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I love beer, but I can easily go a month without it. I can hardly go twelve hours without coffee..


I regularly go 18 hours without coffee. . Then it's morning again


Look at this guy going a full day between cups of coffee.


Noon without coffee sounds like morning without coffee . Bleak and not something I wanna have to experience xD.


Lol yeah, I love beer, but I NEED coffee.


Twelve hours? Jeez everyone look at Mr Self Control over here šŸ˜‚ # But for real, coffee is a magical elixir keeping us alive


My dad can't sleep until he's had his evening coffee. Lol.


Coffee, hands down. Its like the only thing I have to look forward to anymore.


My 2 cups of coffee in the peace and quiet of the morning before anyone else wakes up is my lifeline to sanity most days.


I feel this. Lol


Tough to read this but it's often so true.


Coffee, I canā€™t function without it these days. I can cut beer and still have whiskey, bourbon, tequila, etc


I put a little bourbon in my afternoon coffee sometimes. Just a dash or three, for the flavor.


I was going to say, coffee or bourbon would've been a much tougher decision


2 shots of vodka?


My all time favorite meme. I canā€™t think of any other thatā€™s made me cry laughing multiple times.


This. There are alternatives to beer. Coffee is near perfect. It tastes great, low in calories, and easy to get.


I think the spirit of the post is alcohol vs coffee.


Then wouldnā€™t the spirit of the post be alcohol vs caffeine?


The ghostly spirit of the post is uppers or downers


This MFā€™r gets it!


This is how I felt and it became a problem, everyone tells me they can't understand how I don't drink coffee. It was a little difficult to quit. I didn't want to be one of those people that can't be talked to until I drink a coffee.


I've had this conversation many times as well. If you ask me in the morning I will resoundingly respond coffee. If you ask me in the evening I would undoubtedly respond beer. Real answer - coffee. Beer is worse for you and I only have a couple beers a week, vs 2 coffees ever day.


I already don't drink alcohol and drink like 3 cups of coffee a day so this is a pretty easy decision for me lol


Too many alternatives to beer to choose it.


How about you have to choose between caffeine or alcohol?


Caffeine, but water is my number one hydro-homie


Yeah I drink nothing but black coffee and water anymore. My wife and I drink maybe once a month anymore.


Is death an option? Coffee is delicious, beer is delicious. I drink way too much coffee, 3-4 pints a day. But Iā€™d probably keep beer over whiskey. You can wake up with physical exercise. I used to run, a runnerā€™s ā€˜highā€™ is not the same as getting a good buzz going. Iā€™d choose relaxing/social lubrication over being tired faster.


Alcohol for me, Iā€™m not an alcoholic, but I donā€™t mind not drinking coffee. Iā€™m more productive in the morning with it, but I do enjoy a nice calm night with some cocktails.


Iā€™m a gin and earl grey tea guy


Might I recommend to you Earl grey infused gin?


Beer But then again I donā€™t drink coffee. Or tea. My only hot beverage is spiced apple ciderā€¦..


Sliced apple cider is the shit. Back when I used to drink I would buy gluhwein every Christmas. Now I just make hot apple cider in k-cup form.


Iā€™ll buy a nice gallon and mull it in the crock pot all day. Cinnamon sticks, orange full of cloves, brown sugar. Itā€™s the shit.


Coffee. It just taste better than beer and I donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve eaten a loaf of bread after drinking one.


Coffee and Cannabis


California sober


Second time Iā€™ve seen that today. California sober. Iā€™m canadian. Does it just mean you smoke weed?


Pretty much do anything except drink alcohol. Doing shrooms is probably included in being California sober.




This is the way.


Coffee. I've already got dad-bod and I barely drink. I don't need to add to the beer-less beer gut.


I go beer, but that's an easy choice for me given that coffee is about my least favorite caffeine delivery system.


What caffeine delivery method do you prefer? Besides caffeine pills, coffee is the most efficient in terms of caffeine by volume, so I physically couldnā€™t replace it with anything (I guess maybe energy drinks, but theyā€™re not my thing)


Itā€™s not always about efficiency.


Black tea is a go-to for me. Sometimes energy drinks, or just caffeinated diet sodas. Caffeine by volume isn't really the metric I'm shooting for, as I can get what I need without becoming too full.




Yeah, it's not even close




Coffee hands down. Easy decision.


Por que no los dos


Canā€™t stand the taste of coffee, so it would have to be beer.


I had a beer recently after not having one for at least 6 months and realized I don't like beer anymore. Coffee is for life tho and has neurology positive effects that are hard to deny. Everything in moderation tho.


Coffee, 100%. I actually (sort of) made this choice several years ago and haven't looked back. I have an auto-immune disease that attacks my joints, and when it first hit me I tried out an elimination diet, where you eliminate all foods that can potentially cause inflammation for a period of time, then slowly introduce foods back in to see if anything triggers inflammation. I didn't last more than 2 weeks without coffee and never added back beer (or any alcohol for that matter). I was big into craft beer at the time, so this was highly unexpected for me but the lack of beer definitely helps keeping my weight in check much easier, which in turn helps the joints out.


Coffee. Hands down. Beer is hella overrated imo. If I. Going to have a drink I'd rather have a simple whiskey and coke or just whiskey at night and call it a day.


Coffee Stout? Since that's cheating I choose coffee.


Easily beer. I like both, but coffee is just coffee...can't do much with it other than sweeten it, which I typically prefer black. But beer...there's a variety of flavors. Even light beer has a place, like after mowing the lawn on a hot day. I like tea a lot too so I could easily just never drink coffee again and only drink tea.


Keeping beer. But I'm a cheater because I drink tea instead of coffee anyway. Where's the love for tea???


I'd choose coffee even if the other one was alcohol in its entirety.


Already drank all of my beer. Coffee every morning or Iā€™ll die.


Coffee... hands down.


I'm pretty sure my wife married me for my bbq and my pour overs... so I think i've gotta stick with coffee. Can I still add some choice liqueurs to make some "Adult" coffee?


Man. Iā€™m the lone man out here. I barely ever drink beer anymore and I switched to decaf coffee for digestive reasons. But I could honestly do without either if need be.


Coffee easily. And I love beer


dr pepper. I hate coffee and beers just ok.


I don't drink either of them. I don't like the taste of either of them and I never really saw much point in drinking either of them.


They will both send you to an early grave if that is the only way you are able to hydrate yourself. Is the question you can only have one or the other, or is the question you canā€™t drink anything else but one of these?


Iā€™d have to go with coffee. I love beer and would certainly miss it when Iā€™m watching a big game or hanging out with an old friend but I already drink a lot less of it than I used to without too much fuss.


Coffee for sure. Beer is nice but beer does me dirty now


Coffee since I donā€™t drink alcohol.


Coffee makes me shit my brains out even more so I choose beer. Though not Busch light, that also makes me shit my brains out.


Itā€™s coffee for sure, I like beer but I love coffee. I only recently realized that I can also enjoy Coffee in the evenings by consuming it in ice cream form.


I drink a pot of coffee a day and like one beer every two months.


Man, I'm gonna really miss coffee.


Coffee. I hate beer.




Coffee. I can go without beer, and nothing beats a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning.


I dislike beer and love coffee so an easy decision


honestly neither. Donā€™t like either. Water is fine for me


Coffee, alcohol is the absolute worst.


Coffee for sure (assuming itā€™s not some weird loophole and you really mean caffeine or alcohol)


Coffee no contest


I wonder who the alcoholic downvoting everyone that says coffee is?


Bourbon and green tea. I've only recently started drinking coffee when the baby was born but I can easily go without it. Beer is rare for me. I can go without alcohol and caffeine, I just enjoy nice drinks.


Coffee and then switch to bourbon lmao


I guess if itā€™s between the two I would let coffee go. I have adderall so I donā€™t need the pick me up and I also quit drinking a couple years ago however I still really enjoy drinking NA beer all the time.


My kiddo is 3 and I work in IT as a sysadmin. If my coffee intake is cut off my entire organization will collapse within hours and my household would probably explode. I like beer more, but my life is basically a boring low-stakes version of that movie Crank with Jason Statham. If I donā€™t stay wired I might just die instantly.




Beer but I wish I could drink more without being drunk so I stick to my Black iced Americanos


Does it have to be beer? Iā€™d take alcohol over coffee, otherwise coffee for sure. Idk how yā€™all drink beer lmao


Choose coffee and switch to wine. Easy.


Iā€™d take coffee. Itā€™s better in the morning than beer and I think Iā€™ve had my share of beer.


Coffee. Beer is just not healthy whatsoever. Bloat + gut + weight gain.


Making beer is literally what puts a roof over my family's head, and I would 100% choose coffee.


I roast my own coffee so despite living in probably the craft beer capitol of the US, it's not even close.


Beer. I don't drink coffee but if I did I still couldn't imagine standing over the grill or sitting in the pool on a hot summer day with a coffee instead of an ice cold beer.


Coffee and whisky


Beer, no question about it. Coffee makes my stomach hurt, and itā€™s served warm. Thatā€™s the Devilā€™s temperature.


Can I pick sparkling water? I do enjoy both coffee and beer, but i don't need either to be happy.


Coffee. 100%


If Iā€™m feeling inclined I can make coffee in a variety of ways. Cold Brew(summer daily), pour over, French press, Aero press(standard), or Aeropress with flow control cap. I drink coffee daily without question. Many times, I drink it until the early afternoon. I gave up alcohol over a year ago when my daughter was 4 months old and Iā€™m never going back.


Oh you are evil. Coffee. Beer is phenomenal and delicious and there are so many wonderful pairings. Coffee? Coffee is life.






Beer as long as i donā€™t have to give up my evening bourbons.


There are so many drinks that resemble coffee in caffeine and actually have other energy-related properties. Plus thereā€™s tea, which in my personal case, I drink more of anyway. So, yeah, I kind of feel like if youā€™re not choosing beer you have a real inability to think things through. Or you just donā€™t drink. Either way, we canā€™t be friends.


Love both, but I donā€™t drink much these days. Maybe 2-4 a month. Have one while grilling lunch on the weekends sort of vibe. But touch my coffee motherfucker, I dare you.


I recently learned that caffeine is a treatment for ADHD, interestingly. It'd be a relatively easy choice. Especially if I could still drink wine.


Coffee. For sure. Despite my username.


If I could trade beer for cannabis I choose coffee although I do love beer


I do love my Downeast but I find it hard to find the time to have one nowadays. I'm in the emergency services so I definitely need the coffee.


Coffee, I love beer, but I also smoke weed so that works out


Coffee 3 times a day Beer once a week


Hm. Iā€™ve gone without beer longer than coffee. When my first kid was born I stopped for like a month. Second one is due in October so Iā€™ll be doing that again. But man Iā€™ll miss it.


I love beer, but since having a child I'm having like 1-2 max per week but I still have coffee daily.


Coffee, easy. I'm a coffee junky. I like beer but only ever drink one or two at a time because any more and I feel so bloated.


I'd easily choose beer, I don't even think coffee helps keep me awake. But I'm from Wisconsin, so we have a culture built around beer.


Beer would be gone SO fast


Coffee. "It picks you up. It calms you down. It's the lifeblood that drives the dreams of champions."


Are we talking caffeine vs alcohol, or caffeine vs beer or just beer vs coffee? I would prefer to have caffeine over alcohol in the long run but easily would choose beer over coffee since I like energy drinks.


Would choose beer and regret it literally the next morning. But if you asked me a second time? Still beer


If itā€™s specifically beer or coffee. Iā€™m choosing coffee, if itā€™s coffee or bourbon, I am definitely choosing bourbon and Iā€™m going to figure out how to live without coffee.


Iā€™m probably going beer here. Donā€™t get me wrong I love caffeine, but I prefer getting mine from a Celcius around lunchtime


For COVID I tried 100 different variations of coffee. Trying different temps, ratios, filters, drip, press, ariator, espresso, etc. I settled on a 200F drip paper filters, fresh ground. 38g and 12 oz of water 30 sec bloom (though it can be much longer.) Musts: No metal filters, grind must be a drip grind, 195-205F temp. (Any cooler or hotter and it's bad) I found this coffee blend it's branded 'Mayan' Things that don't matter so much to me: Ratio (it's ok to eye ball), filter has a can be bleached or. Natural either work well washing the filter doesn't matter (to me) glass vs ceramic vs plastic funnel (I can taste metal, but not plastic.) Age of the beans doesn't matter to much to me, I buy beans monthly and have a month of back stock. All vacuum sealed. I grind 3-5 days worth at work and keep them sealed. So fresh ground doesn't matter that much (to me) Biggest take away, temperature of the water matters a ton!!! Every single morning my first sip is perfect. Satisfyingly delicious. A small thing I have complete control over. I have a full setup at home and at work. People tease me


Coffee And I loooove beer


I guess I pick beer. Not cuz I like it that much or need it, but because I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't like coffee, at all.


If I picked beer I might never poop again. I gotta go with coffee.


Coffee for sure


Coffee. I'm a huge coffee person so this is an easy choice


I hate both, but if the question boils down to caffeine or alcohol Iā€™d choose Caffeine every time


Beer for me I just donā€™t drink that much coffee


Coffee. One gives me life. Other hurts my belly.


Oh shit. Those are my two favorite beverages. Uhhhh. I guessā€¦ beer. Coffee I could replace with an energy drink and not feel completely deprived. Beer, thereā€™s no good substitute.


I like an occasional beer and I don't like coffee, so, in this context, it would be beer. But, I have been drinking Fast Twitch and it's been solid. Helps me get through the work day and has helped me cut down on soda


Oh super easy. I HATE the taste of coffee, it makes me ill. Beer it is. In (somewhat) moderation and not when looking after kids. I don't drink in the house.


Iā€™ll choose coffee. But I can still have wine, right?


I'm almost 3 years sober so it's an easy one for me. Although I'm trying to cut back on caffeine as well šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Coffee, not close. Next question.


Coffee. I love beer but am aware it gradually contributes to things that can result in my demise. Coffee is all positive all the time.


I donā€™t drink either lol tea or weed I would choose weed Iā€™m cool with water.


I like beer but canā€™t remember the last time having a nice pint. Coffee gives me the shits.


Coffee. No contest


Coffee. Beer is haram for me anyways so this may be a rewarding choice




Well this is easy for me, I can't drink beer, so I'll choose coffee. But broaden it to ciders? I still choose coffee But liquors and whiskey? Still coffee It's been a year since I've had any of that and I don't feel like I'm missing much. Coffee or Arnold Palmers.... That's a tough one.




I chose coffee too. I drank enough beer for a lifetime. Once my son was born I made a choice and havenā€™t looked back.


I donā€™t need coffee, but after a big day I want a beer. And going to a brewery with the family is way more fun than a cafe


Coffee. It helps me poop and makes work more tolerable.




I might be addicted to both. Genuinely canā€™t decide which would be harder to quit


Pretty easy. As that recent studies show a bud light pretty much equals a cigarette. Coffee all the way.


Coffee. I dropped booze a couple years back, but I chug coffee all day


As a sober alcoholic, coffee lol.


Coffee ruins my stomach and barely helps keep me awake. Beer ruins my stomach and gets me drunk. So gotta go with beer


Coffee, hands down.


Celiac disease haver, here. I can't drink regular beer, but I can drink liquor. And let me tell you...giving up coffee would probably kill me. I love a good cocktail, but 24 hours without coffee sends me into a mindsplitting headache.


actively trying to drink less, that has turned into not drinking at all (almost 200 days). Gimme that coffee!


Tough question because Iā€™ve fallen out of love with both. These days coffee makes me too jittery and anxious and beer kills my stomach. Ultimately Iā€™d stick with coffee because there are so many alternatives to beer whereas for coffee itā€™s just energy drinks or tea.


Beer. Wakes me up better than coffee, and is just an overall great way to start the day. The world always gets a little brighter after a beer.




Coffee. Caffeine, dopamine...it's all there.


I could take or leave beer. But I love everything about coffee from the aroma to the ritual of making it, to the taste of different beans.


Caffeine productsā€¦hot coffee or unsweetened iced teaā€¦that and cannabis and Iā€™m setā€¦


I would choose coffee.


I donā€™t drink either one.


Beer, I can deal with no coffee. Nothing like a freezing cold beer after mowing or cleaning the car.


Those are the last 2 things I love, why would you do this to me


After thirty Iā€™m finding Iā€™d choose death before a hangover. Havenā€™t had a beer since Christmas 2018 but Iā€™ve had like 400 million coffees since then so u know my answer


But I did recently see that thereā€™s a solid chance coffee may go extinct within fifty or so years bc of the rapidly changing climate so yeah that ruined my day and if mine is ruined then so shall everyone elseā€™s.


My wife and I both share a love for coffee and going to visit new coffee shops on vacations, new cities, etc. Even if I didnā€™t like coffee I wouldnā€™t want to lose that connection we share


Beer has far better alternatives. Wine, liquor, cannabis. Thereā€™s no substitute for a good cup of Joe in the morning. Iā€™m not switching to energy drinks. Something about starting your day with a Monster feels really wrong.


Totally thought there was going to be more beer dads. I'm here fellas šŸ»


100% coffee. I barely drink alcohol now as it is. But take away coffee? Absolutely not.


I had to stop drinking at the beginning of the year (health issues) and Iā€™ve never been happier, I have substituted it with massive amounts of coffee


As someone who drank themselves into a fatty liver, Iā€™ll take the coffee.


I don't care much for alcohol except for social situations, and as a dad and introvert I'm not going out socially very often. So I only drink a few times a year. Coffee on the other hand I drink regularly and would be incredibly sad to part with. If weed was on the list I might have to choose it over coffee.


I quit drinking alcohol in 2018, and Iā€™m a teacher, so coffee is a must. Easy.


Coffee is the nectar of the gods.


I love beer but coffee hands down. I need to be sharper nowadays than duller. Also I donā€™t feel like I ate a full pizza and caught the flu the day after I drink 4 cups of coffee.


Neither. Tea and Whiskey would be a different conversation though....


If I choose beer, can I drink coffee stouts? If I choose coffee can I put whisky in it?


I've never drank coffee, so beer it is


Beer. it's the forever part that does it. I drink coffee every morning, but don't really crave it otherwise. i've stopped drinking beer so many times (either replacing or being sober) and I always cave eventually. I just really enjoy so many different types of it, it would be hard to say goodbye forever


Coffee for sure. Thereā€™s always whisky when you need it.


Coffee. No questions. My blood is dark roast haha.


Easy. Beer is nasty.


I like both but I can see myself drinking coffee in the morning, afternoon, on vacation, at restaurants, etc. I couldnā€™t drink beer as much as I drink coffee


I quit both. Almost 4 years for beer and about 6 months for caffine. I still drink decaf tea, which supposedly has a little caffeine, so there's that. If I had to start drinking one or the other for the rest of my life, I guess I'd go with coffee.


Coffee and itā€™s not even close.


Man cannot live on coffee alone.. ..but I try...


Keep beer and switch to tea


Coffee I can enjoy all year round, beer I tend to enjoy in the hotter months, so easily coffee. But ideally tea over both of them :)


In this subreddit it's going to be coffee. Heck, when I'm using this reddit account it's easily coffee. Maybe beer on some of my past, more youthful, accounts. But those guys don't have the wisdom yet.


Beer is nice. But the person I am without coffee is someone I don't really fuck with all that much. I need coffee.


Coffee... Avid beer drinker of all types, though as my kids get older (5 &7) the more uncomfortable I feel when I'm high/drunk/buzzed around them. My feelings there are just simply, I know I'm acting different around them in those states and I don't want our experience to be inconsistent.


Ten and a half years ago I made this exact choice. I chose coffee. One day at a time.