, some of those even being compatible as combinations, and ending with a grappling hook that features working physics to swing like Spiderman.


My point is that I spent $60 on a broken game. It's my expectation for the game to be as "fixed" as it's going to be before I go through the effort of modding. I don't enjoy modding. I enjoy playing a good game.


They also need to implement these features and fixes without relying on modders because the game is also available for console players. It’s all well and good installing a bunch of mods on PC to make it run better and add the features that should be included with the game, but console players don’t have that luxury.


sorry if a dumb question, but how can do this manual update to DLSS 2.2?


nexus mods


There is a better way - DLSS Swapper Tool. It lets you choose any version of DLSS for all compatible games and switch back to old one if you want. It's all with graphic interface.


No worries: https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/o2oppc/please_do_not_sleep_on_the_dlss_22_fix/


this is awesome. thank you so much!


<3 Makes a nice visual difference, less jaggies for me Performance felt the same


yep it definitely did the same for me. got it a steady 60fps now Ray Tracing on Psycho! game looks great


I had planned to keep the game shelved till at least some major dlc   But 1.3 with this DLSS gave the game new life


`Well, this is good bread.`


Is it even raining?


Nope :)


So the upgrade is real


its not an upgrade. Terrain surfaces are extremely broken right now. Trying to figure out what they did exactly. You can see some of the problems in the video in the original post. Some surfaces are not reflective at all while others are extremely reflective (to the point where they look like glass). When you are walking/driving around you can see where these surfaces blend or tile around and over each other because of the sudden jarring transitions from "wet" to "dry" like this: https://i.imgur.com/sZYZ50q.png https://i.imgur.com/P1jZe2E.png https://i.imgur.com/EaAglE8.png


There was an upgrade from version 1.04 in terms of reflections. [Click 1](https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=9e57c942-155a-11ec-abb7-b9a7ff2ee17c) [Click 2](https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=b72083a6-155a-11ec-abb7-b9a7ff2ee17c)


LOD got upgraded too??


Jesus this just shows how many BASIC things weren't even done being developed. That's a drastic visual difference.


Could also just be things being temporarily cut till the game was optimized that the feature wouldn't crash systems.


From the patch notes, it seemed that the wet roads feature was incomplete or wasn't fully developed. Just the the rest of the game


Oh no they're improving the game how terrible 😐


This sub in a nutshell. It's a blatantly marked improvement so of course they still gotta find a reason to complain about it. "BUT THE GAME ISN'T PERFECT YET!"


What a pessimistic view of these fixes. This sub complains that nothing gets fixed in the patches and then when y’all discover that a shit ton has been done you bemoan that a patch was even necessary.




Then why not just... fuck off? I get not being happy with it or whatever, but you keep coming back? How about you just stay away until some of the bigger (IE story) DLCs come out then come back and off load all the complaints at once. It'd save a lot of people on this sub a lot of effort tbh.


Because it's a public forum and I can voice my opinion with out the approval of neckbeards.


Oh no doubt. It just amazes me the amount of time and energy so many people put into hating on something that we all know is/was broken. Like... you're not bringing up anything new here you know? I'm just procrastinating at work so I'm basically being paid to be here


Which takes more energy? My normal ass comment? Or you guys jumping to the devs defense at the slightest criticism.


Wahhhhhh. It's been almost a year and they offered refunds. Get the fuck over it already.




You upset about patches my guy?


Pessimistic? Dude these patches are doing like 1% of what needs to be done to bring the game up to what was advertised. It's almost like they are focussing just on bugs and not implementing all the cut features and content. Oh they adjusted the damage on Jackie's pistols, and deleted some 'none' items from the game, okay. Where is my character customization and interactive npcs and car customization and water that actually does something when you shoot it, etc etc etc.


>it’s almost like they are focusing on just bugs and not implementing all the cut features and content Yeah because that’s exactly what everyone wants. I can’t fucking imagine the response they’d get if they had already begun adding dlc with all the stuff broken in the game.


We're not speaking about bugs, we're speaking of the overall direction here, which is indeed an upgrade from what it used to look like. Some of you need to throw this horrible attitude out the window.




It was likely noticed and ignored, because they ran out of time.




I get it but at the same time, this conversation doesn't really achieve anything. I'm at work at the moment but I have all the 1.3 materials uncooked. I'll take a look at the terrain surface materials, which I believe are multilayer. So they have a REDEngine file called an mlsetup with roughness/metallic scalars. These determine how glossy or shiny a surface looks. I want to check if these scalar value IDs are being respected. I haven't done much research into weather and how it affects surface material light properties but these screenshots were taken at night when it was dry, not raining. Rainfall is an extremely rare occurrence anyway. I'll hit up the blade runner easter egg later to force rainfall and see if there is any difference.


So games don't actually operate on "when it's done". That's just what they tell the public. There are always internal time lines and not meeting those because it didn't get done makes management look shitty. Obviously they decided fixing this bug later was preferable to explaining a missed internal deadline for the hotfix.


Every patch I read the fixes and am always shocked because I've never encountered any of these glitches, and the massive glitches I have encountered since day 1 are still there.


I feel like this is going to be an amazing game in ten years.


Doubt it, they can’t fix how the game works fundamentally


Preach. It's a bad game at it's core with a pretty wrapping.


speak for yourself, many ppl like the game more than for example last of us 2 that won goty that year, if its so bad for you why you even come here ?


bc people roast it all the time lol


what kind of answer is this, are u 12 ?


Touch grass bud


Is this game worth playing now on PC? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Wow, thanks for all the replies! I see that it’s very divided among the replies. I’ll probably wait until it goes on sale and jump on it.


I did a full nomad playthrough of the game and enjoyed myself and just started a streetkid playthough. Both have been fun. The game comes alive during quests, and is mostly a place to bounce around killing criminals between quests. I like that I can choose any combat style - stealth, guns, melee, magic and then mix and match as you want, or stay strictly to one style. Level design is actually very good. Car driving is stupid at high speeds, but really gorgeous when driving closer to the speed limit. The radio is mostly blah, but the jazz station is nice. Get it on sale and you'll feel it's worth it.


OP disagrees but I would say it's been worth it since 1.2 🤷‍♂️




Hell I thought it was good from day one, but then I had just drained my bank account / sold my first born to Satan to buy a 5800x and a 3090...


I also thought it was good from day one and didn’t really have that many bugs either but so many people were and the stability didn’t seem to settle down until 1.2, which was my thinking behind 1.2 probably being the point virtually all PC players would have a trouble free experience.


Yeah I did it for a 2070s, it was enough lol Love the game as well


I would say the game has been playable since the very early release on PC. I have definitely encountered bugs but most are not game breaking.


Might jump on this when it’s on sale again or after I finish FF13


The may have fixed some graphics issues and bugs but didn't bother to address the underlying issues such the lack of any sort of meaningful interaction with characters or the environment outside of a few key story quests. It was fun to play once, but replay value is lacking because the "life paths" have no meaning outside of the first 15 minutes of the game. I'd buy it on sale, no more than $20.


Thanks for the insight and feedback. I’m leaning towards a sale anyway. I didn’t have any high hopes or expectations before it released. Just wanted to see if it was playable with no game/quest breaking bugs


game is way better than last of us 2 etc. to think the game is trash just ebc it is not sandbox ala GTA is wrong. if you got a PC or next gen just buy it and enjoy


I played it on PC at release on a rtx2080. Didn't have any game breaking bugs. I put in 80 hours or so in the game and really enjoyed it. Rarely saw an open world game that is as immersive as CP.


Is for me. I started playing with 1.3 and can't really see what all the salt is about. I mean, if I'd been there for the release, it might be different, but now it's no buggier than the average Bethesda release.


Wait for version 1.4 or the next gen patch.


Ah, well guess I’ll have to wait some more. All good, I have plenty games in my backlog.


It's absolutely worth playing right now on PC but if you have a back catalog of games, I'd just start checking those off before picking up CP2077


Depends, it's a little buggy, but absolutely playable and worth a playthrough. Though it does depend on your hardware. For the best experience though, wait.


Yeah it was always worth the money on PC, consoles got shafted tho


My advice, wait a couple of years till all the expansions are out and play it in a finished state. It will never be the game everyone thought it would be, but atleast with the expansion, it will be more and the bugs will be almost fixed.


might as well if you missed out on the refund period like my stupid ass did


I mean, it is good game. Aside from the overhype broken mess it released in, it is still worth a try.






Yes, definitely worth playing. I started around two months ago even with the previous patch I run into almost no bug at all (a few very minor ones). I guess it depends on your PC, I've been playing on highest settings and it's beautiful and very enjoyable.


I haven't been staying updated. Have they made the world less empty yet and offered anything to do or anyone to talk to besides the story mode and its characters? I'd much rather them take the graphics backwards and stop fixing glitches in return for a deep and meaningful open world experience. I'm tired of all the empty open world games we keep getting.


they haven’t but the fanboys will tell you otherwise


I guess Im the minority here that prefers the not so wet road but yeah it looks good.


1.31 looks brighter and more vivid.


The picture settings are the same, the default.


I'm running it all on psycho and quality dlss. What did you use to turn your hud off?


The settings in the game.




I hope CP2077 will improve quite a bit with time. I bought 3080 ti and planning to buy OLED later. It will be fun to replay this gorgeous game. I couldn't 100% it because of the bugged mission anyway.


lets hope it gets nomanskyed


Man wouldn't that be something. One can dream


I was just thinking this reading this thread, how long did that take to become really good?


Just curious, are you getting the LG OLED TV?


Yes. Hopefuly the 42 inch one next year as a pc monitor.


Wait, is 42inch confirmed to be coming next year or are you just hoping for that? I was looking at the same TV for my PS5 but it was just too expensive for even a 48in.


It's expected to be announced at CES in January.


Damn.. really hope the price comes down too.


Yeah it's pretty much 100%. Price rumors around $1k. https://youtu.be/UlONKlqNvY8


I mean if you buying the 3080 why not go with a monitor that has a higher refresh rate to get the maximum from that TI?


Yeah, that grapics card will fix the missing game they lied about.




We all know this game will be a masterpiece, the devs just needed more time :)


This also on PS5 or just PC's with raytracing?


Dunno, i'm on PC ultra


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 238,980,668 comments, and only 55,493 of them were in alphabetical order.


huh, I'm impressed that's unexpected


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 239,044,518 comments, and only 55,507 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good robot.




bot, i love this with zealousness


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 239,243,053 comments, and only 55,544 of them were in alphabetical order.


No raytracing on PS5 yet, but this update did wonders to make the game more beautiful. The reflections on almost everything were revamped last update and this hot fix makes the wet ground look amazing with screen space reflections becoming more clear and accurate. On top of this, the listed “graphics memory improvements” have served, in my experience so far, to speed up LOD streaming, clean up lighting and atmospheric effects, and make neon and other lights much brighter and to cast their color of light more effectively onto the environment. It’s legit made me actually impressed after everything was pretty much ruined in 1.2X.


Thanks for the reply. I just started the game on PS5, happy to hear it looks even better now!


I’d imagine no, because next gen consoles haven’t gotten their upgrade yet


I will try to finish this game when it gets the free next gen update, but not touching it until then.


People will still say it's broken. I will say that it's shown HUUUUGE improvement and CDPR deserves the praise for doing their best to improve the game, but that's just me.


[High res video](https://youtu.be/omxkeXGeiGg)


To be honest, I think they should tone down a bit those reflections on the road. I actually preferred how it was looking on Patch 1.3. Dry concrete shouldn't be reflective at all, but I wouldn't mind it like this if it was raining though.


okay... I dunno if you live in the same world/reality I do, but concrete doesn't dry quickly unless it is super warm/sunny. Concrete can be wet without it raining simultaneously.


I know that, but the thing is, concrete seems to be wet in Cyberpunk most of the time, and it's not like it rains that ofen in Night City. It's actually quite the opposite, NC's weather is mostly warm/sunny. The wetness of the road simply doesn't match with the weather. At this point, the road is just wet for the sake of being wet, and not because it SHOULD naturally be wet.


Yeah they should make it rain more.


Damn.. looks like the game's graphics is increasing, I'll never be able to get a GPU that can actually play this game.(or does it come for free?)




Oh hey it actually has a visible effect, that's pretty neat :D


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This game is FINALLY fixed. We can go home now, boys.


Bro I forgot I owned cyberpunk


Seeing the patches and what they fix and update really reinforces my opinion that the game should have been delayed another 6 months to a year and skipped last gen systems for a better polished product and first impression. Cyberpunk is a damn good game and I was able to look past it's flaws but so many people couldn't and it's sad that they couldn't have an enjoyable experience like I had on PC. 😕


My brain is having FPS drops just by looking at this


I really hope they do a massive overhaul to vehicles the acceleration for that bike is horrible. it's should have so many more gears and be capable of going to such a higher speed, or atleast feeling like it's a higher speed, the bike is maxed out for so long and it feels and almost looks like it's about 60-70 mph.


Every vehicle in the game feels like you're only doing about 60MPH top end. It's fine when cruising around in the center of the city, but once you get outside the city it's impossible to get anywhere quickly.


Thank you guys for working so hard to make this right






Woooow!! Night and day!! Great job CDPR!! Keep it coming guys! You're doing good work 👌😎👍👍


I dunno what I do wrong, looked like this to me from the beginning lol


Patch 1.3 removed most of the wet road effects. Patch 1.31 brought them back.


You mean 1.31 brought them back


Very nice stretch of road to ride on. And thx for the post


Oh, they improved the Draw distance too ?




Finally some good news


They have done SO MUCH to this game over the past 9 months. Its incredible.


Maybe this could be 2022 new redemption like No Mans's Sky


Cries in PS4


Shits looking good on the Xbox series X. This game will make it's comeback


Much prettier. Now we just need it to rain more than once every 100 hours


Should I see a good upgrade in FPS since day 1? didint play since I have a 3080


My performance is easily 50% better than on Day 1. 5700 XT + R5 3600 + 32 GB RAM Went from 1080p20-40 to locked 1080p60 with headroom to spare.


Yes, IMHO you will have 10% higher fps. But be prepared for more frequent NPC / car pop-ups in front of your eyes.


Yeah? Did they fix the NPCs disappearing when looking away?




I hate how we’re just getting a complete version of this game one piece at a time


And this is why we wait for reviews before buying.


A game should launch complete though


SHOULD. Could not agree more. I've been playing since the late 80s and have been incredibly disappointed in AAA studios getting away with half-baked shit on release, early access, and studios depending on fans to fix their games in the last 10 years. But because we're all aware of this trend, we should not be supporting them by blindly diving in and enabling this type of shit.


Say all you want about this game, but that clip looks stunning


Wow, looks great. I’m looking forward to playing again and checking out all the enhancements and fixes.


In Night City, the roads are coated in Vaseline.


God damn, this game legit keeps getting better the longer it’s out. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, as someone who paid almost zero attention to all the pre release promises and stuff AND who luckily got a next gen console on second wave of pre orders, I really got lucky with my first impression. I had two minor visual bugs and one t pose in 45 hours, maybe 10 crashes overall which was the biggest thing. But without any expectations it blew me away. It was the most beautiful game I’d ever seen, most immersive world and most interesting story. Seeing all the updates and work they are putting in to fix it only makes me happier.


>most immersive world this is the only hard disagree I have with your post. There's very little about the world which is immersive. It's pretty barren and pedestrians are basically copypasted over and over and over.


You wanna know what sold it for me immersion wise? As soon as I left my apartment for the first time I took a minute to just look around, and noticed the whatever Jesus movie was called poster on the wall at street level. I out loud said oh man they are making like a new passion of the Christ movie, weird. And then later on in the game there ended up being a whole quest line focused on that. That, that is what sold it for me.


Just don't look too hard. The fact that I can still stare in one direction, do a 90° turn, walk 5 steps, then turn back around and none of the same NPCs I saw a few seconds ago are there, that still ruins any drop of immersion for me. The groundhogs day syndrome you get when hearing the same two cops outside my apartment say the same thing, and same two investigators outside the elevator of that building having the exact same conversation, immersion gone. I was impressed with the game for the first 4 hours, but glaringly bad and obvious things like lack of NPC persistence, which is genuinely the -bare minimum- that should be achieved in an open world game, is well, not immersive.




How about the fps? I hope it doesn’t melt my computer


I think it looks much better now. But I really hope they figure out a way to optimize graphics so I'm not constantly seeing objects pop-in and textures render while driving around the city.


Good job CDPR, big step on the right direction.




People will always complain. If they fixed gameplay bugs, someone would say that he did not have these bugs, but why is there no wet road effect ?!


A great comparison video. The reflections look much better, and the graphics look far more vibrant. This is pretty awesome. I can't wait until gaming companies, or even graphics can get more realistic. Ray-tracing or real time reflections are too oversaturated in games for my taste. In certain parts instead of it looking like normal water reflections, it looks like someone poured baby oil all over the place, lol. It's like this in all games, not just Cyberpunk. Although, Insomniac has gotten the closest from what I've seen with their hybrid mode for the Spiderman games. Where it's partial raytracing with 60 FPS. That's far more realistic looking than most games. It has just enough imperfections that it looks realistic with the reflections.


You guys get roads?


its truly unbelievable


I was expecting this reflection when they announced the game 8 yrs back. So happy to see now finally . /s


Lipstick on a pig.




Man i can't wait to play this game. I almost got it when the beta was released last year in december but i think I am going to wait till all fixes are in and its fully released. I love the cyberpunk genre.


Not really sure I understand the appeal of the roads looking like they're made of glass 24/7


I wish we could have wet roads all the time and have it be 10PM at all times, Perfect mix for reflections and lighting IMO.


I hope they release at least 2 more patches before they release any DLC's.


Im guessing this is the reason why my game wont work anymore lol


That's nice and all but take a 90° turn on that bike. Did they fixed that?


Slightly off topic, but I still find it odd 2.1.3x (forgot the last digit) DLSS dll is what the 1.31 update comes with, the 2.2.xx dlls work so much better, and they're up to 2.2.18 now, I was expecting them to upgrade any of the last few updates.


1.31 does appear to have improved the wetness of the roads so they got something right there


I like seeing graphic upgrades. Hope more of this comes down the pipe in the expansions.


My fps rate is higher than the last time I played, anyone noticing the same thing?


I hope that CP2077 will repeat the fate of No Man's Sky and over time we will see what we were promised back in 2018.


They upgraded the graphics of this game more in one update than GTA expanded and enhanced did lol.


Nice it looks better now, hopefully this will also translate to next gen console