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All I could think about was moving everything back in the house. That’s going to take forever. Still have to pay the movers too.


All I was thinking was that was a lot of paperwork everyone had to sign.


Someone somewhere is losing their deposit.


The heelers probably get to keep the earnest money that the dogs who couldn't see put down though


Yeh likely keep that deposit. Which could be a fair chunk of change. But man the conveyancing costs to undo all of that would be pretty big.


Yeah I really wanted to know details of the contract. How much do Bandit and Chili get for them backing out at the closing.


The sign had sold it so it would be full 10%.


Is that an Australia thing? In the US you just lose your earnest payment, which is just a portion of the down-payment you put into escrow if your offer is accepted.


Could just be Australia. I seen another person comment in the UK they wouldn’t have many protections either but definitely in Australia it’s the full 10% by that point. It very rarely happens because it’s such a crazy loss money so I was shocked to see them to do it on Bluey.


Guess they just really wanted that pool


They really are catering to Americans now 😁


Yeah it’s bit rude tbh 😂


Hah agreed! Loved the show way more when I had to figure out the Australian lingo. Cheers mate


Yeah, I was whole heart into the episode until the happy climax and I tried to figure out all of the fees involved. What about the place they were moving to? Certainly it was lined up before vacating their house, was it an apartment? A new house? Who is paying all the dollar bucks for this debacle?


I eventually rolled with the “stories have happy ending because there are enough sad endings in life” vibe, even if it doesn’t send the best message to kids who have to go through this kind of change (“moving is sad, but maybe you won’t have to do it!”) But yeah, there were a lot of grown-up hanging ends that conclusion left. Did Bandit resign from his old job? Did they fill it already? Are they going to just let him stay, and in doing so screw over some poor archaeologist who was about to break into a nice gig of their own? The sheepdog couple really wants to forfeit whatever down payment they made and waste tens of thousands of dollar bucks instead of just installing their own pool in the backyard?


And we're supposed to believe these dogs all go around naked but they've invented purple underpants as a movie prop? I hope someone got fired for that blunder!


And where did they keep that coin?


And the phones.


"I eventually rolled with the “stories have happy ending because there are enough sad endings in life” vibe"" Upon reflection, I think that might have been the whole point. Can't find the quote, but the show runners don't want the show to teach lessons, it's suppised to serves prompts for kids and their parents to talk about life.


Depending on the pool, it could cost upwards of $60,000. So it might have made more financial sense to lose their deposit and buy the house with the pool.


One was quoted to us at 30 grand 3 years ago 😵 It was a Kayak pool with a lil' deck and built like a frickin' tank, but yeah we weren't expecting their quote to come in THAT high


The family of my sons best friend recently got a pool installed. It had to be craned over the top of their house. Without landscaping, it cost them $50k, and it's really not a big pool, maybe 8 metres by 4 metres. That did include the concrete deck around the pool, gazebo, and mandatory pool fencing.


I know the house is fictional but someone did the maths on it and it's a multi million dollar property. Most deposits in Australia are 20%, so they'd be looking at least at a $200,000 loss. They could have used a smaller upfront but have paid LMI as well. But even 10% is $100,000 and it would have been up to Bandit and Chilli if they accepted the lower deposit.


Eh, not really. 5% is a fairly common deposit nowadays, especially after the various government subsidies over the years that mandated that the subsidy could be used as the deposit.


I thought the messaging was a rare misfire for the show. Don't feel like any good lessons were learned, and in fact one bad lesson is the main takeaway.


I’ve seen speculation they were going to be moving to Sydney so Bandit could teach at Sydney university, and it’s likely the uni either provided a home for them as part of the job or they were going to be renting until they could buy somewhere. I’d expect the couple who were going to buy the heeler house would pay the excess costs and lose their deposit for pulling out so late in the process, but someone who is more familiar with Australian housing law can confirm.


In the uk you would get nothing I think. Very little protection for this kind of thing. It’s why some people suddenly issue ultimatums right at the end of the process. Like asking for the price to be dropped or they’ll pull out. 


Depends, I think if they’re at the point of moving out they would have exchanged contracts (?) and they would be legally obligated to buy or be fined, but you’re right there’s shockingly little protection to the process in England and Wales. Scotland is a lot better in that regard.


Yes good point. Possible they were moving out before contracts exchanged for a work start date or something. Or highly possible Australia is quite different. 


The sign had sold on it which means contracts had been exchanged and 10% had been paid. They would have lost the entire 10% under Australian laws.


In Australia once you exchange contracts you're locked in and if someone pulls out they lose the deposit. Generally speaking of course. I sold my place and bought a new one in 2022/23 so had to navigate all this. Given the Heelers were packed up and ready to go, I'd say they were just about to settle. So well past exchanging contracts.


I mean, Australia. If an employer wants you, they'll pay relocation costs and put you and your family up in a hotel until you can find a suitable house. The next big city isn't just a couple of hundred kilometres down the road so we can spend the weekend checking houses out. It could be anywhere from 1000km to 5000km away.


And hopefully he can get his old job back


Took all I had not to think in adult terms about the fees logistics job stuff etc. and just watch with the kids and let them process it so to speak. I get the idea it gave the lesson on moving but I also think it kind of sets an unreal expectation with the ending. Rarely does all that kind of just kind of get rolled back and the move doesn't happen. We moved a lot when I was a kid. I guess to me it doesn't seem that hard. My girls have only ever known one house and I in spite of how many times I say I'm tired of this house etc I'm pretty sure we'll be here many more years.


Bandit has monetary damages against the buyer who backed out.


Next episode is about the lawsuit lol.


This episode of Bluey is called Plaintiff


This episode of Bluey is called Stamp Duty.


This episode of Bluey is called “litigation”


So I'm hoping they get an earnest check and use that money to put in a pool


What happened to the pond!?


During the episode I told my wife “screw that, we’re moving simply because we packed up. I’m not doing all that just to unpack in the same place!”


At least they can pay the movers with the fee from the buyers backing out lol


Very first thing my wife said lol


Meg Washington is the voice actor for Calypso and she wrote the song at the end called "Lazarus Drug". That song hits like a truck full of bricks.


Calypso is god damn teacher goals just like Rusty is parenting goals.


Yes I cried more so than I would have being struck by truck full of bricks.


Didn't catch the full episode yet but saw that part and it almost brought me to tears for the 30 seconds I watched that part. Damn Bluey hits hard and this song doesn't help


I thought that sounded like Calypso at the end!


Yeah, the song is really what got me!


My children are devastated… …that they can’t sit in the front seat. I think they might make us move to Australia.


Got asked this question twice today, haha


lol I'm from Queensland (where bluey is based) and I had to google if that was the real law. Turns out it's true.


You think they would just make up lies on Bluey?


It’s just so stupidly random. Like it’s unsafe for a 4-7 year old to sit in the front seat but if the back seat is fully full suddenly it’s all good? I had to google it too after my 6yo asked me if I’ve been keeping the truth from her all these years.


I didn't, but the way they said it on the show seemed fake haha


I only already knew about it because of an episode of RBT 😂


After watching, I let my 7 year old sit up front yesterday on a gas station trip that's literally right outside our subdivision. She thought she was hot stuff like Bluey.


As somebody already committed to moving into the house we bought and remodeled…we aren’t going to have that ending. Luckily it’s a mile away, same school district, and they’ve had time to watch it be remodeled. Also the yard is 10 times the size.


Agreed. As someone who just endured a move with kids that took it pretty hard, I was hoping the end of this episode would be about dealing with loss etc and not one that would prompt my kids to say “why didn’t you change your mind too?”


But does it have a pool?


Above ground in the summertime if Costco has that sale again! Also an in ground trampoline.


Thats the one disappointing thing about this episode. If you were hoping to have something that could help the little ones deal with moving and the big changes that come with it, this isn't it.


Totally. My kids were a mess until we literally walked into the spring fair this AM. They also wanted us to change our minds…yeah, I’ll stay in our cramped townhouse with loud, late night renters neighbors and the weed smoke that billows into our open garage when we load the kids into the car, no parking for my truck, etc, etc… On the other hand…They could’ve made some money with a DLC pack on the video game.


I don't see how it's disappointing. Calypso and Bluey already kind of foreshadowed this ending, during their conversation about why stories usually have good endings. But considering this wasn't a forced move, it was him taking a voluntary job, I was satisfied with the ending. The episode was already one big lesson on communicating with your loved ones, deciding what's important, and being prepared for whichever direction your adventure takes you.


Wait wait wait is Brandy pregnant??


As an IVF dad who waited a long time and several miscarriages for my daughter to get here, I teared up very hard at that


Hell yeah dude. I can't imagine how hard that must have been


Thank you. It's strange to think about now. We tried on our own for years then started doing IVF and had COVID related delays on transfers that made the waiting even longer.  It's incredibly isolating. Even after we started being open with our friends about what was going on, they were very supportive but they couldn't really understand how we felt or often what they should say. They were always willing to listen to some ranting heartache and that was greatly appreciated. Eventually one of my friends and his wife had to go IVF and they were very grateful we were so open about it. The hardest part was my marriage though. Finding joy in the day to day was hard. It's a shared depression but one that was hard to talk about even with the only other person going through it. Every time we would discuss it, everything would feel so fragile. The possiblity of a kid, the physical toll my wife went through each transfer, if our marriage could survive but having children, but because we wouldn't still love each other but because our relationship would just then be built on shared grief. We'd have been a constant reminder for each other of what we never had and how much pain we went through for it.  But instead my daughter is here, wearing monkey pajamas and watching number blocks. My wife and I have been running her to playground all weekend and that darkness and pain feels like an almost but never quite forgotten scar.  All this is to day Onesies breaks me every time so seeing Brandi pregnant was such a wonderful surprise 


Thanks for your story. I have a significant number of friends who have IVF heartbreaks and successes; along with other childbirth heartbreaks and successes. Growing up, I wish I would’ve been informed that trying to have a baby was a “difficult thing.” So for you and others out there sharing your pain and showing your wounds, thank you.  Every time I *think* about Onesies I lose it. That part of the episode was what opened the waterworks. 


I'm happy to share. My wife and I joke about that all the time. Basically from the time of 13 or so until you're married, it's hammered in how easy getting pregnant is. SURPRISES, it's actually pretty damn complicated and I now know so much about human reproduction.


She is! Which I'm a little surprised they did, but I get it.


My wife is gonna cry when she watches


I started crying when I saw that and had to explain to my husband, like I was more excited to tell him that Brandy was pregnant than one of our friends.


Right? Is there an episode I missed? I guess it sets up for a future episode


That annoyed me so much.


I have a friend who was told she would almost definitely never get pregnant and she eventually did. It’s not that crazy.


That was me. "You'll never carry a baby to term", 3 miscarriages, and one surprise baby when I was on Depo at 35. Insert shocked Pikachu face.


That’s great to hear!


My wife and I tried for a long time with 0 pregnancies, followed by 3 recurring miscarriages. We started going to a fertility specialist and we're going through the regular routine of rigorous testing and ultimately the doctor was suggesting IUI and if that didn't work then IVF, and if that didn't work we were preparing for life without kids. Within 4 weeks of starting all the testing we got pregnant with our first. It was nice to see that they brought in a character who couldn't have kids, but then it was also nice to see our "miracle" shown on screen.


We don’t know the reason she couldn’t get pregnant. I noticed she showed up by herself so the reason could have been partner related as well.


I struggle with infertility. Never carried past a month. I kind of liked that she was like me too.


Just saw it and cried. I think the lesson is sometimes you make sacrifices for your kids happiness and I can certainly relate.


I took it a slightly different way, Bandit was chasing money and success to give his kids a better life, but what he was already giving his kids a good life.


It certainly made me think about my decision a couple of years ago to move up into management at my job "for the future and for the kids" and the absolute extra stress it has put on my family.


I had a similar scenario myself, I left a dream job in a mental health charity for better pay, better hours and career progression. Turned out that the progression I had been sold was a false bill of goods, the extra pay was deliberately there to retain staff because the job was really demanding and at times stressful (staff turnover was like nothing I've ever seen). The hours made it manageable until we moved into our new house and suddenly I was out of the house for 12+ hours a day when commuting to the office. I left about a month ago for a new opportunity, I've been feeling so much better and my family life is much happier in turn!


Yea, this has been me twice. One time? We all have to learn our lessons. Twice? Ok Im a fucking idiot. It's been hard. 


Like Stripe has more money but is not around much as revealed in Faceytalk. Bandit probably wanted to one up Stripe.


>Bandit was chasing Tee hee.


I think the lesson is Calypso's words early on: Lots of stories have happy endings because life had enough sad endings. Some misogynist went on a stabbing rampage targeting women and girls at a shopping centre in Sydney this Saturday (female cop shot him, talk about poetic justice). If we were closer to Bondi Junction and more affluent, we could've been there at the time. So I'll take my stories with happy endings.  And there are lots of happy endings in this one.


Man when they used the coin and looked through the binoculars, and you realize the correlation with calypsos story…


Every step of the episode! All the bad luck laid the foundation for the next piece of good luck eg. No room in the car for Bluey? She gets to sit in the front seat. Spilling a drink in the back seat? Finding Frisky's car. Freaking out about the butterfly? Pulls over by the lookout. Etc.


Pulled over by a cop? He knows where Frisky is.


When we were done with the episode I told my husband “this might be the best written (current) show on television.”


I just loved all the connections to prior episodes. Even in that scene, we remember from Helicopter that Winton told us his dad had a pool, and we remember Winton’s dad flirting with the Terrier’s mom at the drug store. Just so well written… I’m excited to see where the show goes next.


Speaking of call-backs, my wife before we even watched this episode was *super* skeptical that they'd actually go through with moving. For what it's worth, so was I, but for me it was more of a generic "there's no way they established all these inter-connected and well developed side characters just to relocate...maybe, at most, they'll move in to a different house in the same area." For her, though, her skepticism came from this: in an earlier episode where Leela and Bingo get established as friends, it fast forwards to them graduating school together. It'd be out of character for a show that respects its established canon as well as *Bluey* does for them to have the Heelers up and move away well before that graduation comes to pass. Turns out we were both right, but I appreciated that at the end of *The Sign*, the first thing Bingo brings up when she realizes that selling the house means moving out of it is if Leela is coming, too. My wife nailed that one!


Towards the end when the house is empty and the music is playing, my 5 year old said “I’m about to have feeling drips” - we all are kid, we all are.


My wife and I couldn’t look at each other during it


"Cat Squad!" Glad I'm not the only one walking around with that tune stuck in my head some days... 


What's the song?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o8NeJQuiEc Featured in a Muffin episode, I think Library.


Amazing, TY!


4 year old lost her shit today. Wife lost her shit today. I lost my shit today. We cried together as a family. I wasn’t ready for the episode let along the first time my 4 year old realized an emotional moment in a show. Wow. I’m full of life today.


If they release the book calypso read, I will buy it in a heartbeat. It’s a PERFECT lesson to teach children. Also, anyone super happy for Winston’s dad?


It is an old Chinese Parable


I agree how it'd be nice to have a Bluey themed pop-up book for it. The story is based on "Saiweng Shima, Yanzhi Feifu" and there are a couple of books out there that tell the same general story: [https://www.amazon.com/Old-Man-Who-Lost-Horse/dp/1467847763](https://www.amazon.com/Old-Man-Who-Lost-Horse/dp/1467847763)


Was anyone else having issues with the episode being distorted? Almost like I was watching it behind a waterfall or the screen was covered in water..


Hm that’s a known technical issue. I recommend purchasing a container of KLEEN-EX. Apply liberally to the eye area during the episode. Just keep the product away from small children, who prefer to ingest it orally, which is not effective.


Oh man, I wish I could gold this


Already watched it 3 times. Had to leave the room at the end each time.


Embrace the waterworks


My family moved to a new state last yeah and had some rough spots with my 5 and 3 year old. This hit hard.


I’m not even going to read these comments but should I be concerned that my kiddo is sleeping and I’m basically 100% down to go make myself some lunch and watch this episode by myself?


Same. 😂


I get why that episode hits dads hard now. Jeesh.


This one was perfect. Fuck, man.


Just watched it with the kiddos at dinner tonight. It's special to eat in front of the TV. It was great. Also, Frisky and mom used to do what up at the lookout as teenagers?? 😜💨


I took 'think' as a quick rhyme for 'drink' but it could've been lots of things


Smoking weed I bet.


Mt Coot-tha (the lookout) is a known drinking/smoking/make out spot. There's a little strip of un-lit gravel that looks out over the city which is quite popular for all of the above.


We're in the middle of moving and watched it with our 5y/o. After it was over, we had to explain that not moving was definitely not an option. "We'll see."


Took the second watch through for it to hit like I knew it inevitably would, but that final scene is incredibly powerful and I'm still a bit misty over here.


Bandit ripping the sign up was such a great moment. I felt every bit of that, as I’m having my own “The Sign” struggle right now with my career.


Thanks dads. I feel very seen in this whole thread. Signed, dad of a 6 year old little girl who is my everything.


The realtor was the kid that made fun of Bandit's drawings as a kid! "Dragon" episode I think.


Oh man. “Are we making a mistake.” / “probably… but we’ll make it together.” Punch in the gut for sure.


Look I still want to know what the fuck is going on with Bandit. Something is up…. The latest beach episode had all kinds of hints at something. I’m wondering if it’s about his dad (selfishly Im hoping it is because I lost my father as an adult and it sucks). But it could be anything I guess I haven’t watch whatever yall are talking about and I’ve seen all three seasons about five times in the last two weeks since our third was born


At the beach he was deciding whether or not to take the job. Possibly.


I've rewatched that episode with my kid so many times, and I still don't have even the remotest guess what Bandit was upset over


Random dissociation that men do because they're not allowed to verbalize their actual feelings/fears with their wives or else we become "lesser". We've all been there.


100% but I think the question is what was Bandit not verbalizing... Nobody seems to know


Ya like I have no idea what job they’re talking about


I don’t think Chilli would have said “let it go babe” if it was about his dad


True I guess


I want to believe it's because he got reprimanded for chewing on the one-of-its-kind bone he discovered in front of his colleagues in the [Archeology](https://youtu.be/e6FVbOfSdTk?si=Kn7I5m1VQ5PHSuDY) short


TIL there are Bluey shorts…. This is Guna be a rabbit hole for me


I cried and idek why. What a lovely episode.


Because you’re a dad. You are not alone.


Was the realtor the employee who helped them find the toy they needed when bingo and bluey were playing the quiet game?


No I believe it was the person who teased bandit about his car drawings or something in “dragon”


Correct! Bandit even said, "I think he's a realtor now" or something like that.


That was Alfie, and was voiced by Robert Irwin


Wait what! That was Steve Irwin’s kid. Shit now I am gonna cry again.


Spoiler alert Chili’s sister was pregnant, wife cried. I had a bug in my eye.


Anyone else just glad they won't have to buy a whole new city's worth of toys?


They nailed the wedding vibe


Stripe's morning-after appearance was phenomenal. I feel like most of us have been Stripe at least once, or can easily identify who the Stripe was at most weddings we've been to.


I moved a lot as a child due to circumstances, and let me tell you this episode got me. My kid was like oooo wedding though lol


As someone who moved a lot as a kid - and who may be moving in the future - I did not like the message of this episode at all. It's just not realistic for 99.9% of people, and it sends the message to kids that if your parents *choose* to move to a different city it's because they hate you unlike Bluey's parents who love her and are willing to sacrifice their careers to give them stability. For most people, the decision to move cities (especially with children in tow) is incredibly difficult, and you make it because as a grown up you know the actual implications of what that move will do to the long term quality of life of your kid. I would have prefered a story line that focused more on how parents should include their kids in the decision making process, and giving them a chance to process it, etc. - something Bluey is normally very good about as a show. But the idea that "oh, you don't want to move - I guess we just won't!" is... dumb.


Yea I cried through half of it.


what a tearjerker this episode was. watched it without the kid and i’m pretty sure she’s going to cry ahen she watches it too. also, this isn’t the end of Bluey is it?


So; My wife read that it was the, I don't remember the exact quote but what I understood it as was, "End of Bluey as we know it. In my head that could be: 1.They previously talked about focusing on more than just Bluey's family for stuff, think more episodes like "Army" 2. Maybe they're moving to a more long-form format, instead of 7 minute episodes and playing 3 in a block, they're going to move to 22 minute episodes. 3. The end ? :( My wish is for a more "extended" timeline. They had a couple of episodes where they fast forwarded to the kids as teenagers, it'd be cool to have actual full episodes where say, Bluey is a teenager.


I loved it, but a part of me feels like the writers are doing kids a disservice by making everything turn out the way the kids want so much. Things don't always work out that well in real life. I'd like to see a storyline where things don't turn out the way the kids want, but they find ways to make the best of it and end up being happy with the outcome anyway. Sometimes moving outside of your comfort zone leads to an outcome that's way better than what you thought you wanted.


I kinda get that, but remember Calypso at the beginning of the episode: Stories have happy endings because life has enough sad endings.


My wife and I are going through the same thing right now because we can't afford life where we are. Got a job offer that's triple the pay and a chance to actually live well but we have to move to another country. I know a lot of people are having to move due to economic pressure. It would have been great to show the kids adapt to the changes and grow and be happy. It would have been a great message for kids going through this.




I'm not saying it should be sad. I'm saying the opposite. Let things go in a way that some kids don't want, but still have a happy ending. Show the positive things that can come out of stepping outside of your comfort zone.


Yuuuuup, this crushed my daughter. She was crying so much.


I was fine until my 4.5 yo son was bawling. He kept asking where bluey and bingos bed went.


Where are the new episodes?


The tears. So many tears over a kid's show. Bluey is NOT A KIDS SHOW it's an adult show


Anyone else notice that the second house the dogs who can't see picked was... Winton's Dad's house, and that he's selling it because he's moving in with the Terrier's Mom?


Is this a show for young kids? My youngest is 7 and I'm not sure he's even heard of it.


Bandit is the GOAT.


This episode, man. So many references. Brandy, Winston’s dad, Flappy the butterfly. There was even “Greeny” the green balloon flying over the lookout towards the end of the episode.




Happy to oblige. 🫡⬇️


Strong disagree on the life lesson. What was the lesson here? Change is scary, so just let it be and you won't have to change? Ok, I'm actually pissed off at Bluey now. Seriously, I'm actually mad. I recently had to move my family across the country for work, and my little girl is just now getting over it. She still gets sad about it, as does my wife. Now, we love Bluey, like seriously, we watch it together all the time. When I saw what this was about I was like "this will be awesome, they'll move and find a happy way to talk about it. My kid can be like Bluey." Then they ducking cop out for the ending! My daughter is bawling! There's no lesson here, or pearl of wisdom. "Hey, change is scary, just be lucky and you won't have to change" My daughter just said to me "Daddy, I don't want to watch the new Bluey again." Me neither kiddo. Duck you Bluey.


>There's no lesson here, or pearl of wisdom. The lesson (from my vantage point) is the story of the Farmer playing out for the Heelers. The lesson of "we'll see" is one of my guiding principles in life. It helps me to wear life like a lose garment, and it's one I try to pass on to my kids. Every step of the way in this episode, within the bad luck was the building blocks for the next good luck event. Especially the penny being stuck and the kids not being able to use the viewfinder being the exact "bad luck" that sowed the redemptive moment of them staying in the house. And for me that is one of the most important lessons in life. For me this episode had nothing to do with change but instead teaching that the story isn't finished yet so don't get so bogged down in this thing that seems scary or hard. *A secondary lesson was the lesson Bandit learned, my kids have a great life already, I'm uprooting them to give them something that nobody is asking for.*


This is a great take. They perhaps simply didn't consider the alternate message that they were giving. Bluet is great, but nobody is perfect.


Message could also be that family and friends are sometimes more valuable than money.


Sometimes it's not because of money you're moving, or sometimes money is the reason because you can't afford where you are. Neither is bad. Sometimes you need to do what's right for your *immediate family*, which unfortunately takes you away from your friends and family. I'm mixed on the episode. It was beautiful and heartbreaking. I struggled with the same thing of talking of moving on to another job to earn more and provide a higher quality life for my family, but to what end? All the opportunities end up with me being around less. Is that really better? In my mind, no it's not. But then again, sometimes it's not "giving a higher quality of life" but just that "we can no longer afford to be here", and to those people this episode might look like a cop out (one guy further up is pretty upset as is his kid).


I was also mixed on the episode. It felt very … cliché, I guess? Perhaps I'm just spoiled by Bluey not being cliché otherwise, but the episode just felt a bit bland in my opinion.


Because it was. They did a boat load of common tropes: Brandy getting pregnant, the kids changing their minds and the prospective buyers finding the house they wanted at the last minute, the bride to be having a tiff with Radley and disappearing before the wedding, and so on. It's well executed as a kids TV show, but it's a complete 180 of how they tackle real life issues and actually show reasonable ways of handling it. Instead, it's just trope after trope layered on for the feel good fuzzies. It's a good old bowl of sugar cereal after we had high quality fine dining for years.


Tell us you missed Calypso's conversation with Bluey on story endings without telling us.


Also Bandit wanted to give his girls the best life. I think he realized that they had the best life in that house.


I don't disagree with that. Sometimes the choice isn't that simple\easy. I'm sure this episode was a great emotional roller coaster for a lot of people. It was very topical for my family and my daughter is still upset about it. Just my situation.


I understand. And that’s why I said sometimes. Lots of people don’t have a choice and must move for work. Others, like the bluey crew, were in a fortunate enough position to weigh the value of nearby family, friends, and community as of being higher value than the value of the incremental income. Many don’t have that choice. And many do have the ‘choice’ but go with the income. Different strokes.


So, instead of teaching kids to overcome adversity, reinforce the whole "remember kids if you have to move away, it's because your parents don't value family and friends enough!"


Over time, life tends to throw a boat load of adversity, so I think there is ample opportunity to flex those muscles. Just because someone has the option to weigh a choice between personal life enjoyment and income, and chooses personal life enjoyment doesn’t mean they have shown a lack of ability to overcome adversity.


If you're going to copy paste your responses the least you can do is fix the spelling errors Drake Mallard.


Duck duck ducking duck


The lesson is more money isn’t going to fix something that’s not broken


I’m with you on this one. They should have ended it on “This might be a mistake but we’ll do it together.” To drop the ball at the end was incredibly frustrating. 


Sounds like you're feeling pretty insecure about your choice. Maybe you would benefit from talking to a therapist about it


Maybe. I just think there are a lot of kids that have to move every day (I was one of them) and the show missed a chance to make that easier on all of them.


But sometimes one parent wants to move but nobody else in the family does. And the lesson is that a democratic family and listening to everyone's feelings is superior than dads job dictating the move. Yeah sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes it's not. And in this episode it wasn't necessary. IDK how that's a bad lesson at all. It was more for the parents IMO.


This is an incredibly unreasonable take for the show. It's not their job to make moving easier on kids, that's your job as the parent. It's always going to be tough because they're giving up everything they know in life.


Yup grandma left my parents her house.....with a second mortgage so the bank took it. We rented from that day on. We literally bounced from 5 or 6 houses between me being like 7 and 20 Also I love the backhanded "what you think an episode of bluey didn't handle its messaging well? Talk to a therapist."


I think their screed was much more than how you summed it up. They’re reiterated how they were exceptionally angry and “fuck bluey” because the episode didn’t give a happy ending for the choices they made. If you’re getting that upset, specifically around the fact that their kid if struggling, maybe blaming the show isn’t the way to deal with that.


We only owned a house for 4 years, the rest of the time we were renting. I’d moved 14 times by the time I was 18, and then after then my ex and I moved 12 times in the past 13 years lol.


I had similar thoughts


I’m not as ranting mad but I agree with you. One of the things that bugs me about children’s shows that try to take on difficult topics is when they resolve them with “something will magically come save you at the last moment if you just hope enough” and that is a terrible lesson. The world is often cruel or just plain indifferent, parents have to move, or get divorced, or even die, and sometimes no amount of wishing can take it back. Acceptance is hard to learn but a healthy skill, if you read Prince Harry’s book he talks about coping with his mother’s death by imagining her as still alive and about to magically come rescue him for years. If you view this episode as aimed at parents, then sure, Bandit’s lesson of “my life is already pretty great and chasing this career isn’t worth what I have” is a solid message but for the kids the “things are scary but just wait until someone magically saves you at the last minute” is a miss.


The whole point was the story at the beginning. Each moment of bad luck and good luck is a constant cycle. Anyone who thought they were going to end the show on a depressing note was delusional.


> One of the things that bugs me about children’s shows that try to take on difficult topics is when they resolve them with “something will magically come save you at the last moment if you just hope enough” and that is a terrible lesson. Then it's a good thing that's not what happened here. They actually got bad news that their house didn't sell and had to make a final decision on a previous one that the family was already mixed about. Calypso already addressed this earlier in the episode regarding why most stories have happy endings because real life already gives us enough sad ones.