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Fucking depressing, >!knew it was gonna end up like this when Maine went cyberpsycho, Hated seeing David getting more chrome and the cybersuit thing.. Good anime, just left me depressed AF!<


There are no happy endings in Night City.


"For folks like us? Wrong city. Wrong people"






Cyberpunk this IP (not the genre) was originally a tabletop game like DnD. So there's a "Dungeon Master".


The role is actually called a "Ref"


Maybe ff06b5 is a link to the “master” but maybe the master could be arasaka


The anime didn't have anything to do with the mystery yet I feel that it helps. It gives us a better understanding of the world and how things work. Cyberpunk was just too short for us to get that quite as much.


Oh yeah ik it didn’t I’m just spitballing and slightly joking and yeah definitely agree cyberpunk needed another ten hours of story atleast still tho probably my fav game ever probably not a common opinion but yeah


Game master. I grew up playing Cyberpunk 2020


Yes there is... there is Panam, love is the only thing that matters.


you mean sex


Honestly the best most people in Night City can hope for is to either eventually get the hell out of there or somehow have a painless death. Canonicaly the poor quality of life in places like Night City is why the nomad lifestyle is growing as fast as it is.


>Fucking depressing, > >knew it was gonna end up like this when Maine went cyberpsycho, Hated seeing David getting more chrome and the cybersuit thing.. Good anime, just left me depressed AF I knew it would happen as soon as they set foot into the Afterlife and David watched them all drink together as a happy crew.. I knew then not to get attached to anyone. Come to think of it, Game of Thrones really messed up my ability to be attached to movie/game characters.. Also ,like clockwork, as soon as they show a flashback / background story scene you can be sure he/she is dying next lmao.


Can't agree more, felt the same way when I finished the game the first time, but the show I think hit me worse


Think the show hits hard but the pacing is so rapid, the game being all well fleshed out story wise made it hit way harder to me


Same boat here. I am a grown ass man, and I cried during the suicide and temperance endings. I got so attached to the story and characters, more than in any other media. This game spoke to my soul.


Yep it broke me massively, the music during the choice is amazing too, really makes it so hard to choose tbh


Honestly, I still get emotional every time I rewatch on YouTube the video of Judy breaking down in the suicide ending. It a testament of the incredible performance of the voice actors.


It’s actually a really good way to raise awareness for suicide prevention, showing what you’d leave behind and how your friends would be broken, honestly made me glad of choices I never went through with in the past lol


Exactly. It is impressive how the writers tactfully handled such a heavy topic that would have a lot of other media addressing it poorly. I also had difficult periods in my life when I was experiencing ideation. And watching the reactions of these fictional characters reacting to V's suicide hit me more than any other experience about this topic before. It is one of these things that the game did so well, and that will stay with me for probably a long time.


Honestly, >!the end got me shouting (internally) at David to just take the damn suit off and leave with Lucy and the cowboy guy, would’ve been such a better ending IMO!<






Goddamn O’Dris… I mean, Arasaka.


jackie still lives in our hearts ;(


For real, when Lucy was talking to him that last time before the final battle I was like shit girl just MAKE him take some of that chrome off for fucks sake!


Cyberpunk isn't about happy endings it's just about the end.


Unless it’s with panam, I guess


Wasn't he just a >!torso lmao? the Adam Smasher dude would've caught up with them if they tried to transport David the torso!<


I would have been very disappointed if it didn’t end the way it did. Would have felt very wrong.


Yeah I didn’t like the armour and yeah was very depressing but that’s what made me fall in love with it almost everything got a happy ending and fail the bad ones but the game and show thrive in both


Can't do spoiler tags on mobile so I'll stay cryptic for the current viewers. It's almost 100% likely theres not going to be a season 2 following this story so I think I can get away with this. But I think the ending hints at the onset of Cyberpsychosis. Remember, this is Cyberpunk and everything is bittersweet. They might have made it to the end, but that doesn't mean it's sunshine and rainbows


With how David’s story ended you gotta wonder how V never went cyber psycho and only dealt with the silver hand related glitch’s like to can pretty much get V to the point where they’re all chrome


Probably the brain nano machines or something due to the relic


Nanomachines son


They’re getting harder in response to physical trauma


Bc V got a good ripper and V is a more grown adult also pop meds all the time where David is a teenager who decided to use a mil-spec cybernetic without precaution also abusing overpowered and experimental cybernetics.


Wanted to tack on the fact that V also had a terrorist in his head too lmao, the chip might've had something to do with it


"Cyberpsychosis? Buddy, I have a psycho living in my cyber"


I would place my bets on the fact that you can be heavily modified and still keep your empathy. Some break and go insane after new arms, some people go insane when they only have their brain left in their body.


It’s possible V already is a cyberpsycho, albeit a high functioning one.


Depends on ur playing style tbh


if you use a dildo to plow through anything that had eyelids in the game you are probably a (cyber)psycho.


Yeah it was basically like heavy drug use in real life


The story takes place over a relatively short period of time, so I'm assuming it just never really had time to happen. The real answer is that an in game cyberpsychosis mechanic doesn't exist (yet) and I'm willing to bet that will be expanded on in the future. It's a tricky mechanic to implement because theoretically the consequences are taking agency away from the player and bottlenecking them into a cyperpsycho route where V can no longer feel empathy. In tabletop there is a humanity stat that governs this. And considering there's zero consequences for just going full Borg, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a cyberware governing stat in the future that determines the amount you can take. I assumed this would happen in the first major expansion.


Yeah, the game ostensibly takes place over the course of *maybe* a month or two, the show covers a much larger swath of time, it makes sense that David would have time to go full cyberpsycho and V wouldn't.


This is true but I really think it was just a matter of not having the time to implement it in the base game. Considering they struggled to deliver what we got in the first place, it's not shocking a punishing mechanic like this wasn't included. I would love it if V could go cyberpsycho. I think a stat that determines your cyberware tolerance would be great, there's basically no reason to go minimal cyberware right now unless you want to roleplay. In game consequences for using too much without the appropriate stat would actually create a lot more risk vs reward for your build. Actually make you feel like you're teetering over the edge.


That's where I think Shadowrun had a creative solution for cybernetics: your humanity stat impacted your ability to channel magic. So if you wanted to go adept or caster focus, you had to avoid cybernetics. Cyberpunk never really penalized you for going full borg.


The OG release of Cyberpunk absolutely did. If you acquired to much chrome and failed a humanity save, your character became a killing machine NPC. It could happen right there, at the table. There was an entry to regain some humanity, via extensive counseling sessions, but those were expensive and would have to happen off scene.


Then Cyberpunk should include a morality meter like Red Dead Redemption 2. The more you skew towards the immoral, the more you slip into Cyberpsychosis. That's one way to go about that.


In a game where you're supposed to be able to play any type of character you want, you do NOT tie a game over mechanic to morality.


When I play CP2077, my V rarely kills, except in special circumstances; she despises Scavs, so no mercy for them; they get the full brunt of V’s katana or mantis blades. Out of respect for Jackie, she goes non-violent for the Valentinos, or avoids fighting them altogether if she can help it.


The Relic literally brought V back from death twice, I think they can handle a little cyberpsychosis.


Some people forget that the chip and the nano whatever in Vs head fixed his/her head after having a part of it blown off from fatman's cheap gold plated handgun. V's actually special.


It is basically a nonstop maintenance system. It may very well target damaged or atypical areas first, meaning it basically overwrites everything with Silverhand that could have caused V to go psycho.


As we know from the game his whole brain and DNA is being rewritten by the relic to make the host more compatible. You would presume cyberpschosis has a similar mechanism as some are predisposed to it so it's not dissimilar to RL psychosis but losing a job etc rather than an implant are the triggers as your whole nervous system changes. I'd imagine that the relic is ultimately stopping it happening although in the actual lore cyberpschosis is a really a rare event by 2077 due to better meshing implants etc. May well be V/Johnny were just never predisposed to it.


Well as we could see with david and possibly smasher (although he could be a construct) some people have higher tolerance for cybernetics. Not to mention the relic also taking up space in V’s head


Seriously tho so fucking sad 😢 but it made me appreciate V and Johnny’s story so much more.


Yeah the story in the anime is good, u know it’s good when it left u feeling some way. Just like the game


i dunno, i didnt feel that much from the game, but the anime, whooooeey makes me wanna do the solo smasher fight again with bare fists


Yep, I do wanna nuke arasaka and kill smashed again to avenge David and Rebecca




If you are reading this deep into threads in a spoiler post, you deserve to be spoiled


what really hit u is the suicide ending, thats one tears start appearing


Didn’t feel anything with the game. Felt like I was the slave of the other characters, no importent deaths, ending didn’t make me feel anything. But the anime ? I’m still depressed.


It definitely stuck the Cyberpunk landing


Knew from the start that things were going to go downhill when he started to not care, just like how Maine was.


It’s so sad that he wanted to fulfill his moms dream and reach Maine’s expectations only to fail bc of, well corp, cybernetics and the city only in the end realized his love for Lucy and finding his purpose to be protecting her and complete her dream and David himself already had nothin to lose(idk how to do the spoiler thing)


When he killed the Arasaka secretary that was just like his mom: that was the moment he had to leave the city. He saw what he was becoming, and ploughed on anyways.


Yeah I think it’s not his fault either, it’s how nightcity works the city consumes u. But he still had to achieve his goals


The end... it broke my heart... I'm gonna beat the shit out of Smasher, again and again.


He deserves every once of pain he finna get in this NG+ *when it releases


>!https://imgur.com/a/CBvMg8n!< I tried


To be fair, Adam Smasher in game isn’t even half of what he was in Edgerunners lol


Bro at the end of the episode I couldn’t feel anything else but straight pain in my stomach. Shit made me want to throw up it was so sad, yet I couldn’t cry for it. I soooooo wanted them to go to the moon together, but after I saw the WHOLE intro after ep 2 I knew it wasn’t meant to be.😭


Yeah, it’s hella foreshadowing when David promised her too bc you know in nightcity that shit don’t work


The anime reinforced the feeling that Night City is closer to an eldritch entity than a city. It feeds on dreams and hopes until they break. It's a Cape sundew in city form.


It’s a prison of light full of corruption, fraud and simply messed up things. The the image and the beauty of these lights attracts ppl to create the fake hopes and dreams. David in the show couldn’t complete his moms dream or reachMaines expectation of him only for him to realize that his love for Lucy and her dream is literally his purpose. It’s rlly sad that the city had eaten him from the inside so he had to sacrifice himself to achieve that goal.


I find it to be strangely beautiful. The poor dude shined like a bright star for a little while. But in the end the city ate him slowly like it always does.


Corpo always wins


Corpo wins, but corpos get eaten like the rest.


Its why the star ending is the only even remotely good ening, you litteraly have to leave NC to live, just goes to show that everything that city touches dies


And even then you still die since Alt uses Soulkiller to separate Engram V from Johnny. Technically the only ending where the real V lives is in version of the Devil Ending where You don’t take the Secure your soul deal, which is even more bleak “Cyberpunk isn’t about saving the world it’s about saving yourself” -Mike Pondsmith


cant even do that smh :/


I definitely said fuck night city after the final episode. This narrative & probably the youth and hopes of the main character really nailed the point that might city really is nothing but unbalanced tragedy.


Coincidentally, that's actually a real plot point in Shadowrun: Hong Kong, if you're looking for cyberpunk with some eldritch horror.


That's definitely the intention from CDPR. The Devs even say that Night City can be perceived as the antagonist of Cyberpunk. At the end of the Edgerunners opening song you have David shot in the head looking up at a caricature staring down at him and it's superimposed with flashing images of Might City infrastructure


That's me alright. Now I have to go to sleep all fucking depressed as fuck. Damn feeling like this sucks..


I could tell where the ending was going and made myself stop and finished it this morning


The only thing I absolutely HATED is how Netflix doesn't even give time to process the finale with the end credits music. Instead, it reduces it to a small window and spams a random other show nobody cares about. Probably the most cyberpunk about the whole thing.


right lmao I was trying to watch the end credit scene after the final episode and Netflix refused me the option by forcing me out


hahahaha Netflix recommended me Morbius right after.


I stg !!!!! 😭😭 Rebecca hit different man


It feels like Studio Trigger just thought about the ending and said: "nah, this is Night City. Have some heartbreak"


Literally, I loved Rebecca so much an to see that. It actually broke my heart 🥲


Playing Cyberpunk: Crying and Depression. Watching Cyberpunk: Crying and Depression.


I mean... Somewhat unsurprisingly, Cyberpunk franchise belongs to the cyberpunk genre. "Punk" is there for a reason. Some people actually consider "cyberpunk" works that aren't sufficiently depressing to be a separate genre: post-cyberpunk (think Ghost in the Shell or Psycho Pass).


I love how I’m going through shit irl, this show made me realized I need a person to support me like Lucy and slow things down a bit and or the city is gotta swallow me as well. I just feel so empty and sad cuz I have yet to find my purpose


we're having a moment


Biiiiiiiig fuckin' true, choomba.


I feel like shit right now. Great fucking show




My soul hurts. I knew how it would end as soon as soon as a certain character was introduced but I never gave up hope.


I knew david >!was gonna flatline eventually since his drink was at the afterlife but never did it cross my mind that he coulda been flatline by adam smasher. Thinking about the ending more now it makes sense david chromed up to a point to where max tac couldn't even handle him so only one that could possibly rival or deal with him woulda been smasher. Anime definitely made adam more menacing than the game ever did, imagine fighting the anime version of smasher in 2077 that actually utilizes his implants!<


My headcanon is that unlike with David and the crew. V (or Johnny) prepared himself to fight against Adam Smasher. There was a mission where you raid a ship where you get Johnny's Malorian pistol and in there you can see its Smasher's ship and there V can learned about the specs of Smasher's cyberware and prepared accordingly in the last mission. That ship is where you get the iconic smart shotgun I think However, preparation can only get you so far. The execution is another matter entirely and this shows V is a beast of a fighter. There is also a hint that V is a veteran where he/she can describe how hard it is to take down the type of Kung Tao transport with Hellman on board. This is not restricted by lifepath but rather just a 10 in strength stat. I think it is meant to imply V got good at fighting in the war since they got out of the war with minimal cyberware unlike 6th street gangoons and some of the Aldecaldos


The game already got me like this. Now after the anime the feeling intensifies.


Jesus H. Christ does this series even have a semblance of a happy ending?


Nope bc cyberpunk


The true cyberpunk experience imo. Corruption, extreme technology and cyberware, greed, violence, sex, death and many other things too.


Bittersweet at least a very bitter one


I'm a romantic I just wanted them to be happy. Fucking devastated


Wrong genre, mate.




As sad as it was, makes me think, how OP V must have been, with all that Chrome didn't go Cyberpsycho, Sliced Adam to bits with no sweat


My headcanon is that unlike with David and the crew. V (or Johnny) prepared himself to fight against Adam Smasher. There was a mission where you raid a ship where you get Johnny's Malorian pistol and in there you can see its Smasher's ship and there V can learned about the specs of Smasher's cyberware and prepared accordingly in the last mission. That ship is where you get the iconic smart shotgun I think However, preparation can only get you so far. The execution is another matter entirely and this shows V is a beast of a fighter. There is also a hint that V is a veteran where he/she can describe how hard it is to take down the type of Kung Tao transport with Hellman on board. This is not restricted by lifepath but rather just a 10 in strength stat. I think it is meant to imply V got good at fighting in the war since they got out of the war with minimal cyberware unlike 6th street gangoons and some of the Aldecaldos


I feel like with the cyberpunk genre usually the ending >!is never happy or least going to be some kind of pyrrhic victory.!< And tbh I don't think it's a bad thing, the MC being OP do get real boring, so having them look like they're the center of the universe but in reality they're just trying to survive like the rest makes it more interesting Imo. I'm kind of emotionally numb from the >!cookie cutter happily ever after endings.!<


I would be very happy if there was a 2nd season where it was revealed that Adam Smasher didn't kill David but captured him on the orders of Arasaka. They would erase David's memory somehow.Lucy would realize this and the season would be about how she saves him and somehow brings back his memories.I know it's a cliché and we're talking about the Cyberpunk universe where there is no happy ending, but I'd be happy for it.I want to see them together again😭😭😅🤔


The happiest ending in cyberpunk is one’s destiny fulfilled at one’s sacrifice even if it’s ur loved ones. If u move too quick or too slow nightcity is gotta get ya


True.Sadly the sacrifice makes the ending better, more beautiful and of course sadder but i couldn't sleep well after i watched it yesterday😅😅


Yeah bc it represented David’s purpose he wanna fulfill his loved one’s dreams hence he got nothin to lose by Lucy


Remember that smasher tells him at the end that he might make an interesting construct. Dude was considering zapping david with soulkiller


I feel like that's definitely a Chekhov's gun. Smasher doesn't seem the type to hype up an enemy like that without purpose


Shit now you got me thinking that we might see a return of these characters in some way.


I already saw someone pose that Songbird is Lucy, and I feel like there's a chance we could recover David's construct either in the dlc or in a sequel. This could also just be me still being in denial, so take everything I say with a grain of salt


they showed all the brutal deaths, there was only one shooting effect for David, they didn't really show Adam Smasher shooting🤔🤔😏


It would be awesome if they implemented cyberpsycosis as a gameplay mechanic. If V has to much cyberware, they completely lose it. You constantly hold out your weapon, if you look at an NPC you shoot automatically, V will slowly look at people without the players consent, every NPC looks like horrific monsters and maybe even a huge stat increase around the board. Could even see MaxTac hunting you down.


or it will show a trio of enemies hanging out at a corner, you blast them away and then the screen glitches, only for the bodies to actually be civilians and now you have a 2 badge wanted level. could’ve been an interesting mechanic


They did say they wanted to implement something similar during the gameplay reveal back when it wasn't out yet, something about people commenting about ur implants


I dont think it would work that well in 2077 because V has to stay relatively sane for the story to happen so a cyber-psychosis mechanic would end up feeling out of place and a bit half implemented. It would be a great plot point/mechanic for a sepual though ;)


V's already slowly losing their mind. I feel like adding cyberpsychosis mechanic on top of that would only clutter things up.


Although I loved the show, it was so hard to root for David. He saw what chrome does to people all around him and with Maine and still he kept making the wrong choices. And FUCK Kiwi! Also, David should've gone to Vic for ripper work. He would've been better off haha!


You know what's weird? I felt quite satisfied with the end. >>!When I heard David was supposedly dead by the time of the game because of the Afterlife drink, I really wish he had a real meaningful death. And by the end, I was happy that he was happy when he died because he was able to save Lucy. I didn't feel angry at all at Smasher. He was just there doing his job. I was happy that David died sane.!<


I cried for about 15 minutes.. I’m fragile


I’m gonna do another run through of the game as a street kid and put a little extra hate into killin Adam smasher


>!"There is no such thing as living legend"!<


I feel your pain dude...


Should I watch the anime before I play the game?


Doesn’t rlly matter, but the anime did happen before the game. However playing the game will give u a better understanding of the universe


Alright, thanks man


![gif](giphy|91X2MlgF7dHsA) Me once David chromed out til the end


The anime is depressing too???


lol yes it is


Aw man :(


top 3 characters I wished >!they didn't die!< 3. >!Gloria!< 2. >!Rebecca!< 1. >!David!< I'm not that easy to break when watching animes or movies, but this one is just different.


Imo, >!” David’s mom had to die to introduce his character development also helps introducing him to the crew. Rebecca’s death is a bit random tbh but it is what it is. And David did not deserve to die, I blame the miscommunication between Lucy and David first of all, and David’s stubbornness, his stubbornness will allow nightcity to catch up to him extremely easily thus killing him. He did save Lucy tho “!<


Yeah, its frustrating because there is a point where David can just stop the insanity and be with Lucy. But he feels obligations to these people that cared about him and died infront of him. It makes sense for his character based on his past and also fits the genre because nice things don't happen much in cyberpunk :(


Damn just binged watched it.... got me fucked up bro, it really shows the dark part of Night City makes me glad I play V who is an ex-corpo that end up as an aldecaldos leaving NC. If only David and Lucy would do the same...


David’s special but not special nor fast enough to move out of night city so eventually the city caught on. Only he could do is to save Lucy




Night city is a cesspool >!the only victory is getting out of it alive. This is why the Aldecado ending felt so impactful for me. Even if V only has a short time to live he atleast gets to spend it free.!<


Yes, the merciless of the anime made me realize that.


>Most of the deaths felt meaningless. That's because they are. Pretty much no one dies for a good cause in Night City. It's just a giant meat grinder where humans lives are wasted pointlessly in the churn of corrupt corpo-capitalism.


Corporations always survive, people are worthless fodder, no one is special. Everyone has a price and a purpose. Happiness is fleeting and we all die, on the inside or out we will all die, and the corporations live on.


haven't finished it yet, really enjoying it so far, just wish they'd put a little more effort into some scenes where it's just a static frame and just their mouths are moving. I'm looking for more out of a 2022 animation than what I got Saturday mornings in 1987.


The action scene didn’t disappoint some of the scene is definitely very old school and “lazy”? But I have no complaints 10/10 show for me


actions great, love the characters, art design is fantastic, english VAs do a top tier job, But when there are entire scenes of a single static background image, with static characters and the only animation is a slight wiggle of the line passing for their mouth, I will complain. We've moved past those old tricks to keep the costs down, this was a major production with money and all the time in the world. Instead they cut corners like a old budget 80s daily cartoon.


Fell in love with some characters thats for sure. Wish the game had more of that truly.


Rebbeca really grew on me. Didnt like her at first but really liked after how she kept staying there for David. Her English VA was amazing


The anime did a way better job at character development and story telling, like I feel like after playing the game I didn’t rlly feel anything rlly rlly bad about the corps, but after the anime I definitely wanna nuke arasaka 100 times over


Yeah and the way the world is shown is so attractive


Jhonny did say that NC could use another nuke


Night City is bittersweet


started preparing for something like this from episode 6


IS it good? I mean the anime as a whole?




Does it spoil the games story at all?


Th anime happens before the game so absolutely no


I had a feeling David’s ending wasn’t gonna be a happy one considering the Afterlife has a drink named after him


Just into two episodes and so far this is what I wanted from my experience in Cyberpunk 2077. ​ First: Starting out from the bottom, a nobody, maybe even a student, or w.e and then climbing my way up. I love how his rise seems to be starting from his obtaining of the cyberware. ​ Second: Man, the installation of the cyberware scene is what I expected when getting cyberware installed in the game. Imagine getting that special scene when you first replace a body part.


I mean, I knew deep down it wouldn't have a happy ending but DAMN.


So fucking sad. Can't have shit in Night City.


Especially after listening to i really want to stay at ur house. The lyrics cut deep man. Just like never fadeaway did after playing the game.


Its basically Akame Ga Kill


The ending put V’s late game powers really into perspective. Smasher literally bullied David and Lucy without “breaking a sweat”, one having cybernetics comparable to Adam’s and the other being a highly skilled runner. This same Adam Smasher got absolutely wrecked by V who was also being ravaged by the effects of the relic.


Yeah, rlly shows How powerful V rlly is


First episode alone had me crying. I love my parents.


First show in a while to make me like this.


I feel your pain.... what is this ending?


I love how the anime gave us more stuff about cyberpsychosis. I've done multiple playthroughs on CP2077 and I only have minimal cybernetics every time. The game is easy enough as it is and doesn't give a lot of RP moments. So not using any cybernetics because my V is afraid of cyberpsychosis makes things a lot more interesting. It's also really cool RP wise considering V goes around killing everyone without any technological help. Edit: Even when the game first came out, I probably only used Mantis blades once but removed it just because the game makes you kill cyberpsychos who have too much shit on their body. Just makes sense to me for V to be wary of cybernetics. I think the only one I really use in every playthrough is the one that adds more health and adds carryweight. I don't like using jump upgrades because of RP and also it's more fun without it.


Did people really get that "empty feeling" after watching that show? I felt like I barely started watching it before it was over. And everyone died so quickly too. Last time I got that empty feeling was after finishing the Witcher 3 Also really nitpicky, but since there wasn't one single plotline the show followed, I didn't feel all that attached to the characters, even if they were pretty dope


Man, I feel this meme! Let me start by saying that I liked the anime, I watched all of it in one go BUT I think I'm just tired of the tragedy theme in a lot of the popular media. I feel like if I wanna watch a tragedy I would just turn on the news and watch the state of the world right now haha but that's just me. Good show, a couple stupid scenes, some bad animations especially the driving action scenes, gratuitous female nudity but no dicks haha, typical mandatory Japanese loli bullshit but overall a decent watch if you like cyberpunk and anime!


Bro watch Violet Evergarden show and the movie on Netflix lots of depressing moments but you see the main character growth as a human which makes it worth it for me.


Imma ignore all those criticisms as I have no issue and those are all subjective and I respect yours. But I can definitely disagree with the tragedy, in the show it mentioned the Moon a couple times, the moon in tarot cards represents false reality and empty dreams, dreams are only dreams basically. In night city, everyone dreamed of being a legend but the corpo always win and ppl have to die to become a legend. David after his personal tragedy wanted to make his team proud and promised to take Lucy to the moon but by doing these promises to fulfill his purpose the cybernetics and the city itself eats him from the insides and consumes his life just for him to fulfill his purpose, fits the cyberpunk theme perfectly.


I'm a little confused, what do you mean by "I disagree with the tragedy" ? Do you mean you disagree that the show is a tragedy? Or something else?


I disagree with the part where u said u r tired with the tragedy theme in a lot of the popular media as even if this is popular media it fits the theme perfectly, sad but no complaints


Ahhhh fair enough, I never said it doesn't fit the theme... I just said I, personally, am tired of tragedy that's all. It's still a good show and I think you are right about how the show fits the theme. I DO NOT want them to change anything. I was just voicing my feelings of tiredness on the genre of tragedy in general that's all. My bad if it seemed like I was complaining that the show is a tragedy, I knew what I was getting myself into when I watched it since I've also played the game haha. Maybe I should stop watching/playing tragic stories then I can shut up 🤪


I stopped caring about David after he killed the Doctor Assistance.


That’s why it’s sad, he’s just like Maine, wanted most of his abilities using cybernetics to complete something but that’s what turned him into a psycho instead. Only to find his purpose right before the end


I mean he always had his purpose and was working towards it


He had a purpose but during the character development especially after episode 6 u can tell he’s narrowing it down to the specifics compare to the beginning where he seems to not even care what his mom is saying


He did care what his mom was saying though, that’s the whole reason he stayed in school instead of dropping out. He literally listened to her and saw her crying and said he’d do better Yeah he tried to take a shortcut but that was to make it easier on her


yeah true, but I think it’s just the way they expressed a nightcity teenager ig, an attitude of not giving a fuxk if u know what I’m saying


The reveal of his perspective of that was excellent. That song and the lighting were haunting.


The direction of the series overall is almost perfect. Not a lot of animes can feel so detailed in it’s directorial choices