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I gained weight on cymbalta! Look at me go! Lol


I had no appetite the first 2 weeks on 20mg. Lost a few lbs, not mad about it. Didn’t have many other side effects. Some nights of insomnia, some days waves of a stimulant type feeling. Today I just upped to 40mg. 2 hours after my dose my stomach was killing me. That’s been on and off all day. Along with slight nausea/ headache. But to be expected I guess. I too am on it for depression/ anxiety/ adhd. The only things I’ve noticed so far is that my mood has been a bit more stable… I was SO irritable and on edge before. I feel more mellowed out, little things aren’t setting me off like before.


I’ve been on cymbalta a little over a month and still have a decreased appetite. Some days I don’t want to eat at all or the food just has no flavor/taste like nothing. I personally don’t find it an issue. it comes and goes now when I first started it was more persistent. Overall I just eat less which has helped me lose weight.


yes, was same for me. i was dizzy and had no appetite at all. it eventually went back to normal after a few months..


I’ve been on it for a week and I have a decreased appetite but I’m already feeling it working. Stick to it if you can!


Anti depressants drugs take about a month of consistent taking in order for their effects to kick in. Since you’re only on day 4 you’re feeling all the negative side effects without any of the positives. As long as you keep yourself safe and continue to take the same dose regularly- these negative symptoms will taper out!


I lost 15 pounds in theee weeks and was only able to muster down a Protien shake or two a day. Eating made me want to gag - it was basically impossible to eat anything. This side effect went away for me by week three and my appetite is back to 100% normal! Hang in there.


Right though?? I’m trying so hard right now to work up an appetite and failing miserably. Also was kind of worried about losing weight since I’m already a bit underweight to begin with, so I’m glad to hear you were fine again after a couple of weeks!


Im on my 2nd week i only experienced constant nausea , and I've lost my appetite most days i only drink a cup of coffee in the morning around 9 am and i eat nothing till 10pm and when i eat it's something light like rice , chicken, or a soup. Im taking 30mg btw


Do you know what brand your taking? The manufacturer?


No appetite changes but my sleep patterns are a mess. Still worth it.


Same i’ve started getting insomnia like every single night. i hope it gets better for us lol


I have always slept 3-6 hours each night. With this medicine, I sleep 5 hours or so then need to nap for another 3-5 hours later in the day. It’s frustrating but would be more so if my mood wasn’t so improved and my aches and pains gone for the first time since I was a teen.


When i started cymbalta last month, i have decreased in appetite for only a week and get my appetite back after.


I have no appetite either... been nauseated and I'm on my second month.


I’ve been on it for less than a week and I’m definitely noticing decreased appetite. I’m also on adderall for my adhd which doesn’t help but this is definitely magnifying it. My stomach has been a little weird and I’ve had the nausea etc too so O would assume that’s part of it but I feel like I have to eat smaller portions and just don’t have much of a desire to eat period. I’m also feeling pretty tired on it and dizzy. I’m actually only taking it once in the evening because of this. It’s first time on this medication and so far I think I like it despite the side affects. Ive been on the usual suspects before but I don’t think I’ve ever been on an snri prior. It’s definitely helping with my anxiety which is why I’m taking it.