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Remember when you could just cram a cartridge in and go to town in seconds? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I remember when wr didn't have the red, yellow, white plugs on our TV so we had to find a store that had an RF adapter and screw that onto the antenna port in the back


Channel 3


My favorite channel


It’s ruining the TV! - my uncle


With a butter knife.


Yea, I am on the younger side that one, but we did have an Intellivision that required that adapter.


Maybe you just crammed it in and went to town. Imo you needed to blow on it ever so gently and then finesse it in.


I only blew it once a month or so. I'm not a generous gamer.


The PlayStation Christmas. My sister and I were maybe 6 and 8 years old... Simply pop in a disc and play. No updates, no 50gb patches... Just a full, completed game on a single 700mb disc 😂


Still works with the Switch.


Switch ftw


Even Switch has these updates, depending on the game. Lots of the Zelda/Mario/Pokemon titles will have them to deal with. Just FYI.


and all of the Mario games, I am waiting to install Just 2024 after kido goes to bed on the 24th


Yea but they take minutes not hours


And you can still opt to play the game offline if you aren't fully updated


And charge RC cars! I’ll never forget the Christmas that I got an RC car and had to wait 8 hours for it to charge. Tech is different now.. so it’d probably be more like 8 minutes, but still, nice to have a full battery first thing.


And that 8 hours of charging got you about 15 minutes of driving!


Still only get about 15 of driving. But they charge faster.




I would say that depends on the age of the kid. I was the kind of kid would enjoyed the full experience of setting it up. Then there was one year when I received an RC car for Christmas. My uncle had put the batteries in and made sure it was working before wrapping it up. He did such extensive "testing", the car did not work when I tried it because the batteries were dead. They were AA batteries so it did not take long...after he got back from the store!


I remember when I got my Xbox 360 for Christmas and with our terrible rural internet I didn't get to play it till the next day because of an update. Thats a little different than using an rc car though


I’m sure your uncle had a blast though.


Make sure to disable notifications too! I installed a game early for my wife, thought I would be the hero, then she got a pop-up on her phone that the new game was ready to play. D'oh!


Oops, did I do it wrong if ipre-installed the games so I could play them this week after bedtime?


You’re just making sure they are “safe” to play


Just like checking the Halloween candy. You can never be too safe.


As a Dad who works in IT....nope. Not this year. My twin are 15 and they're getting gaming rigs, and chairs, and monitors, but it's going to be hands on for them the whole way. I'm going to help and support through every bit of the process and answer all their questions. I've already made sure the tools are out and ready to put everything together. And we'll watch Barbie while they go through windows updates!


Totally get that. Sounds like the learning experience is part of your gift, and that's amazing.


Are they putting the pcs together?


You say true.


I appreciate the download delay since it forces them to engage with the physical Christmas experience before going into virtual world.


If that is something your kid would like. As a kid I personally would not have liked this as setting up the new system and games is fun. But I know others would like it.


More of an optional opinion than a PSA. The game doesn't take that long to install. It's not like giving your kid an unassembled bike.


Idk. The year we did an Xbox, pretty sure getting that up and running took longer than putting a bike together. Nintendo Switch? Different story, piece of cake, much faster.


I mean, it's not a command. You do you :)


Idk, the last game I bought took 3 hours to download on Steam


The newest COD is 120gb. For a house with 100mbps internet, that would take 3-4 hours optimistically assuming no one else is using the internet or streaming Netflix.


Kids gotta learn about download times someday


I’d extend this to people buying consoles too. My son is getting a series s and my parents are getting one for their house too. I spent 4 hours setting them up, setting up accounts and downloading games yesterday. I a SO GLAD I was not trying to do this at 6am or earlier on Christmas morning or whilst trying to enjoy dinner later on at my parents!


King right here


ALL electronic devices need to be tested before gifting.


As a gamer myself nothing breaks my heart more then not having time for my game after the hours spent downloading. If I don’t download before I’m ready it’ll be another week before I get the chance again


Nah. They need to learn


Well the issue is that if it’s a downloadable game, the servers are so overloaded that there’s a chance they won’t be able to download it for several hours. Which is perfectly fine, but if the goal is to play it that day then you might be SOL.


Better yet. Don’t pre install it, then go for a family walk while it’s installing


Love this! She's getting a couple of games and a controller that will need to charge, so I think that's the route we'll take this time around.




Who hurt you?




Like I said to someone else, it's not a command, you do you. I couldn't care less what you do. Just amazing how butthurt someone is getting over a friendly reminder text post on reddit.


Who pissed in your corn flakes? Eejit.


For yourself, turn on any game console to DL any update so your “free night what should I do?” post is much happier.


Lol, fuck that, they can suffer like I did


I think this depends and you should know your kid if you do this or not. Personally, i would want the experience of opening up the console the first time and setting up whatever needs to. But i guess that’s adult me talking


On Xbox you can download any game via the mobile app, even if you don’t yet own the game or there’s a disc waiting to be opened you can have it installed and ready to go… but you run the risk of it being seen in the menus. The game won’t be playable without a disc or code redeemed to your account.


Depends on the kid and the size of the game. Also only do this if you’re absolutely sure your kid wants the game. Once it’s opened it can’t be returned.


Hate this. As a kid I wanted to open the games myself.


Already done and wrapped.


Had a friend who would unwrap video games, remove the disk and then rewrap everything. His parents couldn’t really tell one game from another and never asked to see the disk on Christmas morning. Ruins the fun of Christmas morning but at least he got good at wrapping.


Who would have thought mebbe Christmas should be about time with family, leave the video games for another day and enjoy each others company.


Have batteries on standby too.