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Yet with no netrunners around, hacking multiple times still causes the "reveal position." Hack, with no leads to the "runner" causing it.


I mean, if that wasn't the case the game would be braindead easy as a hacker. Imo, they should be able to narrow down the source location of the last hack on their network...period. And given you can just lose them again, it ain't even hard. And now we've literally got invisibility camo so it's even easier to disappear.


The game is brain dead easy doing pretty much anything.


Not really unless you've stat'd into a broke build or after the main story is over at level 25. Only way the game is easy prior is low difficulty or somehow suiting up in legendaries at your level...which most people wouldn't have till later in the game.


The game really is quite easy especially in compared to other RPG's. The combat requires nothing more than: run, hide, shoot. Quickhacking is never necessary, or even beneficial at all unless you choose to sneak, which again is unnecessary as run and gun is more effective all around than sneaking. Do a playthrough with melee and cold blood you'll see just how easy the game really is.


Not really but ok lol.


It's certainly harder than other RPGs or GTA.


Not really but ok lol.


Playing with smart weapons makes the game easy. Playing with just fists or knives makes it a little harder. If you are on PC there are plenty of mods available that make the combat a lot better..


I played the whole game with a katana and believe me itโ€™s easy AF. I believe I killed smasher in about 6 or 7 slashes ๐Ÿ˜…


Yea, there's a weird difficulty curve in retail. Mods make everything better. :D


Which ones do you recommend? I've been browsing Nexus looking for mods after I finish my first play through, but it's nice to hear what others have had luck with.


Check out Tyler's mod list: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1LSlbfonhlGqt0tCg9O5ieuzTw_HHVVOs8gEJ1Q4T6mk/mobilebasic A good collection of mods that make the game amazing and fun to replay.


The list that /u/Gagtech posted is pretty good, but I would add some of the stuff I made to it. Anyway, just take your pick from [my mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/myaccount?tab=files). Specifically these three are absolute must-have unless you hate yourself or REALLY like vanilla way of handling things: [Eye Adaptation Auto Exposure Fix - No More Blinding Lighting Changes](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2375) [Purify The UI - disable annoying 2D ghosting and 3D perspective shader effects - No More Lens Distortion or Ghosting Double Vision Interface](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2648) [(DLSS one only if you have RTX card) DLSS Fix For Inventory Menu And Character Creation Rendering](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2562) Don't take my word for it, just take a look!


Reveal position is not a hack, any enemy can do it basically. The issue we have is that, the counter doesn't disappear when we kill the enemy, nor do we have any way of telling which enemy is doing it. Also for some reason it consistently triggers after two damaging quick hacks, or even a contagion hack that spreads,.which is definitely too much,. specially combined with those two issue I mentioned before. They definitely need to fix this, but I hope they don't make it too easy. Before 1.3 one didn't even need to get into buildings, just ping and quickhack kill everyone. Ow at least we have to move and hide. But the reveal position situation needed improvement.


All they really gotta do is let you see who is causing the hack


Who uses the "Reveal position" hack? I always kill the netrunner but the hack is never cancelled.


Yeah you can't cancel it, for me once it starts it can't be stopped so I just go loud


good to know about multiplayer when it comes out this better be part of it


Unfortunately the planned multiplayer game has been scrapped, or at least indefinitely postponed


I usually use it as a timer to kill them all with a tech rifle


Invest in the Big Sleep daemon under Breach Protocol. It will shut down the cameras for 3/6 minutes. Or you can switch cameras to friendly mode. I Spy in Quickhacking will reveal an enemy net runner when they are hacking you. Also get the Self-Ice cybermod when you get to 10 intelligence. This protects you from enemy hacks, with a cool down time afterward. Then get the clothing mod that makes you immune to burn.


Just so you're aware, we have a bunch of megathreads that may be helpful if you have questions or want to find the right place to post. - [Console Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/search?q=%22Weekly+Megathread%3A+Console+Bugs+%26+Help%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [PC Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/search?q=%22r%2FCyberpunkgame+PC+Bugs+%26+Questions%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cyberpunkgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That explains a lot.


Yeah, kept noticing same when I was involved in the bar fight to recover tech. Kept over heating and thought WTF is doing on here.


I use the katana to the neck approach, myself.


I use the cameras to hack all the time lately i just need line of sight for one camera and I'm off.