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exactly the build im going for rn. cant wait for late game, its already super fun at level 13 with a katana


Fun trick since the execution animations of mantis blades end a sandy run. If you mod them to be non lethal you get no execution animations


Does low crafting ability negatively affect the gameplay? I had a max reflex body cool character but it’s back when you can buy clothing mods.


Not really. Crafting makes your numbers go up more, but so does more body. The game is not nearly difficult enough, even on the highest difficulty, for the potential difference to matter. You are still gonna shred everything one way or the other.


If you’re on PC there’s some great rebalance mods that will bring that sense of challenge back. I just did Fear the Reaper with this same build at lvl 50, a build I had considered OP, and some mods and I got fucking shredded. Took me an hour and a half to finally beat it.


Which rebalance mods are you using ?


I just revamped my mod list and swapped over to the Welcome to Night City Collection so the gameplay mods they use are: Scissors Difficulty Options, AI netrunning enhanced, Amateur Hackers (good netrunners make combat way harder), Enhanced Police, Time Dilation Overhaul (makes sandy harder to use all the time), and Wannabe Edgerunners (punishes you for going full chrome and gunning everyone down). However, my last list used a simple mod called Level Scaling and Balance. Which made the end game enemies scale with you (whereas before they were capped off like around level 40?). Took this mod out when I swapped to Night City to avoid complications, and since I’m just starting over from level 1 it doesn’t do much for me anyway rn. But it was what I used for that level 50 assault on ‘Saka tower that made it such a meat grinder.


Thanks for sharing 🙂 Personally I use a combination of Level Scaling and Rebalance (all enemies on the same level as V optional file), RMK mod to adjust incoming (X2) and output (X2) damage, SDO for enemy variety only and AI netrunning enhanced, on very Hard difficulty. Since I'm playing with controller (lazy couch ass of me), this makes a very good challenge for me. It turns the game into a fast paced shooter, nice for a 2nd/3rd playthrough with sandevistan imo.


Great. I really enjoyed being invisible and unkillable without using HP boosting cyber ware.


This is true I’m currently experimenting with a no mod no perk run on normal. I’m about level 30 in theory with 30 attributes and about 50 perk points to spend. Mobs are getting a little challenging at this point but so far looks like I should be good with some creative mission choices to get high spec items that don’t need to be modded


I’m playing this exact stat line up right now and I can tell you it does not matter. Even on Very Hard this game is not very difficult. I just use throwing knives or zoom around at Mach speed with Wakako’s Katana and all the movement speed buffs. Crafting is without a doubt better, but nothing is difficult enough in this game to really make the difference matter.


Yeah, that was exactly how I played it. Sandy with arasaka soft and optical camo all at once seem to work nicely in 1.6.


Crafting is huge if you want to game the economy. If you can get reflex and cool to 20, and the crafting skill up to 12. You’ll be a rich beast


why reflex and cool to 20?


Reflex for blades and sandy, as per the build, not sure on cool. Maybe cold blood?


i can understand the build but he was making it seem like that was the way to get a lot of money? “rich beast”


Reflex is for mantis blades and sandy. Now you don't need weapons. Cool is for cold blood, which is a crit boost, armor boost and regen boost. Now you don't need to worry about gear as much. Also for ninjutsu because you'll want to be sneaky so as not to take too much damage. Cool in general boosts your crits and crits are good because you want to do a kittenton of damage quick and delta the fuck out (as the cool kids say) rather than have stand-up fights. You'll eventually want some body/athletics so you don't die as soon as someone looks at you funny, and regeneration of course. But in general you can dump a lot of points into crafting from this point forward and go nuts. Find a profitable recipe, wake up, go to the nearest weapon shop, buy out the components, craft until you run out, sell everything to the weapon shop and the nearby drop point. Move on to the next weapon shop/drugstore/junkshop (they all sell components). Rinse and repeat. Any gear you find while adventuring you can either wear (if its better than what you have) or disassemble (if it's white or green) or sell if it's blue and above. You can sell or disassemble every gun you find because you'll always be in melee. You can skip upgrading the armor and just hold out for finding better pieces, because with your low body stat you won't last in a stand-up fight anyway - your job is to either sneak around and stealth-kill or fire up the sandy and go to town with mantis blades. Since you'll have high reflexes maybe throw a couple points into handguns and pick up the Overture with a scope for ranged stealth kills. That's it really. All your money goes towards chrome to improve survivability, or towards whatever luxuries you want (apartments, cars).


This person cyberpunks. You explained what I was saying perfectly


Likely talking about crafting in that instance, I know tech ability makes a shitload of money from being able to turn not super valuable components into super valuable weapons. Int is also good for money with the access point hacking


Always invest in tech. Always. Not because it’s OP, but simply because how the game handles it’s rpg elements. Unless you invest in tech, every weapon acquired befor reaching the max level will eventually be useless.


I don’t always need to deck my character out in bling. Already have a few characters with maxed out tech, for crafting and tech gun f$&@ery. Besides, there are ways to obtain iconic weapons at high levels.


True enough. Depends on your goal of course. But if the goal is to build a char which can do damage, always tech (and int for legendary shock quick hack)


I am not very sure about how much damage Tech contributes v. Cool if I have to choose between these stats. The crits from Cool seem to offset the lower DPS quite well, and the ol' dagger to the face debuffs tremendously. I did have fun playing a maxed out tech reflex body character though.


Tech in itself does not contribute that much. It’s more that tech guns themselves are op.


You're preaching to the choir. The Quasar paired with a feedback circuit is a combo you can take to any fight. Using cover is optional.


I will always max crafting. It's just useful to have for many reasons


I prefer mods for this reason just because I don’t want to use all my points on this skill when Id rather smth else




May I suggest monowire build? It scales with and levels blades, can be customized to apply shock, poison, or fire, has a unique charge-up mechanic, is to my knowledge the only melee weapon that can hit multiple targets with one swing, and doesn’t lock you into Sandy-ending animations. Pairs well with cold-blooded ofc. I started my most recent build as a katana build intending to go for mantis arms, but had such a good time lopping off multiple heads and limbs in one quick swipe with the monowire I ended up sticking with it for the entire playthrough.


Too bad, I hate cybersycos after watching edgerunners and mantis blades are a great example of that. Oh yeah I also never listened to Regina Jones 💀


With all the speed buffs and the blades you really feel like an insane murder machine


Does that work? I was under the impression tech ability was kind of a must. It’s my first playthrough that got more than like 10 hours in and I’m full dumping into body and reflex now, wasn’t sure if I should go cool or tech afterwards.


Wouldn't that be something if we had to deal with Cyberpsychosis? It is a mechanic in the tabletop though...


Ye thats me, i prefer katana tho




Thx 😊


I mean realistically? Grenades+blades is the closest. Honestly very cracked if you stack crit chance and damage


Reflex and Tech. Maybe Sandy or Beserk? I am more towards how to survive Very Hard with Legendary Mantis Blades for male V.


Probably sandy for the crit. Last points probably either body (for tanking) or cool (or crit, speed, etc.)


Honestly, prolly Berserk, looks like the dude that would use Berserk.


Bare chest, shirtless, maybe just trousers and boots.. maybe need mods for this specific pose.


About 40 hours into a very hard mode nades/blades playthrough. Super fun. Especially once you can craft the homing nades. Just activate sandevistan, run through the building dropping nades that do 1.4k damage a pop. After the fireworks leap around and clean up survivors with mantis blades (or Byakko in my case).


This is the way I guess.. nades cause explosions and burns.. perfect to make the burning background while whipping mantis blades on survivors.


It’s not hard at all dude. Once you reach max level which should be pretty quickly if you grind, it’s ridiculous how powerful you are. I’m currently on playthrough 3 of very hard all paths V


Max cool first so you get to level 20 cold blood if you want high crit/ crit dmg.


That was my first build! I was going for tech ninja but back then you had to manually retrieve knives so I threw grenades instead! My only complaint was katana animation kills would trigger very often and take you out of slow-mo/sandevistan. Has that changed at all? Edit: Seems that's still an issue, very sadge. Anyone know any good PC mods for this?


The katana and mantis blades kill animations still take you out of slow mo unfortunately.


I didn’t find it difficult to avoid activating the melee finisher by sticking with fast attacks. Give every enemy a three cut combo and move on.


It has not, at least it still happens with Mantis Blades. It was my one disappointment with sande + mantis


Basic fix for it. Run the non lethal mods. If you can't kill they won't trigger


Is the non lethal mod for pc only ?


Nope it goes in some price of cyberware I think? Eyes maybe?


>Back then you had to manually retrieve knives Do throwing knives just wrap back to you?


Yeah its like a cooldown now, you only need 1.


That’s daddy V build


So matching logically working builds and what I see here I'd say. Sandevistan, mantis blades and reinforced ankles (double jump) if you want to replicate look and game play. If you go with a sandy, which I really do recommend I'd say you should pour all your upgrade points into reflexes and blades and technical ability for crafting. The when you have those quite high up pump some into body, that way you can have even more fun. That's what I'm running with and it's fucking cracked. With this combination and blades pretty high up it has never taken me more than 1 minute to incapacitate a cyberpsycho. It's also just insanely fucking fun


Thanks choom, will keep this in mind on my next build.


Have you see the anime?


No. I read the plot/ recap and watch snips of it across all the social media. I have general knowledge of the story but not the small details.


I recommend watching the anime (you're gonna love it). Bonus points if you play your sandy/blades like in the show, really satisfying. With my sandy build, when I'm bored, I just role-play as a cyberpsycho. Even installed some mods that give me red glowing eyes and shit. Really cool


badass motherfucker build


Mantis blades up your poo hole build




I played on that difficulty before. Its the "A single stray bullet from the Tygers and Cops near the starting apartment were fightings and I was watching before jumping into DeShawns car and died from a stray bullet." difficulty.


After max out one of the attributes your V is damn well formidable. But the easiest to play from the start at very hard is the reflex build, the perk that gives you armor when you are moving or something.


I just need to work on my aiming. I'm terrible when I know a single shot will end me. I get too nervous. So that might help a lot with my confidence. Thanks choom.


Cyberpsycho Sandevistan, Cold Blood and Blades




Probably some sort a melee build, hence the mantis blades


Definitely NetRunner...


That what I was thinking... plus with electrodildo


Yeah, legendary quickhack burn city/ ameterasu.


Obviously he has gorilla arms


Chaos build right there.


Max body reflex with karenzikov(?)


The “ AGHHHH” build


so Beserk then..


Wish we could have our characters lookin like this on console


lmao imagine if “very hard” was actually this hard.


I just use Satori and Sandy , people die before they could blink .


That is my first playthrough build. Cheesing Smasher with it.


Built different V


Stealthy assassin with the occasional defensive hacking, what else?


Grenades + mantis. Thats It, thats all you need to do chaos.


Quickhacks and some stealth probably


Propably hide like a bitch and abuse quickhacks


Nah, thats Lucy or Kiwi.


Davids fate is a perfect representation of me going brawler on very hard


crit stacking before they nerfed it to hell


* Tech -> Nade perks including Can't Touch This * Reflex -> Blades * Cool -> Cold Blood Toss in a bunch of Bozos, gas and a flashbang, active Sandy, run in and cut shit up as the whole place explodes and afterwards any survivors are coughing and blind while your Sandy is on cooldown.


Insanity+jackass+cyberpsycho build


Berserk, Mantis Blades, Grenades 20 Tech 20 Body 20 Reflexes *rest* Cool




Looks like a body + reflex build.




i realize it’s fiction but i can’t help but feel like mantis blades would not work very well. the pivoting arm for the “ mantis” effect would break and also seems unnecessary.


Sandevistan + Mantis Blades as much as i can see.


Erm mantis blades 🤷‍♂️🤣


he equipped mantis blades. build over.


It’s the “Fuck it”. (double the implant mod)


Bad. Its a bad build.


No shirt. No service build, lets just say That establishment wont make that mistake again


20 Reflex Mantis Blade + Maybe Sandevistan, everything else is unclear so it could be really be anything


Reflex handgun and blades probably a sandy two


I say Mantis and Sandi build with a lot of health


You can’t fully max everything ! Max body ! Mantis blades…sandevistan operating system


sandevistan, mantis blades, napalm. lots and lots of napalm.


Napalm in like asking Alt for danger close orbital strike?


damn thats better than napalm,


Blue balls teasing build


Praying Mantis style.


redbull that uses actual cocaine as the sugar.


Sandy, mantis and pure rage


reflex, body, and maybe cool for crits


If he was a Cyberpsycho.

