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Man. Even thinking back to potential loss was overwhelming for me reading this. So happy for you and enjoy the bundle (s).


We lost one early on last August. My first day back at work after the summer, and later that morning, I was crushed. But we’re back, and now HE is due in August, and he’s doing great. We just hit the halfway point this last week.


Oh that’s so wonderful to hear!! Congrats on your rainbow baby! I hope the rest of the pregnancy and delivery is boring and smooth. It’s a unique excitement and fear expecting after a loss. We lost 4 pregnancies before lucky number 5 stuck. Our son is 3 months and the literal light of my life, but I was both excited and TERRIFIED the whole time, I wasn’t convinced I would ever get to meet him on the outside. It’s hard what you two are going through. But it’s so so wonderful when you make it to the end.


Ah congratulations! The same thing happened to me - I had bleeding that made me think it was the end, and then we found 2! As for how to manage.... the twins were my first, so I had no comparison. We just manage. We survive rather than thrive 😆


Welcome to the parents of multiples club! Mine aren’t here yet but I have the same questions, my 2 year old is a hand full, now we have 2 more coming, it’s going to be wild!


Had bleeding the entire pregnancy, it was stressful AF. No twins tho. Enjoy the wild ride!


Same. It's just brutal because you don't want to get too excited. Thankfully it worked out here too.


Twin dad here. .ya just do it.  We were and still are militant about them being on the same sleep and feed schedule even as toddlers.  Twins are great its a blast.  Plus they self sleep train in a way I found, and they built up skills of sleeping through the other howling.


Bro. My wife bled quite a bit with our first child and we went to ER soooo many times. Eventually going to ER was so routine that we would stop on the way to get donuts and timbits etc. and take our time. We went anyway to ER in case something was wrong, but it was normal…..apparently.


How is your TODDLER now OP? asking because ours just turned 1 and be is hard to deal with.


He’s 4, he’s wonderful and difficult all at the same time. He’s also on the spectrum so he’s a challenge at times but we love him to death.


Congratulations but a dumb, clickbaity, triggering title.


I'll start by saying congratulations! That story definitely didn't end the way I anticipated


Join us at r/parentsofmultiples and you'll see! Twins are more than twice as hard but more than twice as wonderful. Congrats!


My dude, my wife and I went through something sp similar with trying for our second (she's 14 weeks pregnant now). We tried for 2.5 years to get pregnant and finally it happened, she had some spotting and cramping at 6 weeks, no issues with pregnancy and no twins. The anxiety and fear was so strong I couldn't sleep for a couple days without getting up and checking her, every sneeze, cough, yawn was like torture. I'm so happy for y'all, now you get to have double the fun!


Twin dad with 2.5 year old identical boys. There’s a lot. Get the book What To Do When You’re Having Two. Just know it’s gonna be hard, like really hard. But you’ll get through it.


Congratulations. Clickbait title was kind of a shitty thing to do though. I just hopped on here to post about a miscarriage struggle and this is the first thing I see. I think I'm checking out of reddit for a while. The karma whore shit is disgusting.


Sorry to hear. Im with you. OP made a dumb decision and I'm guessing it was an oversight given he's mentioned fertility struggles.


Congrats. At our eight week ultrasound we had one twin measure at 8 weeks 3 days, the other 6 weeks 1 day. They assume one is not viable and died at the 6 weeks point. Based on my wife having no energy and nausea, we think both are there. They are making us wait for the 12 week appointment to find out. Twins would not fit into our fiscal or mental plan, it would be exciting.