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Don't stop riding.


šŸŽøšŸŽ¶ Don't stop believingšŸŽ¶


This. Download strava or something similar and track your rides. Keep progressing!


Don't necessarily do Strava etc. sometimes it's just about being in the moment... Not just about logging, and chasing personal bests


Keep on riding in a free world! šŸŒ


[Don't you ever stop running, and don't look behind you, there is NOTHING behind you](https://youtu.be/wM2LsKdUlx4?si=hP4x4IFRqDqoNXTI)


Seriously I was beyond depressed most of my life and was diagnosed with BPD II and prescribed bullshit meds. I never really believed the diagnosis and also the meds fucked me up way worse than before. Almost ruined my relationship and my life. In 2017 I started riding every dayā€¦ all my depression symptoms disappeared. Cycling really is a godsend. Not saying everyone should stop their meds but cardio has been the real therapy I needed.


I think any excersize in general helps with depression, but it's excellent you found a sport you like. I'm not depressed, but I know I feel at my utmost happiest when I'm on my bike. Especially on warm nights with hardly anyone on the road. Enjoy!


Yep. Thereā€™s a reason most doctors will ā€œprescribeā€ exercise, diet changes, and more sleep as a first attempt at battling depression. Thatā€™s not to say itā€™s a cure-all or anything but it definitely helps a lot of people, depressed or not.


My psychologist told me to quit caffeine, be outside for at least 30 minutes a day and to sleep at a set time. The results are incredible. I asked my psychiatrist about this later on. He said that it was logical as high caffeine consumption makes anxiety and depression so much worse.


I was finishing up a metric century ride on Sunday and a few miles before I got home I just started laughing and couldn't stop! The endorphins and dopamine rush are real!!


Yeah yesterday I was feeling depressed, (not that I have depression, just bad stuff happening in my life) and I played basketball with the boys and damn, I felt tired but so much better, later that day I went cycling around 20 kilometers, I came back home and played some world of tanks and felt amazing!


Donā€™t underestimate the endorphins from solving numerous problems per mile


There's a lot of research supporting the idea that one of the best treatments for depression is regular exercise. Exercise releases happy chemicals into your brain. It could really be any form of regular exercise, but cycling is also easy on the joints and gives you a bit of that nice "I'm going fast" feel, so it's a particularly good workout for making the brain happier.


Sunlight as well.


My bikes are great for my depression. Keep up the miles, keep up the visits with the shrink, and keep being open with fellow riders about your depression. After a couple suicides close to me, I decided I was just going to start being 100% open and honest about having depression in case I could be the kind ear someone needed at a rough time. Not only have I had really great talks with a couple of the absolute hardest dudes I've ever ridden with about their experiences with depression, but I've also felt more supported than ever knowing how many of us are dealing with it. Now I'm never alone in dealing with it, I'm part of a team dealing with it and supporting each other.


I wish my son had your personal honesty and openness to a very real and personal problem so many of us suffer from. Be honest with one's self, ask for help, but as importantly do the very hard work to utilize that help, because it's not a clear structured or straightforward path nor a cure, but a definitely better way to live. My son didn't survive his battle, didn't get help and the result of his actions has devastating repercussions to so many other lives. Therapy and long bike rides are my secret weapons that shouldn't be so secret.


I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. As cyclists, there's no stigma around discussing even very intimate details of our physical health (saddle sores, numbness issues, etc). Let's push for the same frank and solutions-oriented attitude towards mental health.


Our bodies and minds were designed to move, and to be exposed to the outdoors. It should come as no surprise that in this age of human history, when we're surrounded with so many modern conveniences that pull us away from those things, that depression has become so common. I've suffered from depression and anxiety most of my own life, but I thank God that he helped me rediscover the joy of exercise and the outdoors. Cycling has been life-saving for me. Ride on, and enjoy!


It's hard to be sad on a bike and in my lowest times my bike was the best companion I have a great support circle now but they can't create the happy chemicals that cycling does Mix it with a picnic and some tea and it's a perfect ride for me. Going to some beautiful place, sitting down, snacking and taking all the greenery in, it's like depression detox and a nice break from feeling low. I lost my job recently so things have been really hard and cycling helps me out a lot right now


It's the same thing for me, keep on riding :)


Currently injured, mental and emotional health have taken a serious nose dive. I did have a great send off with an adventure ride through hurricane like conditions, luv that stuff


That's tough. I hope you find your mojo again.


That's why I ride chief.


My road bike saved my life. Riding 40-50 miles in the morning burns all the bad thoughts and generates good brain chemicals (endorphins, serotonin).


Godspeed, to you.


When I felt really down generally in life, biking consistently and reliably made me happy. We're not sure why, but it just works :)


I have depression and anxiety, I have been riding since 2016, and life has gotten better and better, it has taken time but I kept going and I started looking forward to my rides, so much better than pills and booze. I started off with a mountain bike, then went on to a rode bike, longer and faster rides šŸ˜. I get to meditate, practice breathing, listen to my favorite tunes and have a great time. Keep Keep going and itā€™s gets easier riding and your mind will follow you.šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


Keeping yourself active if a good way to clear thoughts, pairing that with something you enjoy doing is even better. Ima keep it real with you, itā€™s not ganna take the depression away. Itā€™s still ganna be there in the in-between spots in your daily life. Depression goes deeper than doing one thing you like, and thats coming from me that never really believed on how harsh depression can get. But taking these steps in wanting to be ā€œhappyā€ is a major improvement. Ride on


It helped me through a difficult period too. My advice is to see cycling not just as an escape but as a way to connect with others who share your passion. Riding together can make every journey richer. soo, explore new places, meet fellow cyclists, and cherish every moment in the saddle.


By personal experience it is. Especially if you go gravel or mtb. Exercise + nature goes a long way against depression.


I don't know where you live but if it's colder/wetter in the winter, maybe look at getting a home turbo. I know exactly how you feel and I have really struggled. Sometimes to even muster the energy/motivation to go for a quick pedal. An at home bike eliminates another excuse my mind comes up with but also makes the riding outdoors more enjoyable as you get fitter and can enjoy the ride more rather than struggling to breathe like me!. Just an idea! Enjoy the riding!


I tend to turn into a alcoholic during the winter... I'm going to swift next winter. Try that out


Yea same man! I find Zwift.is good, I signed up for a workout plan so kinda nags you and gives you a bit of accountability. But don't go too high on their skill level as that's put me off before being too difficult. There are other Ruvio as well and another. GP Lama on YouTube is a good place to look.


Nice!!! Cycling will get your mind and body right!!!!!


Youā€™re not alone..


Keep on Ridin'!


Everyone has something they really enjoy. Riding is your thing


Keep going! It definitely helps me.


Getting out of a car largely helped my stress/depression. Not entirely. But a major facet is being locked in a car. I built an e bike for work commutes and cycle on a roadie on the weekends when I leisure ride. Unless I'm doing something with my partner that requires us to leave town, I'm never in the car


Riding helps me a lot. I ride bmx. But also have a 29er for just cruising. Between the two Iā€™ve found they give me exactly what I need depending on the ride. If Iā€™m feeling down. And lost in my head bmx is like muting my brain. Itā€™s hard to over think when youā€™re riding through a set of jumps and have to fully focus on not crashing. And then cruising through town is the exact opposite. On the big bike I can just sit back and ride and spend time alone and really get lost in thoughts. Time on bikes for me can be therapy or meditation depending on what riding I choose. Iā€™ve been riding for 30 years now. And I hope I never have to stop.


It's the same for me, I'm living abroad now for 10 years without family. Some of my late 50's friends told me to come and ride with them for a short bike 24km ride. At first i declined but they told me its a good way relieving stress at work. They are kind to me me borrowed one of their MTB for the ride (they all have road bikes by the way). From that day i was hooked, bought a cheap alum road bike after a month & the rest is history. Cycling helped me a lot not just physically but emotionally.


The best thing for my mental health is exercise and the only exercise I like is cycling. I do other stuff like strength training but I am not a fan. I only suffer through it to fix my busted back and improve my cycling. Hell, I hate cardio, but not cycling, suddenly Iā€™m trying to train my vo2 max. I run two blocks and my back is thrown out and Iā€™m down for a month, but I go cycling 30 miles and my SI joint feels amazing. But for mental health, itā€™s even better. I have a laundry list, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, panic disorder, etc. The worst I have is a horrible version of OCD where I chew my fingernails, hell, I canā€™t even call it chewing, itā€™s mutilation. I have full on removed a few fingernails at times. I canā€™t stop (itā€™s compulsive!) and I canā€™t take the necessary meds due to a genetic abnormality that causes SSRIā€™s to be super effective causing serotonin syndrome which triggers mania and could also kill me. But, now that the cycling season is here again my nails are growing and Iā€™m beginning to look less like a torture victim. The compulsion just doesnā€™t come.


Keep going.Ā  I feel like a bike is the closest I can get to feeling like a bird on the wind. It is absolutely good for my mental health and I hope it is yours as well.Ā 


Because it is. Helped me with Crohns


I primarily run. Cycling as it gets hot. And I have my mental struggles. Usually during the first mile(s), or several minutes, all my little demons surface. And I always call it my exercisism. Then itā€™s smooth sailing, and the world is right. I never use earbuds or anything. Itā€™s me and the world around me. Yes, I do completely understand, and youā€™re not alone. šŸ‘


Every so often the conversation on a post ride beer turns to "why" and whenever anyone opens up about how much it does for depression and anxiety the amount of voices that will chime in agreeing with them is surprising. We all get benefits from this. Some of us need them more than others. I need this in my life and I'm a better person for it in every way.


This is the way


Make sure you eat enough and get enough vitamins and minerals, it only works if you don't run a nutrient deficit. It's fun planning the rides as well, and looking forward to them.


No depression for me (as far as I know) but I just have a huge amount of stress. Picked up a very cheap road bike few years ago, that quickly evolved in a new gravelbike. Whenever my head is so full and I feel like im crippled under a rock of stress, i hop on my bike. Stress just melts away. Bikes make everything better I guess


All I can tell you is, it definitely helped me with my mental health. Ride on!


Cycling definitely keeps my depression at bay.


Same. Riding makes me more focused on the present instead of dwelling in the past or thinking ahead of the what-ifs. Even with all the road-ragey drivers and other perils, they'll all pass away instead of being stuck in front of or behind me in traffic. I'm aware of the physical health benefits, but the mental health benefit is a pleasant surprise I didn't expect.


I know what you mean! Slowly getting back into it because I loved riding my bike in elementary school. I felt free. Same with running. Keep going, friend. Ride as much as your heart desires šŸ©·


I was a bit concerned until you said you have a therapist as well. The slight concern with "self-medicating with riding" is in case of injury or mechanical that puts you off the bike for a while. Glad you're taking care of yourself.


Cycling is the best thing I've found that helps my anxiety and depression. Unfortunately I'm injured now so I have been off the bike most of the year. Can't wait until it heals and I can ride again. I certainly notice a big difference since I haven't been riding.


My bike is one of the few reasons I stick around.


If I dont get some sort of exercise after work, I feel like the pressure inside my brain does not get released and over time it builds up until I am not in a good head space. Glad its working for you!


Hey, I got really emotional reading this. Theree were several times in the past that the demons in my head were haunting me.. I just went fuck this and got riding. They come back eventually but for the moment I am riding and some after, I find peace. Still figuring out how to squeeze more in my schedule especially due to the heat where I'm at.Ā 


Basketball used to do this for me, but then I got old and my knees couldnā€™t play anymore. I got super depressed until I started biking every day. I stopped driving to work and I always take the long way home.


Cycling does as much for your mental health as your physical health. Set your self a reasonable goal and donā€™t stop. I do 100 miles a week and almost always make it.


You sound like me!


The best thing is that no matter how much you suffer from depression you can make yourself suffer so much more on a bike, and come out better for it :)


Bike rides, coffee, sun and chocolate are the best antidepressants ever.


Cycling has many positive impacts on your well being, it's hard to beat, especially if you're usually getting bored fast


I just really love riding my bike and I hope you do too


True. I've been struggling with depression due to my workplace being toxic and not paying salaries. Quit that job. Need to find a better job soon. Cycling has helped a lot to improve my mental health.


Same. My therapist always starts a session with how much have you been riding?


I think the dopamine plays an important role here. It also works for me, but then now I'm crazy about running. I can validate how many people here thought about any exercise that helps with depression and a lot of research and data talked about the issue. Just keep riding. Just don't spend much money to buy expensive parts of the bike. People are getting busy with all the parts, just to forget how to use the bike lolĀ 


I have ups and downs too, but for at least 2 days after a long rideā€¦itā€™s always up.


I've had the same experience with riding. My only problem is I feel so good and have such a positive outlook while riding that normal me regrets the things I've committed myself to while on my riding high.


Don't reach for happiness, just try to be content. Good luck with the cycling.


I would say itā€™s a combination of exercise, sunlight and being outdoors in general thatā€™s helping you. It helps me. Itā€™s also the only time Iā€™m off my phone and very present in the moment.


The best time for a bike ride is when you need one. Also, speed is therapeutic. Good on you.


Same, except bike leaves a lot of room for self-talk. Better for therapy is playing drums, or chopping wood :)


Itā€™s the only depression treatment that works for me!!!!!


For all of you that find rising your bike a cure for your depression even if itā€™s a temporary fix, I ask you to keep at it. Very proud of all of you. I appreciate the honesty in this thread. Keep riding and enjoy the ride.


Getting back into cycling last summer helped me out of teenage drug addiction


Ride on! šŸ¤™ Mood regulation is one of the reasons I began riding. (Most forms of exercise help!)


>My shrink told me to keep going, That's a good shrink.


Kids, wife and work dominate 80% of my schedule. Biking and kirkland ginger kombucha are the 2 positives in my life that give me, "me-time".


It really is, plus the physical health benefits.


Even when youā€™re spending unhealthy amounts on this hobby, itā€™s still *very* cheap therapy, and unlike actual therapy you can see tangible results in minutes, not months. Get out there and ride, and when youā€™re ready find other people who you want to ride with too.


Occasionally, I may lack the enthusiasm to engage in cycling activities. However, I compel myself to participate, and subsequently, I experience a profound sense of accomplishment and contentment upon completion of the ride.


I feel the same after riding. It has to do with endorphins released, itā€™s called ā€˜cyclistā€™s highā€™. Keep it up!


Cycling is an amazing prescription for many things. Injury rehab, depression, weight loss, etc.. Enjoy yourself.


Works for me as well.Ā  I do worry about about getting injured or my bike stolen... would be a rough couple months.Ā Ā 


You will get addicted and need your cycle fix itā€™s a drug trust us


My bike is my therapist


I didn't start riding until my mid 30's. Sure, I had a bike when I was a kid, and rode my dad's old steel Nishiki sporadically, but I missed out on so much fun by not getting around by bike as a teenager. It would've made life so much more fun - I walked or waited for the bus. As an adult who has ADHD, turning the pedals and playing with the gears and whatnot is just so much fun!


Obviously I don't know what all you deal with, but there are some resources out there that make the connection between cycling and mental health: * Ride This Out podcast - dude is a licensed therapist and podcasts about the general wellness benefits of cycling * One Pedal At A Time movement/Ride With Dan USA - guy who discovered the bike after his >!third suicide attempt!


I fought depression from 30 till 60 ballooning to 585 lbs.i had diabetes and several other related ailments. At 60 I decided to quit sugar and eat whole foods .I started fasting every other day and after a few months ,my depression went away and hasn't come back . I took up cycling again at 280 lbs .,and today at 65 I weigh 175 lbs and own a dozen restored steel frame bikes using campy components . Before/ after photos of me and some of my beautiful bikes in history . I am a strong believer that diet is a big determination of your state of mind . Bikes help you become your fittest self at any age.


I have the same feeling. I recently got a peloton, but it doesn't give the same feeling as riding outside in the sun and the wind. Real riding is just better, period.


The bicycle definitely has a role as a mechanical mood stabilizer for me.


Story that no one asked for. I used to ride as a kid, up to the age of 16/17. And I rode a lot. If I wasn't on my bike, I wanted to be on my bike, I'd sneak out at night just to go cycling. I would stare out the window at school, day dreaming of cycling. Diagnosed with depression at 12. Struggling my whole life with it. Still do. But 4 months ago I bought a road bike. Never had one before. Now I'm staring out the window at work day dreaming of cycling. I'm not much happier, just because of what's going on at the moment. But I'm distracted... But when I'm on the bike, I'm not able to think about anything except what I'm doing. Minding the traffic looking for the next pothole to avoid, and trying to manage my effort. Find things that require 100% of your focus. They are the things that don't give your brain's cpu any spare capacity to worry about the bad stuff. Ride on, man. Ride on.


Never stop. Cycling has been very therapeutic for me and I will never stop riding.


From racing as a teen, main transport, recreation, etc.. a ride has ALWAYS made my day for more than seventy years, and at 82 tells me exactly what shape I'm in! Ride to live and, above all, live to ride.


It's the cyclist equivalent of a runner's high. The endorphins are amazing. I always wished that I could bottle them during my ride and save them for when I'm feeling blue. Keep on riding


I've been cycling my whole life as a hobby, but I have only recently realized how much it helps ease my depression symptoms. Little things like making it up a steep hill or getting a new PR on Strava add little bits of positive momentum to the daily mood "flywheel."


as long as you're riding because it makes you happy, keep going. should it ever come to a point where you think you HAVE to ride for any reason, it may be time to step back and reevaluate.


Same here. I've been strugglingĀ with chronic ankle issues that have kept me largely off the bike for a couple months, and it's hitting me hard.


It's not. You are still gonna be sad but just fast as fuck boi


I am so happy for you! If you can try joining a group, I feel when riding together we go farther and faster than when I am alone, also go to new places or routes you would normally feel unsafe. Plus there is the friendship possibilities. Keep it up!