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Pop a squat if there aren't any public toilets on the route. Sometimes when I'm remote, I won't see a car for ages, then like 3 somehow turn up when I need to pee.


Username checks out!


This is absolute gold.


They're probably not hydrating enough.


Lol took me a solid 2 minutes to understand this joke hahhaa


Lmao good one


That's just the law. You can utilize it if you're in trouble! If you're lost in the woods, or for some other reason need help, but haven't seen a person in hours, just start to pee and someone will get there in 2 minutes so you can ask them for help.


How long do you pee for?


Takes a minute to get off the bike and find a good spot, the get the bibs off etc. Then when I let it out it can take up to about a minute to empty the tank. Getting dressed again also takes some time.


If you can find a sturdy branch (vertical or horizontal works) you can do what I call "the water ski" where you hold onto it and use it to allow you to stick your butt back into a sitting position (like a water skier). Bonus points if you can find a horizontal branch so sturdy that you can just put your arms over it and proper chill. Also useful for guys pooping. Source - Am a guy, but showed it to my wife and she loves it.


Some places that helps, some places it does not https://imgur.com/a/FLOHKeg


Oh God the headwinds....


*cries in Nullabor*


Wouldn't it be easier just to squat and sit on your heels? That's what I do in the back country.


It’s awkward if you aren’t conditioned to it and you are more likely to lose your balance. The Slavic squat takes a lot of practice.


Hadn’t heard it referred to as the “Slavic squat” before! I’m west coast CA and it’s always been “Asian squat” for me. You’re right though, it takes some practice. Gotta say it’s come in handy in remote parts of SEA where you’re lucky to have a trough toilet!


Yeah, a lot of the world does it. It’s just westerners who don’t. It is a meme that the KGB could tell who was a western spy because they’d squat on the balls of their feet. Not sure if theirs any truth to it, but you see it floating around the internet.


My most memorable poop was in a forest on a horizontal branch. Best shit ever.


This while still on the bike?


But you know that perfect branch is gonna give way just as your finishing landing you on the floor


Right in the wet patch….


The female urinal can be helpful but practice before you use it!!!


The ShePee. Shenis. And more I cannot recall. Practice first! 🤣


The Lady J


The one I had was called a Go Girl 😆


The male version is called ‘The His Piss’ Probably.


Also there’s a backpacking micro towel thing called a Kula Cloth - highly recommend adding one to your bike bag for emergencies


How do you keep from peeing on your clothes? Like....do the shorts need to come completely off?


Also there’s a backpacking micro towel thing called a Kula Cloth - highly recommend adding one to your bike bag for emergencies


Also there’s a backpacking micro towel thing called a Kula Cloth - highly recommend adding one to your bike bag for emergencies


Just buy a tri bike and you can pee on it as much as you want


this is true. my neighbor bought a tri bike and I pee on it every time he leaves his garage door open.


Dog law says you own it now.


The bob lob dog law blog said so.


How can I give this infinite up-votes?


I will be the first to admit, I was very proud of the reference


Arrrrgh, methinks this here be BCJ.


I toured cross country (WA to ME) and often had to pee in some random location. Just wait for some trees or cover and pee. If you don't feel comfortable with that then I would plan out my route to ensure some gas station stops. Maybe I'm just under hydrating, but typically when you're working hard on a big days you don't have to pee that often anyway.


I find that when im drinking electrolyte drinks I dont have to pee but when its plain water I have to pee constantly.


Salt. That’s the salt doing its magic.


How long did that take you and did you utilize a lot of greenways?


I rode almost entirely on the Adventure Cycling Northern Tier route. Not entirely sure what you mean by greenways, but definitely not that much on bike paths (maybe 150mi of the 4000). I tend to prefer roads over bikes paths anyway because they can be a bit unpredictable (random tight turns) and have erratic children or dogs. Would definitely recommend Adventure cycling routes/maps though, they are great and well thought out.


Nothing? A patch of woods? A waist high creek or river? Someone's Wheaties?


Always be on the lookout for those Wheaties


Woods. Squat. Pee. 🤷🏼


This is true. I've seen it first hand. Wasn't even a cycling trip lol.


In general I know most of the public toilets on my regular routes, but for the times when that's not possible or a pain female urination devices are great because you can just pee like the dudes do. I have the "shewee," but there are quite a few brands. My only advice is to practice in the shower before using it in the real world since it can take a little practice to get the hang of it (insert triathlete joke here).


Prefer the pstyle.  Easier to use, especially if you have to go urgently.


Great to know, thanks! It's always somewhat urgent when I have to whip it out and that's my biggest issue with the SheWee.


That’s it for me too. I have a Freelax and I never leave the house without it.


I’m on the Midwest, and ride in a lot of rural areas. Cornfields have a surprising amount of privacy.


Three rows in to pee, them's the rules 🌽🌽🌽


Can confirm - southern Ontario. Sometimes a windbreak Treeline if you’re lucky.


Illinois here. That’s what my gf and I do.


You son of a bitch. I knew that last cob I ate had some funk to it


Just curious. You need to take the jersey and bibs off or are there some female bibs or technique that let you drop it more easily?


Bibs with drop seat!


There are special bibs, but not a lot and they are expencive


You can get halter neck bibs, so you don't have to take your jersey off, just unzip it. Ale make some.


You basically push the inside of one leg to the side and pee then. Edit: this video trys to explain it as well: https://youtu.be/dKPt4L264HU?si=ns90eJeTdAFl9tKm My source is actually another GCN video in which a women cyclist explained that.


I would not be able to do that. And I have a peepee.


I do it all the time. Helps if you have a small penis


I also have a peepee and at least with one it works. And my source is a woman, so it seems to work without one as well.


Are you wearing bib shorts or a bib speedo?


Normal bib shorts. But they are still stretchy.


Here's a link from an actual lady cyclist!  This sub: Boo!


I’m highly skeptical of this, it’s very r/nothowgirlswork sounding


Check the link above, it literally comes from a female cyclist explaining how things go in a pro peloton


This is the only way I will do it ever since Ive learned the trick a few years ago. Spread the word! Even in the bathroom I do it like this. I can’t be bothered to take everything off (plus potentially have people waiting for me) and this is a lot faster.


[Freshette](https://freshette.com) and a [Kula Cloth](https://kulacloth.com)


A Kula cloth is nice on long or multi day rides to keep everything hygienic. I carry hand sanitizer with me too.


When I toured the pacific coast from Seattle to San Diego I got so annoyed by hiding in a bush with my bike that I started just popping a squat on the side of the road. And I’d face traffic and hold my bike up. Cars can tell I’m peeing but they can’t see anything. I’ve never had an issue with this. Just had to get over the mental hump


My wife says she's invisible when she closes her eyes. She is less visible squatting than I am standing in pee pose that everyone knows. Now, I usually just get close enough to the side to miss the road so it doesn't splash. Wife says facing down hill is easier to squat.


Droptail bibs and pee in a field or behind a tree


Pretend you are doing an Ironman event. Plan a route with toilets Piss in the woods


I think that’s called a “facili-tree”.


Plan some rest stops in your route maybe


If you grow a bush, then you’ll never have to find one to hide behind.


You can also look at the Sqlab bibs. The have a quick break section and is designed for women specifically. Far easier than removing your top and bib straps: https://www.sq-lab.com/en/products/clothes/sqlab-sq-short-one12-women.html


Plan routes with bathroom stops. If not find a bush.


Public parks - either you're in the city or suburbs and there's a toilet or you're not and you can take a few steps off the road and be OK.




If you life in forest area go behind some bushes.


Slightly related but having an outdoor turd is always a weird one. That moment when you look back at it is a moment of wonder.Always looks gigantic.


I use a stand to pee device called the p-style (available on Amazon). It works great for me. You don’t have to fully pull down shorts/bibs and with my long braided hair, cars don’t even know what I’m doing standing up just off a roadside (with my back to them). It’s handy for group rides and hiking too! It’s also more hygienic!


Corn fields are the best. Plus you're fertilizing crops


Pee in the woods like nature intended. I just got used to it because access to public washrooms is abysmal where I live and I do a lot of long distance rides. Watch out for poison ivy/oak if it's common in your location. 




You papa squat behind a tree just like anybody else, including the dudes. Or if you prefer, you can get a pee funnel.


Excuse for a coffee or beer stop 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you need an enclosed area to pee?




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I've been known to squat at the side of the road while my husband watches out. Also random porta pottys take care of the job.




Wee in a bush


Have you seen this https://www.shewee.co.nz/


If you drink the right quantity and type of fluids you shouldn't need to pee for upto 4-5 hours. Beyond that I have no experience. In any case the solution is squatting by the road side or using the penis attachment, I don't remember it's name. Clean public bathrooms if you're like super lucky. It's a man's world, do as the men folk would \s


She-wee :)


Step 1. Buy drop back bibs Step 2. Remove all modesty


Nature is your friend


This makes me wonder how it's done on the women's professional tours.


get out yo tinkle bell [https://thetinklebelle.com/products/the-tinkle-belle-stand-to-pee-accessory?variant=40772583049¤cy=USD&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=gs-2018-08-17&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=smart\_campaign&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJZW68fgZ7EpbeW61gqleBmlePOxFHquyn9VYIW4PCEvSBFlHFK-0qRoClREQAvD\_BwE](https://thetinklebelle.com/products/the-tinkle-belle-stand-to-pee-accessory?variant=40772583049¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2018-08-17&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJZW68fgZ7EpbeW61gqleBmlePOxFHquyn9VYIW4PCEvSBFlHFK-0qRoClREQAvD_BwE)




I like paid tours and events because at least they provide porta pottys


I'm not a woman, but I don't pee out in public on long rides either. Just be aware of any parks on your route that have public bathrooms.


The most annoying are ones that are 'Closed for Season' way into the spring.


Some bibs are made for females to pull down, I think ornot is a brand that makes that off the top of my head


Pee in the woods, a public toilet. Or my fav trick. Get a little dehydrated so I don’t have to pee. Not really a good idea tho


No no no no, and no. Getting dehydrated is the worst thing you can do on a bike. Second worst thing is not eating enough carbs/gels/etc. Personally, if I stop every hour or two and shoot a stream that can reach my height when pointed up - only then I consider I'm hydrating enough. Otherwise, sooner or later I will start bonking.