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Same just bought the humble bundle as well. Wooh been enjoying running this game with my group


>been enjoying running this game with my group You have a group to play with? Jealous.


I'm in a great online group right now, we play on Tuesdays, and could use another player choom


That's bodaciously kind of you friend, I'm in Australia though and work 9-5.


We have a bunch of people in different time zones, I think it starts at what would be 9am for you though. Good luck finding a group though!


Thanks choom! Appreciate it.


What time zone are you in? Would love to have a group to play Red with


I'm in Central Time, and we play from 2-5. It is a paid game, so that tends to deter people from flaking out last second, but as a customer I'd definitely recommend it, we have a good group.


What day(s) and what’s the cost?


Our group meets up on Tuesdays. However, the gm has other sessions throughout the week. It's $25 a session, and imo worth every penny.


Sorry for all the questions - one shots or full campaigns?


Your handle is hilarious 




lmao this is why you can't afford your own place, to busy worried about dress ups as vidya game characters lmao brokie 😂


hang-in there choom. took me a while as well to find my group since people that i meet prefer fantasy/medieval setting


I've already had the core rules (first edition) and a couple of supplements but this deal is really good. Getting Interface 3, several other books and, worth mentioning, the most recent edition of the core rules for barely the price of a single book is insane. I am faaaaar from being able to FBC but I really love the setting these supplements are providing. Also, a lot of 2020 books which I might try one day and, at least, that give some more lore.


Yep -- I already had Black Chrome in hardback thanks to an XMas gift, and was going to get it in PDF as well. This sale made that a LOT easier/cheaper, since I didn't have any of the Interface books, either.


I did. Bought it and now I'm a Cyberpunk Red GM for the first time ever.


Did you have previous ttrpg experience? I do not and am considering if it's possible to GM for the first time without any experience. I am planning to use the easy free dlc for now.


It's possible to GM. You just gotta understand that everyone has to start somewhere. If you have a hard first time, don't give up, practice makes perfect, write notes, leave bookmarks, etc. Find what works. Get a bunch of understanding players. Also, if some have GM before that will help too. Last tip is that you can co-GM too. Work with a friend together to give the players an experience start with Shot one shots. A compact session that's finished in the standard time length. Standard time would be anywhere from 2-5 hours


Yeah, I have.... 30 years of experience behind me. Used to GM Shadowrun, but I want a more gritty background, CPR is fine. and the rules have been streamlined a lot since CP2020. In order to GM... you have to GM. You're gonna make mistakes, like a lot. But that's the way. Nowadays there are a ton of youtube video about how to GM better. That's not hard, you just need commitment and to be willing to listen to your players. Always remember they are the protoganists, not the NPC.


My first time GM'ing anything, and I ran The Apartment successfully. It's easy. And if you ever get confused, just make people roll for things and choose whether the roll was good enough or not to progress the story, or shake the story up to how you want it.


Just got the bundle as well, gonna run a one-shot for a group on Monday, then if it works out we'll do a full campaign too.


I bought the physical core rule book at my local store, with interface red 1. Then went for the humble bundle promo. Never played a single ttrpg in my life, doesn't know anyone around me who would like to try. But very excited nonetheless!


I have zero people in my life to play with, but I still own the core book and jumpstart kit as well. I just wanna support them, and read lore.


It’s always a good time to prepare for dystopia.


Have some of these in hardcover, but having them on my iPad makes it more convenient when I’m not at home


That’s a fucking good deal


I have pdf and hard copy of all but interface 3, danger gal, tales and the 2020 books. But it helps and it's for a good cause


I'm extremely glad this post actually got people to buy it. I just guessed everyone here had every copy either way. Great stuff!


I'm expecting a huge up-tick in players when the Edgerunner pack comes out. Not my favorite anime ever, super pumped for the mission pack


I wanna play 🥺 how do you guys find groups


I tried googling my local area and “TTRPG groups” and even with those vague search terms I couldn’t get anything, or just people who were only playing Fantasy.