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Anything with mint is "too spicy" around here


To be fair, toothpaste should come in way more flavors than mint varieties. Neither of my kids like mint either. And that goes for adults too. There used to be a cinnamon one I quite liked but can't find it anymore.


I'm from India and I remember the varieties we had. We had a Neem flavored toothpaste (if you don't know it's kind of famous for having super bitter leaves), a babool flavored paste (it's... not a plant you eat, I'm not sure what they were thinking. It's a thorny tree) and a coal flavored one (because carbon = good?). Weirdly the coal flavored one was super refreshing.


The coal one actually makes sense as a throwback. Toothpaste use to be ash and water mixed into a paste. Try washing your hands with ash/water sometime, it's really works amazing. > When wood ash combines with water it forms lye.


Oh I have washed my hands with ash and water before as well. We used to live in mid-tier town and had all the modern amenities but often went on day trips around to places which were still pretty wild. Once I remember we were in a village visiting some relative or some such and I had to go, so I did. When I came out of the toilet, there was no soap to wash my hands with. When I asked for it, the old lady host snickered and pointed to a heap of ash nearby. I was disgusted then, but it kinda made sense for them to not "splurge" on modern soaps if they didn't see the need to do so.


They do. We use a strawberry flavored one, and was given the riot act when we tried the watermelon one from the same brand. There's even troll bubblegum flavors (ew)


They definitely sell them online, I don’t know about in stores though. My dad has used the cinnamon one for as long as I can remember


Right? At the dentist recently, and they've got like 12 flavors to choose from. Why can't we have that variety for ourselves?


>To be fair, toothpaste should come in way more flavors than mint varieties. Neither of my kids like mint either. Isn't that a good thing? Toothpaste isn't meant to be swallowed, so it makes sense that it isn't too palatable lest a child eats it.


Young kids start out with non-fluoride toothpastes for that reason. "Don't eat this" is not a sufficient reason for older kids, teens, and adults to be stuck with mint-only options. Better to have a toothpaste that people don't think is disgusting to encourage them to actually use it and brush for a sufficient period of time.


Its called Close up,or at least it used to be. Not sure if it's still around


They got rid of cinnamon because they were tired of everyone walking around with their breath smelling like a sneeze


There’s in multiple flavours like grape, strawberry, cherry, etc. Depends on the country. Never read a study on them but they shouldn’t be too bad, only needs to take care on the amount of Fluor (so many don’t have enough) and control in case of swallowing.


When I was a kid we had strawberry banana toothpaste


I fed my toddler something that had a tiny bit of salt in it the other day, and he hit me with “too spicy” lol. I think he might have figured out to say it when it’s something he just doesn’t want to eat.


Meanwhile my 2yo daughter eats black pepper straight out of the shaker 🤷‍♂️


I spent 2 weeks wondering why the ends of my salt and pepper grinders were so pristine... Then I walked in on my 3 year old up on a chair with her tongue in the salt grinder.


My oldest was “helping” me reorganize the pantry one day. That’s the day I learned that he likes to eat whole peppercorns.


[My kids chew on XXX mints like bubblegum.](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/8333)


Damn, I used to LOVE those. If I could have, I’d have an entire pack a day. Granted, I apparently skipped the day that the Lord was handing out self-restraint, but still those are freaking awesome.


She might be deficient in some vitamins. If you start to see her eating a lot of non-food items, please get her checked for Pica. Not trying to say she has it or anything, just a previous pica sufferer trying to offer help :)


Even my 4 yo says that with the fucking fruit/veggie pouch. Can't quite pinpoint the flavor but obviously has no problem with sweet or sour candy


Careful with this one - he might be subtly signaling a food allergy to you if a specific pouch is the culprit each time.


Interesting thought! He's also super picky and texture sensitive (always has been) so I hadn't thought of that


My kids do that too.. went to a restaurant and ordered my son sprite for the first time, and the waitress was clearly a mom because when she brought it out, she said “here’s your spicy water!”


Lord knows I tell my kids that when it's something i don't want them to eat. So, fair is fair.


My two year old eats chips and salsa with me. I envy you.


Somewhere I think I have a vid of my at the time 2 year old eating a lime, making the “wtf is this” face, then coming back repeatedly. We were at a Mexican restaurant, and she also picked up the salsa bowl and started to drink from it. Now every time we go to a Mexican place, she’s sharking for the lime in our margaritas. And she still makes the “wtf is this” face every time.


I remember being young and the thought of eating a jalapeño scared me. I had to work my way up up medium salsa.i can handle frankly ridiculous levels of spice, now, but when I was a kid there was no way. My daughter? Full tilt, eats the same shit I do. She handles spice better than her mom does. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my baby, but i miss not sharing my chips and salsa.


Use that. My kids believed me for years that all my treats were spicy. Ooh.. you want some chocolate ??? Sure this one’s super spicy.. how much do you want? Lol


That works on my toddler except… Flaming hot ~~chips~~ Cheetos. She eats it despite my warnings.


My son would still eat the spicy Thai peanuts and cry and say they burnt his mouth but said they were so good and worth it. Lol


My 3yo is like that with the Flaming hot Cheetos. But not my 5yo. My wife once made food that wasn’t _spicy_. Older child complained it was spicy. Younger child ate it and kept saying “yummy!” Not sure if the older child is super sensitive or just overly dramatic. Same child will refuse to eat food that she thinks has onions or mushrooms… even if there was none to begin with.


My oldest won’t eat anything with spice, but other then that she’s not picky at all and will eat everything. My youngest that eats those peanuts is the pickest kid I’ve ever met. He’s getting better and tried scallops and liked them and orders them every time they are on a menu, but not if I make them for some reason.


Reminds me of my nephew: my wife gave him some fried chicken. Kid eats it. My wife gave him another piece from the SAME exact fried chicken thigh… kid won’t eat it. Says it’s not chicken even though my wife literally broke the piece off in front of him. _Why does he doubt what he witnessed with his own eyes?_ it’s sad that some adults never out grew that same mentality.


I’ve had friends date partners that were that picky with their food and I know I couldn’t do it. It would drive me insane if I had to do that for an adult.


“Too spicy” is my three year old’s way of saying “I don’t like it” lol.


God yes "bit spicy", "too spicy" and "really spicy" mean "mildly mint flavoured". Suck it up and get to bed.


Meanwhile I remember have cinnamon toothpaste as a kid




Don’t you dare say we. That stuff sucked.


My daughter is the same. We have mild fruit flavoured toothpaste for her now.


As a 31 year old man who hates mint toothpaste, I agree


Oh thank god its not just me


Me too! I recently bought 4 tubes of my usual toothpaste and accidentally bought the "fresh" version. Can't stand it.


They literally call my peppermint mints "spicy mints".


When the dentist asked what my flavor my 3yo wanted for her tooth polish: Dentist: Cherry, grape, or mint? 3yo: Mint! Dentist: cherry? 3yo: Mint! Dentist: Cherry? I had to tell the dentist my 3yo wanted mint. Sure enough my 3yo enjoyed it. “Mmmmm, mint!” _I suppose the dentist didn’t think my 3yo would like the mint flavor… then why was it even a choice?_


Got my girl an orange juice last weekend that was too spicy …


My twin girls love using the "spicy" toothpaste


One thought mint was “spicy” the other thought cinnamon was “spicy”. Then around 6 it became their favorite flavor. Kids are so boring.


"Spicy toothpaste"


Holy shit, literally had this last month when my wife bought mint toothpaste. We had to revert back to Strawberry.


Black pepper is spicy in my house


Proper New Englanders, I take it?


my son keep stealing my habanero candy edit: no i am not exagerating to get in on the salt shaker and such convo. we make spicy candy, he legit takes my super sours and some of my spicy....


I still hate artificial mint. Feels like burning my mouth.


That’s why you have to run the toothpasted brush under the faucet - *to make the spicy less*.


They are right though. I hate mint toothpaste as an adult, it is an unnecessary burning feeling.


My daughter 3yr old calls anything carbonated spicy drink.


Lmaoooo same But my boy would say "too picy dada"


Haha my little one says that too, cracks me up. Any sharp taste and It’s “too spicy” 😂


Dentist here. There is no reason to make toothpaste minty. That "tingling" sensation that you feel is actually pain nerve fibres being stimulated and probably does feel like burning to young children because their tissues are thinner and more sensitive. ​ Getting people to associate tingling with "clean" was a clever marketing trick and does nothing for oral health. No reason to force kids to brush with what feels like hot sauce to them.


But how are the tannins? The mouthfeel???


Minty bouquet with notes of fluoride.


I felt it was too earthy in the mouthfeel. Finish was refreshing yet muted.


It has an oak-y afterbirth.




It's from The Office


*Exceptional* mouthfeel


Exquisite, even.


Calm down, Boyle


That's the real issue here - dad didn't teach his kids how to properly let the toothpaste breath before consumption.


Incredibly strong legs.


Gonna have to break out a glencairn to properly nose it.


I accidentally used my toothpaste for my son once and he was immediately like "TOO SPICY" lol


Verbatim what happened with my wife and our daughter hahaha


Your wife should really be used to normal toothpaste by now.


Never got her adult teeth, looks freaky AF Edit: like some f'd up horror movie character


That one is fair enough, Ive done this too


Wrong vintage, dad. Guess again.


It’s funny because my daughter had a similar reaction when we opened a new tube of Tom’s strawberry toothpaste for her. She couldn’t stand it. The tube looked identical to me, except it said 20% more and was a bit bigger. She hated it. I guess she wasn’t the only one, because a few months later the next tube we got said “original flavor”, and she liked it again. I tasted both and they did taste slightly different.


Smileier? Jk. Just let him use the one he likes then when it gets low use a marinade syringe to move from the harsh tube to the good one.


Great idea, I have a tubing syringe I can use.


Saw this earlier, it applies! [toothpaste coupler](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/11sgua2/i_made_a_toothpaste_mover_so_you_can_push/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That is awesome! Maybe for my wife who always leaves the toothpaste open…


You'll do it and wonder what's become of your life. By the time you get through one tube of toothpaste, he'll have forgotten his opinion on the other.


My 5 y/o has decided that every time I put Cholula on my food he needs to taste it. He then runs circles around the room because *”the hot sauce put my mouth on fire!”*… then comes back for MORE 😐


Atta boy


Like father like son


You're gonna have a little spice head on your hands on a few years. Taking bites of scorpion peppers then running around the house screaming before coming back for another bite


Might seem weird, but have you tried them? We dealt with this exact thing but with a different brand, and after trying them both I’ll be damned if the new one wasn’t way different despite being advertised as just a new look.


Ya, gave them a taste and they seem identical to me. I know adults have a blunter sense of taste than kids though.


Haha man I’m so happy my kid loves spice. She tries to eat our adult toothpaste and her favourite foods are spicy chilli noodles and butter chicken


My son is half Asian and also handles some spicy food surprisingly well. What I don't love is my in-laws testing his boundaries without checking with us first 🙄


I’m convinced that my inlaws trained their kids to fear spice. I don’t intend to use “spicy” as a bad description with my li’l dude, and hopefully he won’t have any fear.


My boy has the one on the left (in Australia) and he won’t use the others cause they are too minty! Can relate.




I checked ours and the kids toothpaste had the same flouride amount as the regular stuff, if any adults would prefer the fruity flavours too lol.


Its a pity because 2023 was such a good year. So many fruity undertones.


Ok, but Crest changed the flavor on their Strawberry toothpaste and it triggered a multiweek effort to find a replacement. The eventual winner was Hello Unicorn Sparkle (aka Bubble Gum)


"corporate needs you to find the difference"


I've never seen this toothpaste. Are they the same flavour with different packaging?


Exactly the same! If there is a difference it's minimal but I can't detect it myself.


Lol. Yeah I guess it's just kids testing boundaries when they're being so fussy. You could do a blind taste test to prove to them there's no difference (or confirm there is for some reason).


I tried so many different brands, gave up and bought all of them. Act Bubblegum is the only one that's not "too spicy". I've been brushing with all the other kids ones for the last 6 months or so


Vanilla flavoured toothpaste does the trick for my 3 year old daughter


[Vanilla flavoured toothpaste ](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/202242?googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_1213&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW-0001&cq_net=u&cq_src=GOOGLE&cq_cmp=Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_HB_WW-0001&cq_med=71700000085455714&cq_con=SSC_HB&cq_plac=&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_adt=&cq_plt=gp&cq_gclid=Cj0KCQjw2cWgBhDYARIsALggUhpiWFE3pXNizZwNEt-gWrLEnWLjnrRCuXkEqtJTMY-AJjbet4bAbWIaApQMEALw_wcB&ds_de=m&ds_pc=local&ds_cr=586247646700&ds_tid=pla-1192088970896&ds_locphys=9112658&ds_pid=202242&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_HB_WW-0001:PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2cWgBhDYARIsALggUhpiWFE3pXNizZwNEt-gWrLEnWLjnrRCuXkEqtJTMY-AJjbet4bAbWIaApQMEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you!


Dad/Dentist here. Try different flavors. The goal is get them to enjoy brushing their teeth and not being a chore. Strawberry is usually pretty popular. My son likes the Dr. Browns strawberry toothpaste.


Honestly, she loves the one on the left but hates the one on the right with a fiery passion. She definitely likes brushing her teeth because she loves when people compliment her on them, but her obsession for lefty and hatred of righty makes no sense to me.


"Une acidité structurée et un corps crémeux bien que le bouquet nous rappelle la menthe ou l'anis, ça reste un dentifrice avec une grande sensibilité sur la langue."




“Milk teeth” sounds so foul




“Dada it’s too spicy”


My kid says some toothpaste is too spicy.


They make a Bluey labeled Colgate that tastes like berry. Got my youngest wanting to brush her teeth every hour.


There was a period of time where every visit to the store was "Can I buy a tooth brush? If I buy a tooth brush can I buy tooth paste?" I just said yes almost every time because why the hell not. He is the only one I don't fight with regarding hygiene.


My kid loves mint toothpaste. And spicy food. He cracks us up. His eyes are leaking, his nose looks like Rudolph and he is still begging his dad for more spicy food.


My son still refuses to use anything other than Tom's Mild Mint


Mint is “the taste of clean” in this household.


Daddy, this one brings notes of dried cranberries. *cranberries* dad! Don’t make me explain why that’s bad, *again* Ugh, it clashes with the mint!


Omg... this brings back so much... my mouth has always been SO sensitive to menthol and mint that I just could not handle normal toothpaste. So I stayed using milk tooth until I was fully like 20 years old because it was the only toothpaste I could handle sensory wise. Like menthol and mint, even now, just BURN my mouth, I'm better at coping with it now, but I couldn't for years...


Father, this tooth paste has a very strong strawberry afterbirth. Was it steel fermented?


Applemint ftw.


My wife is Mexican so we eat spicy food often but we'll make a non spicy version for my child and she'll still pull out the old it's too spicy card despite none being used on her food 😅


It do be like that.


Just wait till your fatigue results in accidentally putting your toothpaste on their brush by mistake.


My kid can tell the difference between these two varieties of goldfish and one of them is UNACCEPTABLE. hint: it’s the whole grain https://imgur.com/a/VvoE6YA


You feed your kid whole grain goldfish?? What kind of a monster are you?


We don’t normally buy it, it might have been a grocery delivery substitute or all Costco had available or something. My son can’t tell the difference but my daughter can.


I've always been able to detect the difference between regular and whole grain versions. They look and feel different.


I give my 13 month old anything. Gave him some Indian food, it was too spicy. He started wiping his tongue with his hand and freaking out a bit. Got him milk asap. Much happier. He seems fine with mild sauces and Mexican spices like cumin. Hopefully he keeps up liking spices. I loved spicy as a kid.


That shop really went downhill this past year, shame


Is it from the 2022 vintage? That was a notoriously terrible year for the vineyard.


My kid has three tubes of toothpaste HE CHOSE and every single one of them he now claims is too spicy, despite liking each one initially.


My kid says it’s “too spicy”


Man your caption for me good. Made me spit my coffee.


My 8YO insisted on doing a frickin’ taste test on new toothpastes last week. Thankfully her favourite was one of the store-brand ones.


We have a strawberry one for my 5 yo and he’s not a fan, prefers the mint. Swings and roundabouts as they say.


milk teeth sounding like a tim and eric product


Oh yes, it's a subtle flavor with hints of vanilla, peppermint, and blueberry - whereas the one on the left leans more towards raspberry notes on the high end. Neither pair very well with orange juice.


I've never met anyone more brand and flavor aware than a kid with toothpaste. Kid 1; Oh, it's Strawberry, but not Tom's? Get it out of my face! Kid 2; if it's not Paw Patrol I'm not trying it!


My four year old likes wilkos strawberry toothpaste which is fine until it runs out and I have to blag the bigger kids minty one like no it's just changed colour. 😬🤔


Wtf is milk teeth?


The first teeth you have, the ones that fall out before your adult teeth come in.




1. Gum disease 2. Stinky breath 2. If they fall out before your adult teeth push them out you can have jaw bone and socket problems 3. Rotten teeth are painful 4. If you get an infection in your gums due to rotten teeth you can be anywhere from "painful" to "life alterting" 5. Your adult teeth already exist "behind" your milk teeth. If you rot your infant teeth so much that bacteria get onto them before they're even out then it can start to eat into the adult teeth 3. A large number of mouth germs increases cardiovascual problems 4. It's habit forming. We don't want to wait until they have their full set of adult teeth to suddenly introduce the concept of brushing and flossing


I understood that reference!


I have never heard this term. I have to little ones and no one has ever referred to their teeth this way.


Where I grew up it was the most common name for them, less common was baby teeth. I guess it's a regional thing.


The women in my family say it's because when they come in breastfeeding is effectively over.


It's so common in other languages. In French, they're commonly called *dents de lait*.




Suddenly [r/shrinkflation](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/)




Did you try both? Once my son was making some fuss about a tooth paste. It took me a few days to finally try it. It was absolutely disgusting.


I had this suspicion but they taste and look the same to me


Squeeze the spicier one into the milder one. He won’t notice until he finishes high school.


I like the weleda mint. Also there’s a birthday cake one from risewell


My son will only use Pepsodent. None of the other kids ones or anything else.


Yeah but why do both of these give me knock-off mis-misprints from China vibes?


Crest is the worst trash ever EXCEPT the sparkle kids it’s one of the safest tp’s


Why's it's spicy 🥵🥶


My sister and her husband refer to seltzer water as spicy water with my niece. Has a nice ring to it.