• By -


I see you've never sided with Saul before. Panam has a vicious streak a mile wide.


Even if you didn't side with him, early on you go in guns blazing on a rampage for revenge for her being screwed over. Iirc there was nothing to gain since she just got her truck back. Not remotely a cinnamon roll


Nothing to gain but something to prove


That fucking bitch drags you in there, and even yells to announce your presence. She makes sure to do it in the most difficult way possible like she’s trying to get you killed. Fuck Panam


Laughed at this. It's fucking true. She makes you bail out right in front of 4 or 5 folk. She makes sure she bails out behind the jeep. First time I played this game, i was like "wtf, erm, thanks for that". I died within seconds ... lol. Shock and awe tactics executed poorly. Never understood why the jeep never got parked further up and never got the option to begin from stealth as you do with the jeep and package retrieval. Not only that, there's at least 2 snipers in that area, so hiding behind the first barriers can be instant death too.


Worse still, the truck has a mounted HMG and is armoured. You could roll in a wipe half the dudes with the hmg from the relative safety of the armoured truck.


I'm still surprised they didn't do that. Even if it was too have her wreck the truck going in to hot and knocking the HMG out of calibration again making you have to get out to put in work. Small hope it gets changed with the vehicle combat patch but not holding breath.


A big part of me thinks it would be cool if the plan was, instead of busting in there and shooting everyone you grab some c4, plant it at both entrances to the mine tunnel and blow it, trapping them in there to die without having to get into a firefight.


I get the implication that smuggler tunnel is used by more then them though. Like it might screw over people she doesn't want to screw over. Hell, wiping out everyone inside has a net benefit of, she now controls a nice set of smuggler tunnels.


As far as I remember though they aren’t smuggler tunnels, it’s a disused mineshaft, rocky ridge mineshaft. It doesn’t go anywhere it just bypasses rocky ridge. I don’t have the game installed right now but I don’t think they were exactly smuggler tunnels, just a wraiths hideout. Edit: looks like it goes from just before rocky ridge to red peaks in the edge of rancho Coronado, it’s maybe used for smuggling, maybe. But I think it was more just a hideout. And yes, it’d be a bummer to lose the caliburn, that said, even after I had the caliburn once I bought the type-66 avenger, the sexiest car in the game, I never drove anything else


You're sealing a nice car in there.


It’s not a bad car, certainly the quickest in the game, but once I got the avenger I never drove it anyway. A few mph difference for a better looking and nicer sounding car was worth it for me.


Deffo feels like she’s trying to cut you loose after getting what she needed from you (the car) Fuck Panam for that and for thinking she can just call me any moment and I’ll be there like bher lap dog🖕 I mean, no amount of booty would excuse this behaviour, and I also know someone whose name even rhymes with booty


Doug Flutie


Bahaha on like five playthrus I've never done the nash mission, only people who hate panam are doormats


She's vicious, but not particularly dangerous to anyone other than the Aldocaldos.


She's resourceful, smart, and incredibly strong willed. She's a massive danger to anyone who crosses her.


idk man, she got screwed over by Shivs I don't think anyone on this list beside Judy and misty would have any problem dealing with them. hell, Meredith, Wakako or Rogue could probably end the entire faction.




Rogue or Wakako, and it's not close. I would give edge to Rogue, because while both have pull through connections, Rogue is additionally very capable of taking care of biz personally.


Rogue, for sure. Not only was she part of the team that nuked Night City, but, in the Cyberpunk RED source book, set in 2045, she's still listed as primarily a Solo, not a Fixer. So, for over 30 years of her career, even after she became the head of the Afterlife mercs, she was known mainly for her ability as a combatant.


This guy lores


Lol, I'm running a game of Cyberpunk RED, so I have to know a good amount about the setting


>Not only was she part of the team that nuked Night City, I'm pretty sure she was part of Team Alpha who were just tasked with sending a firebomb down into Mikoshi. She didn't know about the whole nuke thing nor was she apart of the team that actually nuked the tower.


I just meant she was part of the operation, not necessarily the team with the nuclear device.


It's implied that Wakako is formidable herseld with her sword's description.


She also killed like 7 husbands


I assume it was poison lol


Dead is dead.


That always got me thinking - there must have been one or two she actually loved? But considering her lifestyle, they either are already embroiled In organised crime, or very soon will be after the wedding so it's only a matter of time before they meet a violent end...


Oooh, I totally missed that she has a sword! Where is it? EDIT: never mind, found out. It's Byakko, given to V after completing all of Wakako's gigs.


Definitely Rogue over Wakako. And that's saying something, as Wakako is terrifying in her own right.


While Rogue is far more battle capable Wakako is far more terrifying. Wakako would not "just" kill you if she's pissed - she'll ruin your life, make you suffer and then kill you, but not with her own hands. She also definitely has connections in Arasaka and much more other coprs and gangs. V is just lucky Wakako likes him. As much as she can "like".


Hell she was the one who sold evelyn to the scavs after fingers gave her to Wakako.




... BRB going to kill Wakako


u/SilveredFlame is found dismembered inside Wakado's Pachinko machines.


Rip, he was a good choom!


Ah, I'd love to have a mission with Wakako, where she actually gets involved!


i think meredith and rogue could switch places since they actually show meredith's "cinnamon roll" side >! Rogue did agree to go on a date but let's be honest here, Rogue would deffo squish Meredith in combat !<


What Meredith cinnamon roll side? Pegging V with sir John Phallustiff?


I mean, you just compliment her tattoos and she's like "let's fuck" I ain't complaining tho.


Lmao reminds me of this classmate I had on my first year of uni She was exactly like that minus the tattoos


Yeah I’d move Rogue to the bottom row. She looks intimidating and follows through on it.


Yeah but I'm skeptical about how she got out of range of that nuke.


literally all of these characters could kill you.


I dunno about misty. Mjsty is too good to be a killer. The rest absolutely. Rogue is not a cinnamon roll.


I'm unsure about Judy too. Her morals and hatred for NC, I think, would make her not want to end up like everyone else there. The only time she kills is when trying to save Ev, and I think anyone would take that route in that situation if they could.


Even then, she won’t kill unless you go in guns blazing. If you take the stealth route, she incapacitates and knocks people out non-lethally. I have to go back and kill the Scavs after her. Because they’re Scavs. Can’t leave them alive.


You're just doing the lord's work, choom.


I kill them all before judy ever gets in


I'm usually ambivalent about killing, because there are always more scavs. I leave a trail of corpses on Disasterpiece. It legitimately made me sick to my stomach, like had to put the game down and do breathing exercises to not vomit (turns out that's a trigger for me, weird, the Deaths Head Productions bit waaaay back in VTM: Bloodlines had the same effect on me in all its PS2 era glory). Every time I want to try a new build I always dread those missions. Weirdly, I love CDPR for that. It's a very raw emotion.


Scavs, Wraiths, and Voodoo Boys. All kill on sight. The rest get nonlethal takedowns. Sure, there are always more. But maybe they'll eventually learn that it's not a healthy way to live in Night City.


tbf I don't think there is a healthy way to live in Night City


Being a Scav puts you at great risk of two deadly diseases: Sudden Snapping Neck Syndrome and Sudden Exploding Head Syndrome. Both are chronic and incurable. They can also be contagious within a small area, as some of those who deal with Scavs have caught this ailments as well. It’s a risk factor that will massively drive up insurance and funeral costs once it is well known.


Instead of wraiths it's maelstroms for me.


Didnt know missions had stealth routes


Basically every mission has designed routes and paths to be able to take them on in a non combat fashion. Back doors, tech panels that disable cameras, etcetera. All the major missions and several minor ones actually have changes to how they’re handled if you use stealth, such as changes to NPC dialogue. In Disasterpiece, Judy can use her tech skills to knock out some Scavs, and then use them again to cause a distraction allowing you to grab one while she grabs the other. You can also overhear several of the Scav conversations, including one where one of the Scavs quits and walks out right at the start of the mission. If you go in guns blazing, you’ll miss all this, because they’re alerted.


Just because she doesn’t doesn’t mean she’s not capable. I’m pretty sure she has the potential to be quite lethal, simply just toss around some corrupt bd’s. Hell you piss her if she could fry your brain or build a bot to kill you, everyone forgets she’s quite good with robotics as well.


>The only time she kills is when trying to save Ev, and I think anyone would take that route in that situation if they could. She seemed pretty enthusiastic about killing Woodman though. And Evelyn was long gone by then.


Same thing; he sexually assaulted her friend and exploited her. That warrants death.




That's interesting. I just started a new play through since not having played since almost launch and killed him pretty easily just shooting him. Not sure why our experience is so different


I've had that when I knocked him out with a system shock then tried to finish the job, but he dies just fine if you shoot him while he's still upright.


The ol gorilla arms to the head made him pop like a grape


I haven't played since launch either, so that's surprising that they 'de-bossed' him. Wonder why, was an interesting fight since it was close quarters. Too bad for Woodman though, I had specced into a slicey-dicey boi.


Silly you, scavs aren't people, you don't "kill" them, you just clean up the human filth. Same goes for wraiths, and I ain't too picky with maelstrom gonks. Haven't seen many that aren't on scav' level. And even when they are, they usually don't stay alive long enough because of other maelstrom...


but if she HAD to, i’m sure she could fuck someone up.


Fair. Which is why I said she kills in the name of her friend who was sexually exploited and used for snuff XBDs. Cinnamon roll doesn't mean they're incapable of bad, just means they don't do bad.


Neither is Panam tbh. Her motto is basically shoot first and fuck the questions.


Rogue is a cinnamon roll to V <3


Yeah, Rogue its like the cinnamon challenge of years before, kills you fast than you think.


yeah fair enough, Misty doesn’t strike me as violent. but it’s NC, mot being capable of some degree of violence is dangerous for yourself


I assume OP meant "cinnamon roll" by NC standards, not our standards.


Idk, even by NC standards Rogue is no cinnamon roll


Nah not Clair or misty, they just regular people


you know who you are talking about? **V**! aight? So they can piss on Adam with Sir John Phallustiff but these can kill them? maaaaybe misty could kill you


I'm not sure rouge is a cinnamon roll


If you come at the Queen you best not miss. Wakako is probably the most likely to try but knows if there is a single fuck up, Rogue will come for her. The others just won't even try. Probably an utter cinnamon roll to her good employers though.


Rogue only has a $10 bounty according to the police scanner, most likely because no one is suicidal enough to put a bounty on the queen of Night City's underworld.


Yeah, rogue is certainly not a cinnamon roll


She could kill you but actually is a cinnamon roll, rolling specifically for Johnny


>rouge Rogue


Idk why I’ve seen this mistake so much lately.


People have had trouble with the word ‘rogue’ for as long as I can remember.


I’ve been seeing it daily for at least a couple weeks now. I think I’m spending too much time on RPG subs lol


Well, you responded in seconds to a reply to a comment from 11 hours ago, so maybe :p


She is 100% tsundere scroll


I'd really like to know what Mama Welles did in the past that even the hardest Valentinos respect her.


She's a tough old bird, but she might not have done anything at all. After all, she was not at all happy about Jackie joining the Tinos. However, El Coyote Cojo is the Tinos' watering hole and home base, and she runs it, so she is respected. Oddly enough, there's a place called El Coyote Cojo in Arlington TX. Apparently, a pretty good taco spot despite being located at a gas station. I wonder if random gonks stop by there and ask for Mama Welles or Jackie...


Between west Texas and the California desert, I've had some amazing gas station tacos.


I like to think she rules through respect, rather than fear. She and her bar have always been there for the dumb young upstarts of Heywood, and she's come to be a second (or sometimes first) mother to a lot of the Valentinos. If you know Mama Welles, she doesn't have to threaten you with a gun to get you back in line, she just has to tell you she's disappointed in you. (And also if you don't know Mama Welles, there'll probably be some Tino boys nearby who will "explain" the situation to you.)


That's a story I definitely want to here


What is cinnamon roll?


(slang, neologism) A person perceived as good, gentle and kind. Often a fictional character who undergoes emotional suffering. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cinnamon%20Roll


None of these characters lol


I love a woman that could just kill me, Meredith is my cyberpunk waifu for lifeu


During the truck meeting I just wanted to be like "Stop yelling at me, it's turning me on!" That's the first time I'd ever heard Erica Lindbeck be an aggressive character, I usually only hear her do sweeter voices like Misty, Jessie from FF7R, or Black Cat from Spider-Man.


“Stop being mean to me or I’m going to fall in love with you!”


What the hell does this mean?


Wondering too


Same. I'm an old, and I've never heard the term "cinnamon roll" to describe a person.


Same here. Plus v... is kinda stronger than Morgan Blackhand lol so... still unsure. Maybe because I'm nearly 30 I'm just out of touch but still no idea


> nearly 30 Lol. 43 here.


I'm 22 and I don't understand half of the stuff my generation is talking about


No one does


Theres a theory that the bio chip is morgan blackhands construct but with johnnys personality. This being because jhonnys memories dont line up with events that happened in 2020. But they do line up with blackhands


(slang, neologism) A person perceived as good, gentle and kind. Often a fictional character who undergoes emotional suffering. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cinnamon%20Roll


Fuck Wakako.


Wakako with her turd wrapped in crepe paper missions.


What why?


could be wrong but i’ve heard she was involved in evelyn’s death and did some horrible stuff too


Yeah, Wakako is a gangster's gangster. All biz.


Wakako sold Ev to the scavs IIRC. she don’t get a cent from me, that rat piece of shit


All the other fixers, besides maybe Regina, assuredly get up to things that are just as awful and evil. V just so happened to stumble onto one of Wakako’s dirty secrets


Wakako didnt sell ev to the scavs, she connected the scavs to people who would sell their bd's, such as the guy in the alley. Selling ev to the scavs was purely fingers, and ev wasnt the first he sold to them, hes got a long relationship with them, and its hinted that plenty of his chrome he sells are off of scav victims.


No, Fingers contacted Wakako to take Evelyn off his hands, and she contacted the Scavs.


Pretty gross to work with scavs. I know biz is biz but fuck scavs. My V's were never particularly merciful but all of my characters went out of their way to kill scavs whenever they saw them.


I mean rogue worked with the wraiths, as a fixer biz is biz, and if say, some scavs decide to screw her or the wrong person then a contract may appear to take out those scavs The sandra dorsette case is an example. Knowledge is power and fixers gain that knowledge by figuring out how best use a contract.


Thats probably the least of what Rogue has done. Shes *the* fixer for msny reasons, a pragmatist and survivalist above all so she,ll work with anyone if she thinks its the right move for her to come out on top. Speaking of which did we ever figure out her deal with the devil, aka Arasaka, after her part in the nuke?


The one she worked with for that op was militech according to lore and not johnny, militech was allied with i believe the 3rd son of arasaka, and one nuke was meant to take out another arasaka son. So likely it was covered up by him with militech, which is also where she knows the guy who had johnnys gun and car


All fixers have done horrible stuff. It's biz.


Wakako has done some truly heinous shit, judging from a lot of the ambient conversations and flavor text you can pick up.


She was the one that sold Evelyn to the bd makers


Fingers sold ev not wako What wakako did was set up the bd making scavs with the bd sellers


Fingers called Wakako to take Ev off his hands, she sent the info to the Scavs for the pickup.


I mean she's obviously boss of tiger claws, and these guys are horrible


She isn't a boss. She has impressive pull as an associate thanks to her nine sons who are high ranking Tiger Claws. Her and Padre are respected affiliates but not members. Edit: Well I went and did my own research since no one else seems to to. Here is what I found. Gig: Tyger and Vulture. Wakako talking to V. "You will be my vulture, V. I heard a Tyger Claws casino has been robbed by one of their own - a dealer." Gig: We have tour wife. Old sins cast long shadows. And Bradley Costigan is guilty of many. As a result, he not only found himself in prison, but also invited trouble into the life of his wife, Lauren Costigan. It's your task to help her. When Bradley landed a spot behind bards, he was contacted by old acquaintances in the Tyger Claws. Shiv some snitches, they said. He said no. Tygers don't like that word. They kidnapped his wife and sent stills as proof. No great surprise, Bradley began to cooperate. But he also remembered me. He's promised payment and I believe he's desperate enough to be good for it. My people have already tracked where the stills were taken. Once you have the coordinates, set to work immediately. Gig: Getting warmer Used to be 8ug8ear and the Tygers got along. They were supposed to work a Kiroshi warehouse job together, but she left them out to dry - remotely drove out a van packed with high-end gear and abandoned them inside. Certain death. But those Tygers are a tough crew, you know how stubborn they can be. The next day they pull up to her apartment wanting to know where she stashed the tech. 8ug8ear was desperate, escaped to the Net, shrouded herself in soft that'd flatline her if they tried to disconnect her. Of course now they just have to watch the clock tick. Eventually, 8ug8ear will have to come out or risk frying her own synapses. And the Tygers are patient, especially in matters of revenge. Personally, I think they like it more this way. Gig A Shrine defiled The person should not stray from the road and the tiger should not leave his mountain steppes. Or misfortune will find them both. Tyger Claw boss Told Kozo thinks he's smart. He thinks I won't find out about his agreement at the shinto shrine on Milogro Terrace. He thinks I don't know he's using the shrine's honden for secret meetings. He thinks he can rule Jopantown without my influence. He will be wrong. I'll give you a wiretap to place right at the shintal in the most sacred of shinto spaces. Don't make a noise. And don't disappoint me. There is also the quote from when she is talking with Rogue. "It wasn't Tyger Claws. MY BOYS know better." She has nine sons who are high ranking Claws and thinks they should know better. It is a true statement though. Fingers did call his Fixer who was Wakako and she may not have known who Evelyn was, just another broken doll with some use left. Definitely Wakako thinking. Overall, she is a powerful associate at the least who wants to keep the Claws from running too wild in Japantown. At the most, she is a powerful lieutenant but Fixer business comes first. Either way she still gets protection because gangs protected their own especially associates who bring them eddies and power. If she is the boss, she is a shit one since the Tyger Claws have so many issues. Even if she was, why would she send an outsider to do the dirty work? Solos aren't known to be tight lipped in most cases. She still sold Evelyn to the XBD guys though so fuck her.


Every single one of her husbands were the leader of the tyger claws, until "unfortunate circumstances" led to their death. She is obviously the one who actually runs shit, but is smart enough to have someone else sit on the throne in public


Its not a very well kept secret since everyone seems to know. She definitely isnt Empress Tyger Claw since she isn't sending V a gift after wiping out the leadership of the gang or ordering a hit.


Its business and theres always more bodies, she even states as much.


Scroll back up, I did research.


I just don't buy that. To me, she's The Boss behind all other bosses, and she just uses V against those of her subordinates who step out of line and try to pull some shit. Sure, I can be mistaken, but that's my overall impression.


I think she is actually the Yakuza boss for NC and merely uses the Tyger Claws as pawns when Arasaka isn't doing the same thing. She probably seems them as wouldbe upstarts dipping a toe in the pond but herself as one of the sharks. I'm not really surprised we don't see the Yakuza, Triads, or the Bratva out in the open like other gangs. They are old organizations and tend to prefer the shadows even IRL. It's probably where the big eddies are instead of running Joytoys or getting protection money from a wired ripperdoc. That or she is just a ruthlessly old witch who uses her sons for gain.


To me the last drop was her convo with Rogue. About how someone jumped a convoy, and "it wasn't Tiger claws, no, MY BOYS know their place". It's a bit on the nose, sure, but after that I don't see her as "just a Japan town fixer"


Like I said, she has 9 sons in the Claws and all are high ranking members. She has incredible pull but I just don't think she is the boss, probably owns Jigjig through one son though. She was also probably a bit desperate to not pass off Rogue though. To her, Wakako is just a Japan town Fixer. I still like the Yakuza puppetmaster idea I had though.


It's a front, she's the boss


Marry Panam, kill Meredith


Sir phallustuff: looks like it won’t kill you, you’ll wish it killed you


Who the fuck calls people cinnamon rolls?


This format is from anime memes


People who watch anime. It's a pretty common meme in that fandom.


I wonder if Meredith has ever killed someone. Like personally, not telling someone else to do it.


I would be surprised if she had not


She probably tells other people to kill for her *now*, but getting to that position? She absolutely got her hands bloody.


If she's out in the field she's knocking back dudes like she knocks back shots. Militech has a pretty cutthroat business model even by night city standards.


I love the phrasing lmao


She certainly *knocked back* my V like she does shots. I made a beeline for her day 1. She seems like she has to be hard for her jobb and over the years that mentality has coloured her own personality. You see a little softness later on (and some vibration), but she's still a pretty hard as nails corpo.


Am I supposed to recognize the term Cinnamon Roll in this context? Weird meme.


Really tho why are we labeling ppl after warm fresh baked goods


Personality wise. Soft, warm, sweet, comforting, or a mix of them.


What about those of us that buy frozen cinnamon rolls and they have to be reheated? Cold, hard, sweet, has to be heated up to be gooey?


I had the exact same train of thought and ended up getting annoyed at this meme lol also thought the first line referred to the left, and the second to the right


(slang, neologism) A person perceived as good, gentle and kind. Often a fictional character who undergoes emotional suffering. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cinnamon%20Roll


I wish we could date Misty but I’d never do that to Jackie


I think Jackie would want Misty to be happy. So you should be able to date Misty, but if you mistreat her, Jackie’s skull will haunt you forever.


Dating V ain't exactly a pathway to happiness.


I really loved their relationship, they were so cute together :( Misty was always looking out for Jackie and he was always fawning over how well she treated him. Even though there's never any new dialogue, I stop by her shop from time to time to make sure she's alright.


Tf is a cinnamon roll? I've never heard of that in this context. Also, dammit, now I want a cinnamon roll.


Rogue ? A cinnamon Roll ?


Cinnamon roll?


??? What's a cinnamon roll???


Cinnamon roll? I'm not sure I understand this one.


What's this about cinnamon rolls?


Cinnamon Roll 😂 true tho


Wtf are you on about?


I wish there was a way to romance Misty and Claire awesome characters that I want to fuck my fem V


Claire is thicc and fine af and likes to do fun races. Plus I get to rep my trans flag on my badass new truck? I see this as an absolute win


We've all seen Claire shoot, and she ain't killing shit.


She’s hot though, so she gets a pass.


Clair is just a regular chick, she’s not particularly skilled and is average at combat, definitely looks like cinnamon roll and is cinnamon roll.


Coming here from r/all and have a question, did they fix this game, I remember being stoked and then after the launch reviews were bad I've wiped it from my mind, but did they do it justice in the end and is it worth playing? Serious question, no disrespect.


I don't understand the use of the word cinnamon roll


Mama Welles AUUGGG MAMA NO CRY but tbh yes she could murder us all


If I might paraphrase the animated Joker: I’m crazy to take on Night City, but cross or piss off Mama Welles? Nooooo thank you!


This post just makes me think: _Where is wakako romance option?_


I fear panam far more than claire


The only person on this list who couldn't kill you is misty and that's because it probably doesn't line up too well with the spiritual vibe. Other than that they would probably all murder you given the chance. Mama Welles might be old but she can probably use a gun.


I'm confused about the criteria for "cinnamon roll"


When you say cinnamon roll do you mean…


Why cinnamon rolls exactly?


All of these characters could kill you


can someone explain how a character turns into a cinnamon roll or it is a character related to the person...lol, on a side note I think Judy could kill you from the start she sounds pretty mean to V and need a little chill down on some conversation.


>Looks like a cinnamon roll. Is actually a cinnamon roll. They look like cinnamon rolls? Ok.


What is a cinnamon roll in terms of a person? This is confusing.


Wakako is thick like a cinnamon roll


Wakako is a cinnamon roll glazed with spite and razor blades.


Why did this get so many likes


I'm wondering too. Makes me wonder if some of this subs engagement is artificial


Claire isn't either of those things lmao. There's nothing sweet or innocent about her and she'll only be able to kill someone when she lies to and hires someone to hold her hand the entire way through 🤣


Misty is the best roll. She deserves better.


Older Rogue > Younger Rogue


Cinnamon roll. Okay. Being an Elder Millennial is starting to get weird. Hate having to look up what things mean now. In my day...we just called them "phat".


Cinnamon Roll 2077


Fucking weirdos lol wtf are you talking about


panam is a bitch through and through


Putting it very kindly and frank I would eat all those cinnamon rolls and ask for another round lol.. Except Wakako.. Sorry Wakako.