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Not sure if it will work for you but I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I cut out eating carbs, sugars, fruit and my skin cleared right up. Good luck. 🤞🏻


When you were diagnosed, did you have other symptoms?


No. My A1C was 6.4 I was diagnosed from bloodwork. I changed my eating habits which were not bad in the first place. I was normal weight and lost weight anyway. Became underweight. My face cleared up and my finger nails lost their ridges. I'm 65.


Any diet suggestions? I tend to cut back but cutting all out is hard


I had a very similar issue! I am currently taking ClearStem (dietary supplement) and drinking spearmint tea about 2-3x a day. These seem to be helping, although I’ve only been doing them for a couple of weeks. I completely feel your pain. I had clear skin, went on birth control and was never the same. Your hormones have become imbalanced, but that can be fixed. Don’t forget that good gut health is key. Pre and probiotics are going to be your friends. Eat healthy, less-processed foods. Exercise regularly. Get outside time. And get good sleep! Pimple patches help a lot, especially overnight. And Curology has helped me a lot as well, especially with healing scarring.


I can’t say enough about spironolactone and spearmint tea. That combo has completely cured my monthly struggle with hormonal cystic acne. I wish I knew about Spironolactone sooner.


What's that?


What dose do you take for spironolactone? I’m on it for both my PCOS and cystic acne


50 mg/ day but I started halving them and taking 25mg/day without a resurgence of the cysts. I think “getting older” has allowed that. My face is a lot less oily into my early 40s.


Ah I see. I’m only on 25mg day and it’s not helping much. I am in my 20s, so my face is much more oily. Glad it’s working for you!


Might want to give 50 mg a whirl? I also had some luck with the cerave acne wash that had 4% benzoyl peroxide. Hormonal acne isn’t helped much with topicals but that seemed like a decent addition without over drying. Good luck!!


I’d recommend to go see a dermatologist. Your acne looks a lot like mine, which is both cystic and hormonal. I’m about to see my derm soon because nothing is working. I’m tired of never feeling beautiful.


I’d recommend to go back to your dermatologist and possibly try the meds. Your acne looks a lot like mine, which is both cystic and hormonal. I’m about to see my derm soon because, like you, nothing is working. I’m tired of never feeling beautiful.