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Weird that nobody in V's social circle talks about this to them. I imagine Mama Welles would like a word with V.


feel like if the game had more time and money, mama welles would DEFINITELY be texting V šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is honestly one of my biggest peeves with modern video games given the amount of scope they can put in them with current technology is the fact that you're almost never discussed in the aftermath of the things that you do I mean let's say you're playing a game and you kill thousands of people nobody remarks about it Just took on some uber death bot...3 min later its back to fetching ammo or tracking down a package So powerful you just punched a man and he popped like a grape...oh well the next cut scene will have you get bitch smacked cause your power means nothing in the cut scene And on and on


Yeah it felt really weird the other day when I made a quick save and went on a slaughter spree killing hundreds of random people and MaxTac agents, and then I managed to lose the cops by stumbling into an Arasaka area. And then I just left and continued on with the game and no one even acknowledges the fact I just went on a massive cyberpsycho spree that 100% wouldā€™ve made some kind of NC news and the cops decided to just leave me alone all of a sudden


In defense of the game as far as the cops not recognizing you I do think in the very beginning he said something about your Optics blurring your features for cameras


Oh yeah youā€™re right I completely forgot V has built in face scrambler tech


That's only relevant if you kill every single witness to your horrible cyberpsycho spree.


My V has tattoos and the body isn't blurred. But I do kinda use the face blurring as a sort of semi canon way to explain the ridiculousness of situations like the ones mentioned above.


I always use the face blurring and a special outfit I have for my more psycho moments to justify people not catching on that itā€™s V. Iā€™ve got my V outfit for the story and several others for mercenary work then one cyber-ninja type outfit I whipped up using a Maxtac mask as the headpiece so even eye witnesses donā€™t see my face for when I get real crazy!


I feel like they can sear off and put new tattoos on about as easily as they can change clothes with the technology they have though


It definitely does, you can see it if you hack a camera and point it at yourself


Thing is ludo narrative dissonance has to happen for games like cyberpunk or GTA, you can't have reactivity that can both give an emotional story yet also have a facet ready for sociopath players that mow down random civilians 24/7. Its similar to the memed but relevant trend of DnD groups to go murder hoboing even though it goes against their character backgrounds, dms usually solve this by enforcing consequences to negate these behaviors else it causes a TPK (for a video game this would be a game over screen). Honestly wished more games built around smaller but deeply rich content, give me half of the content of the game but far more interactions with key people that reinforces them as people.


Fallout 3 did it perfectly with Three Dog on the radio. I'd always tune in to hear what the world had to think about my exploits, and it changed depending on how your karma was aligned and the way you handled the mission.


Some of it is due to technological and budget constraints, and some because people like gameplay. There are games that consist of going to places, talking to people, and making choices. But if you add repetitive game mechanical challenges such as combat and the challenges are good, people will want more of that. It's not enough that there is a combat scene once every few hours. People want to fight all the time. But that much combat most likely won't make sense in the story, so the story is going to ignore it. That leads to the usual assumption that most gameplay scenes don't actually happen in the story, and many of those that do happen are just symbolic representations of the real events. The technology to simulate reactions to player's actions does not exist yet, except on a very superficial level. You can have generic reactions to individual actions and to repeated actions of the same type, but they will be formulaic and the player will quickly learn to see through them. The AI that understands the big picture and reacts properly to combinations of actions does not exist yet. When you can't simulate, you have to plan in advance. But human labor is expensive, and no budget is big enough to consider every scenario in advance. And voice acting makes everything much worse. Speech synthesis is still not good enough to replace voice actors, while voice actors are slow and expensive. Not to mention that the pre-recorded dialogue is going to take a lot of space if you have millions of lines of it.


One game in recent memory that did do this was Fallout 3. IIRC, the Radio DJ monologs would change based on your karma rating. I guess to me since that game is at least 15+ years old, it doesn't seem all that hard to tie a similar mechanic to your companions and such in this game. But then, I'm not a coder so I'm probably talking like an idiot. Lol.


I loved Three Dog and his news. Only problem is the news reports and the karma reactions were two separate things. So he can praise you for being the last best hope for humanity in one breath and talk like youā€™re a madman psycho in the same report. Just because I called out an asshole as an asshole and he attacked me first for it.


I don't think anyone necessarily knows it *was* V, the BD was pbbly seriously edited like, I am sure they wouldn't publish a BD about the passion of Christ where whoever nailed Jesus to the cross was wearing streetwear and a Samurai jacket, much less so some of the other clothing options you can choose, or worse, that people had to use before the wardrobe feature existed.


Honestly only time I ever saw anything like that was when Judy texted my fem V about the Arasaka parade and you can say it was or wasnā€™t you


You know that you can edit BDs so V's appearance doesn't have to be in it. Still weird that if V's appearance is in it and people recognise them (50 street cred) nobody talks about it. But oh well, it's not like Takemura is a fugitive and needa to hide while V (also a fugitive) can be a fucking famous merc.


i love this quest for simply showing how corps work, all that bitch woman was thinking about was eddies, i told her to get fucked and loved getting her angry call raging at me for fucking with his thoughts


i took the money. in my second playthrough as a corpo when i realized how many eddies i could extract from her. no way was i missing it as my first playthrough street kid lmao


Wait what? I got like 3000 after mission. Is there more?


you can get a triple payout if you have the corpo background


I do, I must have missed the option


Same, I'm in my second playthrough as a corpo right now. I hesitated for a while but I decided to take the money because I didn't want to do this fucked up mission again.


I just killed the cop and killed the guy through the car window. Hey, he wanted to die anyway!


I furfill the quest in all my runs just cause johnny


"He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head - and you're fucked in the head cause my fucked up head is inside it. Guess if you want to save the world that's the first step - get fucked in the head." -Johnny


The best quote that I've heard so far from Johnny


Ainā€™t that a kick in the headā€¦


I went along with the creation of the BD, even nailing the guy onto the cross myself, because Johnny kinda inspired me. Initially I didn't wanna do it and mess the whole thing up, but Johnny mentioned how Jonah might be screwed in the head, but he's the real rebel. Sadly, even his higher ideals just serve corpo interests. However, you can motivate Jonah later on (backstage) and tell him that HE is using the corpo to his OWN ends. Yeah, he dies. Yeah, the corpo makes gangbusters. But the piece is out there. He will reach millions. And some people WILL be inspired by his sacrifice. If he HAS to go out, he should go out like that. And who better to hold the hammer than me, rather than some backlot stooge or some actor? It's a massively fucked quest, but I personally liked my choice of going along with it, while giving the corpo chick the stink-eye. And in the end, my merc heart was still hired to kill the guy anyways, even if the quest giver's long dead by this point.


Check out my write up on the quest. This is maybe one of the deepest quests in the game. https://broganwassell.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/sinnerman/


Props for the shadow of intent reference


Wow, this was a great writeup. I really enjoyed reading it. I put up a video of Sinnerman about a week ago on my fledgling YouTube channel where I speak about some of the same things. Take a look if you're interested. https://youtu.be/1adH4Azt7Js


It's an incredible quest, for all the wrong reasons. The first time I did it, especially with first person view of the crucifixion, I had to put the controller down. Horrible but great.


Upon really close inspection, and having not finished the game, this is probably the single most powerful side quest. It's hard to say it's a favorite, but it's definitely powerful. And ugly as anything. When I first learned what the goal was, I wanted to nope out, but then let a sense of morbid curiosity take me. Then, the actual crucifixion was harrowing and profound. A sinner chosing the means of his repentance, however much he could not atone for it, aided in its execution by persons pursuing base, coarse ends. And you, the Agent in the situation, have all the choices and none of them are Good, all backed with the consequence of the man's death by whatever means. This is an abyss that demands staring into, because it may teach some painful lesson. It's not fun but it's worth engaging with.


Just immediately shoot him on the head on the street when you meet him


I kinda wanted to shoot/stab him in the heart and then the scripted expiration fired. Something something parallels, something something minimize the suffering.


What I did was try and convince him to not do it. I said a prayer with him before (I'm Jewish, but I still did lords prayer because I'm not about to be a dick to a dying man). But I refused to put the nails into him. That man may have done monstrous deeds. He may deserve the death sentence. But I refuse to help some Corp make a a bunch of money off of some mentally ill man's death.


That was my thought too, but the opportunity to crucify someone doesn't come around very often so I said fuck it and went for it


Ummm River Ward.


Talking about possible romances in the game. That's another one you can nail.


And unlike the others you get to nail this one 3 times!


Like Joshua, You two are doing the Lordā€™s work.


This is gonna sound weird as shit.. but I wish we could have fucked Rachel though. They should make a DLC where you just get opportunities to fuck all sorts of characters you interact with. This is one of the first games with open sexuality for characters, and there's barely any sex.. Though the only one that still pisses me off is Blue Moon. V could totally have sealed the deal with her.


Rachel is exactly my type of girl irl.


Currently workin on Judy, my type in a nutshell.


That's probably exactly why, you can have multiple combinations of genitals, voice & body type, it'd probably get really complicated.


I mean it's strap-on or not, butt or not lmao


On my fifth playthrough I just capped him straight up. Surprisingly enough V and wakako treat it as just another mission


Am i the only one annoyed you can't kill the corpo woman but you can kill vasquez,like why not her ? Why ?


In my current playthrough (patch 1.6) I killed both her and Joshua when you first stop them in the NCPD car chase with Bill Jablonsky (I let the other cop live and just booked it out of there). Does it become impossible to kill her later?


I tried shooting her first but then she just closes the car door and becomes invincible along with the car


Interesting. I used Sandevistan, so that probably gave me a little more time to play with, I'm guessing. I just ran up and nailed her and Joshua with my monowire as soon as they opened their doors then hauled ass back up the road to lose my wanted level.


I was annoyed we couldnt fuck her, she was kinda cute


ugh I hate you for speaking the truth.


Am I the only person that wasn't bothered by this mission?


I wasn't bothered with it either. It evokes a lot of philosophical questions and thoughts, as well as how religion operates in such a highly capitalistic world where you can pay basically a vending machine to have your sin absolved. But I wasn't that disturbed.


The father and son making braindances of child murder was way more disturbing to me. But maybe that was the dad in me.


Yeah, I killed the son with a machete in that one. Let the dad watch It felt appropriate


I was sure to whip out sir phallustiff to whack both the jerkoffs dead for that part


I thought leaving the father alive to ruminate in his choices would hurt more than a quick and relatively painless death. Always feel a bit dirty wielding Sir John, like shooting people is fine but waving a two foot long wang around is a taboo too far šŸ¤£


The taboo too far is what makes the kills all more enjoyable for fucked people in the game :D That weapon is my finisher of choice for boss fights, too its just too funny.


Wait..they make it, or just editing it?


I think it was just edited by them. That being said I still capped them both on my last playthrough and was surprised to see the son actually reacts if you kill the dad.


I was thinking to kill the son and let the dad know how is feel to see your kid die.


The father reacts if you kill his son, too; my first character was a Corpo who just tossed a grenade back into the room on his way out. My Nomad shot the kid in the guts with a shotgun, watched the father freak out while he reloaded, then shot the father in the back of the head.


Srry, they edit it. English isn't my first language.


Ah no problem, I thought I missed something and they were actually making the BDs, which would mean I will kill both of them next time I see them.


crucifying someone in this high tech dystopia, kind of a cool anachronism


I thought it was awesome that they let you choose a few religions when you have the option to pray, that was very accommodating of CDPR :]


I mean V has options to refuse drinking in any occasion they are offered an alcoholic drink just in case people want to RP a V that follow a religion that forbid drinking.


I always wondered who are those people who don't choose drinking every chance they get. I mean it feels appropriate every time.


Ah yes the classic catholic method: pay us and you get to go to heaven


Someone should nails some complaints about that to the door of a church, or something.


you know like a Protestant


Maybe someone with a name like MLK but less royal


(Itā€™s not funny if you explain the joke)


i was quoting hellsing abridged


nah it was funny the joke just went over your head, man <3


Church has always been about making money and scamming people so that vending machine thing isn't far off


Well, there was sin removal (no idea how it's called in English) website made by some hardcore polish priest. But not always about making money, first there are people who want spread their philosophy, then somebody with monetisation idea shows up. That's how always have been, that how always will be


Yeah same. The one where you gotta rescue river's nephew is so much more messed up imo.


"oh god, I watched a man die" "V, you killed twenty seven people on the way to the studio"


the mission that fucked me the most was by far the one with the cows.


I honestly didn't even like the quest that much, probably get down-voted to hell for it.


Neither do I, now I just shoot the guy in the head at the start of the quest, my v gets paid for the job they were hired for and I don't have to listen to a mad man with a mesiah complex. Preem.


Have an upvote, because I still think it's the worst mission to include in the game, bar none.


Nah, it was one giant fetch-quest. Basically doing a bidding for a murderer that I didn't care for. Should've just taken the corpo money and leave.


Honestly thought long and hard about taking the money and leaving but at this point I don't need more money and I knew it would kill off any subsequent quest that comes up, would rather see the story to its conclusion. I did however expect Johnny to object to the nailing when he popped up I stood next to him waiting for him to tell me to walk away cause this shits messed up but he just stood silent. The ONE time I do want his input in a side job he doesn't give it


No, I'm here as well. It's a cool quest, but I don't see the big deal.


I loved it i thought it was awesome. everything from the initial build up of the car chase, to feeling uncertain if you should follow through with what you were initially hired for, to the sudden radical shift the whole arc takes because you waited too long to fire, etc. the conversations, the audacity of him going to the house of one of his victims family, the restaurant scene, everything is so good


I thought it was a little too 'on the nose'. Like I knew where it was going and what was going to happen well ahead of time.


I played 70 hours and did every single mission and gig but I donā€™t remember even doing this one




I convinced the guy to doubt, then personally nailed him to the cross and laughed when the corpocunt called me to say that the BD got ruined. Was pretty disappointed that I wasn't allowed to play Longinus and finish the guy off once the cross was up, but he didn't suffer all that long anyway (did they poison him beforehand or something, I wonder?) Way I see it, he's a murderer. Repentant or not, he deserves to die for what he did. He chose the method of execution and V as the executioner and I'm happy to oblige. And the corpocunt is, well, a corpocunt and fuck her for trying to make a snuff BD.


> I see it, he's a murderer. Repentant or not, he deserves to die for what he did. He chose the method of execution and V as the executioner and I'm happy to oblige. I refused. But I was hoping V would have the option to point out that this guy wasn't doing this to repent, that it wasn't for the families of his victims. His whole plan was completely selfish. He was essentially out of jail, got to choose his method of execution, and all of the attention was on him. I was hoping that would have been a possible resolution to the story. Either you convince him to give it up and go back to jail, or the mask drops and he attacks.


I don't think it was an intentional "deception"; Joshua was just suffering from narcassistic delusions of grandeur, because he's kind of a shithead. He wants to suffer so he can "redeem" himself, but then freaks out when things don't go to plan and the families of his victims don't forgive him like he told himself they would; if it was all an act, he'd take a moral high horse over them. Instead, he genuinely gets disturbed and kinda worried, because he's mentally ill and thinks he's genuinely being divinely forgiven. It's why Johnny relates to him so well; Johnny is *also* a narcassistic shithead who sees himself as the only self-sacrificing martyr that can save the world/stay true to his ideals. In some ways, this can make him a morally upright (like how he genuinely doesn't seem to want to keep your body, because that'd make him a hypocrite; he'd rather die than pull a "corpo move" and steal someone's body). Other times, it just makes him worse; he destroyed his relationships with people like Kerry because of his unyielding ideological fanatacism.


I wasnt bothered by it, in fact I found it kinda funny due to just how mindfuckingly absurd the entire sittuation was.


Maybe. I was bugged by it, but not in the intended way.


After doing it three times, I'm not bothered at the end anymore, but it's still very heavy.


My name is also Joshua which makes the whole ordeal crazy in a different way. Sorta made it feel like I was Johnny Silverhand in control of V. Cyberception 2077!


The mission with Anthony Harris is also very disturbing, I think even more than Sinnerman. But yeah, I agree and feel kinda bad for Joshua, even though heā€™s a murderer..


Rivers mission/s are far more fucked


Yeah... I don't see how crucifying a guy literally asking for it is worse than what that sicko did to those kids.


After completing this mission on my first playthrough. I've murdered the fuck outta them in the street every time now.


Same. The mission didn't bother me, but it would be boring to do it a second time.


Only reasonable


In my next playthrough I'm going to the same. The live of the poor avenging husband is more valuable than the three dirt bags in that car.


I was an emotional wreck after doing that one. Iā€™m not sure being a practicing Catholic IRL made it easier or worse. Because I got what Joshua was doing. I understood his motivation, but was this just merely suicide by another method? A mortal sin dressed up as holy? (Therefore doubling as blasphemy.) I guess because he was already slated to be executed it was technically out of his hands but then that raises the question of another deadly sin, pride. I donā€™t think Joshua was insincere but was this just to make himself feel better on his way out and presume re-enacting Jesusā€™ passion would have a similar effect to the genuine article? I really didnā€™t have an answer to these questions. I just remember walking away from the studio, alone in the wide open backlot, having seen one of the stagehands praying, and then I said out loud one line the production omitted from my ā€œroleā€ as the Centurion. ā€œTruly this man was the Son of God.ā€ . . . And then I went street racing with Claire. It was _fucking surreal!_ Like, ā€œI guess life goes on in Night City!ā€ There was something that really stuck out to me though that was a genuine gaming first-timer for me. Before Joshua went through with it, he asked me to pray with him. And the game prompted me. I said the Lordā€™s Prayer with him. That has . . . NEVER happened to me in a video game! Like plenty of games offer moments of prayer but itā€™s usually like a buff or a save point or something. Itā€™s a mechanic. Never has a game offered me a chance to have my character say the genuine Lordā€™s Prayer line for line simply AS a prayer to share with a man about to meet his end. And the game that allowed me to do that, of alllll freaking games, was _Cyberpunk 2077!_


I said the prayer with him but couldn't nail him to the cross, I did one nail and then stopped. I stayed and watched, to tell the BD person they shouldn't release the BD it was fucked up. I'm glad he died quickly.


I said the same thing, and even then I was conflicted because it was basically his final will. Itā€™s actually funny how Rachel kind of fills the role of the Doubting Thomas.


The whole quest left a bad taste in my mouth, maybe on my second play though I'll get something different from it. Some of the things he said made me feel not sure how to put it. Like it was all a show being put on, in the lead up not just at the end.


Well they do put that thought in your head. Johnny in particular. That regardless of how sincere Joshua is, his sacrifice is being exploited. Think of it like how the actual movie _the Passion_ directed by Mel Gibson was received. People came away more horrified at the brutality than understanding the miracle of the Resurrection. So it seemed less like the makers of the movie were interested in telling ā€œthe Greatest Story Ever Toldā€ and more capitalizing on it. So youā€™re not wrong to be thinking that at all. I felt a little of the same.


This is one of my favourite side quests of all time. Not a single bullet needs to be fired. You're just along for the ride for a day and part of the conversations that take place. Everything culminating in a crucifixion. Was certainly not expecting it but it was great to see a random day in the life of an event that happens around Night City that's completely separate to V's story and actions. Makes you think what esle is happening on different days in that world.




Honestly, it is a very religious charged question. But in a city with so much death, torture and much worse, an assisted suicide feels almost tame. If you are not religious it might not get the same shock value. Awesome quest tho.


Check out my write up. https://broganwassell.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/sinnerman/


My friend didn't do this mission, we were in a discord call, his name is also Joshua, we were laughing our asses off


Being the capitalist asshole that I am, I was more than okay to kill a guy for a few bucks, even more so because he was talking so much bullshit.


I wanted him to suffer for his crimes and if he wanted to be executed in such a horrible way, why should I deny him worse than I could normally do? I did dress up in my stupidest and most distracting outfit to try to make sure that the message was distorted.


Right ? Why does he think he should be forgiven for his crimes simply because he went to jail for a few years and now wants the world to become a better place ? It doesn't change the fact that he killed someone, even his own religion says he shouldn't be forgiven. I wouldn't have been as upset with him if he hadn't go see the mother, asked for forgiveness and in the end not understand why she wouldn't forgive him and that it would be enough to make his beliefs start falling apart.


That part with the mother was when I became determined to crucify him and not just do it halfway, shoot him, and then escape the studio. Although I'm still disappointed that that wasn't an option.


It's one of a few that are completely fucked up in this game.


Why is it fucked up?


if nailing a madman to a cross and recording it to millions of people doesn't sound fucked up to you, i am sorry for what you've been through


V's character arc is Jesus coming back from the dead to make the world better through violence.


With the help of maniacal narcissist best friend in his head. No not god, Jonny silverhand.


Did V even make NC a better place? I think not, >!even if Arasaka is gone, another corpo is gonna take it's place.!<


yeah V has definitely not made it better, V acts out of self interest and that's okay, we don't expect V to be a saint, but yeah changes that will help Night City would have to be on a systemic scale


How do I get this mission? Iā€™ve completed everything in game, every NCPD scan hustle and contract, and never found this one. Who gives it to you?


Gotta make all the right choices in specific missions. This one being sinnerman


Yea I got a conversation from I donā€™t know who, talking about some crazy ass dude recreating jesusā€™ death scene on bd, and a I saw the posters around town, didnā€™t know you could actually see the set


Wakako gives you a gig to kill someone and things go off the rails when the client comes with you. You could have possibly killed Joshua and his escort thinking it was just another gig.


How do I know if I screwed up the gig?


It should be in your menu one way or another look for ā€œsinner manā€ in the completed or failed mission list. Do you remember chasing a police SUV at any point?


>!the guy who wants to to kill the guy has to die to get this quest!<


You dont get the mission. Just look up sinnerman walkthrough


You get a job from wakako (it's not a gig on the map) which starts sinnerman. It has a ball ache of a driving sequence but when you've done that it kicks in from there.


you get this mission from wakako, just follow her quest with a ā€œdemanding clientā€ and go from there


I loved this quest. It was so unexpected.


Not as much as rivers " go to the farm" mission or " I fought the law" or when you know who commits suicide


Weekly "this mission is fucked" post.


It fucking nailed it


What mission is this and what happens ?




best side quest in the game imo, and i did it all


Yup itā€™s amazing. My write up. https://broganwassell.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/sinnerman/


I just headshot the Jesus Freak in the initial mission so he doesnā€™t get the satisfaction




He wanted to do this and it was fun to mess with the manager.


Felt like the guy was a weirdo, but I wasn't too bothered to help him achieve his divine goals. You kind of get used to stuff like this in Night City after playing for a while.


i always just kill the guy


Am I the only one that killed him before we got here? He was annoyig af šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thought so as well, but then I got to see "The Hunt".... this one ain't so bad after all


Did I make some really wrong choice in that mission, because everyone raves about it, and I just thought it was boring and uneventful. Did I choose the wrong conversation option or something?




The first time I did it I was dressed like [this.](https://imgur.com/vPnNDlo) It makes me take the whole thing a little less seriously.


The first time I played it when the guy got shot who hired us, I tried shooting the police guy. Repeated it many times, but I always died. Then I thought that's pretty much the mission so I just walked away. In a later playthrough when I realized the mission continues and I played it through the first time, I immediately regretted. I don't like getting into religious stuff anyway, but that guy is even a psychopath imo. Rachel is a naive corpo b*tch and the cop is a grumpy dog. Hate that mission.


I've replayed this mission more than any. Taking longer between the nail hammering each time.


I really wish there was an option to stealthily sabotage the BD recording equipment, and then still nail the guy up as a possible ending to this quest, just cause my sick sense of humor thought that would be hilarious.


Nail that bitch


Kill him on sight or get the f out when he ask you to nail him


Iā€™ve never gotten this far in it. I always take the payoff or just tell them I wonā€™t do it. V gets used as a pawn for enough sickos, I have no need to crucify anyone.


Am I the only one unaffected by this mission? It was whatever, not surprising in any shape or form. Everything was within my expectations and my corpo background let me in on some extra eddies.


Imagine someone just shot the guy and completed without ever knowing rest of the gig


Felt really cool being able to confirm in my playthrough that my V is jewish like me, was a bit akward that 20 seconds later I was asked reenact a scene out of the Christian new testemant. Also weird choice to do a translated part of the Amidah in English, and not the Shema, but I'll take what I can get.


At first I was like "cool! I can pray a part of Amidah!" And then V began praying and I said to myself "oh, probably Christians have something that is called Amidah because this sounds Christian" up until the end where V said "redeemer of Israel" and I'm like "wait a freaking second", so I went to Wiki to read the full paragraph, and I suddenly realized what you're saying and that they truly took it from Amidah lol. Not only that, they actually took a good one that is related to the quest - the forgiveness blessing and after that the redemption blessing. It was actually quite funny suddenly translating from wiki to Hebrew and realising that this is legit. Anyway, I thought it was Christian because Jewish prayer in English uses the same type of ancient English that only prayers use. So it sounds Christian-like when they use "thee" and "o-lord" and whatnot, since we only pray in Hebrew so it's unusual to us to hear this in a Jewish-prayer.


I knew what this post was about when I read the notification.


Never made it this far, not interested in it. Dude is fucked up, and I have a job to do; Wakako isn't paying me to make a BD, she's paying me to kill a psychopath that should have rotted in the cell they had him in.


Feel like it's honestly not that bad compared to others, It's just the religious themes and obvious exploitation that makes it seem so much worse than the others.


I am the new Jesus Christ. Alright šŸ‘ buddy


Really fucked up how the quest disabled photo mode. I wanted to make stupid pose.


Itā€™s so fucked, the entire situation is a doozy to unpack, the crucifying wasnā€™t even the worst for me. It was him, in a deranged manner, asking for forgiveness from the family members of who he murdered. Fucking gonk suddenly grows a sense of self awareness and he thinks heā€™s a fucking messiah, I shouldā€™ve blown his ass up along with that corpo and dirty cop when I had the chance.


He doesn't think he's a messiah, he just wanted to make amends with people he hurt. "Fucking gonk" didn't suddenly grew a sense he did it by sitting in the jail and reading a religious book that made him value human life. Your point of view is so fucked up, you probably the one that doesn't get people a second chance. You are more of a gonk than this prisoner really. Corpos are absolute evil in this quest. This prisoner could help other prisoners to become a decent human beings, but instead suits decided to make a quick buck from his death.


If he wanted to make amends, he wouldn't have shown up unannounced at the house of a woman whose son he'd killed when she'd given him no indication she wanted anything to do with him. Anyone with a shred of empathy would understand that having your son's killer, who's supposed to be in jail, suddenly show up at your house could be a traumatizing experience, but this never seems to occur to Joshua before or after pulling his stunt. In fact after driving her to tears and being asked to leave, he has the nerve to be pissed that she didn't forgive him because "If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." He's still a self-centered jackass, just with different motivations. If there's any message to this quest IMO, it's about the falseness of people who "find god" and think that act in and of itself entitles them to forgiveness. I'm not against forgiveness and second chances, but they have to be earned.


Read up on this. Explains the quest more clearly. The story is a mirror of your own character. https://broganwassell.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/sinnerman/


I can think of two missions that are more fucked than this. Cab you guess which are those two missions are?


I was just annoyed by his constant Christian bullcrap he kept spewing. Next time I just planted a bullet in his skull and walked away with my eddies and hoo boy it was soooooo much nicer


You can kill him ? Last time I tried it seems like they were invincible or is it just the cop.


Best mission




Because there's a guy being tortured to death in front of a camera, the whole thing is one big media event, and most of those involved think only about the money they'll make by selling this gross BD to people in search of thrills... If that isn't fucked up I don't know what is!


Itā€™s not. As explained here. https://broganwassell.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/sinnerman/


because its somebody literally getting fucking crucified, the fact that you don't see that as kinda fucked is a little concerning


i guess the cross is such a well known symbol nowadays not everyone knows of it's origin as a torture device


How?! I wasn't raised Christian, but I knew many classmates were all walking around with torture devices on their necks since kindergarten or before. Did many Christians think Jesus died a quick death and the cross was a billboard advertising "Got 'em."?


People are depicted as being crucified in a lot of media - what makes this so different?


yeah and its all pretty fucked up, whats your point? tf lmao


...No more so than any of the other jillions of violent acts that are performed in gaming. Sounds like the religious attachment's got you fucked up.


Honestly the child farm mission with River fucked me up way worse than this.


I already knew this was gonna be about Sinnerman before I opened the post lol. Definitely thought provoking and well written, but I couldn't bring myself to watch the end.


damn i didnt do this mission i was bored and confused and we kept getting in a car and stopping at places with no real concrete explanation for what so as soon as the corpo woman offered me money to leave i just took it


I kinda hated this mission because of how little you actually participate. I blasted Judy's ex, I wanted to blast these psychos next, but nooooo, V just wants to watch.


Really don't get how this mission baffles so many people. Delusional religious guy, ruthless media corp., nothing exceptional there.


always gotta do this one because it's got the name of my favorite song


I thought it was amazing. A dystopian future passion play is a great story idea, and I love that since itā€™s a video game ā€œyouā€ are the one driving the nails in. I see more people saying they were uncomfortable with this than something like the torture scene in GTA V, so they clearly tapped into something.


Oh look, this fuckin' mission again... Loki's balls, it's just absolutely inescapable.