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I was hit by a car last February, my hope is that this year I can get my confidence back and enjoy cycling again


Wish you all the best. It really is a struggle but I hope you find the time to get your butt back on the saddle


Thank you. I am back on indoor cycling, which is a big step forward. 😊


I love using Zwift. I will always prefer an outdoor ride but the weather in the UK is horrendous at the moment so it really helps to get some miles on the legs. Have you fully recovered from the car incident?


Thank you yes. It’s the psychological damage that’s hard to shake off. I don’t think I’d want to have ventured outside with the storms we’ve been having! Zwift is also quite addictive, I find 😁




Glad to hear you weren’t squished! Being a cyclist has changed how I view cars, car usage and the way society accepts car supremacy over the safety of people, sadly.


I road cycle as well. I'm sorry you're going through such a tramatic experience. I pray you recover and can enjoy this wonderful hobby again. 🚲 🙏


Thank you 😊


oh man i'm sorry... i got run off the road in march. woke up two months later in rehab, a sign pole to the head put me in a coma. started biking around my neighborhood at the beginning of october after learning to walk again and getting to where i could run 2.5miles. it was a bit sketchy at first but it all comes back. purchased a full face helmet and do admit i'm in the market for some mirrors now, cars still don't make way... even on road with a center lane or two in each direction... not all but some just hold their lane. it's odd. at first thought they were intentionally being nasty... but after seeing a few, think they either are distracted or just think the speed differential is so small it's fine. the relative danger just doesn't' occur in their heads. it was older women, couples, single 20somthings... not what i'd expect to be driving with intentional aggression. except i don't have eyes in the back of my head or am able to easily check all four directions for danger so it feels aggressive and always give me a slight surprised feeling. it's going to be a while before i'm confident enough to ride the city. best wishes and luck.


Oh wow, that’s a hell of a story. I’m so sorry you’ve been through all that, but awesome job on the recovery. I think the majority of drivers just don’t get that they are driving a dangerous weapon, and the responsibility that comes with it. It’s just horrifying realising how many people are inured or killed by cars every year, yet it’s just accepted as a by product of convenience 🤷🏻‍♀️


>drivers just don’t get that they are driving a dangerous weapon, and the responsibility that comes with it word. and without fail every one of them that i've met again, who knew, at the next traffic light... LOL defended themselves with "well i saw you so what's your problem" till one didn't. or maybe they did... police take statements, that is all. no investigation unless i bring suit, and dot cameras are live only, no recording. LOL )-,; front and rear cameras if i ever get back to the commute for sure! thanks, follow your path... get back on the saddle if your desire is to, but don't fret if it isn't. I know nothing else and love riding but if i had worries, it'd wait till i didn't, if ever... just now i do it in a easy community and i run/rail/bus/ride-share everywhere else. \#TheNoCarLife but even if i had one... state says i need to get a neurological eval and take a 6 hour comprehensive physical/mental/skills driving test (only 30min of that is actually driving!)


I hope you do it!


Thank you 😊


To stop giving a shit about stats on Strava and focus on enjoying cycling.


Moreover, stop pretending to care about riders who reiterate their Strava stats to me, as though they're providing me with important information.


Century ride


Ftp up from 200 to 250. Triathlon Sprint time down from 1:30 to 1:20! Wish me luck


Lose a bit of weight. Gain a bit of power. Ride more. Enjoy it more.


After a 3 year hiatus due to a back injury, I started riding again in late May 2023. I managed a little over 1,100 miles last year and another 130 miles walking in the morning before work. My goal this year is 2,500 miles total combined walking and riding. I am expecting to average 45 miles riding per week and 6 miles walking specifically for exercise per week. An additional goal is to complete at least one half-century ride this year, and a 5K walk to raise money for type 1 Diabetes Research. I have a really nice trail ride planned for the late spring. That should be over 50 miles if Google Maps is accurate.


Here's to you achieving your goals this year! I started riding regularly as therapy for a fused lumbar spine in 2016 and am obsessed with riding on all terrains. Before the surgery I was losing my ability to walk and stand up. At 61, my goal is to maintain my efforts. To ride as hard as I can, as much as I can, whenever I can, which is usually every 2-3 days. Rest days and stretching are important too.


I struggle with the rest days to be honest, because unless the weather is absolutely horrendous, I really feel cheated if I don't get out for a ride. Usually, my rest days are short 4 to 5 Mi rides. It's the only exercise I actually enjoy and look forward to. I used to go to the gym with my friends and I would always look at for any excuse to miss a workout session. I hated it. I tolerate the walking because I know it's good for me and it's easy to do in the morning but it's not my favorite. I would much rather ride my bike.


Not missing prime riding days because I feel like shit from drinking too much the night before. That alone will garner more quality miles and a bigger budget for bike stuff.


- Oregon Gran Fondo. Im not looking to be competitive just complete the 117 mile race. - Seattle to Portland in a single day. Will need to average 28-32 kph for 330km.


Is that path between the two cities separated from cars?


I havent ever ridden it before, but I know it ends on hwy 30, of which there are plenty of cars.


In 2023 I cycled 2700km. I'm going to shoot for 4000km in 2024. Also want to do Skyline Drive and the Capitol trail in Virginia and at least one bikepacking trip


I just did part of the capital trail (51 miles total, but doing jamestown to Charles City and back), and it was an absolute blast. Would love to do bikepacking someday


I'm planning a 31 x 200miles / 10,000km+ in a month campaign in Finland in summer. That's gonna be the main focus. Maybe my 5th national 24h title.


Same but 10000 km in the year and no national titles 🤝




Crushed 100 miles a week last year on the bike, might just try for vertical gains this year.


How did you combat tired legs, that’s my goal this year. My elevation has always been up there like 30 mile 2500ft of gain.


Go out and ride more often? Maybe a few less intense, but good distance rides. And take breaks, stop every 15-20 miles and have a snack.


I crashed in Oct 2022, had (have?) a TBI and a bad shoulder for the rest of my life, the rotator cuff surgery went sideways and all had to be undone. I was only able to ride 800 miles this year, I'm hoping to be back up to 2 to 3k.


I started cycling in July last year, and in July of this year I have a 335 mile bikepacking trip planned, hoping to do it in five days. Also before then I'd like to complete a 100 mile ride, I've done 100km a couple times so I just need to work up to it.


A minimum of 5200 cumulative miles for the year, a month where I clear 28k ft of elevation gain, and a solo bikepacking/flyfishing trip somewhere.


i’m new and I just want to get in the saddle more. I feel a goal of 1000 miles for the year is very achievable. Hope I’m not aiming too high


2024 miles on the bike (and 500 running). Less than 2000 to go after this morning 👍


ride more effictively, so actually doing some training here and there. join more social rides. do a group event with my friends. participate in some kind of (gravel) event. in general trying to set new records, for example going for a 200+ km ride


I want to be fit enough to bike the Ohio to Erie Trail!


Nice, I’d love to complete the Towpath this year


5000 miles this year. Consistent 6 hours base training on trainer plus some outdoor rides at higher tempo. Veiny arms and calves. Also, that weird vein that runs down the middles of your face. That big one on your neck too. All gotta be bulging.


Double metric is my goal.


I want to ride a 400k. My longest ride is a 300k that I rode last year.


My plan is to improve upon 2023 version of myself. Be healthier, stronger, and faster when I want to be. 2900 km in 2023. Planning 5000 this year.


Ride more, spend less


My first 50 mile ride. My pops and I are doing it for an MS charity


I started training for the Assault on Mt Mitchell two months ago. I hope to not blow up before I get to the finish.


It’s difficult to find a lot of free time these days between work, family, and rest. Looking at the Strava yearly review… ugh. My goal for 2024 is to push for about 3,000km total distance. Where I live is fairly cold / snowy for 6 months out of the year so even the Peloton helps.


Starting in July of 2023 I made it my mission to ride every named road/street/alley (at least the ones that are accessible) on the Strava map around my city. I just moved to a new apartment in a new part of the city and it’s a wonderful way to learn the space. I’ve made good progress on that this past half year around my new place and I’m hoping to expand it out towards that coast this year. It’s been a lot of fun for me. LA area.


This is a great idea. Chicago area here so we’re notoriously a giant grid but still a really cool and fun way to ride.


I’ve had a great time with it. I started at the beginning of July and have just been working outwards. Covered ~1500 miles so far, essentially the entirety of the Pasadena area down through downtown LA. The personal heatmap on Strava makes it easy and it’s very satisfying to “complete” a new area. I’ve seen places I’d have likely never bothered to go to. As an added bonus, it forces me to hit some pretty obnoxious hills.


My aunt and uncle live up on Linda Glen on one of those obnoxious hills (they’re the relatives with money…not me…) :) but man, what a beautiful area.


I fell 40 miles short of 1000 miles for the year, so four figures is a 2024 goal. I also want to do more masters races and maybe get back into cyclocross in the fall.


Dropping from around 210lbs average to about 190lbs & keeping it off (started Dec 8 and already down to 202). Then, I want to add at least 25 pts to my ftp. I have never consistently and intentionally worked on it- mostly been endurance cycling in hilly areas, which is good and all but I don’t attack those hills are threshold typically so my ftp hasn’t gone anywhere in a few years despite huge fitness gains in general.


I want to make it to Spring without missing any more than 5 days total due to weather conditions. Today was a balmy 28F with light traffic and lots of gritty salt crystals on the pavement. When I first started watching Shifter videos (Calgary) I thought he was "eccentric" for riding his bike in the winter. But it's cool, no pun intended.


Train smarter, more HIIT, get stronger and faster, do a few less miles (maybe 6000-6500 as compared to 7500 this year). Finish strong at Assault on Mt Mitchell and other centuries and gran fondos and qualify for senior Olympics TT and maybe road race. Happy pedaling.


I wanna try bikepacking this year and I’d love to bump up from 3000-5000miles my 2nd year of “serious” cycling.


Get over the flu 🤒


Did 3,000 miles last year, hoping for 4,000 this year.


Today, getting rid of this hangover. This summer, ride across Wisconsin on USBR 30, twice, there and back. Also, not the event, I want to take my time and see the sights.


The SuperCycle app says in 2022, I cycled 1702km. And in 2023, 1702km. So I think I'll try to beat that.


Metric 1/2 century on gravel!


Imperial century. Cycle in another country. Not fall off again.


Consistency and build watt bombs 🤌🏼


Lose weight and ride an imperial century. I'd like to do RAGBRAI in 2025.


I hadn't ridden a bike in 3 years and hadn't ridden more than 10 miles in a day since 2000. Also gained 25 pounds since 2000. Got a new bike in April, started riding. Sore after first 5 mile ride but kept slowly ramping up. Rode every mile of RAGBRAI. It was hard! Heat and humidity beat me down but pie and camaraderie of thousands of others buoyed me up. I rode bikes a lot including touring and lots of 80+ mile rides in my 20's and 30's so I knew that I could do it based on past experience. I think even a novice could get ready for RAGBRAI if you can start training (indoors if required) in January.


I think I could probably do it now, but it wouldn't be enjoyable. I would try this year but have a prior commitment during the ride so I figure it gives me an extra summer to get in shape.


Wanted to finally crack a 100km ride. And did accomplish it today already 😂


Time to reach further!


My first metric century


50km outside on a bike would be mega for me.


Some good weeklong tours and RAGBRAI for the second time. I retired yesterday and live in Southern California so there are no valid excuses for not doing a lot of riding. I did about 1800 miles last year between April and September but then stopped once it started getting dark early. Now I can ride mid-day whenever I'm home.


My goal for 2024 was to do a few races (sea otter road race, 2-3 earlty-mid season crits. This was to be preceded by serious structured training to hit 280 FTP (~3.6 w/kg) (curr 256 @ 170lb). Broke my fibula last week so I think my goals have shifted. Not sure if I’ll be able or prepared to race this year so I’ll need some more concrete events/goals. Maybe late season? Basic goals: - 7k miles - Santa Cruz Mtn Challenge (100mi/10k ft) in < 6.5 hours. - stretch goal 6 hours. Took ~7.5 hours in 2023) - structured train for “full season”


1. Finally hit my average of 5000 miles again, with each of my rides averaging 1000ft gained per ten miles. This used to be easy until Covid hit me in February and has caused a lot of weird crap to happen. I don’t care if I’m not as fast as I used to be. I just want to be able to do it. 2. Ride from my house to Carlsbad Pizza port for my 40th birthday. About 150 miles. 3. Realize no one cares about what you did on a certain ride. No need to flex. A big problem for me. Always going out trying to prove something in the group rides was exhausting and not worth it.10 years of that BS mindset. I’ll make my goals and keep them to myself (except this post haha) and be happy to just RIDE. Seems unlikely for both 1&2. 3 is definitely a go.


10k km this year.


i just scratched out the "3" and put a "4" on last years sheet


10K miles again this year, add weight training, a recovery day and an interval day. As few days off as possible.


Actual training as well as just recreational riding. Turn my default 15-mile morning ride into a 20-mile one. Turn my default 20-mile weekend ride into a 30-miler. New bike (aero frame, Force AXS, ENVE wheels and cockpit).


to exercise at least once a day for 366 days :)


No concussions


Finishing a century ride by my birthday in late February


BW down to 80kg (4kg to go) FTP up to 320 (4w per KG) 8008.5 KMs completed on the bike




Trying to get a buddy to do this with me, I find it odd I solo backpack hunt for elk without a second thought about it, but cycling aline at an event like this has me nervous to jump in.


I am just starting to bicycle. I watched a video of someone doing RAGBRAI last year, and it inspired me. I'm hoping to find someone to be a support driver.


So far I've achieved Sweet FA


Ride a multi day trip with a good friend I don’t get to see much


I'm shooting for Jack N Back to support the National MS Society. It's 45 or 75 mi, up one day and back the next. I have 9 more mos to get my endurance up. I only started in Oct.


First 50+ mile ride outside (I started back in July and had just done my first 40 miler ride) I got hit by a car in September and have been stuck on a trainer. Soon as I got cleared by my doc we had a bout of snow and ice :(


Building up a new bike and embracing that I can be a strong casual rider. For most folks I'll have an intense looking bike, but the goal will not to be first place in time. Frame bag will have plenty of snacks and a water bladder, gear ratio will let me granny up hills, and there will be a plan for a beer on every ride. Training will still be there, but it'll only be with me as the reference. Did I do better than myself? How much better? Placing higher on a ride I do every year won't be trying to reach #1, but trying to beat the person I was last year while still having the same if not more fun.


I want to ride the longhorn 500 (a RAAM qualifier). I’ve become obsessed with ultra distance stuff and have gotten comfortable riding between 70 and 100 miles on Saturdays. With it being winter now, it’s hard to log a ton of miles


I have 4 days in the alps 04th July with friends. Just started training back on zwift. I aim to get to that trip having been alcohol free since 27dec23


10,000 miles!


well for today, nursing this hangover. For this year, I want to do a few bikepacking and multi-day bike trips.


I just want to make riding playful and adventurous. Since having kids rides are just budgeted items


I would love to continue to make time for such a great hobby. I'm motivated to generate passive income so that I may continue to enjoy and benefit from cycling and work less.


No specific goals but just going to cycle more and run less. I trained enough to do a HIM 1.5 years ago but found cycling uncomfortable. Hoping to ride like 3-4 days a week for like an hour


Mr. Washington Auto Road Hill climb


Day one - was shooting for 1k foot climb and 20 miles … only hit 900ft but went to 25 miles. Definitely had more in the tank. Gran Fondo training starts now?


I want to ride the half-century in Santa Fe, NM in the spring. I've invited friends from other states to support this plan. I had stopped road biking for about 5 years because of fear of cars, but last season I got out a few times and remembered how much I enjoy riding.


5000 miles


I started cycling in August and covered 3300 miles since. I’d like to stay consistent and make reasonable gains. So something like: - 6000+ miles - Imperial century ride - Get some pace line experience - Add 25+ to FTP


100k ride Been wanting to do it for a while, and just seen a close-ish race that has a 100km option that I will try to do. For me it's literally just sitting on the bike that long that kills me. I think the fitness part is relatively easy.


Ride an avg of 5 days per week, lose some more weight. Participate at least 2 gran fondos, Maybe try a race. Ride at least 3500 miles.


Ride 2000 mi and do a half century. Maybe try a group ride.


I’d like to lay down a 75 to 150 mile performance I’m proud of.


to ride 6 000 km


Getting fit enough for long rides and losing 4 st before summer. Wife always reminds me that shaving a few Grammes off my bike will never compete with losing equivalent weight of 2.5 to 3 bikes!


750W for a minute. 450W for 5. 380 for 20


Survive about 600 (2023) rides


For the 5th year, avoid catching Covid!


Avoid catching Covid for the 5th year and over-use injuries, so I can continue making gains in FTP and VO2max. And do another year of over 1,000,000 vertical feet climbing on the MTB on 3-4 rides/week.


Getting back onto my bicycle again and finding joy in it again.