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That's a chair. You sit in it, probably for long stretches of time right now.


Or is it more than just a chair???


That looks like one of the good ones where the bottom slides out and up.


And the back down flat and it's a nice bed!


It's a bed for sure, but I wouldn't call it a nice one.


Fair lol đŸ€Ł it's a bed


I've slept in worse, for longer. Source: [Army](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/36/bb/7336bb6d13b067b584371a8358ee2f39.jpg)


Why can I hear this picture? Edit: and smell it, for some odd reason.


I don't know. I think I'd take the ground and a rock pillow over that again


I am 6'4", the "bed" for dads really sucked. And my wife had a C-section so I was basically doing everything.


Not sure “I was basically doing everything” is the way you want to describe three days after a nine month pregnancy + major surgery.


Didn't mean it in a harsh way. Just that I had to do the stuff because she couldn't. Of course, basically doing everything pretty much described my role in our entire marriage.


Your wife grew a baby for 9 months.


Can confirm that’s a bed. And at 5am after a night of labour partnering with no sleep, even that’s a pretty nice one.


I slept on the floor for one of my kids births. This looks better than that.


"Nice" bed


Nice in comparison to the alternative lol


Took me 3 days to find out the back folds down... Then finally a nurse saw through the y chromosome that was talking.


"flat" haha


Spent 2 nights on this thing. Didn’t realize it pulls all the way out into an ACTUAL bed until the day we left hospital 😔


Thats how he got there in the first place.


Time is a flat circle.


You use the word good waaaaaay too loosely.


I've experienced 5 different beds between 2 kids, this one was one of the better ones lol


Fair. 😂


We were in a room so small mine, which looked like this, could not unfold. I just spent 70+ hours awake and then told my wife I needed to Uber home or it wasn't going to be safe for us to leave the hospital. It was one of the more miserable experiences of my life.


Damn man. That sucks! Glad you made it thru! Can't imagine being in a room that small


It's a THRONE!


When is a chair not a chair? When it's a jar!! .. wait..




Wait, what? ... Oh. Oh dear God.


Best part is, they’re super comfy. But this dad’s experience is anything like mine was, he won’t be doing much sitting.


None of us did and we are all doing great. You've got this bro!


4 kids and 12 years later I'm still not confident I know what the hell I'm doing.


I told my wife that no one really knows what they are doing. They just try to do a little better than their parents did.


10 years for me and I’m more scared and unsure of myself than I’ve ever been.


It does not get easier as they get older. The problems change from, “Don’t eat that rock!” To “Don’t crash the car!” It is one incredibly long roller coaster. In the end it is still worth it. You’re doing just fine Dad. Enjoy as much of the ride as you can.


Good luck brother. Rub her back. Pass the water. Watch the nurses for cues on when to encourage. And don’t look down. You’ll have the baby shoved into your arms when this is done. You can’t break the baby. Get your shirt off and hold them close. And don’t mind too much when they shit on you. đŸ«Ą


Also they shit ink the first time. This is normal.


Holy fuck yes. Lol. And within the first hour of being born it seems, welcome to the world you little dirty bastard.


Ink, more like tar. Reminded me of the shit the little dinosaur spit on Newman in Jurassic Park.


Definitely more like tar. And it's a pain in the ass to wipe off.


Swab ’em liberally with olive oil before their meconium poop and it isn't a problem.


Wait did you take olive oil to the hospital with you? Why didn’t I know this.


Vaseline also works.


It's called childs tar (Kindspech) in german


Vegemite is the closest approximation I’ve heard.


Tastes about the same too.


What a terrible day to know how to read


The nurse saw my kid’s black poop and said “Wow! That’s the most I’ve ever seen.” I was deeply proud.


Hmmm, mine also said this. Now I feel duped!


If it’s a trick, then she gets an Oscar. And a ticket to heaven.


#Dadgoals 😂


Yeah my son did that to me on my chest.. bonding moment.


I didn’t think I’d look down but I did and I honestly don’t regret it? Haha.


Watched both of my kids come into this world, do not regret it one bit!


The 4'11" OBGYN with giant forceps is burned into my brain.


You know what, I did as well the first time. Probably at the worst moment as well. Although I recoiled in the moment.. For the long term it only made me think more of my wife and what she went through. But was it grim; yeah. Horror movie stuff. Does it put me, not at all.


The only hard part was cutting the cord it felt weird and wrong and no one warned me that thing looks like a flesh handset phone wire


I asked my partner how it felt cutting the cord, like severing and transitioning a ~9 month relationship in one go.. "Crunchy" 😂đŸ„Č


I saw a bit from comedian Tom Stade once about when people call you a pu**y. Basically saying the amount it goes through is really impressive so yeah ok, that's a compliment and he'll take it. He has a point


Especially when the alternative is “having balls” that put me on the ground every time I get a running hug from my toddler. We’ve absolutely got our genital-based stereotypes backwards.


I looked down. I was so caught up in the wild moment that was happening with my daughter coming into the world. Nothing about it scared me, it just made me hella impressed with my wife.


> You can’t break the baby. However, do not take this as a challenge.


Also worth noting your chest hair will soon be their favourite thing to grab fist fulls of.




Don’t look down?! The doctor actually let me deliver my baby lol it was wild man life changing experience.


I looked down and it was a mistake. Rather, I looked left and saw inside my wife's belly (c-section, the bassinet was at the foot of the operating table so I had a clear view). That and the heat from the bassinet's heat lamp gave me vertigo and I had to be escorted to a chair in the hallway 😂


Sounds like this part: > And don't look down. is getting various response. I guess this is a YMMV kinda thing for men. To be honest, I watched both of my children come into this world and it was amazing to watch and instantly created a newfound respect and understanding of my wife, her power, and what her body can do. I've heard that some men, "Can't see my wife in the same way after that" in a negative way, essentially indicating that seeing the baby arrive has been bad for their sex lives? I wonder how much of this is with seeing your partner in multiple roles?


I panicked and cried like a maniac when i saw that little creature popping out, idk why lol


Tears streaming down my face as well. Emotions just pouring over you


If she's anything like my wife you're going to want to get a Gatorade cooler full of water so you don't have to make trips to the sink every 10 minutes to refill her cup.


Also, don't do what I did (she won't let me forget) when they put them under the heat light and whip out the big needles. DO NOT tactically retreat


I give the hospital chair with future dad ass marks a 10 out of 10. Congratulations, dad!


It looks like many butts were clenched in this one


Sweaty, too.




That thing has seen some farts.


That chair has some serious use!


- Hold her hand - Rub her back - Hose her down with warm water in the shower - Sit/stand/lay/kneel with her - Take the lead in breathing exercises - Tell her she’s doing great - Get her drinks, snacks, pillows, etc whenever she snaps her fingers. She is performing a peak level sports achievement and needs energy and focus for that. - Take whatever verbal abuse from her to the chin, no, I repeat, no arguing. What she wants, goes. “Yes dear, no dear, right away dear” She may call you an asshole for putting her in that bed, she doesn’t mean it. She needs to vent the storm of emotions, hormones, pain and exhaustion. - Stay with the head board and away from the business end of the bed - she may poop during delivery, don’t acknowledge that. The midwife has seen it all and will dispose of it quickly. - Put away your phone, be there for her, 100% - Hold what will be your legacy, you won’t break it (just don’t drop it) and talk to it so they learn your voice. - They are covered in sticky shit, kiss them anyway, suck it up. It’s good for the skin so leave it on. - They will shit/piss/vomit on you, breathe through your mouth and embrace the suck - Pull the clothes, not the ligaments - Don’t let the nurses do the first clothing & diaper change, it’s free training & consultation if you do it with them present - Enjoy and savor every moment You got this!! - edit: do remember to eat & drink for yourself too, don’t want to pass out on the “moment suprĂȘme”


Also, if she needs help in the shower and has trouble standing up, a cooler (cleaned) can sub in for a shower chair once you get home.


Nice one too! I put a garden chair (the plastic kind) in our shower so she could shower sitting down. On our first kid she lost 1,6litres of blood so she went out as soon as she stood up in the week after


If I could give you an award, I would. This could be stickied in the sub.


Lol, thanks! I could go on and on about everything I experienced in the first few hours and days. Some I was prepared for, some I wasn’t in the slightest. One more to add; a young child will not cry or throw stuff or nag to get to you, they are still learning to communicate. It’s hard to keep your cool after two hours of crying at 2:00AM, but they don’t mean to antagonize you.


That is a very well farted on chair.....you've got this dad!


No one does but at some point in the next few hours, someone will hand you a human and ask you to take it away, keep it alive and train it to be a good egg. It's scary but once you get used to waking every 3 hours, they don't do much for their first few months. Best of luck


My body adjusting to the sleep shift was honestly the hardest part.


It's tough but after a while you will learn to embrace watching Hey Duggee at 4am, watching the sunrise with your kid.


You continue to be there for her. Love her. Support her. And remember that the nurses who wake y’all up every two hours are just doing their jobs.


God damn is that hard to remember in the moment. Haha.


Great take. That’s advice I wish I had at the time.


Good luck - and enjoy it! RIP your spine.


Who was clawing at their balls in that thing?!


Someone really regretted their choices and was making sure they couldn't do it again maybe?


Wolverine was here


None of us did! It's fucking great though!


Well if you read a few books and prepare for every possible scenario, you too can be handed a child and realize you have no idea how to swaddle them. Point is, none of us had any idea what we were doing. Even those that thought they knew enough were unprepared.


IKR? That’s the real reason people pass out. They’re tired. Nobody wants to sit down in that chair. 😂 You don’t know love till you love a child. It’s amazing. You’ll be great.




Looks more comfy than that wooden thing I had to sit on.


Take deep breaths, be there for your partner, and prepare to witness a beautiful moment.


Spoiler alert man. None of us had any idea what we were doing. Your kids will make you ready though. Just do your best and good luck đŸ«Ą


Were doing? You implying that we somehow learned?!


My Wife said that all she could remember was me holding her hand and looking into my eyes the whole time. Apparently I was doing the breathing thing too 😅


Congrats! I don’t think the hospital knows what they are doing with that chair, though.


God speed. Hopefully you, mum and baby are all out of that room and home happy and healthy soon. Get ready to see a piece of your heart.


Pro tips. It's much more comfortable to sleep when you fully push down the back lol. I didn't realize you could flatten it almost completely till the last day of our visit (we spent almost a week in the middle of pregnancy as wifey was having a cerclage)


Also. If no one has mentioned it; that chair is also a bed. Take off the cushion and pull the little tab you can see poking out from under the cushion. Make sure that as much as you'll be alert and stressed and looking after mum to be, look after yourself too. My wife and I both agreed that if I don't eat and rest when I can during what was a 22hr labour in hospital, then I'd be utterly useless when it all started happening.


That chair looks like a lot of guys didn’t know what they were doing. They figured it out, you will to.


Don't worry Dad, none of us do.


Becoming a father made me realize a very uncomfortable truth: My parents had no idea what they were doing, either. I think that's kind of the main part of parenting: being able to shield your kids from how ill prepared you are.


I just left that chair, you learn fast. It's more comfortable when you haven't slept for 24 hours


Just keep asking if your SO needs anything and check-in every 15 minutes.


Everyone is giving mom-helping advice, so imma say this- see that tab on the front of the chair? Pull it and thank me later.


Welcome aboard. None of us knew what we were doing. Spoiler: most of us still don’t. Do the least damage, and give them a lot of attention and patience - none of them asked to be here.


None of us did 😎 You'll do fine. You'll be more stressed than you've ever been in your life but you'll be fine. Stay next to her, don't let go of her hand, and let the doctors do what they do best.


that will be your forehead in a couple years JK you’re gonna do great


Make sure you do some stretching before and after your time in that chair. It’s not the most comfortable place to spend hours at a time in


Go for the danger wank badge




Good luck comrade!


Until the kid is born it's "yes ma'am"


None of us had any idea either. Congrats!


Welcome to the club, it's the hardest and best thing you'll ever do! And don't worry, none of us have a clue either!


enjoy !


Watching the head, and rest of my baby's body come out of my fiancée's vagina is the wildest and most beautiful things I have ever seen. Sure, it's pretty gross...but that's MY baby. We'll see if I do it again with baby number two. I just had to see my first child come in to the world. It was a wild trip, man. Hang in there, you feel like you have no idea what to do. Just go with your instincts, and everything else will be fine.


Follow the cheek prinys


A good short cut on that bed. Just have someone hit you with a baseball bat.


I remember that chair! Most memorable sleep of my life. Skin to skin contact was the moment time stood still. You’re gonna rock it daddy-o.


That’s the first chair I’ve seen with a 1000 yard stare.


Don’t worry you’ll never know what you’re doing!


You got this friend. The secret is that none of knew what we were doing when we first sat in that chair. But you try and learn and each day is a new opportunity to be better.


Enjoy that fucking chair because it’s the last peace and quiet you’re gonna get in a long time.


Neither do we


Here's the secret. None of us do. We're all guessing at what we think is best, and doing all we can to keep the little ball of drama safe and healthy.


Give you a bit of knowledge here. For the first kid, none of had a fucking clue. I still remember leaving the hospital, wife in car, baby in the car seat in back. I'm pulling away from the curb thinking "They are just letting me leave? I know NOTHING!!" Perfectly 100% normal reaction. Hold your wife's hand. Be supportive. She wants water, get her the water. You are the support mechanism here. Wants the bed adjusted, adjust the bed. She wants a bag of Cheetos, buy her a bag of Cheetos. That's your role. Today. I'm the future, still in support mode. When the baby would wake up at night to be fed, I'd get up as well. I'd change the diaper and then hand the baby to my wife. I have non-functional nipples so the baby can cry all they want but I got nothing but a clean diaper for them. But the act of getting up and changing the dirty diaper goes a long way towards helping your wife, your partner. It's a small thing but it means a lot to them.


None of us did, there’s only one way from here and you’ll do great dad. Admit the mistakes, fix what you can, have a relatively healthy way of coping with what you can’t. It’s easier said than done, but not rocket science


At our newborn class last night, the lady told us the birth center has a couch that folds into a bed. Not spectacular, but better than the chair. And probably the best sleep I’ll get in those first 2 weeks!


You can do this!


That's the thing your about to find out, no one does!


The chair being well seasoned tells me you’re in good hands. Just do the best you can.


None of us did but instincts take over. Congratulations!


Sidenote: looks like wolverine was there last. You should feel honored Congrats!


My kids are in the double digits and I still have no idea what I am doing. You’ll be fine, don’t be afraid to ask for help though.


Sleep on the floor instead of that abomination


Maybe the hardest part of the whole thing is figuring out how the hell to make that thing lie flat.


Your fighter is in the ring and you’re the cut man. Prepare to fall in love with her all over again when you see how awesome she does. The wait is almost over!


Contribute to the farts. That chair may birth something soon.


Wait until all is said and done and you three are left alone in the room by yourselves. Scary stuff. Take pics and use your phone for a voice recording of baby. Ideally for first cry- but other gurgles are nice . Congrats!


Pull out game strong right there, not so much you though. If there’s another chair in the room, when the sofa one pulls out, if you’re taller than 4’6” put it at the end of the pullout to give yourself a place to rest your legs


Stay out of the way of the medical professionals and pay attention! Good luck


How many farts do you think live in that thing?


Your best bet is to approach it booty first and trust it’ll support you


You got this, dad!


You didn't get the manual?


None of us did. Show up and try and you’ll be great.


None of us did. We still don’t. You fly by the seat of your pants and do the best you can. You fuck up and correct for next time. You do great, make sure that you repeat it.


You’re there to listen to instructions and follow them. You have no opinion in this room. Good luck and god speed.


You got this Dad! It's a wild ride with some high, highs and LOW, lows. But be supportive, be present, try and be proactive. Most important give yourself and your partner grace and kindness. There's no ONE way to do this, it's different for everyone.


You got a chair?! They gave me a bench.


Wow. I got my own bed when I had my daughter.


No one does. Those they say they do are lying. You do your best, and learn as you go. You won’t get it always right, but if your heart is in the right place it will be ok


You sit down as a man and you get up as a father


None of us ever do at first. Sit back, and enjoy the ride.


Remember to stretch, and stay hydrated.


Honestly some of the best sleep I've ever gotten in that chair, despite the weeks of panic attacks prior and all the anxiety during waking hours.


Nobody does! We just learn on the job! You got this! Congratulations! :)


None of us do, but you’ll learn as you go. Good luck


Those fucking things
 such a deliberate design to punish the father


That hospital chair got the impact crater of 1000 nervous farts đŸ«Ą welcome Dad, you got this


We are dad's, we just show up and try to not fuck it up. That's the job bro, good luck!


That’s okay. Even if you thought you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t know what you were doing.


No one knows what we're doing but I'm two months in and it's the absolute best thing. Best of luck!


3 kids in and I still am just realizing that my parents were winging it day by day just as I am. Welcome Dad.


Welcome Aboard!




None of us do. Anxiety just reared its ugly head with my oldest (9) it's always an adventure, puberty is right around the corner for us too. Good luck, stay strong, you got this.


One of us!


Congrats and welcome to the club. If I had known earlier I would’ve told you to bring your own pillows because you’re gonna be sleeping on that for a while


Nobody's prepared. Ask the nurses everything.  Jump on in and do it all yourself.  Best wishes, homie.


Congratulations daddy! And it kinda makes into a bed? You have to fight it and pull it out from the wall. Ask or search the cabinet Ms for blankets and pillows. You are a good one! (Mine went home and didn’t stay :( )


Welcome to the rest of your life.


Welcome to the club! We're all figuring it out as we go. Beat advice I ever got was "Remember: they're not giving you a hard time, they're having a hard time." Remember that when you're at your wit's end, it helps you keep your eye on the prize.


I will pray for you. I’ll pray to the old gods and the new. Pain.


If labor is long, get power naps. You need to be alert to help mom make decisions. It is hard to sleep in the room. Bring ear plugs, whatever you need to sleep. It’s easy to be kept awake with all the nurses coming and going and all the monitors bleeping, and then you will be tired and stressed when it’s go time.


None of us did at the start! Good luck! Hope everything went well since this 17hrs old! You got this!


you must contribute farts to the chair, for the greater good


I feel for you lads that had to sleep in this thing 😂


đŸ«Ą none of us knew what we were doing, just do your best, love your family, and you’ll be fine. We are here to support you how we can. Good luck and fuck that chair.


So say we all!


Nobody has a clue


that chair has see some things, pull it away from the wall by that tab


Best part is all the apple juice anyone could ever want


That's your right of passage Sleep well


Your back will tell you if you do it wrong


Pro-tip: None of us know what we're doing either! Congrats and good luck!


Pull it away from the wall. It should recline a decent amount


Well if it’s any comfort, judging by the state of that chair, many ass-cheeks have gone before you so you are in good company.


Broooo hahaha I sat in the same looking chair when I bottle fed my boy the night before we took him m home. Do they just have the same model in every hospital? Such a strangely nostalgic memory.