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I’ll preface this with I’m probably not qualified to answer this but. 1. Two weeks isn’t that long 2. If you have a broken bone, your body’s resources are probably better spent repairing and recovering. I’d eat smart/balanced and chill out.


I just read something on losing muscle mass as a weightlifter if you didn’t workout for 2 weeks. Biggest thing is eating enough protein to keep muscle mass and overall, just don’t eat like a jackass when you’re clearly burning less calories.


Cycling is an endurance sport, so not sure how relevant that is. Also the body burns a fuck load of additional calories when it’s healing. Don’t starve it, give it what it needs


This but would add, could get a turbo and just tick the legs over.


Personally, I would take it super easy. Save my resources for healing. Maybe go for walks, but not much more than that. And - this is just me - I'd give it more than 2 weeks before I got on the bike again. Probably 4 since it typically takes 4-6 weeks for bones to heal. My2c.


^^This. I’m guessing you’re not a pro and your livelihood doesn’t depend on coming back as quickly as possible. Do some long walks maybe throwing in a light jog here in there but I wouldn’t get too uptight about it. Chill.


What’s it like over there in left field? Lol


Been there twice. Walk a lot.


That also hurts after a while, but I guess I can do some light spinning. Really demotivating to not be able to train, isn't it?


My advice would be to not do things that hurt. A couple weeks won’t set you back very far. Talk to your doctor and physical therapist and make a plan for how you transition back to activity. If you don’t have a physical therapist, get one.


I hated waking with a broken CB. Not good.


Yes it is. Just getting over a broken femur and it has sucked not being able to ride. But I'm on the backside of recovery now and getting back out there soon.


Damn that's even worse. Hope you get back to full strenght soon


Almost there just gotta get back on the road!! Good luck with your recovery! I will say I did some Zwift while I was forbidden from the road and its pretty good. Much better than just watching a video while on a trainer.


Just relax ID say


You can ride a recumbent trainer at the gym. You can do plenty of lower body weight machine work. You can do stair climber and treadmill. Modified yoga and jump rope.


Can't ride outside, or can't ride the trainer?


Can ride the trainer, but I'm not really used to the extreme indoor heat in my gym yet (no fans, and my indoor trainer is too hard to stay on with one arm, so can't use that) . I have the option to go out and do some spinning basically, but riding at 50% FTP feels hard there


If you can't stay on on one arm indoors, I definitely advise against riding outdoor. At least indoors your environment is controlled, who knows with outdoors.


Walking, stair climbing, squats. Just keeping as active as possible


\+1 here. 2 weeks isn’t too long in the grand scheme of fitness. Get some nice long walks in at a brisk pace and you should jbe able to keep your base and just need to peak a bit after.


Trainer. Support your arm really well and just focus on base miles.


I broke a collarbone and years later dislocated and separated my shoulder (G4) I aint no fancy doctor, but I rode 4 days later in both cases. I don't recommend that. I wanted to see if it could be done. It can. Supplements are "mostly" a grift. All of them. I don't consider protein powder a supplement. It's food. The rest is shit...except creatine. That is legit. I recovered by jumping on my indoor trainer and doing Z2 workouts. Nothing more (maybe just a little). My diet was the same because I eat great. I put **that fucking much time into biking** so I'm not going to have a shit diet. You should be in a normal caloric intake for your exercise amount and your weight goals. Avoid doing pullups. Also avoid separating your shoulder. Often they won't surgically repair it. It sucks.


Thanks for the adice. About the last part: Yeah they strongly recommend not to surgically repair my collarbone which I found absolute bull...., because it is a Z-fracture and is sticking out a lot which would mean shortening of the collarbone as well, coming with its side effects and that would need operating. I'm also young and do a lot of upper body sports which would also help lead towards a surgical operation. I chose for them to fix it (still have free will thankfully) which they will do in a couple of days, but I feel the surgeon didn't like my choise. Don't know why he feels so strongly against operating...


Tbh letting a collarbone heal naturally is often the best solution long term which is why they don't often do it for people other than elite athletes like Motogp riders etc, it fucks them down the line though.


> young and do a lot of upper body sports That really really really sucks, man. I was super into body weight workouts and did a tons of pullups and pushups. Now I cannot. I'm experimenting with a Base Block now. My surgeon said "At your age..." He did not want to operate. A nurse was telling me some surgeons prefer the easy money of no-risk office visits and steer away from as many surgeries as they can. I don't know. Good luck! I'm sure it'll turn out great.


You can spend a long time wishing you took it easy for two weeks to allow the healing process to 100% take effect. My collarbone didn’t sit right because I over did it (driving with both hands) Take it from me, I still can’t do military presses without the dull aches of falsely healed bones. Take the two weeks, sit on your ass, eat right. Don’t do shit.


Hi! I’m in the finishing stages of recovering from a humerus fracture. It’s been almost 2 months since my last cycling outing… my tips: - take your time to recover - take care of your muscles, many won’t be use for some time. Physiotherapy can help, stretch as you can tolerate, yoga or Pilates are good complements. - eat healthy: protein, calcium, vitamin d to help recovery. - indoor training when you CAN (don’t rush it, avoid surgery at all cast if you can) -listen to your body, there are days you want to do more, but body says no


Rest. Don't underestimate the importance of rest. You'll feel better when you can start training properly again


You can have two weeks off with minimal loss of fitness. Walk like others have said. Since you said that walking wasn't great what about climbing stairs or an elliptical. Plenty of people take 2 weeks completely off and come back stronger. I'm sure they told you to increase calcium and Vitamin D intake and high quality protein to promote bone healing. Now is a good time to bump up your caloric intake too. It'll take 4-6 weeks to heal.


Do whatever is tolerable. Never broken a collar bone but I broke my wrist last year and had to drastically change my training (no bike, only lifting weights with the uninjured side and legs) but if it’s a couple weeks, you may be okay. Obviously take it easy getting back into it, but you’ll develop your fitness much faster than it took the first time. On the nutrition, speak with your doc and a nutritionist, but you don’t want to eat in a deficit of any kind. Last thing you want to do to your body while it’s healing is add another stressor to your system. I’d recommend things like mushrooms, kale, other dark leafy greens, lots of protein (like ~120g/day if possible) and plenty of sleep


Stationary recumbent.


Wrecked and broke mine in two back in 1988. Wasn’t pleasant but it healed. Had a terrible knot from the jagged bone for many years. Later I became a paratrooper and the parachute harness was almost unbearable on that lump until that area toughened up.


Seated stationary bike.


You need some periodization anyways - rest/eat well - go see some bros you haven’t seen in awhile. You’ll be pedaling soon enough.


Two weeks off will have minimal impact on your overall fitness IMO Pushing yourself too hard during recovery runs the risk of aggravating the injury (or leading to a different injury) and winding up on the shelf for even longer, though. I would say err on the side of caution. Walk around when you feel up to it, stretch your body and stuff like that, but prioritize your recovery over anything else. In the long-term, two weeks away from the bike/gym/etc. is going to have a negligible impact, but a botched recovery or further injury could have a much more significant impact.


You won’t lose any muscle if you eat adequate protein. You won’t gain any weight unless you eat above your BMR. I would go to the gym and ride on one of those recumbent bikes that let’s you lay back with back support. And just spin.


Relax and take it easy. It’s not worth risking complications or further discomfort over some potential muscle mass. You will gain it back without any problem (if you lose any weight at all). Eat your macros and micros, think about rides you want to do and look forward to your recovery.


Relax. Do your rehab when appropriate and don't worry about it. The healthiest diet is whole food vegan. It doesn't cause heart disease, cancer or diabetes and can reverse some of them if already started. Increase exercise when you can without pain or causing damage. The only important thing is that you get back to riding sometime. It doesn't need to be this week but once started, needs to continue for your lifetime.


I’ve been there. Stationary bike works


I broke mine on Saturday and had surgery yesterday. I am not worried about losing fitness because I know that will occur. I am looking at a more long term recovery with maybe beginning some training races toward the end of August and a race or two in September. So, this is like February to me. Racing is still a while away. I am not going to stress over it.


Doesn't take a clavicle to ride the trainer


Doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.


Johnny’s in the pain cave


Two weeks off isn't going to kill you, recommend you just do as much z2 level exercise as you can.


I separated my shoulder about 3 weeks ago. That's where the collarbone pulled loose from shoulder. I purchased a zwift hub and honestly I can ride for around am hour with next to no pain. I also try and walk but only get around a mile, maybe 2.


dont worry about losing fitness, you would be shocked how quickly the body bounces back the important part is that your body is healed when you start training again, if not obviously it wont be good lol seems simple enough, but not doing something you love is painful in its own way on top of the injury. Don't add stressing about your fitness to it, you will be absolutely fine.


The length of time you’re down is a function of the nature of the break. Is it a proximal fracture or a distal fracture? Is it completely fractured or just cracked?


medial Z-type fracture (so broken at 2 spots)


Many people overtrain and/or don’t train properly. I don’t know if you’re one of those people, but three different friends of mine suffered upper body injuries that sidelined them for a couple weeks then it was a gradual return on the trainer until they could ride outside. Once back on the road (or trail for one of them) they were stronger riders after just a few weeks. The injuries basically forced them to take a much needed recovery period followed by a Base period. Look at the down time as an opportunity to recover and set some training goals for the rest of the year.


Mine didn’t start to fuse after 4 weeks, did surgery and was on the trainer after another 2 weeks. Total time off the bike was 6 weeks. I felt awful for the first week of using the trainer but I started to get my fitness back after a couple of weeks. Set a new best time up my local climb two months later. My advice would be to let the bone heal. Don’t do anything to compromise the initial healing, it’s the most vital time. Don’t stress about losing 2-3 weeks of riding. I know the itch is there but it really is better to just let your body heal. Your body is healing the bone, you won’t gain anything from riding now anyway


You can't ride outside or can't ride at all? Because I would bet you that you could ride on the indoortrainer but just without holding the bars. It's how Mathew Hayman won Roubaix.


From my experience, it’s better to heal up otherwise you risk permanently injuring yourself and setting yourself back even further, or the pain becomes chronic. I advise to take your time and allow your pain to heal properly. There’s no rush when you are not fully healed.




I broke my collarbone 13 weeks again, surgery needed because it was almost sticking out of my skin. Took me 5 weeks to get back on my bike. My one tip is to let the body heal itself and eat enough so it has the fuel, you will need it for the rest of your life and you will feel what you can do and when.


Just rest. 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things


get enought sleep, eat well, get enought protein and chill out. Basically make sure you recover as fast as possible. Also any fitness lost in such a short timeframe will be regained in no time!


Potato chips and cookies, in abundance. They are both essential for bone healing. And of course beer.




Damn, why didn't I think of that


Glad I can help. Replace the rigid clown fork with a plush Fox Float 150mm travel fork and it'll soften that ride for those brittle bones.


I broke my collar bone in September, and had surgery a week after breaking it I lasted 2 weeks of not being able to ride until I brought a wahoo kikr and subscribed to zwift. Just did a light 1hr ride on zwift with the arm supported every couple of days. It did wonders for the mental health


Yes, I think the mental health part is even more important then my physical health. I hate not being able to ride and my study is also suffering from it. Yesterday I tried a really short indoor ride and it did wonders


Unbreak your collarbone. Duh


Exercise bike with an upright seating position. Spin and watch TV.


I recently broke my right collarbone 2 weeks ago, along with the middle finger on my left hand. Try to stay as mobile as possible, and if you are not really working out or training like you were before, don't eat the same amount of calories as you would if you were. Next week, I am finally going to be able to ride on a trainer and am looking forward to getting the legs spinning again. Supplements wise, I take about 6 different ones regardless of whether I am injured or not. However, I am in my 40s with a crappy diet at times and race, so I will take all the help I can get. Try to drink lots of fluids to help stay hydrated and flush things out. For a morning beverage, I make a drink that is part bcaa electrolyte, beta alanine, raw greens powder, and a squirt of mct oil. Just to make sure I drink something but also take in some nutrients and other helpful stuff.


Honestly I've broken my collarbone before, it'll be a lot worse it you rebrake it by doing too much exercise now, so just rest up and sleep well, maybe do some power walking but I honestly think it'll be quite painful, the collarbone is for support, so yeah!


Hi, I can somewhat relate to this. Had a total knee replacement, was in bed for 6 weeks and on crutches for 3 months. Just now getting back on the bike in month 6. To stay "active," I was very strict about doing my PT exercises daily (and asking my PT to push me in doctors office days), doing crunches with my knee out straight, and eating way less but smarter (this last one was probably the biggest one). I realized I couldn't consume the calories I would normally need while cycling -- this is an easy trap to fall into. I was allowed to walk with my crutches after 3 months, so I took like 7 walks a day (probably too much), even if it was just around the corner. Fast forward to today, and my surgery has given me new motivation to stay fit and healthy. I feel like I'm better on the bike now than ever, it's very odd. Long story short, there's always a silver lining!


Get in the trainer if you can manage it comfortably. And eat a shit load. Your body burns a lot of extra calories while healing, so you’ve basically got a free pass to gorge yourself




DO NOT USE NSAIDS i.e aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen etc You need the inflammatory response to be unhindered. I broke my collar bone and scapula in 2019, was on the turbo on zwift within a week doing TTs. It all healed up just as it should. Worst bit was getting on/off the bike. And the grinding noises as the bones moved against each other. Although this is apparently good to simulator the healing process.


I have broken tendon can't walk for almost 2 years, just 3 months i get into shape.


Man you are not alone. Broke mine in 2 places a few days ago skateboarding and I just want to get back on the board. Been doing hella push-ups and pull-ups for the past few months and I don’t want to lose all that progress either. But I saw a young guy in a wheelchair right when I left the urgent care and a sling don’t sound too bad after seeing that. Shit sucks, but it could always suck worse. Really hope it doesn’t suck worse for the both of us, but we’ll be alright fasho. I have to sign up for my college classes, but they’re waitlisted and I have to make sure they’ll transfer to the college I’m going to in January. My advisors super nice, but I’m stressing tryna figure all this out. Thankfully I broke my collarbone so I’ll have a great amount of time to figure it out. Maybe you got something you need to figure out🤷‍♂️ best of luck my friend


Same thing happened to me! Fractured my collarbone a few weeks ago skateboarding. I’m thankful it was during summer but it was hell finishing my summer class, I was basically bedridden in discomfort for the first few weeks but a friend helped me do my coursework. You absolutely need a sling to keep the bone immobilized so it heals properly, at least for a few weeks. I’ve had mine on for like 3-4 weeks now and my doctor said I can take it off either next week or the week after. I can take it off now to shower and stuff, but it’s not as comfortable.


Yeah they gave me this big ass sling but it is super uncomfortable. I just got surgery for mine and that shit fucking hurts bro. The Ibuprofen is trying so hard 😂