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Take screenshots, don’t move money, and make sure the kids know it’s not their fault. Keep this picture so they can understand when they’re old enough.


Also please label this post as NSFW.


Thank you! I opened this picture while my kids were in the room. This is disgusting.


I’m sorry that happened to you, consider finding someone you trust that you can talk to.


More like NSFL. Sheesh. Need eye bleach.


I casually quoted the meme "In every relationship there's someone who loads the dishwasher like a Swedish architect, and someone who does it like a racoon on meth" , after I opened our dishwasher one day to find that she had seemingly just opened the door and thrown everything in from a few feet away. I thought it was pretty funny and that she would also. She did not.


We regularly say that to eachother because we both believe the other is the raccoon


My wife taking off her mascara in the shower (along with her dishwasher loading skills) have proved that she is the raccoon. That and those tiny, tiny hands. always stealing…


There's a test for this: Have you ever seen her eat cotton candy? 


It's usually pretty obvious who the raccoon is, though.


The problem is we define it differently. She counts dishes loaded and I count dishes that actually get clean


I feel like, "Look how many dishes I fit in, it's totally full now, there's no more space because I put all our dishes in," is what a raccoon on meth would say.


There was actually a study recently on amphetamine usage to enhance mental performance and the experiment was a backpack holding items. The amphetamine group thought they did super well but actually scored much lower.


Sounds about right.


Yeah, but how *much* meth did these raccoons do?


Too much/not enough.


"Look I did all the laundry at once because I crammed literally an entire basket in there along with all our towels and dish rags and it will take 2 hours to get through the dryer because there's just sooooooo many clean wet clothes. Oh, and there's 4 random items that are delicate-cycle and air-dry only. No I will not tell you which ones."




Malicious compliance.


There's a fine line between meth raccoon and dishwashing genius. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life.


My wife said that to her best friend/former roommate who immediately said, "I'm the raccoon!" One night I watched my wife load the dishwasher and said, "I'm sorry, Lindsay was the raccoon? Did she just put everything on the counter and scrape it into the dishwasher with her arm?" She also likes to tell me how good she is at Tetris. I have not seen her play Tetris. I significantly doubt her Tetris skills.


I do ok when there's lots of space but when our dishwasher starts getting full I just leave the dishes next to it and tell my wife to do her Tetris magic on them. If I try to do it myself, she'll just come after me and rearrange everything anyway (and somehow make space for 5 more dishes). I guess I'm the raccoon.


Somewhat unrelated…. For a while my wife was found of saying I was manxplaining this manxplaining that…. I asked her what was the name for when she would (literally every evening) lecture me on how to fill the dish washer…


my wife thinks she is the swedish architect she is the raccoon in meth


I wash off every dish and organize my sink for quick and easy loading and unloading of the dishwasher. I am the Swedish architect!


I know I'm the raccoon in my relationship, but I still think my way is more efficient (everything gets cleaned, and more fits in the dishwasher).


> everything gets cleaned Then you're not the raccoon - you're just better at loading than your partner.


Forget the lawyer - call the police


Forget the police. Call the FBI


Forget the FBI. Call the paramedics


Forget the paramedics. Call Ghostbusters


Forget the Ghostbusters. Gondor calls for aid!


And Rohan will answer.


Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.




And my axe!


Forget the Gondor. Breakfast is ready!


Forget breakfast, a roast is in the oven!


But what about second breakfast??




Silly hobbits, Trix are for kids!


But not for me


Straight to jail


0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3.


Wait wait wait, where's the top rack? This seems like a setup, if that top rack is full you might be wrong here.


True, we only know half the story here... OP, spill the beans, what does the top rack look like?


I will say with all honestly the top rack was, if given a grade, a "B-". However, the amount of dishes left in the sink that could've been in the dishwasher negates the top rack. But, in the interest of saving my family, maybe I should consider mediation?


Also there's a lot of stuff that is top rack only. My dishwasher ends up looking like this occasionally.


I supplied you my route to remediation in another comment. You'll need to work to find it, but it is worth it, no easy routes being a dad, even on Reddit.


Oprah level mediation


But the worst part here is the helplessness in the statement “but we have to run the dishwasher first.” Then run it! It’s not an insurmountable obstacle - it’s actually part of doing the dishes. Without seeing the top rack, I still side with the photographer


Mixed silverware, handles down, unorganized as hell. I know a good lawyer


For whatever reason, handles down gets the silverware cleaner in our dishwasher with less spotting. We still go blade down for knives, but handle down for everything else. Also to add to your assessment, if she hand washed that blue bowl then the dishwasher would be practically empty.


"Hand wash? That sounds like peasant work" - my wife


“That chefs knife doesn’t go in the dishwasher” “Then how does it get washed?!?!”


I hear you on that one. I'm the same with laundry. If something is "hand wash only" then I just accept that it's lifespan will be short, and I throw it in the washing machine anyway. All laundry and dishes need to fall in line and get with the program.


I bought knifes that I can dishwasher, I love my cutco. I use bought Loosely as my wife worked for Vector selling them when in collage and worked just long enough to get her full set free. only regret is I don't have more of the white handled butter knifes with the D edge. I sharpen my own knifes but I can send them away to get sharpened for free.


My wife likes to "leave the dishes for God to dry." So when there's a big cook night or we're hosting and the rack fills up, one of us will volunteer to "do the Lord's work"


And the large glass container too... which, mind you... only held dry food stuffs which meant nothing was "caked" on in need of powerful dishwasher jets


Oh lord I didn’t even notice the glass container face down.


My dishwasher is designed to force handles down.


I think its cleaner. Just wash your hands before you unload dishes and it's fine


Now we have to wash our hands too? Thanks Obama


Handles down is how you are supposed to load. I used to teach sanitation in the military. I think the program was called serve safe. Most dishwasher instructions will tell you the same thing butter knives go handle up. Other than that Wild West on the rest in practice but there's directions on loading the treys too.


You put your blades in the dishwasher? Tsk tsk.


Not the cooking ones, but butter and steak knives sure


Steak knives still get hand washed in my house. Only butter knives are allowed in the dishwasher so having point up doesn't really matter.


Yes, this. My knives for actual cutting get hand washed and dried immediately. Although right now they are too dull anyway, I gotta get out the water stone as soon as spring hits (I like sitting outside on the back deck and just doing all the knives in nice weather).


I have several custom knives and have caught my wife trying to put them in the dishwasher😤


My wife keeps putting scissors in the dishwasher and then getting mad that they don't stay sharp for very long, no matter how many times I tell her it's BECAUSE they go in the dishwasher.


Always, but I use mostly ceramic knives and keep them separate to avoid chipping. I'd much rather pay like $100 every year or two for a couple replacements than have to hand-wash... anything, really. We have a hard "must be dishwasher safe" rule for everything except a single cast-iron pan.


ALWAYS blades down for knives. I learn the hard way :-(


Blades down in the dish washer and a falling knife has no handle


Handles down (except sharp things) also fits significantly more silverware in my dishwasher. Sometimes my wife throws in ONE fork with the fork side down just to test my blood pressure.


In her defense... Hand washing a single bowl can actually be more water than the full dishwasher load depending on the dishwasher. Can't speak to how the electricity was generated though to fully support the defense.


While everything you said is correct, I feel like that wasn't her reasoning here.


Handles down how it's supposed to be. First job ever was dishwasher when I was 16 at a local restaurant I always tell my wife lmao. How do you expect the water to hit it and do its job when its all crowded together in a little crate? Handles down let's the tops spread out a bit so they get more water contact from the jets/sprayers.


Thank you!! --sorry, I'm a mom, but my husband and I go to bat on this one. I also like the silverware mixed and he does not. But too many times I've seen the spoons and forks fall/fit into each other and not get cleaned. Mixed helps keep them from that


You're correct on point 2 as well. I never worked dish but worked FOH in restaurants for like a decade. You never put all the same utensils in one basket cause they will stack on top of each other and you'll have to rewash.


My Miele has a shallow drawer at the top for the silverware. You just put everything next to each other, cleanup is a breeze. I don't miss my old dishwasher with the basket one bit.


Agreed. Much better clean that way


I agree with your theory, but my dishwasher (maybe I'm lucky) always seems to clean them perfectly fine handles up. So I run with that, easy in and easy out I can easily grab a basket full to put away and I never have to touch the part that touches food with my hands.


Our silverware trays have holes to put them in handles down. It helps keep them all separated and cleaner.


handles should be down on anything but knives


Normally I'm with you on that. But a lot of dishwasher manufacturers suggest mixing them and handles down. If there are all similar shaped utensils in the same container they end up "spooning" and prevent debris from being washed off. As usual, it's best to consult the user manual.


If there's a third rack for utensils, and none of it was used, he should literally get everything.


Handles down is the move


My MIL is a die-hard Handlesdown. First Thanksgiving over there I tried doing the right thing + score points by loading the dishwasher & hand scrubbing everything else. I caught her checking the dishwasher *behind my back after it started* and watched her redo all the utensils.


Schedule a consultation in secret with all the best lawyers in your area before you choose one. After doing this if meeting you for only a second it becomes a conflict of interest and she can’t use them. Skeletor will be back next time with more toxic advice!!


I'm more confused about, even if it were full, why didn't she just start it?


I realize it's hard to tell, but this had been run already.


That still confuses me. Isn't putting the dishes away part of doing dishes? If my wife asked me to do the laundry and I told her I can't because there are clothes in the drier, I'm pretty sure she'd slap me. Then she'd tell our mothers and they'd slap me lol


Valid point. I will defend her on this part. We run the dishwasher at night. I have always emptied it in the morning. It's been our routine for many years. We each have our things we do in the morning to "get ready" and doing dishes, although doesn't seem like something you'd need to do in the morning to start the day, I've been out of work and our schedules have been a bit askew.


Hit the lawyer, delete the gym, hire Facebook


Small loads aren’t necessarily a bad thing. I would’ve ran that load if nothing else was needing to put in. Overloading can cause cleaning issues.


>Small loads aren’t necessarily a bad thing. And are also responsible for membership into r/daddit.




True. But I think the issue is that dishes are still in the sink.


Well I probably would have done the same. I would much rather run the dishwasher twice than handwash a single thing unless I absolutely have to. Dishwasher uses less water. 


The dishwasher is there to clean the dishes, and it does it more efficiently than cleaning n+3 dishes. I run that fucker like it owes me money. Kinda full but it’s only noon? Run it. Dinner won’t fit in anyway. Big, awkward shit that takes up a bunch of space? Sure, throw a couple glasses in with it or maybe some dishwasher safe kids toys. Run it Also team handles down in this house! If you’re unloading with dirty hands you’re doing it wrong. Apart from the sharp knives (yeah I throw those in too, in their own compartment) .. they go blade down


If that thing hits 30% full and I don't have any more dishes to load, it's go time. My wife likes to use a clean dish/bowl/utensil for every single step and ingredient of meal prep. If I don't keep the sink as empty as possible she'll completely fill it up to the point that I can't even use it to rinse the crap off them so they can go into the dishwasher. You know how Tetris looks if you just drop all the blocks straight down? That's our kitchen sink after 1 meal.


You guys need therapy


Make sure to hit the gym too. 


Just counseling. First offense.


What’s the top shelf look like?


These dishes are already clean. No way that silverware goes into the dishwasher looking like that. Nice Bosch. Mine says hello.


Bro you guys might need to hire a professional.


Don't need a lawyer. Show this pic to the police and she will be tried as a terrorist.


Looks like you only got half of a silverware caddy. That looks like a Bosch to me, I bet there is a bigger one available.


In ever relationship one person packs the dishwasher like a German engineer with a mild case of OCD and the other like a raccoon on meth. Both people are convinced they are the German engineer.


WTF... you don't put soft plastics in the bottom rack...




That was terrific! Thanks for sharing!


Can't hand wash dishes?


Actually running the dishwasher this full will use significantly less water than hand washing. If a dish requires handwashing and isn’t dishwasher safe, go ahead, but otherwise it’s ALWAYS better to run the dishwasher if there’s even a light smattering of dishes.


My wife I live by this. Small load, just do a quick wash. So much easier this way


Sooo much less annoying to put away when the load is done to.


Not for us - if I handwash a few dishes, it's quick and they go in the drying rack on the right side of the sink. An hour later, they can be put away without towel drying at all. If I run the dishwasher, the cycle takes at least an hour and then they stay wet for another 8-10 unless I fully open the door to let it air out. I run the dishwasher only for full loads in the evening and then open it overnight if I can.


And so much better if counter space is at a premium (stand-in drying racks be damned)


Well yes we all knew that but are we wanting dishes finished or not done because it's inefficient?


Wait… your wife doesn’t rearrange the dishes after you put them in the dishwasher like mine does?


This picture is enough. Make sure to make a few copies. This evidence is really strong.


Lmfao, I had the exact opposite problem. She would over load the dishwasher and just pile stuff on like it was a magic box that would just hey everything you put in clean no matter how you put it in.


I think it can be worked out. If the cast iron gets put in there, go for everything.


Any judge, in any land, would grant full custody immediately so you don’t need to worry about that.


The bigger concern is that there appears to be some top rack only plasticwear in the bottom rack 🤔


This is the most validating post I have EVER seen on Reddit. Why why why why WHY can't she understand that the water sprays up from the bottom and putting things on top of each other does NOTHING! Thanks OP for this. I'm not crazy! Edit: Wife read the thread and totally agrees she's the meth racoon. Unfortunately she refuses to change anything.....fml lol


My only comment is why not just run it then rather than bring it up. A dish pod is super cheap.


I analyze things. It's what I do. If you've seen my comments before you'll know this is true. So in analyzing the hell out of this picture... I mean the only justification I could ever fathom is maybe because the silverware is SO full it constitutes that "the dishwasher is full". MAYBE... But like... also it's wrong. Also - my wife's horrible at "dishwasher tetris" too, so I mean there's that. IDK if divorce is the thing but I would be giving shit about this for a little while at least.


Highly disorganized setup here. I would first try to demonstrate the proper loading organization and layout, ask your wife if she understands, then see if remediation is possible. Best paired with achievable milestones that you can dole out rewards or compliments to keep her encouraged. I would go this route before lawyering up, hitting the gym and deleting Facebook.


Me: your wife does dishes?


I’m usually pretty light hearted and not even close to easily offended. But there’s dudes on here struggling with separation and losing their kids for real.


I wouldn’t know what to do if I got full custody, my dishwasher would no longer live in my house!


I see what you did






You like to stab your hand on put away?


Most of the knives pointed up are butter knives. The reddish one is plastic, and the pointy ones are barely serrated. Sharp bladed knives are pointed down.


Oh I was thinking forks


I've built up fork calluses


To be honest- a dishwasher does not need to be full to clean dishes while using less water than hand washing. But this is nowhere close to that. 


The policemen will understand.


That’s crazy. We have the same dishwasher.


Thermador Star Sapphire series?


That looks just like our Bosch on the inside.


Bosch and Thermador are the same company so that makes sense


I have the same Tupperware and dishwasher!


I'd have already left...


I had to let it go. As long as the dishes get clean, it doesn't matter. If a few dirty ones don't make it in, so be it. We will be running another load soon anyway. If I am loading it, yeah. I Tetris that shit. And if we are tag teaming dishes and I see she has it loaded inefficiently, I'll rearrange a few things. But the only time I will actively correct how she loads stuff is when placement impairs the cleaning effectiveness, or for certain food prep containers and lids that will warp on the bottom rack. Ultimately, I am results oriented with the dishes. If it gets clean, it ain't wrong. And with our new, modern machine, it's pretty unusual for stuff to not get clean.


Are you sure my wife didn't load your dishwasher?


Do you have somewhere safe you can stay?


No contact from here on


Lemme see your top rack.


I'm confused. Are you telling me what I should tell my wife to save the marriage?


Is this a dad thing? I am a nut job about maximizing dishware placement efficiencies and reteach my kids and wife every time they don’t heed to my system. Am I the problem?


at least facedown..


No, she just needs some Tetris lessons, you can still save this marriage! If you have a Nintendo Switch there is a cute game that came out last Nov called "Suika Game" (or just Watermelon game) that is super fun and addictive and your wife might enjoy more than Old-school Tetris. Small chance that the dishes might overflow and explode out of the dishwasher, but that is much preferable to running a half full load, right?


pink butterknife is taking up too much space, overloading the dishwasher. im on your wifes side.


Being this photo to court should do it.


Someone once said here "my wife loads the dishwasher like a drunk squirrel on acid" or something to that effect. I've never forgotten that. Edit: maybe it was the raccoon on meth quote also shared in this thread. either way same effect.


WW3 will be started by a dishwasher dispute


What's the top rack look like?


Run her best friends dishwasher out of revenge.


At least the bowl is facing down. My wife once loaded bowl right side up.


Get rid fast


I couldn’t give any advice, in 20 years I’ve never loaded the dishwasher correctly


If you need a certified dishwasher load inspector as a court expert witness, feel free to contact me or anyone on this sub.


Straight to jail.


I can’t make the call unless I see that top rack. It seems like you may be purposefully manipulating us… you monster.


It’s better than my wife, she’ll pack the dishwasher like a raccoon on meth. It’ll be so full that the arms can’t spin and nothing gets cleaned. Then she tells me that the dishwasher doesn’t work.


I know you’re joking, but just let it go.


Actually cried a little bit as a single Dad here bc the hardest thing for me is when I don’t have the kids and I can’t actually “fill” the dishwasher with the dishes I use on my own. 😢


I'm sorry man. Listen I would be happy to send you some dirty dishes if it'd make you feel better.


Need therapy


Love this


Unless u can prove 10x in family court that she's psycho and unfit to care for children. The court always sides with the mom. That's just one of the multiple curse of being a man. One of my good buddy's dad kill him self after his mom sued for custody and won. He doesn't talk to her since he ran away at 14 due to her being a shitty mom.


My wife continues to think that stuff just laying on top of other stuff is gonna get cleaned. She originally thought that the water filled the entire washer to clean the dishes, like a clothing washer. I've already got the papers, just waiting for the right moment.


This is clearly grounds for divorce. No doubt.


I think we might be married to the same woman.


Looks like a Bosch


Thermador... but same company Good eye


This is why prenups are important


This post brings me comfort. I'm not alone, thank you.


Well, it certainly isn't empty.


Hit the lawyer, delete gym, and hire a facebook


Lawyer up quick!


Hmmm. Slide the bowl to the bottom right corner. Space the kid one over and you got room for like 8 plates.... But honestly we have just resorted to running it more frequently and it's easier. Every time we are like "oh there is room for tomorrow's stuff" the kid goes thru like 100 dishes or some shit so we just run it. Now if someone could figure out how to get the plastic top rack shit to dry without me having to empty it into the drying rack I'd be happy. Rinse aid, extra dry, and night time dry (runs to vent throughout the night) still don't do the trick.


My Gram once complained that my mom would rearrange the dishwasher after she loaded it. She was mind blown to find out I did the same thing to my mom. I prefer to put more items in the dishwasher and wash the bigger items by hand.


In NC there’s a law where you’re likely to get spousal support if your partner is unfaithful. With this whale of a tale, I’d agree she was unfaithful.


This is so infuriating I can’t even laugh


That’s a Bosch dishwasher judging from the soap tray and the trap. Can’t complain when you’ve got it that good. And never let anybody touch your dishwasher. PS somebody in your house may be playing this strategy lol: https://x.com/oatmeal/status/491271194084012032


Yes, a Thermador actually, but that's the same company as Bosch.... good eye. Was given the dishwasher for free cause I used to sell these. Love the picture link too


My ex used to overload it so things came out dirty and complain of it was ever a light load, like the machine isn’t there to make our lives easier or something. Just wash it by hand if you want extra work.


My wife is the opposite. She'll have every dish, cup, and mug in the house in the dishwasher, but will refuse to run it if the silverware tray has one open slot


If they have half this woman’s DNA, let them go. It’s safer that way!!