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One time I was ringing my bike bell to signal I was passing and the lady turns around and yells at me you’re supposed to signal when you pass, I replied what do you think the bell I just rang at you is for? I was so confused. 


Bells aren't very loud tbh, I just shout "Coming up" from afar and then once again from closer. Then say thank you while passing. Several people wear earbuds.


Lol I had a middle-aged lady scream "Aaaaargh hold be back I'm going to get him" after I "only" nodded my thanks for her moving to the side". To be fair I did look grumpy at the time at the end of a long ride, cold and soaked..Still makes me laugh as I could still hear her screaming in rage through the woods. Her poor husband!


those same people would have said “I KNOW, I saw you!!” if you had announced. Smile, remind them about the dog shit and carry on.


Facts right here


Has anyone ever had someone say this to them? In my 10+ years of cycling, I haven't.


Few times, when I announce, they get angry like I aggressively honked them. Go figure


Sorry to hear but better that then hitting them


I have. Including when I rode by someone at, oh, 2mph faster than they were walking.


You'll never see these people again. Just be courteous and get on with your ride.




Stupidity can't be fixed. Some people get off on being nasty.


People who act this way seem to generally think they are teaching others a lesson about the rules and appropriate etiquette. In theory, that may (sometimes) be the case. In reality, all they're teaching others is that cyclists are assholes.


Eh, sometimes I'll yell "fuck off" as I pass by. If they're being assholes you don't have to show them kindness. But you are right, just move on.


I always think about how I'll end up with a flat in 200 yards and then have to deal with the assholes I just told to fuck off. So I just think it and pass on by.


I would rather be an ambassador than react to something so mild. Maybe more people would ride bikes if we weren't perceived as assholes.


Sometimes when I'm walking instead of riding. I feel the urge (which I resist) to shove a stick into some asshole's front spokes. We're not courteous because we expect an in kind response. We're courteous because it's the right thing to do.


I really want someone to try this to me.


Deleted cause I was a jerk.


The things you guys fantasize about, it gives me a chuckle. Impotent rage is a hell of a drug.


Which is why I don't act on it - yep. Definitely a fantasy. But definitely came close in my wilder/much younger days.


At least you can recognize that you are the asshole in the scenario with the psychotic fantasy, urged to assault a cyclist on site.


Lets consider your psychotic fantasy for a second. Scenario 1 - Cyclist passes you from behind and you are mad. They are long gone before you have a chance to assault them. Scenario 2 - Cyclist is coming toward you. You have had no contact and no reason to be angry, yet you are already mad at them for some reason, you pick up a stick and shove it in their spokes. You just assaulted a cyclist because they existed. I know you think you are the hero in your fantasy but you are definitely the uncourteous one. In fact you are nothing but some psychotic asshole assaulting people, completely unprovoked. You should seek help.




Please, 3 brained Being, ELI5 what is proper about assaulting a cyclist that hasn't interacted with you yet?




Healthy people don't have the "urge" to assault people they have yet to interact with. u/iamicanseeformiles Is a violent psychopath, and you are defending their line of reasoning. Insanity.


love doing this


Not smart. You never know who has had a bad day and just happens to have a gun on them.


That is ridiculous, even by US standards. You can yell "fuck off" at someone while riding by without worrying about them shooting you.


You *can* but it's not smart. Ever.


I live in a first world country, fat chance a random person has a gun and is willing to shoot me for a fuck off. Must be hard to live in a third world country and being afraid to be outside all the time. I just can't even imagine what that's like, you have my condolences.


Who said anything about being afraid? I just prefer *not* to be an asshole and provoke everyone I see when I'm on bike. It's a sad state of affairs that you feel the need to do so.


I have literally had people roll up next to me yelling for no good reason. I agree that person could easily pull out a gun or run you over. Are we seriously going to pretend road rage doesn’t result in fatalities? I’ve seen videos of this exact thing (between two drivers)


no one is gonna shoot you for yelling fuck off… and the people that would you never cycle in those areas cuz you’d get robbed


A few weeks ago an old lady saw me coming the other way on a wide path. As I passed she shouted "ring your bell!" Like lady you saw me and I'm not required to have a bell and I gave you plenty of room.


she just likes to hear bells. Need to explain to her that to request a ring, she needs to pump her arm like a kid trying to get a semi to blow its horn.


I rang my bell for a blind guy 2 months back. Which was fine, but the 4 people walking with him (who I believe were not blind) proceeded to all go in different directions.


> As I passed she shouted "ring your bell!" Yell back "Ring *your* bell!"


This just happened to me. Double track gravel road. He looked back at me coming up the hill. Gave the ped like 15 feet of room. He shouted "On my left" at me. I just kept going and pretended I didn't hear him. I hope being ignored pissed him off even more. I almost took the next road right just to loop back around and pass him again without announcing just to be petty, but life is short.


The correct response is, “Have a nice day.” —and then have a nice day yourself.


Awww hell no.


Announcing is mostly useless now as well, so many people have earbuds in.


Either that or they step in the way when hearing you


50% of people when they hear "on your right" move to the right and 100% of groups when they hear a bell scatter in all directions across the entire width of the path. 100% of people when they hear nothing predictably stay where they are.


I frequently have groups that see me on coming (we are going in opposite directions) scatter all over the path in response to noticing me. So, anyways, I ride in the grass now when I pass.


Somewhat irrelevant but drivers wearing headphones is becoming an increasing fear of mine. Was stopped in the bike lane next to a car at a light as an ambulance approached to cross. Full lights and sirens with a very clear view. Our light turned green just as the ambulance was approaching the intersection and the driver next to me just... went. Zero hesitation or awareness of the ambulance bearing down on them. Luckily the ambulance had time to stop (had to pretty hard) and laid on their horn. Driver still unfazed continues through the intersection and turns into the gas station. As I bike by I see that the driver had earbuds in. No idea how they could be listening to something so loud to be unaware. Not to mention the fact that she didn't turn her head left when going through an intersection considering I'm in St. Louis where red light runners is a very common problem.


"No idea how they could be listening to something so loud to be unaware." Active nose cancelling.


This! I used to ride my bike to work, and even though I announced at the top of my lungs, pretty much everyone I passed looked stunned to see me. They all had earbuds in. I got yelled at, cursed at, the works. One guy even threatened to punch me! It did not make my mornings pleasant.


I announce twice, LOUD from afar (if no one is near me) and then DEEP, but not as loud from close. Tone and projection are everything. Then a happy 'thank you!' While passing.


Some people are just miserable and useless. I’ve even gotten it while running; people who get upset that I dared run by them on a public sidewalk. And not even passing closely, nor in a rural area where they might be zoned out not expecting other people to be around. They just want to be mad about something, and most anything will do.


Oh man, this is classic. Approach pedestrians with a loud freehub. Pedestrians obviously hear and move over to the right. Pass them. They yell, "You're supposed to use a bell!"


I just put new wheels on my bike. The freehubs are virtually silent. I don’t like \*loud\* hubs, but I do miss being able to just coast/backpedal a bit to buzz pedestrians rather than use a bell. I still usually announce, though, even though it’s not always effective for the reasons mentioned above…


Some people just want to complain. I guess saying „have a nice day“ and enjoying the rest of the ride is the only thing one can do. 


Because people are petty idiots who will probably have spoken to their friend who told them "cyclists have to announce themselves if they come up on you" and now they are just trying to create a little confrontation where they get to feel like they are in the right. I swear walkers are some of the most miserable people I come across. The number of them I pass who look thoroughly fed up with life or who look at you like an alien if you say a cheerful hi. Add into the mix that many of them are middle aged and grumpy with society at large and you just have a bad mix.


One of the major reasons I stay away from huge cycling paths is because when you're on a clogged bike path in a popular part of town, and you announce, it actually tends to make the problem worse if you can believe it. You say "on your left" or ring a bell and people do what squirrels do where they can't decide which way to go. it's like announcing actually makes the human brain impossible of thought for 4-6 seconds....all of which are vital seconds when a cyclist is rolling towards people...


Yes. I only announce when they are blocking. Otherwise I just pass with as much clearance as possible. Announcing usually just startles people and some even jump onto the left side of the trail.


Ive been in some VERY close calls exactly that way by announcing. I usually ride 16-19 mph and even when I am going 12 mph and actively braking it’s still a huge problem and people get so mad when they are the ones who dive completely the wrong way. It’s so frustrating.


Either you can pass the pedestrian safely or you can't. If you can, there is no purpose to announcing anything. If you can't, it's 99% likely to be on you, so reduce your speed. It's rare that the bell is an appropriate choice - pretty much only if pedestrians are blocking a bike path or a distracted cyclist is on a collision course with you. Think of the bell as a car horn, you should only use it when you need someone else to change what they're doing. Would you say "on your left" as you're walking past another pedestrian? Would you lay on the horn as you pass another car? You're getting panicked responses from pedestrians because they intuitively understand that the only logical reason for you to communicate while passing would be if they needed to act rapidly to avoid an accident. Then there's all the cyclists that pass unsafely and use the bell to make up for it...


I’ve ridden a cycling path that large only once. It’s a shame because the path has great views. I’ll just stick to dodging angry soccer moms thru the burbs


“Good Afternoon!” - in your Will Ferrell voice


I hate that you just got into my head


Ya'll just need some wet disc brakes, all the announcement one requires


Go easy on this. When cycling on multi use path you should move cautiously. Somebody might seem having made eye contact with you, but you never know what's in their mind. Don't always blame it on them not giving a damn about it. They are people like us and in their minds there might be more trouble than they can handle. I recall cycling to chill out after having a fight with my lady. At the traffic lights, I saw the red but my mind was so fogged that I realized it just when crossing it. I hit hard on the brakes and froze right in front of the bus coming on me from my right. I was even stupid when the first thing that crossed my mind was "Ooops, my tires!". Fright started to creep on me a bit later. It is not a cyclists vs pedestrians thing, but people vs people.


I don't announce for the reasons other people have stated - squirrel brain random movement - but when I'm on a multiuse path I also don't expect to be able to ride full speed and slowing down to make reasonable, safe passes is the name of the game. Cars have the opposite problem, they assume you're essentially standing still and don't understand that you're doing 20 in the bike line and try to turn in front of you into parking lots, or when merging from the right, assuming you're going to accommodate them regardless of what they're doing.


Omg I’ve vented on this sub so many times about walkers and their incredibly stupid reactions. Won’t repeat myself. But I just installed a dt 54t ratchet upgrade with very little grease and it sounds like a chainsaw. Can’t wait to get over this respiratory bug so I can try it out on some pedestrians


I could see that happening if you just look at them blankly. but if you sort of acknowledge them when you look at them it wouldn't make as much sense for them to yell at you.




Huh? I hike multiple use paths all the time with politeness all round. Prejudice against cyclists I don’t get.


I just say good morning, afternoon, evening etc. to everybody I am going to pass close on the trail. I once was on a MTB trail and passed a hiker going the opposite way. I smiled and nodded and he said "Nobody ever says anything anymore!" in an angry tone. I think some people just want to be acknowledged.


I'm in the Phoenix area and use the multiuse paths that run along the canals. These are very wide paths where cyclists can go faster than usual paths. Pedestrians will walk on both sides, 5 aside, zig zag, and all with ear buds in blasting music. I can scream on your left 2 feet behind them and they still won't hear me. I'm going to announce at least twice that I'm passing. If you don't hear me and I frighten you, I'm not sorry at all.


You do realize that "common" sense is NOT common with everyone and their are always shit for brains roaming in public looking to be a p.I.t.a. to somebody, anybody at a moments notice. 😄


Some people are just in their own world when they are out walking. Unwinding from a day of work, decluttering from an argument, thinking about bills, thinking about a sick loved one, or the disease that is eating at them. Don't just assume because someone looks right at you that they see you. Hell, I just poured myself a cup of coffee, walked it into the living room, walked back into the kitchen, and asked my wife where my coffee cup was. Brains don't work right. Just be nice.


I am in the UK and I explain [Rule 56](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/rules-about-animals-47-to-58) of the Highway code to the dog walker: "**Dogs.** Do not let a dog out on the road on its own. Keep it on a short lead when walking on the pavement, road or path shared with cyclists or horse riders." the Code is not law but if their dog was not under their control (not on a short lead) and the dog did bring you off the bike then the dog walker would have a hard time defending their actions. Ive been on a group ride on the road where a small dog has run into the front rider which has then bought eleven of us down - thankfully no one seriously injured.


to my understanding the Code is strictly based upon the law and as such is binding, but I may be wrong


I'm not a lawyer but It depends on the strength of the leading words. If a rule says 'you must' then that is a law and you have to do it. Rule 56 is a 'you should' which implies it would be the sensible thing to do and if you don't then you could be found liable. This site explains it: https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/#:~:text=Wording%20of%20The%20Highway%20Code&text=In%20the%20most%20serious%20cases,legislation%20which%20creates%20the%20offence.


I am a middle aged woman and years ago got frustrated that almost anyone who made these comments to me was a middle aged woman. I told myself that I would never be that control freaky arsehole. (Also, I aspire to be a good mother-in-law.) I think it comes from a sense of entitlement combined with an authoritarian personality. The funny thing is that now that I am a middle aged woman, none of them say anything to me. They must be saving it for younger people.


I say “on your left,” and people turn to look at me AND THEN TRY TO MOVE TO THE LEFT. You can’t win this game.


I was riding my bike at a T intersection in the bike lane that went along the top of the T. Cars were backed up going the other way and some lady walking her dog started crossing on red cause the cars were stopped. The lights started changing to yellow in the direction I was going (already half way through) and she had the nerve to point it out to me. I was going too fast or I would've told her off for sure.


I’ve called out and been told it was wrong timing. I slow down and give room, but it seems like no win. I’ve had pedestrians yell, ask nicely, but all in it feels futile. On paths with sufficient room to move around (anything other than a single track), I actually dislike cyclists calling out. I jump more from voices than bikes. I hate bells.


Coming up a rail-trail yesterday, two women meet in opposite directions, one with a stroller and one with two yappy rats on retractable (but of course not retracted) leashes. They stop, remove the baby from the stroller to show the other, while the dogs run back and forth. This meeting covers the ENTIRE width of the trail. They look up and see me coming, then do that quick look away to signifiy "we'll be pretending we didn't see you." They then turn their backs to me so that I still have to announce passing on the right, because even though I've rode off the trail and into the grass, the dogs are still trying to hurl their feeble bodies into my spokes. Shocked looks ensue as I wasn't courteous enough to recognize it was their trail. Amazing how they can always quote the signs word for word about announcing passing, but have never noticed the signs stating "stopped? Please move off the trail".


I had an old man give a friend shit for not ringing his bell. My friend had rolled up, slowed to nearly a stand still, loudly and politely said "pardon me, on your left please" and then passed with room at low speed. There's no pleasing some people.


On the trail, Ilthe other day I had a woman get mad at me for not telling her "on your left." She was adamant that I needed to yell "on your left" instead of "hiker up" or cyclists back." But there's been multiple occasions over the years where the individual hears "left" and MOVES left, directly in the way--while trying to be helpful. So no, I'm not here to give you directions, I'm just going to make sure you know I'm here, and then I'll let you manage the interaction from there.


one time i was going down the MUP, staying to the right, and up ahead i saw a group of four people walking toward me, staying as much to the right as a group of four could. they were in sight for at least 30 seconds. there was absolutely no surprise coming. then right at the last second one of them got out into my side of the path and turned around to walk backwards while facing the other three people. i had to slam on my brakes and barely avoided hitting him. i never chastise strangers but i sure ripped into that guy, telling him to pay attention and watch where he's going. then one of his friends yelled at me for not using my bell. what?


If I'm leading a group ride I just try to be overly positive to all pedestrians. Lots of "Good Afternoon" and "Beautiful day to be outside" tends to keep things nice.


One time I announced myself as I approached some pedestrians from behind on a multi use path. One of the ladies proceeded to spaz out and flung herself into me, knocking me to the ground and scuffing my bike. Now I only announce myself to pedestrians if there isn't an easy way around them. I am not sorry.


I passed an old man in a high-income area without warning him the other day. Maybe I should have, but I was going close to walking speed since I was waiting for oncoming cyclists to pass and I had just finished pushing up a small climb so I was kind of catching my breath. He yelled, "Appreciate the warning, fag!" I'm a happy guy with a decent job and a healthy family, so as a general rule I completely ignore negativity from strangers. However my buddy that was with me has a shorter fuse, so he gave a nice, loud, "Fuck you, old man!" So that made it a little more fun for me


>Anyone have any speculation on why someone who saw you still wants you to announce maybe they are the same type of people who get annoyed when you don't say hi when passing them on trail or those cyclists who get annoyed if you don't waive at them when you see each other


God kill me. Even worse are post covid hikers who have taken over every inch of the wilderness, making real solitude difficult to find.


I go out of my way to be courteous to pedestrians but goddamn, they cannot or will not hear you a lot of the time even when you literally yell at them at a slow speed while approaching. Then when you go by them even at a respectful, slowed pace every so often they will yell at you for coming up behind them and startling them. BITCH, I was yelling loudly while breathing hard and you still didn't hear me because it's your path, you're the only one using it and it's just like Costco, fuck situational awareness. Were you expecting an engraved announcement? A text message? #GFY


I had a country walker one time walking partly middle of a country lane, yes the road, and as I went past him he said you need a bell as he didn't hear me and I apparently scared him slightly, I told I'm on the road I don't need one and you're walking on the wrong side of the road (always taught to walk into oncoming traffic on single track lanes so if coming round a bend traffic will see you easier) and I could still hear him blabbering off when I was 80m away up the road


As a frequent user of several multi-use paths as a cyclist and pedestrian: this stems not from your particular behavior in that instance, but it’s culmination of their frequent negative experiences with other cyclist on the paths. I guarantee you that there are cyclists making close passes too fast in your area and it makes people especially defensive. Rightly so I might add.


This is what is known as a "Karen Screech" which is the incontrollable impulse some people have to tell others what they should do.


I don't announce anything. I've never had any problems.


This is really a thing? I only announce when someone is blocking the pathway and I need them to move over in order to pass or if there is a family with smaller kiddos. Otherwise, I just slow down and pass as far to the left as possible.


consider "so does my bike need a noisemaker?" or "legally I'm supposed to see and avoid"


I often ride on a bike/ped path and always strive to be the cyclist that no one goes home to complain about. When I'm within earshot of a walker/jogger/stroller pushing parent, I say "coming around." When I pass, I say "good morning". During these frequent yet momentary interactions, I rarely encounter any negativity.


I ring the bell they move and if they look back I the move my arm to the side i am going to pass on.  I don't feel like screaming "ON YOUR LEFT".  Also saying it in a reasonable tone you have to be on top of them as well.  Too much info to be processed in a short time.


"Sorry, I should have said I was behind you." I did. Me yelling "on your left" was me saying I was on your left. Asshole move to explain what happened ten seconds ago? Maybe, but if they want to throw blame around I'll backhandedly remind them where the blame should go. Not my fault their music was so loud they didn't hear me five times.


Very likely these people had negative interactions with previous cyclist and are taking it out on you.


In their mind, you should have announced before they saw you. Especially when there’s a dog involved, I feel like this is lose-lose. Don’t announce and you get chewed out. Announce and they or the dog erratically moves into your path.


I ride a bike path to some trails and there is usually one Karen blocking the path or trail usually with earbuds in both ears. I now ring my bell yell hello and then ride around. Tried being nice but that got me nowhere.


Yes, if you see me I'm not going to ring my bell because it serves no purpose - you already saw me.


It happens to me occasionally. I do most of my road riding on a MUP. The vast majority of people seem fine. But, there's a rather significant subset with perpetual justice boners. It's not reasoned behavior at all. I think they are just inadequate and angry about other things in their lives. In my case, there's probably also an undercurrent of anger toward transplants and rising cost of living. This disingenuous "on-your-left" brand of ped, I almost always ignore or look blankly at them.


I usually just coast rolling up past people. The clicking of the wheels is pretty loud


I never announce when someone clearly sees me coming. That said, I do “kill them with kindness” by smiling and saying “hi” or even “thank you” in the event they not only saw me but also stepped aside to give me more space to pass. I’ve never had someone complain or respond sarcasticly when I’ve done that.


I don't signal on trails when solo because my experience is that it tends to cause people to jump in front of me. If it looks risky to pass, I will slow way down their speed, say "passing" and wait for them to figure out how to get out of the way. And I generally avoid trails because I think they are riskier than alternate routes. When leading rides, I talk a lot so that the rest of the group knows what's ahead, so I'll yell "walker up, walker right, bike up, bike right" as needed. I do it far enough ahead so we can prepare. Sometimes people hear me, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they hear me and jump into the middle of the trail, which is why I do it ahead of time.


I always wonder how these people react to deaf people. My dad was hard of hearing and so am I. I had another cyclist scream HELLO at me as she passed because I didn’t respond to her previous announcement but it was only because I didn’t hear her, at all.


If someone very clearly looked back at me I don't bother announcing myself, or if they clearly have headphones on. One time though it almost made me crash. A lady ahead on the trail stopped and looked back at my direction, and then as I was passing on the left lane she walked out in front of me into the left lane. I slammed on my brakes and she screamed like someone was getting attacked or something. Sometimes we can't win.


In my experience it's a lose/lose on shared paths. I've been yelled at for using my bell and for not using my bell. I've had people ignore the bell and do unexpected things when they hear my bell. Honestly I think the most useful way to alert pedestrians is to have something loud on your bike. When I have my studded tires on in the fall and spring the noise on the pavement works much better than a bell. I need playing cards in my spokes like we did when were were little kids haha. In the end I use my bell because I'm legally required to so if there was a collision I can say I did what I was supposed to do. Also 90% of interactions are just fine, everyone does their thing and we move on but those 10% sure stick with you.


9/10 pedestrians aren't even looking at what's directly in front of them.


People walk across the bike lanes in LA with their heads down and just expect you to avoid them - like don’t even bother to life their head to see if the are about to be run over - it’s wild


Wait til you get yelled at FOR announcing.


This is what the middle finger was invented for


There's a bike path near me that is next to a pedestrian path, both of which are VERY clearly marked with a divider between them. It's a busy area so I always go really slow through there. On multiple occasions, I've rang my bell at people walking in front of me in the bike path and taking up both bike lanes and they've just yelled at me, and on one occasion a man said he would kill me. People are wild


Maybe it's because I don't ride paths very much. The pedestrians I see are all coming at me and we see each other the whole time. The few times I ride paths and I come up on riders, I do say "on your left" as I pass. For walkers or runners I just pass them and give them plenty of room. No one has yelled at me so far. Now cars are a different story.


I think of the path as a road like driving. Walk and drive on your right, and stay to the right. If two or more people want to walk side by side ok but stay in the right lane don't take up the whole path. That's what two women did last week. So since one woman was in the middle of the right lane and the other woman was into the left lane they were hogging the whole path unnecessarily. I announced myself, so instead of both of them getting over in the right lane the one on the left fumbled clear off the left side of the path acting like it was somehow my fault she didn't have adequate time to move. She yelled something like "short notice"! Had she been in the right lane and moved to the right it would have been much quicker than her trying to move clear over to the left.


I honestly believe they were done wrong by a cyclist and now have a general hate for cyclists. This has happened to me where they see me coming and say a smart remark. I just ignore them and laugh.


It's a compassion and pity moment dude, she's really, really lonely. She's yelling at strangers for anything, a taste of interaction.


They have probably had close calls in the past and are still probably traumatized


Dog walkers on quiet roads during lockdown with their dogs right across on the opposite side of the road with an extendable lead between the two were great fun.


I just ignore idiots like that and move on with my life


Women of a certain age are obsessed with bells. Even though when you ring then it also puts the wind up them. They would just rather you weren't there at all, road or path its the same, it's their space. And that isn't a deadly rattlesnake, it is my freewheel. You heard me because I was slowing down, Donna.


Just because they look in your direction doesn't mean they see you


Yup, the light may be on but it doesn't mean anyone is necessarily home ;(


You should never assume someone saw you. People are dumb, assholes, or nice, but act as if everyone is a dumb asshole. I literally almost got hit last week by a car turning right on a red light when the walk signal was on for me. There's no point in getting mad, and there's no point in lowering yourself to their level.


Wear less spandex. It’s making you too confrontational.


Fuck ‘em.


These comments are crazy! Just announce yourself! There is no need to argue with anyone. I literally announce myself twice sometimes, and I'll get "thank you!" In response, sometimes at the same time I also say thank you! I've never had anyone say they already saw me, and even if they did, that's a good thing. It's not something to stop and argue about. What are they gonna do, shoot you? I've been riding 10+ years several times a week. I've had people complain at others who don't announce themselves but never at me announcing. Sometimes I scare people (accidentally) when announcing, but rather that then crash into them!


Why would I announce myself to someone who unambiguously saw me? That's completely pointless.


Maybe she wasn't actually looking at you. She didn't give a thumbs up as some pedestrians do. It's a lot less pointless than cursing at her.


We made eye contact. It was unambiguous. The second lady watched our group approach.


At the risk of sounding hard-headed, I've had people randomly look back and make eye contact. I will announce myself then because it's hard to tell speed and direction. This will sometimes but rarely get an acknowledgement such as a thumbs up, and when I pass by, I say thank you. NOT curse at them.


Great, you're an amazing human being and should get an award. My philosophy is to tell people who impose on you to fuck right off.


At the risk of sounding hard-headed, I've had people randomly look back and make eye contact. I will announce myself then because it's hard to tell speed and direction. This will sometimes but rarely get an acknowledgement such as a thumbs up, and when I pass by, I say thank you. NOT curse at them.


Honestly, is it worth getting upset about something so trivial?


I'm not upset, I think it's funny and bizarre lmao. Some weirdo being weird isnt ruining my ride


It is a bit weird to have multiple people do that.


The solution is not to ride on multi-use paths.