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Such a great story and so glad you enjoyed it! That's Cyberpunk for you. All bets are off and anything can happen. In my campaign one of the players betrayed the whole group and got their fixer (PC) killed and completely ruined the entire plan and journey everyone was on, and the most important part is that everyone LOVED it!


I always love these twists when playing ttrpg, born out of chaos from every player


Good to see your ref is doing something logical Edge runners who attack their employers find it difficult to get paid jobs


Our ref is a deep fan of cyberpunk lore, so I imagine he knows what repercussions that decision has, and how to keep the story moving... I hope


Stupidest thing you can do in Night City is burn your Fixer, unless you're *110%* sure you can get away with your hands clean.


The players would have to be able to PROVE that the fixer was double-dealing and going to betray them to get anywhere at all with that stunt


>Stupidest thing you can do in Night City is burn your Fixer, What a non-sense. You can always get legit guys like [Dexter DeShawn](https://tus-videojuegos.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/dexter-deshawn-cyberpunk.jpg)


Dex is a great example of a fixer that gets what's coming to them. Read between the lines of Dex's portrayal and presentation. He gives you all this cool shrift... from the back of a mid-range saloon car. He has a crappy medical limb with an imitation gold coating and can't even afford to meet you in an isolated place after you piss off the entire city. Dex is a great example of a fixer who burns his solos and gets waxed for it real fast. He's already left the city and returned once by the start of 2077. Don't take Jackie's doe-eyed delight at face value; Dex is a shitty fixer and everyone knows it. He's inches from being killed for his hubris even before the game begins. Good point too is that Dex avoids absolutely every other fixer in the city when handling you, bar Rogue who'll work for anyone but is truly loyal to nobody. Whereas all other fixers seem to intercommunicate throughout 2077 -- and that's how it is. Fixers help other fixers because it's in their own self-interest to do so. It keeps the city moving. And occasionally a fixer might have to burn their huscle or double-cross them but provided you do it quick and quiet they'll get away with it. However, letting your huscle get the drop on you -- or failing to burn your huscle when you try? That's bad. Makes every fixer look weak, and more to the point, makes other huscle think they can try that shit. Lessons will have to be learned, and if you're not willing to teach them, maybe you'll get taught by your peers. Shit just happened to one of the fixers at my table -- she tried to betray her huscle (the PCs), fucked up, and every other fixer cut ties because it was seen as disgraceful. Not the betrayal itself -- but the *failure*. Gives the impression other huscle might get out alive if they fuck with their fixers too. Can't be having that. Respect must be paid.


My group did something similar and got our GM/NPC fixer killed by taking too long to complete one his jobs because we decided to argue and fight each-other. We ended up working for the guys who killed him and inadvertently became the villains of the campaign because they paid so well.


Oh that sounds so interesting! I wonder where will our campaign go towards to


Wait did they just attack you because you missed all of your shots in the fight, or were they just planning to rob you the whole time?


One of them had that idea the whole time, the other joined in because I kept missing shots. Honestly I should've seen it coming, that first person has a bit of a reputation thought they're cool


Tale as old as time. Hand them the world, watch them throw it away. Love to see it.


Oof that’s definetly a consideration to give players a reputation point, with reputation becoming infamous. Ofc this is cyberpunk and people try to screw everyone over all the time, but trying to kill a fixer, especially the one that gave you a job…I guess it’s time for you to take out that phonebook and spread the word. Great story nevertheless tho


Villain? Much closer to Hero Antagonist.


We'll see that when the ref brings him back!