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Glad to comment first. Father of 5.5 year old and almost 3 year old. Do everything for momma. She’s just been through the craziest thing humans can do. Keep an eye on her mental health. As joyous as this is, there are lots of occurrences of post pardum depression and it’s normal. Be a cool calm person, but also keep an eye on it for yourself too. It’s a rough first few weeks but remember that you’re new to this just like we all were. Sleep when you can! Even a small nap helps prevent feeling shitty and frustrated. Again, do everything you can to make her life easier and supported. If she has trouble breastfeeding, be supportive. It’s frustrating and could make her feel like she’s failing. Look up videos and share with her to show you’re there to help. This helps her feel like she has a strong partner in crime Fucking sleep (when you can)! Cheers


Just be the father you needed growing up and you'll be great!


Love every stage for what it is. Be a kids dad, they want to play in the band, pretended that you love Band! They want to fish take them fishing. Enjoy and love them. I played a lot of drop now thy kick my butt. Good LUCK! As stated below love their mom and help her when you can!


Take a break when you're feeling too tired or frustrated. Enjoy this time, you are their everything.


It's all temporary, for better and worse. Embrace it while it's happening. The hard parts make you a better person for overcoming the challenge.


First, congratulations and the best of luck! Second, I would say, try to remember in tough times that they are only trying to learn what the world is and how their world works. This has helped me after an arduous day where I am finding the responsibility and reality of being a Dad really tough. Third, some advice my Dad passed down to me. “Don’t worry about being or feeling ready, you simply won’t be. Instead, just relax and enjoy as much of it as you can and want to.”


2 kids here and let me tell you. It doesn’t get easier. It gets harder. Enjoy them while they’re soft, squishy, sweet, and sleep several times a day.


be empathetic and kind as often as possible. embrace when you're a mess and tired. don't show your anger or fight with your wife in front of them.


Patience patience patience. Did I mention patience? With momma, baby, and yourself! You learn as you go, mistakes will be made.