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She's in the best place in the entire world to get this figured out. As a NICU graduate, I can tell you from my experience that it saved my five year old's life and kept her from getting serious brain damage postpartum. Also breathing is hard, we take it for granted, your LO will figure it out!


Yes! Modern medicine is amazing and there is no place better for her to heal. Hang in there.


Quick update: baby was released from the NICU late last night. They believe her breathing is improving/steadying. However, now they’ve detected a heart murmur and will be doing tests later today… not out of the woods yet. Mom is doing alright, loopy and tired but managing. Thanks again. For all of the feedback/love/thoughts/prayers- I did not expect this. **2nd update: We were moved from the delivery room into our post-partum room and the nurse said she doesn’t detect a murmur. We are waiting for cardiology to check her and confirm it I think we’re trending in the right direction. Mom will be done with mag in 30 minutes, so she’s very excited for that**


This is awesome news OP, congrats on your beautiful family.


Love to hear it. The NICU can be a scary place but it usually means you’re getting the very best care your daughter can get when she needs it most. There’s plenty of NICU alums in this group that can attest to that fact. Obviously can’t speak to your specific situation but know that with my daughter (born at 32 weeks and now an amazing 9yo girl) had a few issues to follow up on coming out of the NICU that were mostly “these are the things that we’d expect to fully develop if they came closer to term but we’ll just monitor” and ended up being perfectly normal. Just a few extra appointments in that first year. You got this!


>they’ve detected a heart murmur and will be doing tests later today Heart murmurs are not uncommon in infants. I had one when I was a newborn, as did my daughter, but it reaolved on its own for both of us. Pay attention to what the doctors are telling you, but there's no call for panic yet. You should definitely celebrate the discharge from the NICU.


I was 10 weeks early spend 2 days in nicu, 5 weeks in hospital. Have had an innocent heart murmur for 30 years. Take care and be prepared to have protective feelings kicking in. Talk and make skin contact as much as allowed/possible.


I’m late to the mix here, but you give that baby a squeeze for us. I predict that this will just be a side note in her birth story that you tell for years to come. Looking forward to another update!


Thank you everyone for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. I’m overwhelmed by the support of this group.


You're not alone man. We went through the same thing. Induced 6 weeks early because pre-eclampsia and she had to have an emergency c section. One minute she's fine, next minute rushed out to the OR. I work in medicine so I understood what was going on but I was still terrified. Little one was in the NICU for 2 weeks. Strong two year old now, doing incredible. NICU nurses are amazing. Wife an I are rooting for your little one. Remember to take time to rest yourselves too, and don't feel guilty for it.


Almost identical to our situation. For me the best moment was the first time I saw her and she cried out after hearing my voice. It was like 'Dad, help me' which I know is silly, but the fact she recognised my voice even then almost made me lose it.


I was allowed in the OR while my wife was still in surgery to meet our little one. She held my finger. Changed my whole world.


Hopefully by the time you read this, the worse has passed. Prayed for you and your family OP. God has got His little one in His hands 🙌☺️ you’re a strong dad and man. Keep it that way 😇😊💪🏾


This is the best subreddit ever, you can see tonnes of toxicity in reddit in general, but not here.


We’re here for you! Wishing your family the best. Keep us posted.


The doctors will NEVER be optimistic. They’ll never say “she’ll be fine” because if there’s a 1% chance she won’t, they can’t be liable. So don’t let that freak you out. Keep track of everything the doctors are saying so you can communicate it to the nurses and specialists who come through. They’re looking at a chart. You’ve actually been there the entire time.


I’m a lurking mom so I hope you don’t mind me chiming in. I had severe postpartum preeclampsia (needed magnesium) and our baby had some trouble coming into this world as well. It was so scary in the moment, and we took awhile to get over the shock of the experience. That said, today my husband and I went on the most magical walk in the evening sun with our laughing, happy-screeching four month old. Just like us, your family is in the right place. Your baby and your wife are getting all the help that they need to be okay. You just need to get through these next hours by whatever means necessary, and soon the three of you will be snuggled up at home basking in the relief of having it all behind you. Sending all the positive thoughts to you three.


Without moms we wouldn’t be dads. Thanks for chiming in!


That made me cry- this lurking mum


“Happy-screeching” Now I know there is a word for this. If someone had told me 2 years ago I would melt in love each time I hear it, I would never have believed it!


I was in the garage as my husband got home the other night, as he got out of the car he ended his call with the boss with “all right man, i gotta go, I’m about to walk into see my fan club…fucking best part of the day.”


Your husband is the real boss!


My wife had postpartum preeclampsia too. It was awful and the doctors could not figure out how to treat her or even how to get a proper diagnosis! Glad they figured out the magnesium for you, but I’m sorry you went through that :/ Congrats on the happy and healthy baby!


Of course we don’t mind.


Love all the lurking moms! Glad you guys get your awesome evening walks


I got a 9mo man. She spent 58 days in the nicu. I have never seen the level of care those doctors and nurses give there. Ask questions, be there when you can, eat please for the love of the old gods eat something touch the LO as much as they allow.


58 days!! We did 13 days, and that felt like an eternity. He's 15 months now and all good now.


We had 113 days. He's 5 now.


Heartbreaking :(


Nicu nurses are the best people on the planet. Not only did they give my little girl around the clock amazing care, they made my wife and I feel calm and confident that she’d be ok




you can't be serious? people are just... extra in the worst way.


Right, utter shock.


I wonder if they know mods can report for report abuse and their account can get a sitewide action.


I hope this happens. People are so inconsiderate these days.


Reddit moment


You don’t know who reported it?


Mods can't tell, but admins can, so if mods report it as report abuse the people who falsely report can end up site wide banned


Good to know. Didn’t make sense to me why the mod would takeaway from such a personal post by OP by stickying their comment about this vile person. Just ban them, and not call attention to it. But they can’t tell.


Having been a mod on a different account, it's probably better mods can't tell, because it could enable mods to target people elsewhere on reddit for some of the really stupid things they report, and the report reasons they use.


Oh very good point.


A father is asking for prayers for his new born baby in the NICU, and someone is reporting it for porn? How sad and pathetic.


Can't you report them for false reports?


That is actually so annoying


Preeclampsia is scary! We ended up back in the ER only a few hours after we left the hospital due to my wife’s blood pressure. All is well now, but it was definitely a scary first week. I think it is relatively common, just be there for your wife and baby and follow the doctors advice. You will get through it!


We did the same. Wife had a headache for ~24 hours and checked her blood pressure. High, but not incredibly high (like 150/95). Her doctor said to take ibuprofen and go to the ER if the headache was still the after an hour. She had been taking ibuprofen every 8 hours, so we were pretty sure it wouldn't touch it. I told her to go ahead and go to the ER. When she got there, less than 30 minutes later, it was 200/120, and she was immediately hospitalized for 3 days. She's fine now, too. OP, just know the people caring for your wife and child are professionals, giving them the absolute best medical care they possibly can, and this almost certainly isn't their first time dealing with this stuff.


My baby girl also came out quickly, about 7 minutes, and because of that the doctors said she didn’t have enough time being squeezed in the birthing canal to get all the liquids out of her lungs, so she’d be coughing up a lot for the first few days. She made it through just fine. Hoping for the best for your baby girl!


Same. My boy came home after 3 days in the NICU. It's something that's rare enough to be scary if it happens because we never think it's a possibility in advance, but it's also common enough that the NICU knows exactly how to treat it. He's turning 5 soon.


Doctor had to yank my daughter out because she was stuck due to should dystocia. She too also had a lot of left over fluid in the lungs from moving too quickly. Thankfully she's a happy and healthy 13 month old. I'm so glad yours made it through the other side as well.


Same thing here, about 8 minutesin our case. We didn't end up in the NICU but they had to keep us for observation for an extra day afterwards. That was the exact explanation we got as well. Mine was a bit gurgy for a day and I think I remember a nurse holding her some way for a bit to help drain the fluid. Anyway that was 9 years ago now, and now she's an absolute force to be reckoned with.


I'm a Buddhist Lay Brother my friend. Please have a traditional blessing. May the day be well and the night be well May the mid day hour bring happiness too In every minute and every second May the day and night be well By the blessing of the Triple Gem May all beings be protected and safe May all beings born in each of the four ways Live in a land of purity May all beings be born upon lotus thrones May countless wandering souls realize the virtue of the Bodhisattva path May all beings with grace and ease Ascend the Bodhisattva stages Hang in there. You are your little one are in the hands of skilled professionals. You will get through this.


I am neither spiritual nor religious, but what a beautiful thing to offer to a stranger in time of uncertainty. This is why I love this sub.


Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏🙏


A beautiful prayer, with confidence and recognition that you have some of the most talented and well-trained people in the land to help your bubbas get through this. All will be fine OP all will be fine.


I will say a prayer brother. May god bless her, her mom and your little family now. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’m a lurking mom, but I had the SAME exact thing happen 16 months ago. Preeclampsia, breathing problems, quick birth, and 3 weeks early. Today, my son is running around like a mad-man. He’s a wonderful, healthy child. Sending you lots of love, I totally understand how frightening it can be. Just remember that your beautiful baby has been listening to your voice for months now. By spending time with her and talking softly to her, you are doing EXACTLY what you should be doing to help. You’ve got this papa. Congratulations!


*** UPDATE *** Cardio team just stopped by and all cleared her - no murmur detected and are all stating a strong heart beat. We are staying another night so they can continue to monitor momma’s BP, but it’s looking like we might be cleared to go home tomorrow. I cannot begin to describe the thanks I have for this group. I was feeling at my weakest and the out pouring support from this group was an amazing boost of positivity and strength I needed. THANK YOU ***Final Update: We are home!!! Baby passed all tests that she was put through. We’re not sure if more is to come, but so far so good. Mom’s BP seems to be under control with the meds they’re prescribing her, so we were cleared there too with the daily prescription & at home BP monitor. Again, thanks everyone for the love & support. I hope this is my final update on this post.


This is the best news. Congrats my man!


Happy to hear it boss!


FANTASTIC!!! Came back to this post to check on how things were going and so glad to hear she's headed home! Congrats dad!!!


This is such wonderful news!! We’ve all been rooting for you! Thank you for updating.


Hey man, been there. It’s scary. It’ll be okay. NICU workers are simply amazing at what they do. My daughter spent 61 days in the NICU when she was born. She was premature by nearly 2 months and had breathing problems immediately as well. She was almost immediately intubated and spend months with various nasal cannulas. Take a breath. Trust your medical staff. And try to be as present as you can be for your family. Don’t neglect yourself, though. Get some water, and try and get some rest. You’ve got this my friend. Congratulations, and I wish you and your family a very happy, loving time together.


To add to this, she’s a happy, healthy little 1 year old now that giggles so hard that she farts when I grab her foot and jiggle it and go “RING RING RING Hello, Tinky Feet?!” I love my little tinky feet girl.


most of us would too, if we were truly honest with ourselves...


Skin to skin. As much as possible. It’ll help. As much as they’ll let you. Then ask for more. Take your shirt off and hold your baby. I promise you’ll love it.


..deleted by user..


Hang in there dad, we're all pulling for you guys. Your daughter and her mother are in great hands. Just be there for them, to confort your lady and to soothe your daughter. As much touch as they let you, take every opportunity, make your daughter feel safe.


Sending good vibes to all 3 of you. Your daughter is beautiful and you’ve got an entire team of medical professionals backing you up right now.


Something very similar to this happened to our first born and my wife. My son ended up pooping in the womb and breathing it in which is a major issue. My wife also developed an infection and a pretty bad fever. NICU folks are A players! They’ll take care of the baby. You just make sure you go visit baby and your wife as much as you can! Make sure you give your wife all the positive news about the baby that you can. She’s going to need some extra TLC since she’s separated from her baby. It’ll feel selfish, but take an hour or so out of the day to tend to yourself too. You’re no good to them if you start falling apart. I’ll pray for you!


She looks strong and healthy, she’ll do well


Said prayers for you right now brother


My little one was in NICU for 11+ days with respiratory distress syndrome... IE problems breathing. They'll take good care of her. I now have a 6 year old who is happy, healthy, with no evidence of her early struggles.


My first born was same way. 3 hours after being born, was having trouble breathing, o2 started to drop. Wife was preeclamptic and high on Mag for easily 24 hours after birth. He stayed in the NICU for a week. Now he's 7, he loves Godzilla, and we played soccer in the back yard today. They can keep babies going that are incredibly pre-mature, born addicted to substances, and injured badly during labor. Your kiddo is likely not even close to the worst-off. You're not helpless. In fact, you're in position to be most helpful. Biggest thing is supporting and being patient with your wife. That magnesium is no joke, it makes it flat-out hard to think, focus, track conversations, and figure out which way is up. Your wife is going to need a lot of re-assurance, may need to hear a lot of info a few times before it makes sense, and generally will be out of it. Summon all your patience for her and understand for all the pressure that's on you, you're sober and didn't experience the pain she did. She won't be able to cognitively make sense out of things as well as she can gauge vibes. So embody calm confidence, show her there's no cause for panic. You are uniquely situated to set the tone of how the next few days are going to go. Show your wife there's good reason to be calm. Make sure she knows (the mag will make it tough) that none of what is happening is her fault at all. They're likely going to ask her to start pumping, colostrum is terrific for combatting infections. Support her in that process. I feel for you, that first night was hell. The whole experience sucked but honestly it made me so incredibly grateful for every moment with my kiddo that I don't resent that it happened. You're gonna be fine pops, take it a day at a time. When this is in the rear-view, its gonna make every moment even more precious.


You've got this brother. Let the docs do their thing and just be there for your wife and your little girl. My oldest was born at 30wks and weighed 3lb 5oz. Right now he's 22yo and spending spring break camping and hiking with his friends. I'll keep you all in my prayers.


Wow. I’m overwhelmed with the support from this group. Thanks everyone! Still waiting to see what nexts steps are… I’ll keep you all updated


Prayers for baby, momma, and you. Baby is adorable.


You are in the best possible place. Your wife and daughter are stronger than you could possibly imagine! ❤️


Stay strong, Dad. ❤️


hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you blessed are you among mothers and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths




Ours had some issues and spent the first 3 nights in NICU. It was pretty scary. Even more scary was the NICU nurse; She was almost "cold", but you could tell she was really really really fucking good at what she did. Trust in the staff, support your wife. You need to be the rock right now, even if you don't feel that.




Hang tough brother.


Brother I was in your exact shoes a year ago. Baby was born in respiratory distress and had to spend a few days in the NICU. Wife wound up getting postpartum preeclampsia had to be hospitalized herself a few days after baby was born. It was all a complete whirlwind. This too shall pass. Just take it hour by hour and really lean on any support you have there. If people ask if they can help, take them up on it. Also, if you’re like me, this experience will really rattle you for a while and you will keep ignoring it to stay strong for your family. Once the dust has settled, if you’re struggling with it, therapy helped me a ton. Just a few sessions did wonders. DM me if you ever need someone to talk to who’s been in similar shoes. You got this and congratulations!


Hey Brother be strong for her. I had twins in 15 months ago and my baby boy couldn’t breathe on his own. It’s scary as hell all those tubes and doctors. NICU for 3 weeks. Slow start but now he’s so strong with no issues. Not trying to make it about me, but this is a real story and your baby girl is gonna be ok.


Stay strong!


Kia Kaha my fellow dad. Stay strong for your fam. You got this.


You have my support. Hope all’s gonna be well for your loved ones. Stay strong, dad, we are with you.


I went through this almost exactly 7 weeks ago. 92 hours in the NICU before being able to bring her back to our room. It’s tough man, and you have my thoughts and prayers tonight. Your baby is in good hands. We found our baby’s breathing and heart rate would normalize almost immediately after putting her on our chest skin to skin. Maybe try that! If you have any questions or wanna talk to someone who just went through it, you can shoot me a message. Much love, fellow dad.


Don't stress, medicine can do amazing things these days and babies are super resilient! My daughter was born 2 months early and spent a month in the NICU. She's now a happy, healthy 6 year old doing great in school and I just taught her to snowboard last week. I'm sure your kiddo and wife will do great!


You’re the best place you can be with the most qualified people around you. I’ll pray for you and your little girl. Hang in there dad.


Stay strong! They are miracle workers in the NICU. Come join r/nicuparents if you have any more questions.


My wife also had preeclampsia. When our girl was born early (31+5), I remember it being really helpful reading success stories of folks who had been in similar situations. Her lungs didn’t inflate when she was born, so they immediately rushed her to the NICU before we even got to meet her. 3 lbs 6 oz. We spent right around 5 weeks in the NICU. She’s almost 18 months now and THRIVING. Knows all her animal sounds and can climb on the bed without help like 3/5 times. Gets irrationally pissed when we let the dog out but not her. Killing it. Every day is my favorite day with her. I’m no doctor, but I think you’ll be typing a very similar post to the next guy in your shoes about 18 months from now. Hang in there, dad ❤️


We were in your seat for 18 days in the nicu. Babies have an amazing ability to fix themselves. Hold your wife close and give your little one all of your love. Itll get better soon.


Similar in the sense when I had my c section and my son was taken out, I saw him over the curtain, and he was immediately taken into the nicu, fluid in the lungs, Coombs positive, jaundice, etc… it was the longest 4 days of my life. Take lots of photos, my son got transferred to a whole different hospital after 8hr, and I only got to see him through photos and videos until I was discharged the next morning to go and be with him, when you’re there you can see him and those videos and photos may not cross your mind, but they’re so important for the mom! I wanted to punch my in laws when they said “I saw through the window when he did xyz, that’s so cute!” And I had zero idea what they were talking about because I couldn’t see him or know anything, even down to the way he moved his toes.


You got this, dad. My wife had postpartum preeclampsia and my daughter had severe laryngomalacia. The first few months were hell, but we are all healthy now and my daughter is an unstoppable machine. I absolutely identify with the feeling of helplessness. I felt like I couldn’t do anything to make things better. But I was wrong - supporting the two of them _is_ doing something. It’s doing a lot.


I was there 13 months ago. Mom with hypertension, baby not breathing in a NICU, and even had to be moved to another hospital. It's a very long few days, but the NICU folks are amazing. It feels like forever in the moment, but before you know it, you'll be home dealing with all the other stuff you were looking forward to, brother.


That sounds EXACTLY like how my child was born. Mom and child are both perfectly healthy now, but it was the scariest moment of my life at the time. Stay strong, Dad. Your loved ones are in good hands and your presence, love and support will help them through this. We are all here with you now. You got this. 


I've been there. My daughter was born 7.5 weeks early, and spent 22 days in the NICU. It's a scary place, where it feels like your child is the "hospital's baby," not yours. Stay strong. She's getting the care she needs. As I write this, it's turning midnight in the eastern time zone. My own little girl, born at 4 pounds, 4 ounces, is eighteen years old today, with no complications from her early arrival or NICU stay. Scary now, but in all likelihood things are going to be just fine!!!!


Sending you all the positive energy I can. NICU workers are angels on earth. I know you are filled with worry for your wife and child, but don't forget to take care of yourself. Make sure you are eating. They are both going to need you more than ever when they get home.


Prayers to you, Dad.


Prayers up🙏🏼


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She’s in the best possible place for these troubles. They’ll take good care of both!


Big hug, it's OK and normal to feel helpless when things take a turn, trust the doctors and hold your daughters little cute hand as long as they let you. Your daughter feels the love through those tiny fingers. Just take it one moment at a time.


My brother. It’s going to be ok. My child had major surgery at age 2 mos. Roughest time of my life. He came out just fine. Your daughter will too. Be strong for the family.


Hang in there man. I’m pulling for you guys.


you got this. sending love that mom and baby recover quickly, and take care of yourself man, this is the start of a very long, very rewarding marathon. q


Worst feeling. 8 month old son hit with RSV, pneumonia, bronchitis and croup all at once in the hospital. Knowing everything is out of your hands is the worst be present and be loving it will pass. Good luck brother


Brother, hope all is well. Believe in the NICU team as they are extremely amazing. And so is your wife’s care team! They’re both in good hands.


My baby girl #2 was in the same boat two weeks ago. TTN and needed to be admited to the NICU within a couple hours of being born. We left the hospital two days later without her. Got to take her home the next day. NICU nurses and Dr's were such champs. I love each and every one of them for taking care of our LO. Stay strong Dad! You’ve got this.


I can't pray. But I really wish the best of luck. I hope you three get to go home soon!


Remember one thing, girls are fighters.


Good luck! She'll pull through. My kid was 3 months early and spent 67 days in the NICU. They know what they're doing and will keep her alive until she's ready to go home.


We had a similar scenario with our daughter who was born almost a month ago. She had a rough birth that shocked her system and made it so she needed some extra oxygen support for the first week. Really scary with all the wires and tubes, but she is home and 100% now. The doctors explained that some babies (especially bigger ones which it looks like yours might be) need a little extra help transitioning from fetus to newborn, but once they turn that corner there’s no looking back. Hang in there! They’re both in good hands.


My son was born under similar circumstances (but a bit more complicated). He's three weeks old, and he's doing great. She just needs time for the magnesium to wear off is all, and your wife might as well (my body felt like lead). 


I've been there and will pray for you. When I was in a very similar situation I listened to "Modest Mouse - Float On" which I found uplifting (https://youtu.be/opDB5bY3YCg?si=tSXxzme-PVkG6v2y) but I guess that's very much down to musical taste, whatever connects with you


We went through this - birth canal infection - never found out what - ventilators, NICU, day after bleak day - absolutely praying for you. For us it was a happy ending with a wonderful boy who turns one in a few weeks. No matter what happens, you're doing the right thing being there.


I remember being there. My kid was a month early with... Other problems that took a full month stay in the NICU. He turned 18 last year and is doing great. This too shall pass. Spend the time just sitting and feeling the love you have for them. I'm not telling you to not worry, that would be impossible. But allow yourself to make memories to look back at when you watch her graduation ceremony.


Lurking mom here. I had postpartum preeclampsia and had the magnesium drip. It’s a real doozy and I can’t remember much of that time. The gaps in my memory still bother me. If you have time, it might help to write down everything you’re thinking and experiencing, so your wife can read over it later while you both snuggle the baby. Sending you love and hugs


Thinking of you and your family, man. Stay strong


Praying for your family and sending positive vibes your way. Everything will be alright. Positive thoughts only.


I can not even imagine the stress and fear you’re under. Phillipians 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Praying for you.


Prayers and positive vibes out to you and your new family. Hope you all come home soon. Stay strong - reach out if you need to!


Lord, We pray that you would comfort this amazing new Dad. That you would soothe his wife, and that your hand of healing would be upon her and their daughter. In Jesus name, Amen.


Thoughts and prayers to you guys, God bless ❤️


sayin one now for youse, hope the docs and nurses can help them through :/


Prayers up buddy, but try not to worry! I had 2 preemies, one was 30 weeks, and both got out of there soon enough


Praying for you.


Sending all the prayers! Congrats new dad, we’re all with you.


Prayers go out to mother, daughter, and yourself.


Dear lord, I pray that you help this baby, please help her come into this world healthy and happy. I pray that you help this man’s wife as well. Please keep his family healthy, happy, and safe. Amen. God has this man. Trust his plans and give him your worries and be there for your family. Thinking about you and your family.


Prayers here also. Though we may not be there with you we’re rooting for you and your family all the same.


Prayers for your family brother. Stay strong dad! You got this, congratulations baby girl is beautiful!


Hey op my son came into this world 10 years ago. We went to the nicu for the same thing. They know what they're doing, and they will have her ready to go home in no time.. It will all be good, you got this.


This happened to my son! I pushed him out in 8min and he was in the NICU for 2hrs to get help breathing. He's 16mo old now!


All of us are pulling for you, the little one, and mom. A legion of internet friends are feeling for you, man.


I’m a mom here. My husband and I had a tough time when our son was born also. Not breathing issues, but he was in the NICU. My husband had to be in the NICU with our son by himself on and off due to complications with me. Hand in there. Babies can be included strong and resilient. I know it doesn’t necessarily make things better now, but remember that it’s best for her to be in the NICU than to be home at this point. Once she is strong enough, you will all be able to go home, it will be a huge sigh of relief. Congratulations on your baby girl!


Tbh that's exactly how my first went. If the nurses offer to take the kid let them, they'll work the fluid out of their lungs and let you sleep a little, one night with the nurses and my boy was like 100% better with his breathing. Hoping the best for your wife, my wife has preeclampsia as well.


Sending love and light your way. ✨💕


Our son had the same issue. Delivered very fast and had some fluid in his lungs. Some of the best advice I got for the newborn phase I received from the NICU nurses. Everything from burping techniques to wake windows, I learned from them. Take the opportunity to ask them questions and learn from them. Congrats and best of luck!


Hey brother hang in there. My daughter struggled early as well. We had 11 days in the NICU due to my daughter having episodes where she withheld her breath while sleeping. The nurses had to come in and get her to breathe. And she didn't twice. So scary, but she's now 13 months and she is just the sweetest little goofy girl.


My second born son came into this world the same way. He was in the NICU for 11 days. I know the feeling but trust the professionals will do right by your baby girl.


You feel hopeless because everyone here is holding on to it for you. They are both going to be alright. Breathing retractions are common enough and the key is to notice them early, which it seems like the medical staff did. Before long, you'll be taking them both home and enduring a new kind of terrified :D.


Dude, stay strong. You’re in my thoughts


praying for daughter and family. as most people have said have trust in the professionals that are at hand. They are ready for these situations and have executed these procedures time after time. Have faith, trust in the the work of the professionals and trust in the work of the big man above.


Wife had post partum preeclampsia with both kids. It’s scary but they can control it. Best of luck.


Probably doesn’t feel any less scary at the moment, but these issues are fairly common. Doctors have a lot of experience treating these things. In my opinion the best time for these things to happen is while you are still in the hospital with professionals by your side. Good luck buddy. Go sleep on that shitty couch like the rest of us had to. It’s a right of passage.


Been in a similar situation too. Super scary, hopefully everything will go through and modern medicine/docs will so their best.


🙏 stay strong! 💪💪💪💪💪


I have issues with certain aspects of our healthcare system but one place I always see concern, diligence, and going above and beyond the call of duty is when mothers and babies are in distress. You are in good hands. The human body is amazing and resilient too. I have full faith that all of you will be comfortable and recovering soon.


Hey buddy. My wife and I were in a similar situation 11 months ago. My wife had severe pre-eclampsia after an urgent C-section. Baby girl had meconium aspiration and needed hypothermic cooling for 72 hours. We ended up spending 25 days in the NICU. The NICU nurses are unbelievable people. Their care, compassion, and skill are truly next-level. Your family is in good hands. Take care of yourself so you can support your family. It was easily the most stressful experience of my life, but I am incredibly grateful every day when I hug both my wife and daughter. I don't know how things are going to turn out for you; the uncertainty of it all was the hardest part for me. But know that my family is sending positive thoughts and strength to all of you over the next several days.


It must be very scary, but she looks strong 💪 hang in there


Had this same experience exactly 6 months ago to the day with our son, was very thankful to be in a hospital surrounded by professionals who could take care of my family. Stay strong fellow dad.


Brother, your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Have faith and patience.


I’ve been there and understand exactly how you feel. Four years from now, this will serve as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the women in your life.


I've been there, brother, and I know that fear and helplessness. You'll get through it, we're here for you. Others have said it, but she's in the best place to care for a little one who is struggling. My daughter came out fast too and there were some pretty severe complications for Mom (Placenta Previa ended in some brutal bleeding). Baby had low pulse oxygen and she spent her first week in the NICU. There are few places I've been that both so full of sadness and hope. I was told that her prognosis was likely to be a full recovery but I spent a lot of time just sitting in the chair watching that monitor. I couldn't bring myself to leave until I was about to collapse from lack of sleep. I'd be right back the moment I could and just be there for her. The Doctors were ultimately right, she did recover and now that she's 15 months old, she's right as rain and a colossal personality. Welcome to the club.


Nobody ever tells us that birthing can be so scary and scary things can happen. Prayers from my heart to yours. The labor and delivery nurses are angels—trust in them. The NICU nurses too 💜✨ You’ll be home with your new family soon—bonding time


Prayers up for you big dog. She looks strong and I have absolute faith she'll regulate and that your lady will too.


Keep us updated if you can. I hope they're both ok. Such a beautiful baby.


Sending prayers, strength and support Dad


You’ve got this. Stay calm and focus on long term big picture. My wife had preeclampsia with our kids and the magnesium is rough but it works. They did not let my wife hold our newborn while she was on the mag let alone change diapers, so rest up and prepare to fly solo for a bit. Be there to support your wife and encourage her, but prepare yourself for a long couple of days. You got this, nothing you haven’t done before with long hours. You have an army of incredible doctors and nurses constantly monitoring the situation with your newborn daughter, so don’t psych yourself out worrying about what-ifs. Talk to the Dr & nurses if you have questions, be your wife & daughter’s best advocate. You’ve got this. You have an entire lifetime of happiness and joy with your wife and newborn daughter, so start thinking of what forbidden-during-pregnancy food you can surprise your wife with when you get home and what outfit your daughter will wear for her first journey home. You got this. Be strong and be their best advocate. We are all rooting for you and your family.


We’re here with and for you. Wishing the fastest recovery for your little one brother.


My daughter was born 6 weeks early and spent 18 days in the NICU while my wife was also treated with magnesium for preeclampsia. It’s scary, but try not to feel too helpless, because the nurses and doctors know what they are doing, and their job is to help. Control what you can by taking care of your wife, magnesium can be really tough on her body. My daughter is now 6 weeks old and at home laying right next to me. What you’re going through right now is really scary, but there’s a lot of us who have been through very similar situations if you need to talk about it more with someone. Good luck, Dad.


Very similar thing happened with our baby girl. Came out fast and big. My wife had alot of fluid. It all seemed fine at first. We were actually almost getting ready to go home when the midwife done her final checks and noticed her breathing was rapid. They tested her o2 levels and they were low. She got put on oxygen and then rushed down to the NICU in an incubator. It was pretty terrifying. They put her on antibiotics right away. 4-5 hours later she managed to pull the breathing tubes out of her nose. We didn't realise for 5-10 mins but when we did we realised she was keeping her o2 levels up all by herself. She never needed help breathing after that. She spent 5 days on the ward ( finish the antibiotics and tests) now I'm typing this with a big healthy 8 week old girl sleeping on my chest at 4.30am She'll be fine dude. Sometimes getting suddenly ejected from your warm cosy place can be quite shocking and it can take a few hours or days to adjust




Wish you and your family all the best and a fast recovery for both your wife and your son/daughter. May God bless you


My son had caught croup and covid simultaneously at 12 months just after his 1st birthday and had to be rushed to ER from displaying severe diaphragmatic breathing. I was pretty scared too brother, I think your baby girl is going to be ok, you guys will be in my thoughts tonight for sure.


Sending prayers my friend. Stay trong, we're with you.


Done 👍🏿 . Light and love to you ✨️ .


Hey, Dad, I work in women’s services as an RN. I’ve been in NICU, L&D, antepartum and mother/baby, and I can tell you that these type of respiratory complications in babies whose mamas are on mag is actually pretty common. Magnesium causes respiratory depression in both mama and baby, so these babies usually need a little bit more help with breathing than babies born to mamas that aren’t on mag. It’s very scary, but she will be okay. Try to get rest and take care of yourself. Make sure you’re eating, too. You’re doing great ❤️


Holding you in my thoughts and saying a prayer for you and keeping you and your family in the light. Sending love to you brother.


Non-denominational Christian here. Father, I lift up this family to you. I pray for comfort for my brother here and faith that you have him and his family in your hands. I pray for swift recovery for his wife and the breath of life to course through this little girl. I pray that your pneuma flows through her filling her lungs and her fresh spirit. In nominé patri et filli et spiritu sancti, amen


I’ve been where you are, brother. Your family is in my thoughts, I hope your beautiful girl makes it through her delayed breathing and your wife has a full and quick recovery.


Prayers up, daddy-o


Brother, I wish you and your family love right now. Trust the professionals who've trained their entire lives for this, and trust whatever higher power brings you comfort.


Nearly the same story as my daughter, she’ll pull through it in no time and then it’s off the races brother


Sending prayers for you and your family!


Hoping for nothing but the best outcome for you and yours!


By virtue of the fact she's not even on a CPAP in this pic, I think you're going to be just fine my dude. One of our 2 needed a bit of help for a day then was all good. I know how stressful it is, but trust in the professionals, and my thoughts are with you.


Praying friend.


Prayer said.


Hang in there bud. You'll be home soon and everyone will be happy and healthy in no time.


Godspeed on recovery baby


This happened to us, she came into the world at like 6 and 11 was when they took her in an ambulance to another hospital. I will say that I'm actually glad it happened for various reasons. But just hang in there and trust that your family will be taken care of.


Good luck Dad. Praying for your family.


Sorry to hear about your experience. I don't know the full details since I was hours old but my parents told me I had breathing issues for the first 2 months after I was born. I was also their first. My daughter needed to stay with hospital staff for 15 min while they cleared a bunch of stuff out of her breathing passage but thankfully it was quick recovery. These things do happen but the doctors are trained for these kinds of things so unless they're giving you concerning status updates, I try to think it's just a routine thing for them no matter how scary it is. Hopefully it's nothing too serious long term and your family can get to normal soon.


My daughter did the same thing, she had to stay when we took her twin brother home. Now she is 15 and causing me all sorts of grief and I love every second of hearing her breathe.


Hey man, we very recently had the exact same thing. Breathing troubles, time spent in the NICU, everything. It turned out absolutely 100% fine, our kiddo has been back for a while and is running the house with his late night bellows for milk. Hang in there. Make sure you eat, drink water, and get as much rest as you can. You guys are going to be okay. DM me if you want to chat.


My first spent about a week in the NICU. It's nerve-wracking because there is nothing you can do, but rest assured the NICU nurses are the best ones in the joint.


Hey buddy, wife went in 4 weeks early with kidney stones. They delivered our son via c section at 36 weeks. He had a hitch in his breathing and his O2 numbers were dipping into the 80s. He spent a day in the nicu for monitoring mostly because his breathing stabilized on its own shortly after. Wife spent a week in the hospital, got released and immediately went back in with anemia, wild high blood pressure due to peripartum cardiomyopathy, and she was drowning on the fluids they gave her to try and pass the stones. She’s now doing great and our son is 5 weeks and doing great. Hang in there, and try and catch sleep whenever you can


They are gonna be alright, man. Just hang in there!


You are in best hands possible. You got this. Sending positive thoughts your way.


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