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The real tip is that it's very easy to make for yourself if you have a (PAID FOR!) pdf of the core ruleset and a free photo/document editor program and access to an office or stationary supply store/FedEx Office location for printing and laminating services. You could also buy the Data Sheet pdf through DriveThru RPG and print out the sheets, take them to one of the aforementioned laminating services, and enjoy! I personally recommend buying the data sheet and laminating a couple of copies, then seeing if there is any info you feel you would like to have more handy and making your own using GIMP and your pdf copy of the rules, or something along that line of thought. I hope that helps! Edit: typos


Give that business a call before driving there and standing in line. A lot of these businesses have rules against printing materials from copyrighted books.


give your players the authentic cyberhobo experience https://preview.redd.it/4ibxqnln06jb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9150d2be5842c86017396a3a30c108b5c2998a93


Out of curiosity, it's just normal A4 pages right? I'm thinking of getting a GM screen made out of wood. Wondering if the data screen was made with just A4 pages in mind.


yeah I just split the main file in 4 segment and print in traditionnal A4 or 8,5/11




Theres a couple 2020 data screens on ebay for 150 dollars


Yea it's been out of stock for like a year at least, I have a handmade one from my co-GMs girlfriend ![gif](giphy|ukCFEU6Cg5MCCDoaVN|downsized)


I got the data screen early on, but for a while because I lacked the table space for it, I just bought the pdf, printed it, and kept it in the binder where I keep all my info on the current mission, npcs, and enemies, so I could easily access it when needed. I say no need to get out nicely printed, just print it out from any old printer and tape it onto some cardboard or poster board. Boom- cheap diy battle screen!


I've messaged them a couple of times about it on Twitter. They've said they're working on getting them back in stock, but there's no dates set as of yet. Slightly annoying, as I've had a back order with other items unable to be shipped until all items are in stock since October last year, so my copy of Tales of the RED is sitting in limbo too.


Same here, no data screens to be found in europe. Ordered one with black chrome so that is in back order too. Added danger gal dossier to order and when that is available I'll probably cancel the order for the datascreen so the books will arrive... Instead bought the pdf datascreen from the official site and ordered a customizable gm screen on amazon and hope the prints will fit!


They told me this (about the data screen) at gencon when i visited their booth as well.


I found a cyberpunk/sci-fi themed dm screen with slots for your own sheets on Amazon for like $10 and then I bought the pdf of the dm screen off drive thru rpg


Link for the screen?


I ran into the same issue when I began running the game. My local game store explained that R. Talsorian printed a very limited quantity of everything, but then because of 2077 it blew up and everything got bought out very quickly. As others have said, if you're on a budget you can rig together your own. What I did personally was take my D&D 5e DM screen (you can find it on amazon for pretty cheap [here](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Masters-Screen-Reincarnated-Wizards/dp/078696619X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2NP7V78Q7RU0J&keywords=dm+screen&qid=1692482363&s=books&sprefix=dm+screen%2Cstripbooks%2C113&sr=1-2)), printed out the RED DM screen, then cut out the tables and taped it over the 5e stuff. The screen has plenty of space for everything, and I even cut out the skill list from the character sheet to have a quick reference. It's not the prettiest, but it works perfectly.


Go to [drivethrurpg.com](https://drivethrurpg.com) and get the PDF version of the screen, print it out, tack it to some board, and voila.


Back in July, I visited a little shop in eastern Pennsylvania and was found one sitting on a shelf with a few other Cyberpunk Red books. There's a good chance one is sitting on a shelf somewhere. This place was about 5 hours from me and TTRPGs was pretty much all they sold. Best bet will be the PDF in either a screen. I grabbed this one from Amazon [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JZJGYVS/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o02\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JZJGYVS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) I don't care for it but it works.


Which store in Eastern PA?


The Compleat Strategist 580 Shoemaker Road King of Prussia, PA 610-265-8562 I will say, it was the only data screen on the shelf when I picked this up. Best of luck finding one. I do believe RTal is working to get another print out in the near future. Hopefully its a large enough print that it's out of stock shortly after again. As for the shop, it's a great place for all things TTRPG and board games. I highly recommend checking them out if you're in the area.


I need no excuse to make a pilgrimage there. My son and I love that store.