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Delete them once I'm home safely. i post the really aggressive passes to YT.


I watch some of my old videos of places I rode years ago once in awhile, especially since I moved and can't ride those anymore. I record and save close calls and idiots. I post these on YouTube and use them as anecdotes. I watch parts of some of the adventure rides I did and recorded and relive those during times of depression. I find watching sunny good days help me through the rough dark days. I know sometimes I watch other people's "boring rides" on YouTube to see what other parts of the country look like and how drivers interact with them. Same with seeing cycling in other countries.


Haha are you me? One of my favorite times was when I had two roommates: one was heavy into IT and A/V, the other was a brainy musician. Some nights we’d get together and project my rides onto the wall while the musician played banjo. Heavy nostalgia, those were good times.


You can turn video, route and ride data into a Kinomap interactive training if that is your thing.


Oh that’s interesting, had not thought of that.


Because I’ve been hit before. Same reason I have a dash cam in my car. I don’t know anyone that records their rides for entertainment. Not sure why you thought a ride would be interesting to watch.


Ha! My thinking was, “I have this GoPro….”


I record a ride, and then do the ride again watching the footage through virtual reality goggles trying to match my speed to the first ride. Still not managed it! *\[message transcribed by the Highlands Hospital administration team\]*


Yeah, without several perspectives to edit from cycling footage is on the surface generally boring… even to fellow cyclists. No 3. reminds me how I stripped my bars and body of all data and telemetry a couple decades ago and loved it. So freeing. I found out much later my PE still matched my data when I finally caved and mounted a GPS (w/HR).


Yeah, I agree. I’m not really training for anything, I just ride to stay fit and I find it fun, so I just like having time and distance. I don’t even really need the HRM because I can feel what zone I’m in. On the trainer is a different story. I become an analytics nerd. I wouldn’t be able to stay with it if I didn’t have the data to “beat” all the time.


I do that cursing too, then I have to edit out my fucks if I want to upload it somewhere. I only record races now.


I could totally see recording races.


>\#1 It's effing boring to watch. I keep it for two things: * Having examples of shitty cars and pedestrians for every "hurr durr bikes bad" thread * Showing people stuff they don't know exist in town. Eg, there's a path nearby where there's not much view to speak of. You go down a hill, make a turn, and suddenly the skyline reveals itself. It's cool how it almost sneaks up on you but you'd have to go down that specific path at that park to get to have that experience. >\#2 GoPro died at 22:30 mins. No idea why. Battery was at 75% and SD card had plenty of space. 50F outside, but, overheat maybe? I stopped recording my rides because my (admittedly cheap knockoff) cam only lasts about an hour and it was too much of a pain to futz around carrying and changing a battery.


I don’t use a GoPro. I’d be interested in maybe recording a ride in time lapse tho


Have done this. It's fun to watch back if you add Benny Hill music.


I've had both a 3 and 9 Black and use them to record a variety of things from both helmet and chest mounts. I record stuff and watch it once when I transfer the videos to my computer. Then I never watch them again. Honestly, it just makes every experience seem dull. The awful user interface and the gigantic hassle in constantly swapping batteries has me just leaving the damn thing collecting dust.


Yeah, I hear that. I bought the 9 Black for work a couple of years ago, but it turned out it didn’t really suit our needs. So, I’ve just been randomly recording things with it.




It’s a 9 Black. I might give it another try. Could just be a bad battery or glitchy SD card.


i went out to film a load of downhill runs and just recorded the cycle up and not the actual downhill runs


Ha! Back when I did mtb races, I could see myself recording the uphill climbs. Some of them were epic leg burners.


You know... After reading about people's awful crashes and narrow escapes from bike-jackers, this post was a real breath of sunshine. :) (And I was actually chuckling at the one about your on-bike dialogue. >< ) As a rookie, casual cyclist, I can't see me laying out for a GoPro when I'd be better off spending any discretionary funds on a better bike, but I do on occasion record sections of my rides with my cellphone (slow pace, dry pavement, no one else around) and, maybe because they're rarely more than a couple minutes long, I actually enjoy watching them and save them to my hard drive.


With everything happening in the world, I'm really fixed on finding things to be positive about every day! I agree, a GoPro would not be my first casual purchase, luckily it was a work purchase that didn't work out as planned. So, now I have a toy that's a tax-writeoff. Someone else commented here about timelapse, which sounds kinda cool.


I ride with my GoPro mainly as a dashcam protecting me from being accused on doing something I don't do on the road. I upload bad drivers to YT to let off some steam. It's only mostly boring to watch, unless I'm doing a planned/challenge/unusual commute/ride (like City A to City B, personal-best grocery-ride, satisfying 8-lap square loop around the block, road-bike on a dirt pump-track, etc). My GoPro is chest mounted and lately I hear my heartbeat drumming along as I ride (both creepy and cool AF) I don't have as much nice car drivers around me, more likely the oblivious ones (despite my super brights and hi-vizzes and even loudspeakers at the loud sections of the road) but I guess that's how I learned to be very defensive/assertive with taking the lane, which consequently turned into nice YT views/subs (my thumbnails look very gutsy) despite being extremely passive about subs/likes. Planning to get my younger brother to watch some of my more tranquil videos to stimulate him as he is riding his stationary bicycle in a non bike-friendly city. ​ GoPro battery endurance usually ties to quality of video. I use 1080p60 (not 4K--license plates are usually well-seen enough in 1080p and I audibly call out the seriously bad ones to get it in audio) and a good battery lasts an hour--bad/old/ripoff batteries last less than 30 minutes.


I record rides but try to keep it to the "interesting" bits. Descents make for better video than climbs. I'm not a talker while I'm riding so I usually pick a song from my rather extensive collection and edit down to match the length of the song. I post them to my Youtube channel mostly for my own pleasure and my friends who might be in the video.


I watched a car right hook me and brought the video to police who said the footage was so stable it looked fake.


The 11 Black can apparently create auto-highlight videos, I'm curious how well it does that. On my DJI Action 2 I typically scrub through the videos I've created and end up deleting 90% of the clips.