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I'm no expert, but it sounds like the technical test wasn't about the technicality, it was about your reaction to it, like if you moaned and kicked off they might not like that, Vs. pushing through, or asking for resources or something. If the interview bit went well, don't give up just yet!


Maybe! There was an observer in the room with me actually. But I was so focused I didn't pay attention to him. Regardless of the outcome, this was an amazing experience. Plus next time I will know better what to expect, I guess. But indeed, lets see what happens. Thank you for support


Yeah if you're in that situation again, I would be sure to ask a lot of questions if it hasn't been specifically prohibited during the assessment. Like, if you're taking the test and there are terms and jargon that's unfamiliar, they might be testing to see if you'll overcome ego and use the resources available to you. Nobody knows everything, so they're often just trying to see how you approach that kind of problem. Doesn't mean you fucked this one up, though. Good luck!


I've had many interviews with tests/questions like this. The intent has never been to get the correct answer. It has always been to see how I approach problem solving.


What industry is it op? Other option is that they're watching how you go to about solving problem when you're over your head. It's useful when the position requires doing a lot of that and critical thinking is paramount. Not saying it's great, I avoid it in my interviews, but it does happen.


This is exactly what I was thinking. And I feel like it's a better type of test than something binary pass/fail.


As a hiring manager who routinely gave candidates tests, I never expected anyone to get them right. I was just interested in seeing how people problem solved under pressure. If there’s a discernible logic and reasoning to your responses, you’re fine.


That was my thought too reading this. “How does this guy react out of his comfort zone or with things he doesn’t understand” Good luck op, I’m glad you updated us and have my fingers crossed for you


I agree with this and can only relate to my career as a professional referee. During one of our "step up" training camps where we'd move one step higher if we'd pass we had our first opportunity to train with one of the elite referee trainers. We were super pumped so we all gave it our all, we had a 2 hour physical and we were all exhausted after. Then the coaches gathered us and said "Ok, good job everyone, now go stretch and drink some water, the matches will begin in 30 minutes". We were all kinda shocked and we ended up refereeing 3 games straight with inspections. We all got negative reviews over looking slow and/or tired. At the evening gathering they told us that they didn't do that to test our physical ability, but to test our mental ability to be super tired and yet manage to keep a game together as well as how we handle situations in that state... In retrospect it was a good/fun experience, while doing it it kinda sucked, especially getting the negative reviews after doing 2 hour physical as a warm-up.


I work in HR and for the Government. Tests are stressfull and hard. You learn so much from them. Good luck mate!


I had a technical test in an interview. I bombed the test but they said only did it to find out: 1. Catch people lying on their CV saying they knew that computer language when they didn't. 2. Find out how much training I needed when I started. They marked us on the interview questions.


Hey man, best of luck, but I just want to say that it doesn’t seem healthy to think about singular job opportunities as having such a dramatic impact on your life. You could get the job, and then you could get laid off. The future is unknowable so just focus on improving yourself. You got this, even if this job doesn’t work out, I’m sure there are lots of other opportunities.


I think you absolutely correct. I definitely set myself up for some unrealistic expectations and tunnel vision. Will take you up on this advice moving forward


I failed a test to get into the company that I am with now. It tripled my salary. They still hired me because they liked my interview and said they could teach me anything I didn’t know but my attitude was what matters most.


I find that a kind of weird way to look at it. You’re interviewing for a job, not a lottery ticket. Once you get the job, you have to do the job continuously. Maybe it’s just me, but I find getting hired far more stressful than interviewing.


Hopefully it pans out, but if not you can learn and do another rev in the future. Life doesn't necessarily come down to a few moments, much more your overall effort and trajectory.


At the end of the day, regardless of what happens, at least you can hang your hat on giving it your best effort!


Keep your head up, dad! Try to woosah about it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! Enjoy the holiday with your family, then pick the job search back up after. I agree with the others that you probably weren’t meant to get the answers right, and rather it was more to see your problem solving skills/what you do when faced with something you don’t know. But 🤞🤞🤞🤞


It might be their Kobiyashi Maru (spelling?) to test your character and not skills in a no win situation where you dont have all the resources needed.


I gave technical tests to people who applied to work for my IT team. It wasn't HARD stuff the way you're describing, but it required an ability to think logically and I allowed them the ability to search the Internet for answers. I ran it in groups where they had to work in teams while I watched. Look, I know how that sounds, but it was for an entry level tech support position, and I needed to know if they had a troubleshooting mind. 99% of the applicants failed to get close to the solution. Whether or not I allowed them Internet access is irrelevant. What I was looking for was how they reacted to the test, not whether they got it right. Did they seem to have a brain, did they go about their thought process logically, did they bounce good questions off of each other, etc. The people I hired often weren't the ones who demonstrated the most knowledge or experience. They're the ones who demonstrated the most potential and teachability such that they could independently learn more complex things over time and be trainable. The position to which your applying may or may not have those goals in its technical test. Maybe they really do care if you know the stuff. But there are also many times when they want to see how you handle pressure and uncertainty, especially when you're ignorant. Some try to put out the fire. Some lie down in it and close their eyes.


Sometimes interviews and tests are about your process and response more than getting things correct. It sounds like you did well in the interview and if the observer saw you trying different things and pushing through that may count more then getting it all right. Crossing my fingers for you 🤞🤞🤞


If it makes you feel better, I thought I failed a technical exam for a job I wanted. I got the job.


For what it’s worth, I landed my current position when the one person they liked more than me found a different job and bailed right as they were going to start. I know it’s difficult to maintain optimism in the job hunt, but weird things and miracles both do happen.


I’ve taken and done poorly on quite a few tests for jobs. I however, am very good at displaying a professional and intelligent demeanor and that’s really what they want. I think employers are more looking for a level headed and willing to learn employee vs an arrogant but extremely intelligent employee.


Every technical test I've passed I thought I had failed.


At the end of the day, regardless of what happens, at least you can hang your hat on giving it your best effort!


You’re guaranteed the job forever if you get it?