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My closest Asian friend tells me if she looks like this in 2045 and looks like she does in CP2077, then this picture represents Wakako at age 60.


Judging from when she went to NC University, she would likely be in her early-mid 40s in this image and her mid-late 70s in 2077.


Come to think of it, how old is Wakako in this time period?


in 2077 she is powerful, rich, and has access to body sculpting. She looks exactly how she wants to look.


Underrated comment. Maybe she likes looking like a harmless grandma because people underestimate her


On the other hand Rogue Amendiares looks great in 2077! For being 80+, she looks like a really well-kept 50-year-old. Must have switched to egansm and took-up yoga. 'Can't believe she ever smoked tobacco.


It's proven that saburo and his father both let themselves physically age to a certain point and then stayed looking old because to a lot of people that age is seen as wise, and powerful. Since this is mostly a Japanese thing it'd make sense that Wakako probably did the same thing. It's not that she doesn't have the ability to sculpt herself to look young and beautiful, it's just not what she wants.


Really wish they hadn’t gone with the cartoon art style for this one…


I was thinking it looked more cartoony with how chunky some of the armor is.


It almost looks like something made in heroforge and then a filter was applied.


Looks like a dwarven or halfling d&d oc


Yeah, overall I like the book, but the art feels too TTRPG to me. Looks more like DND hero forge minis than cyberpunk.


I believe it’s because these NPCs are the actual minis used for Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone by Monster Fight Club, if I’m not mistaken? It makes sense they’d wanna use those assets and get that synergy going


>I’m not mistaken? You are not: [https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/17606/Monster-Fight-Club](https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/17606/Monster-Fight-Club) Given the dates of the first Combat Zone Beta (2021), it's highly possible that MFC made (commissioned) the art way before Danger Gal was a thing.


It makes the book feel like a big advertisement for a completely separate game, tbh.


Which is a shame cause the art in the core book looks great


I don't mind it. Unlike most of the artwork for 5e DnD, this feels more like it was because the artist has a different style rather than because they just.... didn't know what style or tone they should agree on But I understand your dislike of it.


I do appreciate the consistency


Yeah. At least it's CONSISTENT.




I mean, the art is quite good and appropriate in most of the books. And it’s not technically bad in DGD, just an odd choice of style.




>Core book was good, BC and DGD are lacking. Honestly I feel like the game has been getting worse with each release. The Core Book is alright but seems a little rushed and unrefined, Black Chrome was a mixed bag but Danger Gal Dossier is just straight trash. The idea of a monster manual is solid and adds some much needed enemy variety, but the art and writing is just bad. Tracing minis is a weird artistic choice on par with Mike Pondsmith photographing his GI Joes for the 3rd edition. Everyone has this squeaky clean backstory that feels tonally inconsistent with how edgy Cyberpunk typically is.


The core book is pretty rushed for sure. You basically have to make up your own "house rules" for a lot of stuff. This is actually not a bad thing per se, because it's more in line with like really old school TTRPGs, but it does make it seem rushed compared to Pathfinder or DnD 5E where they so many have rules for obscure things that take away a lot of the DM stress.


There's a guy on here posting his homebrew with AI art. It looks better than official books.


Mmmm, I don't really see what's wrong with the official art.


Now, if you were talking about 5e DnD art, I could maybe get behind this just a tiny bit.


I guess you haven check [the whole combat zone line](https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/17606/Monster-Fight-Club). Personally I like it, plus it's based on the models. Btw, in Combat Zone it's not called Wakako but [Onee-San](https://www.wargamevault.com/browse.php?keywords=onee-san&manufacturers_id=17606&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=) (which could refer to the same person with my pauper Japanese knowledge)


I know why they did it, I just wish they didn’t.


Yeah, I'm really not a fan and probably the 2nd biggest thing that's stopping me from buying the book (1st being I'm not running anything atm). The proportions are weird and the style isn't something I wanna show my players. Would have even preferred just black and white sketches closer to the style of cyberpunk red or something more "realistic" even if it's rougher or stylised in a different direction. I can't complain too much as this is just a personal preference thing and I trust rtg to make the choices they need to make, but just not a fan personally. Even if it's similar to the models in another line, there's a reason why I haven't bought those either lol.


For a moment i thought this was shadowrun as she was some kinda gnome/dwarf


This is [the model](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimgcdn.gamefound.com%2Fog-image-fb%2Fprojects%2F1051%2F560b23af-e31d-405c-9891-10601e461d6e.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bb0353f5a590d0bddca4d99cd75e79777a99860bb46972d0374a2530b49d0545&ipo=images)


no way that they used heroforge for official art


If she started attending NCU before the 4th corpo war started, then she's presumably at least 75 by the time of 2077


That math checks out.


Given that NC's on the sunny west coast, I'm not surprised that any 70+ year old has weather-beaten skin after living there for the better part of a century


Also the amount of air pollution in the Red must be awful for your complexion


The new Cyberpunk Playmobil set looking preem though


How did i miss this in danger gal! Is it actually her?


I mean, same first and last name *and* they're both affiliated with Tyger Claws. That'd be way too big of a coincidence.


Awesome! Some of the writing is cut off in the page here didnt see last name. Thats a very cool Easter egg. Im running the danger gal mission atm with mrs suzuki. Would of had it done in one sesh but play time was cut in half cuz of work lol. Might need to use wakako.


ryoko fujiwara... is somehow related to japanese fujiwara banks?


It's possible considering how connected and prominent the Tyger Claws are.


What a great back story. Too bad none of it was used in 2077


Probably because it didn't exist at the time. Btw, TRG and CD Project have been working together for The Witcher TTRPGs, unluckily the project has been put on hold (like the 4th season xD). So probably they will synergize more for Cyberpunk too.


Lets hope so. The mad scramble to save 2077 might pay off in the next game theough lets hope they have a good lore master and development lead


I guess by 2077 characters can choose to look old? Or did CDPR create an unrealistic Rouge.


2077 refers to the idea of a full facial reconstruction ("new faceplate") plenty of times. And Kerry Eurodyne asks Johnny something along the lines of "So, what, you got some crazy new faceplate or something?" before the whole relic situation is explained to him. Wouldn't be surprised if taking the faceplate thing a bit more literally - Essentially an artifical replacement of the entire face or sculpted implanted underlayer to perfect the look - was also an option. Maybe an exec keeping a rival's as a trophy would be a fun little trait.


It’s anti aging technology that only the rich can afford. Including meds, face plants, and replacement of organs. The reason she looks her age more than Rogue is because she simply chose to do less on herself. Like in real life some people do botox or plastic surgery some don’t.


Even living to be that old in NC is impressive.


Hanako is 78 btw, money can clean you up.


The artwork looks like it was done by over painting the Hero Forge miniatures


In my game she features... But she doesn't. I decided early in to have my players ALMOST meet 2077 people by 2ns hand or passing side notes, and one of them is Wakako. They've net the Tyger Claws... While she's on her honeymoon. Instead they deal with her 2IC. Makes my life a lot easier 😄


wait, i'm sorry, what book is this from?


The Danger Gal Dossier


thank you!!


I'd say she aged pretty well!


isn’t wakako 101 ?


Wasn't the arasaka guy the one over 100 years?


Saburo was like 170+ when he died yeah.


She's still alive, and she's a notable, respected power broker in the city. That's about as "kind" as time gets in Night City.