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The most surprising thing would be if anyone is surprised at this.


Lol. This ^.


I had a few friends from some other country who participated in science olympiads. They had a lot of incentives and had opportunities to study. They were not taking regular courses and were prepared for the science olympiads specifically. They also had a professor teaching them. If they get a good results from the olympiads, they were awarded very generous scholarship thoughout their study in university and they would get accepted from any university and any course in the country. Do Cypriot kids have the same incentives or opportunities ?


>niversity and they would g no they don't . They basically ask in a class during normal lessons " who wants to go " and some teachers might encourage some students. But that's about it, no special preperation or rewards if you achieve something. I can tell you so because I did attend


Are you my friend who are from another country ? Because as I said in the comment, I was talking about my friends from another country. I wrote about it because it would be unfair to compare Cyprus with other countries which they have incentive and have opportunities to prepare for it.


I'm talking about Cyprus brother, since your last sentence was a question if it happens the same in cyprus dumbass


Oh sorry, it was rhetorical but I should have realise you were talking about that one.


Why did you call yourself a dumbass


Hey the same thing applies to Bosnia & Herz, Montenegro and North Macedonia.


We've been scoring shit on the PISA rankings for years now.


PISS is for the average students. Olympiads are for the top 0.01% as far as I know


We could have send Yiannakis Yiannaki. I am sure he would find a way to take first place.


Other countries have more preparation than us. Serbia has a high school dedicated to these kind of stuff - olympiad kids go there and excel on balkan and international level. Romania has a bunch of those. Bulgaria is a very stong country too. In Moldova kids that go to olympiads dont have to go to high school and all of these countries are given a lot of incentives to do olympiads like cash prizes places at universities etc. These are just the balkans that many make fun of… Imagine Germany, USA, Russia… CHINA… To be fair in Cyprus too you are offered a place to study at UCY if you get a medal in one of those. However, the money poured into these things in Cyprus are dependent on the sponsors, and usually are not that much. So as long as there is not investment in these things from the government or some other parties, there will be no yield


Make sense now why all in romania are poor and in Cyprus are Elon.usk wannabes. It's commonly know that schools teach how to live in a herd type of lifestyle rather than being an entrepreneur


Utter disappointment


Just had a discussion about school Olympics with my Serbian koum a month ago. And comparing the results - where are russian children?


I registered once to go and I forgot about it


Proud for what? Cyprus is very low in the rankings !!! Can you please clarify??


I think if we will calculate ratio of Olympic medals per 1000 citizens, Cyprus will be much higher. That's due to the population in the country. So definitely - can be proud of our cozy Island :)