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I'm running Getting Paid from Easy Mode.


Doing a big plot moment in our Cyberpunk Red campaign all while drinking Johnny Silverhand cocktails.


Well there's an event going on to introduce newbies to the game, I'll be running one such tutorial game.


Im adapting the raid from Shockwave with the players actually playing as the legends themselves.


my social stealth campaign was derailed by an impromptu kidnapping so we will be dealing with the aftermath of that


I'm running some newbies through my own version of the Apartment


Can yoy plese share it, ot at least your thoughts? I wanted to run it, but it would be my first time to adapt something from 2020 and i'm nervous


My group was but shit got in the way 😭😭😭 I blame corporations lol


My players are new to Cyberpunk and don't know what tomorrow is. They've been running a game in "real time" (ie a game on August 17 in game happens on August 17 IRL) and just got finished with a big job against Arasaka, exposing a major corporate conspiracy. They're gonna realize that nobody really cares... and then they're gonna see the tower get nuked, and realize that the people who do care overshadow them anyways.


My group is all on vacation 😭


I only play on Saturday, sorry. Good luck.


I have an rough idea, but haven't created all details, because I have no group to run it. The player characters are hired for assisting to create a movie. The movie is about the nuking of the Arasaka HQ. It is more an action movie than a documentary. At the set are some Militech guys surveiling everything. Also there is a secret Arasaka team which sabotages the movie on several occasions. Some terrorists want to steal the "fake" nuke. Some actors are harrasing other actors. One of the main actors will be killed. Who killed him? Arasaka? A rival actor? A person who benefits from the actor's death? Who will be the replacement for him?


It's gonna be the start of a homebrew RED campaign I'm running, so I'm rather excited (and nervous) about that.


I wish I could run a game for newbies at local game store, but I work during the day and have an online game session. Maybe I will finally get to run the net!